The document is an activity calendar for an English language learning session from August 18th to September 12th at a location in Oklahoma City. It includes details of various daily and weekly activities like an English lab, writing lab, soccer games, a talent show, swimming, lunch at the mall, trips to Bricktown, and a graduation party. Times and locations are provided for many of the events through the calendar week-by-week.
The document is an activity calendar for an English language learning session from August 18th to September 12th at a location in Oklahoma City. It includes details of various daily and weekly activities like an English lab, writing lab, soccer games, a talent show, swimming, lunch at the mall, trips to Bricktown, and a graduation party. Times and locations are provided for many of the events through the calendar week-by-week.
The document is an activity calendar for an English language learning session from August 18th to September 12th at a location in Oklahoma City. It includes details of various daily and weekly activities like an English lab, writing lab, soccer games, a talent show, swimming, lunch at the mall, trips to Bricktown, and a graduation party. Times and locations are provided for many of the events through the calendar week-by-week.
The document is an activity calendar for an English language learning session from August 18th to September 12th at a location in Oklahoma City. It includes details of various daily and weekly activities like an English lab, writing lab, soccer games, a talent show, swimming, lunch at the mall, trips to Bricktown, and a graduation party. Times and locations are provided for many of the events through the calendar week-by-week.
4 5 23 17 8 6 25 Speak English! You could win! 30 11
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10 13
27 28 1 Need help with University applications? Ashley in STUDY ENGLISH EXPLORE SUCCEED Follow us on Facebook,com/ELS, and Oklahoma City August 18-September 12 Activity Calendar: session 9 31 Birthday party! 3:55 New Student Meetng Writing Lab 3 4:00pm Writing Lab Welcome to
Oklahoma City! 18 19 20 12 lab! 7 lab! 4:00pm 4:00pm lab! 4:00pm Writing Lab 12:45 Soccer @ 5:30! OCU Talent show 9pm 24 Free swimming at Cokesbury 8-9:30pm Sign up with Ashley Class pictures 7-11pm 12:45 Lunch at the mall 8-10:30pm Free bus to Bricktown Graduation Party!