Pharmacology of Meloxicam
Pharmacology of Meloxicam
Pharmacology of Meloxicam
Thisreviewfocuses on key pharmacological findings with a new NSAID, meloxicam. Unlike established NSAIDs, it preferentially
inhibits inducible COX-2 in guinea-pig peritoneal macrophages and human COX-2 in COS cells. Compared with other NSAIDs,
meloxicam is the most potent inhibitor of prostaglandin biosynthesis in pleural and peritoneal exudate, but only a weak inhibitor in
the gastric tract and kidney. Ulcerogenicity in the rat stomach is weak in relation to anti-inflammatory potency,resultingin a high
therapeutic index. Meloxicam's high anti-inflammatory potency combined with good tolerability can be explained by its
preferential inhibition of COX-2. In adjuvant arthritis rats, meloxicam inhibits not only paw swelling, but also bone and cartilage
destruction and systemic signs of disease. It inhibits leucocyte migration, but has no effect on leucotriene B4 or C4. Meloxicam
shows a long-lasting anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on inflammatory pain and reduces pyrogen-induced fever, but has no
central nervous system effects. The pharmacokinetic profile of meloxicam in the rat is similar to that in man. Metabolites are
KEY WORDS: Meloxicam, Anti-inflammatory, Cyclooxygenase, Pharmacology, Prostaglandins.
MELOXICAM (Fig. 1) is a new non-steroidal anti- inflammatory effects of NSAIDs are thought to be
inflammatory drug (NSAID), registered in France, mediated via the inhibition of the other isoform,
Meloxicam shows a novel pharmacodynamic profile. COX-2 [10]. The induction of COX-2 by inflammatory
Since 1971 [1] it has been generally accepted that the stimuli, cytokines or lipopolysaccharides has been
mechanism for both the therapeutic anti-inflammatory, demonstrated not only in macrophages [4, 11-15] but
analgesic and antipyretic actions and the common also in endothelial cells [13, 16, 17] and synoviocytes
deleterious effects [2] of aspirin-like drugs is mediated [18-21]. The pharmacology of COX-1 is also different
through their inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX), the from that of COX-2, such that several NSAIDs have
rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of prostaglandins. been shown to display differential inhibitory activity
This action fails to explain why NSAIDs, at equipotent against COX-2 and COX-1 [22, 23]. Indomethacin,
doses, cause different degrees of gastrointestinal (GI) acetylsalicylic acid and piroxicam are more active
adverse effects [3]. against COX-1 than against COX-2. This differential
We now know that COX exists in two isoforms [4-6], inhibitory activity is thought to explain the differing
known as COX-1 and COX-2. The two isoforms have side-effect profiles of current NSAIDs such that those
different structures and functions [7-9]. The constitutive with the highest selectivity for COX-1 tend to provoke
COX isoform, COX-1, is involved in processes such as most adverse events. Moreover, in principle, a NSAID
the production of thromboxane A.2 (TXA2), the which displays preferential COX-2 inhibition would be
production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in the kidneys expected to have potent anti-inflammatory effects whilst
and the production of prostacyclin, which is both sparing the patient from treatment-limiting effects, on
antithrombogenic and, in the gastric mucosa, cyto- the gastric mucosa for example. Meloxicam exhibits
protective. The undesirable side-effects of NSAIDs on preferential inhibition of COX-2 over COX-1. A
the stomach and kidneys are thought to be due to number of other potential selective COX-2 inhibitors
the inhibition of COX-1 [10]. The beneficial anti- are also in the early phases of development. These
include: flosulide (CGP-28238), SC-58125, NS-398,
L-745,337 and DUP-697.
OH This review presents the key pharmacological
findings for meloxicam, focusing on those which have
led to the characterization of meloxicam as a NSAID
with an improved safety profile over current treatments
through the preferential inhibition of COX-2.
Fio. 1.—Structure of meloxicam. Influence on arachidonic acid metabolism
The in vitro and in vivo activities of meloxicam and
Correspondence to: G. Engelhardt, Department of Biological other NSAIDs against COX-1 and COX-2 have been
Research, Dr Karl Thomae GmbH, D-88400 Biberach/Riss, Germany. compared in several models.
Influence on COX-1 and COX-2 activity of guinea-pig peritoneal 0-1 -i
macrophages during 6 h of incubation
COX-1 COX-2 Ratio
NSAID IC» (nmol/1) ICJO (nmol/I) COX-2/COX-1
TABLED higher than for diclofenac and 50 times higher than for
Influence on PGE2 content of pleuritic exudate and urine of rats tenidap (Table II). Similarly, the ratio of the ID50
Pleuritic exudate Urine IDJO Ratio for inhibition of PGE2 production in the gastric
NSAID I D M (mg/kg/day) (mg/kg) urine/pleurisy mucosa to the ID50 for the inhibition of PGE2
production in the pleuritic exudate gives an indication
Meloxicam 0.65 1.85 2.8
(0.54-0.78)' (1.05-2.78)
of the gastric tolerance of an agent (Table III). For
Piroxkam 0.85 0.24 0.28 meloxicam the ratio was 40 times higher than that of
(0.60-1.09) (0.10-0.41) diclofenac and naproxen and 100 times greater than
Tenoxicam 1.32 0.62 0.47 that of flurbiprofen.
(0.14-1.52) (0.40-0.94)
Tenidap 12.8 0.64 0.05
Further investigations have reviewed the effects of
(9.62-18.0) (0.23-1.50) various NSAIDs on COX activity in vivo in other tissues
Diclofenac 5.06 1.86 0.37 such as the brain and serum, and also on inflammatory
(3.71-4.62) (1.23-2.55) products of lipooxygenase (another enzyme, distinct
Flurbiprofen 2.18 0.26 0.12 from COX, which is active within the arachidonic acid
(1.78-2.75) (0.11-0.58)
* Figures in parentheses are 95% confidence limits. In rats and mice, under physiological conditions, a
small amount of PGE2 is present in brain tissue.
TABLE IU Following administration of a convulsant dose of
Influence on PGE2 content of pleuritic exudate and gastric juice of pentetrazole to rats and mice, a rapid rise in brain PGE2
can be observed. In this model the glucocorticosteroid
Pleuritic exudate Gastric juice Ratio gastric dexamethasone does not inhibit the pentetrazole-
NSATD ID50 (mg/kg/day) ID30 (mg/kg) juice/pleurisy induced increase in PGE2. This indicates that the
Meloxicam 0.65 8.99 13.8 stimulated PGE2 synthesis is due to constitutive COX-1
(0.54-0.78) (7.23-10.3) activity. PGE2 production was dose-dependently in-
Diclofenac 5.06 1.64 0.32 hibited by all of the NSAIDs tested in this model.
(3.71-6.62) (1.44-Z05)
Naproxen 12.7 3.56 0.28
Meloxicam had the weakest ability to suppress rat brain
(9.74-16.6) (2.29-4.23) COX-1, followed by tenoxicam which was three times as
Flurbiprofen 2.18 0.14 0.064 potent, indomethacin which was five times as potent
(1.78-2.75) (0.10-O.28) and piroxicam which was 10timesas potent. Diclofenac
'Figures in parentheses are 95% confidence limits. displayed the greatest inhibitory activity against COX-1
and was 20 times as potent an inhibitor as meloxicam
dose-dependent manner. Meloxicam had a similar In the serum, COX-1 is the isozyme responsible for
potency to diclofenac in suppressing PGE2 excretion. formation of thromboxane (TXA2), which is implicated
Piroxicam and flurbiprofen displayed the greatest in platelet aggregation. The effects of each NSAID on
potency of all agents investigated and were eight times the TXB2 content of rat serum (TXB2 is the stable
as potent as meloxicam [32] (Table II). metabolite of TXA2) were once again dose-dependent.
PGE2 content of the rat gastric juice was lowered by Meloxicam, tenidap and indomethacin were weak
all NSAIDs tested in a dose-dependent manner [32]. inhibitors of TXB2 production compared with
Meloxicam is only a weak inhibitor of PGE2 synthesis tenoxicam and piroxicam. Interestingly, under the same
in the rat gastric mucosa. Diclofenac caused the same experimental conditions, acetylsalicylic acid, an
effects at one-fifth the dosage, whilst flurbiprofen was irreversible inhibitor of platelet COX-1, was still only 15
the most potent with 64 times the inhibitory activity of times less potent than meloxicam [32].
meloxicam in this model (Table III). The effect of NSAIDs on the formation of products
Consequently, NSAID effects on COX-1 mediated resulting from the actions of lipooxygenase on
PG production in the gastric mucosa and kidney have arachidonic acid have also been studied. These products
been compared with their influence on PG synthesis are known as leucotrienes, and we specifically looked at
induced by COX-2 in the rat pleural exudate (Tables II the effects of NSAIDs on the production of two types,
and III) [32]. Such a comparison can be used to LTC4 and LTB4. Notably, meloxicam did not affect
characterize each NSAID with respect to renal and levels of either LTB4 in the pleural exudate or LTC4 in
gastric tolerability at therapeutic doses. The ratio of the the mouse peritoneal exudate at concentrations which
ED50 for inhibition of PGE2 production in the urine to had previously reduced PGE2 formation in each
the ID50 for inhibition in the pleuritic exudate gives an inflammatory model. In contrast, indomethacin and
indication of the relative selectivity of a NSAID for tenidap increased the LTB4 content of pleuritic exudate
inhibiting COX-2 activity over COX-1 in the kidney. Of and tenidap increased the LTC4 content of peritoneal
all the NSAIDs tested, meloxicam showed the greatest exudate in a dose-dependent manner, at doses known to
difference between the doses sufficient to inhibit PGE2 inhibit PGE2 synthesis [32]. Leucotriene C4 is
synthesis in the pleuritic exudate and those necessary to responsible for mediating some of the symptoms of
inhibit urinary PGE2 excretion. For meloxicam this asthma and thus an agent which raises levels could
ratio was 10 times higher than for piroxicam, eight times further exacerbate a pre-existing asthmatic condition.
Caution is commonly expressed against the use of Meloxicam's anti-inflammatory activities have been
NSAIDs in asthmatic patients. compared with other, established NSAIDs in a rat
model of progressive and destructive joint disease. In
Anti-inflammatory effects adjuvant-induced arthritis of the rat the acute
Standard animal models of inflammation, including symptoms are related to COX-2 expression [18] and
carrageenan- or kaolin-induced rat paw oedema, inflammation is also immunologically mediated.
granuloma formation following implantation of cotton Meloxicam exhibits greater anti-inflammatory potency
pellets in the raj, carrageenan-induced rat pleurisy and than other compounds tested in this model (Table IV
rat adjuvant-induced arthritis, have been used to and Fig. 3) [33, 34]. At low doses meloxicam prevented
establish the anti-inflammatory effects of meloxicam. not only oedema but also bone and cartilage
In all models meloxicam was able to suppress the destruction. In comparison, piroxicam showed similar
inflammation with a single dose producing a prolonged activity at higher doses whilst diclofenac and tenidap
effect [33]. were only weakly active in preventing bone and
cartilage destruction at doses which suppressed swelling
TABLE IV As a consequence of nnmunological reaction in rat
Anti-inflammatory potency against adjuvant arthritis (inhibition of adjuvant arthritis, both spleen weight and erythrocyte
swelling provoked by the secondary reaction) and ukerogenic sedimentation rate (ESR) are increased. Meloxicam was
potency in the rat able to diminish the observed increase in spleen weight
Adjuvant Stomach and reduce elevated ESR dose dependently. Piroxicam
arthritis ID»- ukeration ED» Ratio was only effective at higher doses, with both diclofenac
NSAID (mg/kg/day) (mg/kg/day) ulcus/arthritis and tenidap showing no activity at doses sufficient to
Meloxicam 0.12 2.42 20 reduce swelling [34]. Consequently, only meloxicam,
(0.09-0.14)* (1.64-3.56) at low doses, was able to antagonize immunologically
Diclofenac 1.23 2.71 2.2 mediated effects
(0.84-2.76 (2.38-3.09) Meloxicam shows anti-exudative effects which are
Piroxicam 0.77 1.09 1.4 characteristic of all cyclooxygenase inhibitors tested in
(0.46-1.71) (0.26-1.41)
Naproxen 11.8 11.2 0.95
rat paw oedema models. Meloxicam displays anti-
(8.1-14.9) (8.1-15.4 exudative activity in carrageenan-induced oedema with
Fhirbrprofen 0.97 071 072 a potency, at a single oral dose of 1 mg/kg, exceeding
(0.55-2.16) (0.15-0.30) that of piroxicam, indomethacin, diclofenac, naproxen
Acetlysaticylic 198 32.4 0.16 and acetylsalicylic acid (Table V). In addition, meloxi-
acid (169-245) (21.1-49.7) cam has dose-dependent effects against kaolin-induced
•Figures in parentheses are 95% confidence limits oedema which are of a similar potency to piroxicam,
8 70-
S 60
z ONtoloxtcani
• Pfrexfcam
A Diclofenac
30- A Indomethadr
20- • AcatytoaJlcydkjacW
10- I I I III nri|
.01 .1 10 100 1000
Dally oral dose [mg/kg]
Fio. 3.—Inhibition of adjuvant-induced specific secondary reaction (oedema of the contralateral hind paw) in the rat after dairy oral administration
for 21 days.
indomethacin and diclofenac and higher than those and the ulcerogenic dose. For currently established
of tenoxicam, tenidap and naproxen (Table VI). NSAIDs this therapeutic margin is quite narrow such
Meloxicam's anti-inflammatory activity is still apparent that anti-inflammatory potency does not strictly
in adrenalectomized rats, thus indicating that this correlate with gastrointestinal tolerance. For example,
effect is not mediated by endogenous corticosteroids. at therapeutic doses, indomethacin and piroxicam are
However, meloxicam, like other NSAIDs, has no effect associated with a higher risk of gastrointestinal toxicity
on egg white-induced oedema which is mediated by than other NSAIDs [3, 40, 41].
histamine [33]. It is apparent that the complex pathogenesis of
In another inflammatory model of carrageenan- stomach ulcerations accompanying NSAID therapy is
induced pleurisy of the rat, meloxicam was able to directly related to the inhibition of the biosynthesis of
inhibit both exudate formation and polymorphonuclear cytoprotective prostaglandins in the gastric mucosa.
leucocyte immigration, once again in a dose-dependent Specifically, PGE2 and PGI2 protect the mucous
fashion. Piroxicam only showed similar effects at doses membrane and inhibit acid secretion in the stomach.
which were four times greater than equivalent doses of As we have seen, meloxicam is a weak inhibitor of
meloxicam [34]. PGE2 production in the rat stomach (Table III).
Furthermore, meloxicam is a much less potent
Analgesic effects stimulant of acid secretion in the rat stomach than, for
Meloxicam, in accordance with findings for diclo- example, piroxicam and indomethacin [42].
fenac, indomethacin, piroxicam and naproxen, has no Meloxicam shows weak gastric ulcerogenicity in the
effect on either heat-induced (the hot-plate technique) rat stomach, in contrast to its potent anti-inflammatory
[35] or mechanically-induced (the tail clamp test) [36] efficacy (Table IV). These characteristics are parti-
pain in the mouse or on the visceral painreflexin the rat cularly striking when viewed in the context of ratios
[37]. Therefore, it can be assumed that meloxicam has obtained for other NSAIDs in the same model.
no central analgesic effects [33]. Specifically, the therapeutic range displayed by mel-
Against inflammatory pain, measured according to oxicam in the rat is 10-90 times greater than that of
Randall and Selitto [38] in the rat, meloxicam showed other commonly used NSAIDs [24].
a very prolonged effect. Following a single oral Thus, it is tempting to suggest that based on the
administration the analgesic effect of meloxicam is not unusual parity of meloxicam's pharmacokinetic data in
reduced by 50% until 18 hours after administration. rat and man, that pharmacodynamic and toxicological
Meloxicam has a markedly longer duration of action similarities may also exist [43]. However, such
than piroxicam, diclofenac and indomethacin. judgements can only be made following the results of
clinical investigation.
Antipyretic effects
Unlike paracetamol and phenazone derivatives, Effects on renal function
meloxicam and all other NSAIDs have no influence on In a standard model used to assess the effect of
the body temperature of a normothermic mammal, NSAIDs on renal function, meloxicam, at doses of up
because NSAIDs have no direct effect on the calorific to 16 mg/kg, has no influence on water and electrolyte
centre. NSAIDs are only effective against pyrogen- excretion. In contrast, phenylbutazone displays a potent
induced fever. Meloxicam shows a lower potency inhibitory effect in the same model using water and
against yeast-induced pyrexia than diclofenac and electrolyte-loaded rats [44].
piroxicam [33]. At a dose of 0.1 mg/kg meloxicam
reduces endotoxin-induced fever in the cat [39]. Effects on cartilage metabolism
It has been suggested that treatment with NSAIDs
Gastric tolerance can contribute to cartilage deterioration [45], but there
It is widely accepted that gastric ulcerogenicity is the is no evidence that meloxicam causes this problem. In
dose-limiting side-effect common to all established long-term studies in rats and mice meloxicam has been
NSAIDs. Therefore, the ability to achieve a good
therapeutic response is determined by the difference
between the dose required to obtain the desired effects TABLE VI
Inhibition of hind paw oedema of rats induced by kaolin 5.5 h after
oral administration
Inhibition of carragecnan-induced oedema in the rat hind paw: Confidence limits Regression
measurement of the effect of single oral doses by AUC Drug ID35 (mg/kg) (95%) coefficient
Mean pharmacokisetic parameters of meloxicam in rat and man
CatxM (mg/ml) Cl (ml/min/kg) Plasma-protein
Species Dose (mg/kg/day) MVISJJ. MVISJX MViiD. binding (%) Ref.
Rat* 11 x 1.0 6.3 ± 0.76 0.1110.04 15.516.2 99.5-99.7 [43]
Man 7x0.11 0.88 ± 0.20 0.1110.03 20.416.4 99.5-99.7 [57]
•Male rat.
established as chondroneutral towards arthrotic ero- vascular side-effects in a number of species [42]. Even at
sions [46]. Meloxicam neither increased nor inhibited high oral doses, meloxicam had no significant effect on
the development of spontaneously occurring osteo- systolic pressure of the conscious rat. When adminis-
arthrotic changes in rats and mice. These Findings tered intraduodenally to anaesthetized cats, very high
correlate with the results of in vitro studies [47, 48] dose levels of meloxicam (100 and 200 mg/kg) caused a
which showed that meloxicam, in contrast to indo- slight, but not significant, reduction in mean blood
mcthacin and acetylsalicylic acid, does not influence the pressure together with a slight decrease in heart rate.
synthesis and degradation of proteoglycans by human Even after high doses, meloxicam had no effect on
chondrocytes. respiratory minute volume. When administered intra-
venously to anaesthetized cats, meloxicam had no effect
on systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, carotid artery
Uricosuric effects flow, heart rate, electrocardiogram or respiratory
Many NSAIDs are able to increase uric acid volume at doses of up to 4 mg/kg. Oral doses of
excretion independently of their anti-inflammatory 2-8 mg/kg had no effect on mean arterial pressure in
activity [49]. This uricosuric effect has been demon- conscious dogs [56].
strated by piroxicam in patients [50, 51]. In rats, where
the uric acid level had been raised through treatment In conscious rats, oral doses of meloxicam up to
with oxonic acid, meloxicam showed a weaker 32 mg/kg had no significant effect on intestinal transit
uricosuric effect than piroxicam [33]. time [44]. Meloxicam remains free of any effect on
stomach emptying in conscious rats at doses up to an
oral dose of 32 mg/kg [44].
Influence on bronchial muscle Meloxicam does not affect carbohydrate metabolism.
NSAIDs are effective inhibitors of bradykinin- There were no changes in blood glucose levels in rabbits
induced bronchospasm in guinea-pigs [52]. The when meloxicam was administered orally at doses up to
bronchospastic effect of bradykinin is an indirect effect, 4 mg/kg [56].
mediated by TXA2 liberated in the lung [53]. After Meloxicam had no influence on thromboplastin time
intraduodenal administration, doses of meloxicam in the rat when given orally at doses up to 8 mg/kg, on
which were effective against bradykinin-induced bron- two consecutive days [56].
chospasm in guinea-pigs were in the same range as In in vitro studies carried out on isolated organs of
those shown by indomethacin [33]. guinea-pigs and rats, meloxicam was found to have no
Unlike piroxicam and diclofenac, even at very low anticholinergic, papaverine-like, Hi-antagonist, angio-
intravenous doses, meloxicam had an effect on PAF- tensin II-antagonist, PGE2-antagonist, serotonin-
induced bronchospasm in the guinea-pig. PAF-induced antagonist or bradykinin-antagonist properties at
bronchospasm is mediated by TXA2 [54] and LTC4 [55]. concentrations up to 10 ug/ml in a protein-free medium
Even at high doses, meloxicam has no broncholytic or [53].
bronchoconstrictive effect on acetylcholine-induced
bronchospasm in the guinea-pig [33]. In summary, the general pharmacology studies did
not reveal any pharmacodynamic effects of meloxicam
which would restrict its therapeutic use as an NSAID.
General pharmacology
A number of studies have been carried out in mice to
examine the effect of meloxicam on CNS functions. Pharmacodynamic interactions
Oral doses of meloxicam of up to 25 mg/kg did not The pharmacokinetic profile of meloxicam in the rat
affect reflexes or sensory functions and had no effect on (especially in male rats, commonly used in phar-
spontaneous motility; nor did it affect hexobarbital- macological tests) is very similar to its pharmacokinetic
induced sleeping time. No muscle-relaxant activity was profile in man (Table VII) [43, 57]. Consequently, most
seen at pharmacologically relevant doses. Meloxicam of the studies designed to detect interactions between
also has no anticonvulsant properties. It did not affect meloxicam and other drugs have been carried out in the
pentetrazole-induced shock or maximal electric shock rat.
at doses up to 50 mg/kg, nor did it enhance or reduce Concomitant administration with paracetamol
the anticonvulsant effect of phenobarbitone on mice enhances the effect of meloxicam on inflammatory pain
subjected to electric shock [44]. in the rat The doses of paracetamol used had only very
Meloxicam has been tested for possible cardio- weak analgesic activity [56].
Similarly, paracetamol enhances the acute anti- meloxicam has a stronger and much more sustained
exudative effect of meloxicam in carrageenan-induced anti-inflammatory effect than piroxicam, diclofenac
paw oedema in the rat [56]. and indomethacin. More importantly, meloxicam has a
Concomitant administration of pirenzepine with much greater potency in the rat model of progressive
meloxicam minimizes the ulcerogenic effect of meloxi- and destructive joint disease, adjuvant arthritis,
cam in the stomach of the rat in a dose-dependent preventing not only oedema but also bone and cartilage
manner [56]. destruction. Meloxicam's superior antiarthritic activity
Meloxicam does not reduce the increase in water and may be due to both its high potency against COX-2 [18]
electrolyte excretion which is seen in rats after and its accumulation in inflamed tissue [60].
administration of chlortalidone [56]. In contrast to conventional NSAIDs, anti-
At very high doses (4 mg/kg and above), meloxicam inflammatory doses of meloxicam inhibit leucocyte
augments the increase in prothrombin time which is migration. Like other NSAIDs, meloxicam does not
caused by phenprocoumon in the rat [56]. show true central analgesic effects. However, this is not
Meloxicam does not influence the effect of tol- relevant with regard to its effect on inflammatory pain.
butamide on blood glucose levels in the rabbit [56]. Meloxicam has no direct influence on the caloric
centre and only weak effects against pyrogen fever. It
Pharmacodynamic effects of metabolites of meloxicam has a mild uricosuric effect. Thus meloxicam is not an
Four principal metabolites of meloxicam have been alternative to conventional antipyretic or uricosuric
identified in rats and humans. These metabolites are drugs.
rapidly excreted in the urine and are, therefore, not Meloxicam, in contrast to indomethacin and acetyl-
detectable in the plasma [58]. salicylic acid, is chondroneutral.
The metabolites did not show any inhibitory effects As meloxicam does not affect water and electrolyte
on COX or display any anti-inflammatory or analgesic excretion and has only a weak influence on intrarenal
activities in the rat following oral administration [59]. PGE2 biosynthesis, it would not be expected to
Doses up to 10 times higher than active doses of influence kidney function at therapeutic doses. The
meloxicam were administered in these studies. ulcerogenic potency of meloxicam on the stomach in
relation to the anti-inflammatory potency is weak.
Pharmacological and toxicological findings suggest that
CONCLUSIONS meloxicam is not associated with any side-effect un-
Using models of chronic inflammation in related to its mechanism of cyclooxygenase inhibition.
conjunction with a model of gastric damage, meloxicam Only the native compound has a pharmacodynamic
has been identified as a NSAID with greater anti- activity; the metabolites of meloxicam are inert.
inflammatory activity than existing drugs and low The pharmacokinetic behaviour of meloxicam in the
toxicity in the stomach. The compound has now been rat [43] is very similar to that observed in man [61].
shown to be a preferential inhibitor of COX-2.
Therefore, pharmacodynamic and toxicological find-
This review has focused on presenting the pharmaco- ings with meloxicam established in the rat [37] can be
dynamic activity of meloxicam and has concentrated on extrapolated, with confidence, to man.
its effects on the classical mediators of inflammation
which are the common site of action for all NSAIDs. In clinical study, analysis of the safety data from over
Furthermore, meloxicam's action has been compared 4000 patients suggests that meloxicam is fulfilling its
with that of well established conventional NSAIDs. early promise from pre-clinical studies [62]. In
This has enabled us to show a clear differentiation particular, analysis of upper Gl perforations,
between meloxicam's anti-inflammatory profile and ulccrations and bleeding indicates a much lower
that of other NSAIDs in current clinical use. These likelihood of occurence in those patients treated with
effects have been demonstrated in a variety of cell types meloxicam 7.5 mg and 15 mg once daily than with
and tissues. therapeutically equivalent doses of piroxicam,
The basis of meloxicam's superior risk-benefit profile diclofenac and naproxen.
over existing NSAIDs (e.g. piroxicam, diclofenac, For the new compounds described to be selective
naproxen, flurbiprofen) can be explained by its selective COX-2 inhibitors (DUP-697 [63], SC-58125 [64],
inhibition of COX-2 in preference to COX-1. However, NS-398 [65], L-745,337 [66]) unfortunately clinical data
there are other differences in the pharmacodynamic are not available. An improved gastric tolerance of
profile of meloxicam in comparison with other flosulide has been confirmed in humans [67]. The
NSAIDs. Anti-inflammatory doses of meloxicam do claimed selectivity of nimesulide for COX-2 [68] is not
not influence lipoxygenase activity. Meloxicam does not proved by the cited [69] data.
increase LTC4 content of tissue and has no influence on In summary, in thisreviewwe show that meloxicam is
bronchial tone. That means that the risk of a NSAID which has the potential to redefine our
bronchoconstriction may be lower with meloxicam than expectations of risk-benefit ratio associated with
with known NSAIDs. current NSAID treatment of inflammatory disease. The
Like other NSAIDs, meloxicam displays classical explanation of the exceptional pharmacological profile
anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic properties. of such an agent has been enabled through new insights
However, in the model of an acute oedema in the rat, into the mode of action of NSAIDs.
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