Lab Assignment - 3
Lab Assignment - 3
Lab Assignment - 3
1. Enhance the addInterest method of the SavingsAccount class to compute the interest on the
minimum balance since the last call to addInterest. Hint: You need to modify the withdraw
method as well, and you need to add an instance variable to remember the minimum balance.
Create objects of type SavingAccount in main function and test them.
2. Add a TimeDepositAccount class to the bank account hierarchy. The time deposit account is
just like a savings account, but you promise to leave the money in the account for a particular
number of months, and there is a 20% of amount as penalty for early withdrawal. Construct
the account with the interest rate and the number of months to maturity. In the addInterest
method, decrement the count of months. If the count is positive during a withdrawal, charge
the withdrawal penalty.
3. Implement a superclass Person. Make two classes, Student and Instructor that inherit from
Person. A person has a name and a year of birth. A student has a branch, and an instructor
has a salary. Write the class declarations, the constructors, and the methods toString for all
classes. Supply a test program that tests these classes and methods.
4. Make a class Employee with a name and salary. Make a class Manager inherit from Employee.
Add an instance variable, named department, of type String. Supply a method toString that
prints the managers name, department, and salary. Make a class Executive inherit from
Manager and has an attribute checkPower which is boolean. Supply appropriate toString
methods, get & set methods and constructors for all classes. Supply a test program that tests
these classes and methods.
5. Reorganize the bank account classes as follows. In the BankAccount class, introduce an
abstract method endOfMonth with no implementation. Rename the addInterest and
deductFees methods into endOfMonth in the subclasses. Which classes are now abstract and
which are concrete? Write a static method void test(BankAccount account) that makes five
transactions and then calls endOfMonth. Test it with instances of all concrete account classes.