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Kindergarten 2nd
Types of Reading Assessments
Screening Early in the academic year All students Diagnostic Following screening or at needed points throughout the year Select students based on screening or teacher recommendations Provides specific information on target skills Progress Monitoring Frequent throughout the year (Fall, Winter, Spring) All students Outcome Usually at the end of the year All students In relation to norm or criterion University of Oregon Teaching and Learning Center Overview Online library of exciting reading materials for K-2 Helps students improve their reading skills as they listen to a book for modeled fluency and read books to themselves for practice Students can record themselves reading for running records and take interactive comprehension quizzes at the end of each benchmark book Students earn stars for reading, listening and taking quizzes on books. Then they can spend their stars decorating their rocket!
Level Correlations Our classroom libraries are leveled with Fountas and Pinnell IRA uses Fountas and Pinnell to level their books for assessment raz_correlation_chart.pdf Assessments Part 1: Start with Assign an Assessment and choose Running Records. Select a student and a Benchmark Passage or Benchmark Book that best approximates a student's reading level. Once they complete this, it will be placed into your Teacher Basket Part 2: Retelling Rubrics and Comprehension Quick Check Quizzes automatically follow. Listen to recordings and score rubrics Students are prompted to tell you about the story or text in as much detail as he or she can remember. Part 3: Multiple-choice quizzes provide students with feedback when completed on how well they scored. Use the Skill Reports to see comprehension strengths and opportunities for additional instruction for your whole class or individualize instruction. Additional Assessments Available BENCHMARK PASSAGES & RUNNING RECORDS BENCHMARK BOOKS & RUNNING RECORDS* ALPHABET LETTER NAMING* PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS ASSESSMENT PHONICS ASSESSMENT HIGH-FREQUENCY WORDS ASSESSMENT* FLUENCY TIMED READING* RETELLING RUBRICS*
Running Records Running Records allow you to assess reading behavior as students read from developmentally appropriate texts. The information gathered while doing an online running record is used to determine error, accuracy, and self-correction rates. They are used most often at the earlier stages of reading to monitor reading behavior and progress. Use the three-part assessment process at the beginning of the school year to place students into appropriate texts, and use the process throughout the year to monitor students' progress. Students who are not progressing at the expected rate should be assessed even more frequently than the Assessment Schedule suggests. Running Records Part 1 Select a student and a Benchmark Passage or Benchmark Book that best approximates a student's reading level. The next time a student logs into Raz-Kids, they will see the assessment they have been assigned and the student submits the recordings to your In Basket. Part 2 While listening to the recording of your student, indicate a mistake by clicking the text at the point of an error and selecting the types of error from the menu. You can select more than one error by clicking on the word again and indicating a second error. Part 3 The Running Record Scorecard formulas are automatically calculated based on recording length and errors you have marked. Error Rate, Self-Correction Rate, Accuracy Rate, Words Per Minute, Words Correct Per Minute Omission Insertion Mispronunciation Substitution Repetition Self-Correction No Errors Data Running Record Accuracy Rate Quick Check Comprehension Quiz Action 95% + 95% + Advance Student a Level 95% + 80-94% Instruct at this Level 95% + <80% Lower a Level, Assess Again 90-94% 80-94% Instruct at this Level 90-94% <80% Lower a Level, Assess Again <90% N/A Lower a Level, Assess Again Assignments & Listen to Reading