by Jim Wallman 2003 Aegirs Fire AEGIRS FIRE Viking Raider Campaign Game Jim Wallman 2003
Introduction This game is starts in the year 830 ad. It is a time when the Vikings (a collective term for varios !orse "eo"les # $anes% !orwegians% &wedes and 'inns(% started their raiding of the coastlines within reach of their longshi"s. Their control of the oceans eventally meant that they also )ecame a ma*or trading force% as well as the discoverers and colonisers of "laces like Iceland and +reenland. In this game% yo are a minor Viking village leader (think " a sita)le name(. ,o have managed to stretch the village-s resorces to the "oint of )ilding a longshi"% to the latest and most fashiona)le design. ,o will )e a)le to e.i" and man the shi" from yor village initially% and de"endent "on sccess or otherwise in yor first voyages% yo will )e a)le to recrit more e/"erienced fighters from otside the village. &ccess is measred in two ways% stats and treasre. These are self#evident. 1. Ship Types There are three ty"es of shi"0 1in 2rew to o"erate 1a/ crew ca"acity 1a/ weight limit &tandard 3ongshi" 40 50 450 nits !orse 1erchant &hi" 5 30 200 nits &a/on Warshi" 20 400 n.a. 'or reference0 6ne warrior and his e.i"ment weighs 2 nits 'ood for one man "er week weighs 4 nit 7 non#com)atant (slaves8women etc( weighs 4 nit Treasre weighs 4 nit "er 20 "ts worth. 2 Aegirs Fire 2. Sea Areas. There are a nm)er of general areas that yo may o"erate in. They relate to each other as follows0
3 Greenland ICELAND SCANDINAVIA 3 weeks 3 weeks VINLAND 3 weeks THE EAST SCOTLAND 2 weeks 2 weeks ENGLAND IRELAND NORMANDY LOW COUNTRIES MEDITERRANEAN AEGEAN 2 weeks 3 weeks 2 weeks 1 week 1 week 1 week 2 weeks 1 week 1 week 1 week Aegirs Fire The different sea areas have different tri)es dominant within them% as follows0 Area Tribe Features &candinavia !orse 9ome )ase. ,or village is here% as are all the other "layers &cotland &cots 'erocios men% like Vikings in many ways Ireland Irish 1ake mch se of archers and horsemen :ngland &a/on 1ostly low .ality foot soldiers% with a few togh no)lemen 'rance 'ranks $etermined% mostly foot soldiers. 3ow 2ontries &a/on 1ostly low .ality foot soldiers% with a few togh no)lemen The :ast &lavs 1i/ed .ality infantry and ra"acios light cavalry 1editerranean 7ra)s 3ocals are "oor .ality infantry% )t the chiefs have large nm)ers of frightening efficient horse archers and cavalry 7egean ;y<antine =emnants of =oman :m"ire. 1ainly fearsome heavy cavalry and weak infantry. They have a !avy> &o watch ot. Iceland !orse colonists +reenland !orse colonists Vinland &craelings ?oorly armed and )adly organised tri)al "eo"le. ;t nmeros. !ot all the a)ove are known to yo% since yo still have to learn the rotes to some "laces. &cotland% :ngland% 'rance and the 3ow 2ontries have all )een visited )efore% and yo may attem"t to visit them from the )eginning of the game. 6ther locations have greater risks attached to first time voyages% )t once yo get there yo can always go there again. . Voyages !ithin The "no#n !or$d 7ll voyages have an attendant risk. ;eing )old and )rave Vikings (and hence not knowing the meaning of the word @fear-(% this leaves yo ndanted. !ote that irres"ective of whether other Vikings have already )een to a location% the first time yo attem"t to go to a new "lace% yo have an increased chance of getting lost. =oll "ercentage dice "er weeks voyage # &core is "ercentage chance of remaining on corse0 Jim Wallman 2003 4 Aegirs Fire %a&igationa$ Ski$$ "no#n 'estination First Voyage Voyage o( 'isco&ery Ancanny 400B C5B 30B 7ce 85B D0B 20B 7verage D5B 55B 40B ;ad E0B F0B 5B ;lind as )at F0B 20B 0B If the navigator fails the @on corse- roll then the shi" remains where it is for one week. 6f corse yo can always trn )ack # home is a known destination> ). !orse Things *appen At Sea. There is always a chance that yo will rn into a storm. 7reas0 7egean% 1editerranean% or The :ast04B "er week voyaging. 7ll other areas0 2B "er week. If yo hit a disaster% roll 2 "ercentage dice0 &core =eslts 4 # 40 ,o lose everything. ,or shi" goes down with all hands% and they are never seen again. ,o are "ersonally shi"wrecked in the last area yo visited% with only yor trsty sword. 7ny =aiders that arrive in that area have a D0B chance of meeting " with yo. It is " to them whether they em"loy or resce yo. 44 # 50 &evere damage to the shi". =oll one dE "er man% score 4 or 2 and he is lost over)oard. ,o manage to lim" )ack to the last location and )each yor shi". It will take 80 man weeks to re"air. 54 # C0 $amaged &hi". =oll 4dE "er man for men over)oard% score 4 to lose the man. ,o may choose to move or or )ack% "rovided yo are not at sea for more than a week. $amage will take F0 man weeks to re"air. C4 G 00 3ight damage. &hi" still seaworthy. 40 man weeks to re"air. This damage is cmlative If the shi" has srvived the storm with damage or light damage% then it mst dice to see if it was )lown off corse% there is a 50B chance of this. +. The Fighting ,en. There are five .alities of men0 9ard (H2(% Togh (H4(% 7verage (0(% Weak (#4(% and Wim"s (#2(. The ty"e and .ality of men yo can recrit will de"end "on the sccess or otherwise of yor raiding missions. There are five @)ands- of sccess% )ased on the @loot to casalties ratio-. This is as follows0 ;and I 7t start% or a ratio of 4 cas "er 20 "oints ;and II =atio of less than 4 "er 20 or " to 4 "er 50 ;and III 3ess than 4 "er 50 " to 4 "er 400 Jim Wallman 2003 5 Aegirs Fire ;and IV 3ess than 4 "er 400 " to 4 "er 450 ;and V 3ess than 4 "er 450 " to 4 "er 200 ;and VI 3ess than 4 "er 200 The nm)er of men yo may recrit when yo retrn home will de"end "on yor sccess as a raider. ;ig hals will mean many men flocking to )e in on it. 9owever% if yo ha)itally take heavy casalties% only the wallies will come forward. Tota$ treasure in $ast trip Tota$ -otentia$ recruits ,o may refse to recrit a man after yo have seen what he is like% )t once refsed% yo cannot get him to come )ack. =oll for each "otential recrit one at a time sing the ta)le )elow. 3ess than 400 5 400#200 40 204#300 45 304#F00 20 F04#500 25 over 500 30 =oll for each recrit% deciding whether to acce"t or re*ect immediately. 6nce acce"ted% yo are honor )ond to take that recrit on the tri". ,o can trn loose any men after one tri". .//T -0R CAS1A.T2 3A%' 41A.IT2 T2-0 I II III IV V VI ;erserk Warrior 00 00 00 CC#00 C8#00 CD#00 9ard Warrior CD#CC CF#CC C4#CC 88#C8 8E#CD 83#CE 7rcher CE C3 C0 8D 8F#85 84#82 Togh Warrior 82#C5 DC#C2 D5#8C D4#8E ED#83 E3#80 7rcher 84 DD#D8 D3#DF EC#D0 E5#EE E4#E2 7verage Warrior E3#80 55#DE F8#D2 F0#E8 33#EF 25#E0 7rcher E4#E2 53#5F F5#FD 3D#3C 2C#32 24#2F Weak Warrior 3F#E0 2C#52 23#FF 48#3E 43#28 8#20 7rcher 34#33 2E#28 24#22 4E#4D 44#42 E#D Wim" Warrior F#30 F#25 3#20 3#45 2#40 2#5 7rcher 4#3 4#3 4#2 4#2 4 4 Jim Wallman 2003 6 Aegirs Fire 5. Types o( Victim. There are several ty"es of "lace where a viking can earn a dishonest living. These are smmarised as follows0 C$ass A Vi$$age 7 large village. =oll F average dice for nm)er of hoses. The village will have a circlar fence arond it. &ome of the villagers will attem"t to defend themselves0 =oll 4dE for nm)er of weak warriors with swords =oll 2dE for nm)er of weak warriors with s"ears (!one have armor( =oll 3dE for nm)er of wim" warriors with s"ears =oll 4d3 for the nm)ers of the a)ove "ermitted to have )ows. C$ass 3 Vi$$age 1edim si<ed village. =oll 2 avd for the nm)er of hoses. There is no fence arond the village. $efenders0 (!o armor( 4d3 for no. of weak warriors with sword 4dE for no of weak warriors with s"ear 2dE for no. of wim"s with s"ears. C$ass C Vi$$age &mall village. =oll 4 avd for no. of hoses. There is no fence. $efenders (no armor( 4dE weak defenders with s"ear 4dE wim"s with s"ears. Genera$ -oints on &i$$ages6 There are F "oints of treasre "er hose. &laves8ca"tives0 This de"ends "on the s"eed at which the attack takes "lace% or whether a s"ecific "art of the raiding force is detailed to rond " ca"tives. To work ot the "otential nm)er of ca"tives% mlti"ly the nm)er of hoses )y 2. 7 ca"tive#taking "arty can ca"tre one ca"tive "er mem)er% total. If the action is finished within 45 moves% then the com)at force can claim " to half their own strength in ca"tives (s)*ect of corse to the ma/imm "otential ca"tives for the village(. To#n This really only refers to a small town% since im"ortant towns are really ot of yor leage. Towns are always have 30 hoses and are fenced with a strong "alisade% and gates. 3ocal townsfolk raise the following force04dE weak warriors with swords 4dE weak )owmen 2dE weak warriors with s"ears There will also )e a standing force of warriors "resent% which will vary according to according the ty"e of local tri)e. Jim Wallman 2003 7 Aegirs Fire There is a treasre rating of E "ts "er )ilding. The ma/imm nm)er of ca"tives is 56. ,onastery7Temp$e 0tc =eligios settlements of whatever ty"e are sally very wealthy% and offer rich "ickings. They will )e a)le to mster local "easantry to defend them when raided. These will always have 42 )ildings. They have the same defenders as a 2lass 7 village. There is a treasre rating of 45 "ts "er )ilding. There is a ma/imm nm)er of ca"tives of F5. .oca$ 'e(ence Forces The local no)lemen or chieftains will maintain certain forces whose intention is to limit yor de"redations. 2learly sch forces will )e more likely in wealthy areas than "oor areas. When assessing the strength of a "lace% the defending "layer will secretly roll for the chance of a local defence force actally )eing on the s"ot (ie. they saw yo coming(% and the chance of s)se.ent reinforcements. The com"osition of sch forces will de"end "on the tri)e dominant in the area. Type o( -$ace 'e(enders in -osition Chance o( Rein(orcement 2lass 7 Village 5B 46B 2lass ; Village 2B 5B 2lass 2 Village 4B 2B Town 7tomatic 25B 1onastery etc 46B 25B Anless s"ecified elsewhere% roll 4dE / 46 for the nm)er of moves to arrival of reinforcements. If reinforcements occr% make a frther roll for defenders of the ty"e normal for that "lace. &o a 2lass 2 Village wold roll 4dE weak defenders with s"ear and 4dE wim"s with s"ears. 8. The Annoyance Factor. :ventally% the "owers#that#)e in the areas yo-re attacking will get fed " with yo (and yor chms( ravaging% ra"ing and "illaging% and will take ste"s to "revent it. This is calclated )ased on the total de"redations of 733 ?37,:=& in the cam"aign% )y ma" area. &o if everyone is concentrating on one area the local will get annoyed very .ickly. &core "oints every time a raid takes "lace. Type o( -$ace 2lass 7 Village 3 2lass ; Village 2 2lass 2 Village 4 Town E Jim Wallman 2003 8 Aegirs Fire 1onastery etc D Iee" a rnning cmlative record of the nm)er of "oints "er month. This is modified as time goes on 0 ?oints scored more than 3 months ago 973V: V73A: ?oints scored more than 4 year ago JA7=T:= V73A: ?oints score more than 2 years ago are ignored ("eo"le forget(. =eslt Annoyance Factor o( 0((ect 3ess than 50 !o effect 54#400 7ll reinforcements are $6A;3:$ 404#200 all reinforcements are do)led. 204#300 2hance of reinforcements is do)led% and reinforcements consist of 3dE 7rmored 9scarles and 4dE archers or the local e.ivalent. 304H 2hance of reinforcements is do)led% and reinforcements consist of FdE 7rmored 9scarles and 2dE archers or the local e.ivalent. 40B chance of )eing interce"ted at sea )y local naval forces. Jim Wallman 2003 9