This document provides a template for conducting a root cause analysis (RCA) investigation report. It includes sections for an executive summary, incident description, investigation team, scope of investigation, information gathered, chronology of events, care delivery problems identified, contributory factors, root causes, lessons learned, and recommendations. The template is intended to standardize RCA reporting and promote the recording of relevant information in a consistent manner.
This document provides a template for conducting a root cause analysis (RCA) investigation report. It includes sections for an executive summary, incident description, investigation team, scope of investigation, information gathered, chronology of events, care delivery problems identified, contributory factors, root causes, lessons learned, and recommendations. The template is intended to standardize RCA reporting and promote the recording of relevant information in a consistent manner.
This document provides a template for conducting a root cause analysis (RCA) investigation report. It includes sections for an executive summary, incident description, investigation team, scope of investigation, information gathered, chronology of events, care delivery problems identified, contributory factors, root causes, lessons learned, and recommendations. The template is intended to standardize RCA reporting and promote the recording of relevant information in a consistent manner.
This document provides a template for conducting a root cause analysis (RCA) investigation report. It includes sections for an executive summary, incident description, investigation team, scope of investigation, information gathered, chronology of events, care delivery problems identified, contributory factors, root causes, lessons learned, and recommendations. The template is intended to standardize RCA reporting and promote the recording of relevant information in a consistent manner.
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The key takeaways are that a root cause analysis investigation report should follow a standardized template to thoroughly document an incident or adverse event. The template provides guidance for conducting different levels of investigation and includes sections for the executive summary, incident description, contributory factors, root causes, lessons learned, and recommendations.
The main components of a root cause analysis investigation report described in the document are: executive summary, incident description and consequences, pre-investigation risk assessment, background and context, investigation team, scope, information gathered, chronology of events, detection of incident, notable practice, care and service delivery problems, contributory factors, root causes, lessons learned, recommendations, arrangements for shared learning, distribution list, and appendices.
Three levels of investigation are described: Level 1 is a concise investigation, Level 2 is a comprehensive investigation, and Level 3 is an independent investigation.
Root Cause Analysis Investigation Report
National Patient Safety Agency
RCA Investigation Report Template - Guidance The following headings are designed to improve the recording of information currently considered good practice for investigation reports. These headings will be evaluated over time to confirm or challenge that understanding. PLEASE REA - Instruction for use of t!is RCA Report Template "# etermine t!e level of investigation to $e underta%en Refer to the NPSAs Three evels of investigation !evel " # $oncise% evel & # $omprehensive% evel ' # (ndependent)* to the NPSASs Triggers for (nvestigation* and to your own organisational policy and terms of reference. &# elete all R'(S not re)uired for t!e level of investigation $eing underta%en The investigation level numbers in the middle column provide a guide to which rows are needed for which level of investigation. !i.e. for a evel " + $oncise investigation you only need rows which have the number " in the evel column) *# (rite your investigation report in t!e rig!t !and column ,elete e-amples !in green)* and refer to summary guidance in the left hand column as you go. .or detailed guidance refer to the NPSAs /uide to R$A investigation report writing. (f an investigation produces no information against a heading* add an e-planation on why this is the case. (f issues arise which re0uire a new heading this can be added as a new row +# 'n completion, delete t!e guidance to produce your final report ,elete all guidance both here and in the template below !i.e. all green and red type* all green coloured rows and all green coloured columns) Realign the remaining table containing your own report* so that it fits the whole page. Save the document with the chosen file name for each individual investigation report. -uic% reference guide Level Type your investigation report in t!is column Cover page 1rganisation name and 2 or logo Title or Brief outline of incident (ncident date (ncident number Author!s) Report date Page numbers ,ocument version $omputer .ile Path & 3 ' Contents page & 3 ' C'NTENTS 4-ecutive summary (ncident description and conse0uences Pre+investigation ris5 assessment 6ac5ground and conte-t Terms of reference The investigation team Scope and level of investigation (nvestigation type* process and methods used (nvolvement and support of patient and relatives (nvolvement and support provided for staff involved (nformation and evidence gathered $hronology of events 6lan5 investigation template 7 National Patient Safety Agency 8 9an. &::; ,etection of incident Notable practice $are and service delivery problems $ontributory factors Root causes essons learned Recommendations Arrangements for shared learning ,istribution list Appendices E.ecutive summary & 3 ' E/EC0TI1E S022AR3 A one page summary of the main report & 3 ' 4rief Incident description presented succinctly under the following & 3 ' Incident date5 headings<+ & 3 ' Incident type5 & 3 ' 6ealt!care specialty5 & 3 ' Actual effect on patient and7or service5 & 3 ' Actual severity of t!e incident5 & 3 ' Level of investigation conducted & 3 ' Involvement and support of t!e patient and7or relatives & 3 ' etection of Incident & 3 ' Care and Service elivery Pro$lems & 3 ' Contri$utory 8actors & 3 ' Root Causes & 3 ' Lessons Learned & 3 ' Recommendations & 3 ' Arrangements for S!aring Learning 2ain Report "* & 3' 2AIN REP'RT Incident description and conse)uences $oncise incident description "* & 3' Incident description and conse)uences E.ample only 9please delete and add your o:n findings; A lady with asthma sustained brain damage following (= administration of a drug to which she was 5nown to be allergic.
(ncident date "* & 3' (ncident date< (ncident type "* & 3' (ncident type< >ealthcare speciality involved "* & 3' Specialty< Actual effect on patient and 2 or service "* & 3' 4ffect on patient< Actual severity of incident "* & 3' Severity level< Pre-investigation ris% assessment Assess the realistic li5elihood and severity of recurrence* using your organisations Ris5 ?atri- & 3 ' Pre-investigation ris% assessment A Potential Severity 9"-<; 4 Li%eli!ood of recurrence at t!at severity 9"-<; C Ris% Rating 9C = A . 4; 6lan5 investigation template 7 National Patient Safety Agency 8 9an. &::; 4ac%ground and conte.t to t!e incident A brief description of the service type* service si@e* clinical team* care type* treatment provided etc. & 3 ' 4ac%ground and conte.t Terms of reference - 1utline <+ Specific problems to be addressed Aho commissioned the report (nvestigation lead and team Aims* 1bBectives and 1utputs !see e-amples opposite) Scope* boundaries and collaborations Administration arrangements !accountability* resources* monitoring) Timescales & 3 ' Terms of reference E.ample only 9please amend to $uild your o:n aims; To establish the facts i.e.<+ :!at happened !the effect)* to :!om* :!en, :!ere* !o: and :!y !root causes) To establish whether failings occurred in care or treatment To loo5 for improvements rather than to apportion blame To establish how recurrence may be reduced or eliminated To formulate recommendations and an action plan To provide a report as a record of the investigation process To provide a means of sharing learning from the incident
Investigation team Names* Roles* Cualifications* ,ept.s & 3 ' T!e investigation team Scope and level of investigation State level of investigation !NPSA +".$oncise% &.$ompre.% '.(ndependent) ,escribe the start and end points ist services D orgs involved N6< for evel ' (ndependent (nvestigations scope could be included under Terms of Reference "* & 3' Scope and level of investigation Investigation type !i.e. Single 2 Aggregation 2 ?ulti+incident), process, and met!ods used /athering information e.g. Interviews (ncident ?apping e.g. Tabular timeline (dentifying $are and service delivery problems e.g. Change analysis (dentifying contributory factors D root causes e.g. Fishbones /enerating solutions e.g. Barrier analysis & 3 ' Investigation type, process and met!ods used Involvement and support of patient and relatives e.g. ?eetings to discuss 0uestions the patient anticipates the investigation will address and to hear their recollection of events !anonymised in line with the patient2relative wishes). e.g. .amily liaison person appointed* information given on sources of independent support. "* & 3' Involvement and support of patient and relatives Involvement and support provided for staff involved Refer !anonymously) to involvement of staff in the investigation* and to formal D informal support provided to those involved and not involved in the incident. & 3 ' Involvement and support provided for staff involved Information and evidence & 3 ' Information and evidence gat!ered 6lan5 investigation template 7 National Patient Safety Agency 8 9an. &::; gat!ered A summary list of relevant local and national policy 2 guidance in place at the time of the incident* and any other data sources used<+ !(nclude<+Title and date of /uidance* Policies* ?edical records* interview records* training schedules* staff rotas* e0uipment* etc) E.ample only 9please delete and add your o:n findings; (nterviews with the four staff on duty + :".:&.:E (nterviews with patient relatives + :F.:&.:E A visit to the location of the incident +"G.:&.:E The patients clinical records C!ronology of events .or comple- cases any summary timeline included in the report should be a summary "* & 3' C!ronology of events See table below
etection of incident Note at which point in the patients treatment the error was identified. i.e. At ris5 assessment of new2changed service At pre+treatment patient assessment 4rror recognition pre+care2treatment 4rror recognition post+care2treatment 6y ?achine2System24nviron. change2Alarm 6y a $ount2Audit2Cuery2Review 6y $hange in patients condition "* & 3' etection of incident Select from the list on the left Add additional information Nota$le practice Points in the incident or investigation process where care and2or practice had an important positive impact and may provide valuable learning opportunities. !e.g. 4-emplar practice* involvement of the patient* staff openness etc) & 3 ' Nota$le practice E.ample only 9please delete and add your o:n findings; Actions ta5en to inform the patient and relatives of the error in an open and honest way* and to subse0uently involve them in the R$A process was valued by all and greatly enhanced the investigation. Care and service delivery pro$lems A themed list of the key problem points. !Ahere many problems have been identified the full list should be included in the appendi-) "* & 3' Care and service delivery pro$lems E.ample only 9please delete and add your o:n findings; Nurses on the short stay ward routinely failed to complete the section in the patient notes to highlight the e-istence of 5nown allergies Contri$utory factors A list of significant contributory factors !where many contributory factors are identified a full list or fishbone diagrams should be included in the appendi-) "* & 3' Contri$utory factors E.ample only 9please delete and add your o:n findings; 1ver years numerous assessments for nutrition* pressure ulcers* falls ris5 etc. had been added* causing short stay wards to see the completion of all documentation as impossible. Root causes !numbered) These are the most fundamental underlying factors contributing to the incident that can be addressed. Root causes should be meaningful* !not sound bites such as communication failure) and there should be a clear lin5* by analysis* between root $AHS4 and 4..4$T on the patient. "* & 3' Root causes E.ample only 9please delete and add your o:n findings; ". Ahen adding or updating patient assessments and care plans* ris5 assessment of the wider implications of their use should be conducted and acted upon to reduce the ris5 of impact on patient safety Lessons learned !numbered) Iey safety and practice issues identified which may not have contributed to this incident but from which others can learn. "* & 3' Lessons learned E.ample only 9please delete and add your o:n findings; ". A distinction should be made between essential and desirable documentation in clinical records 6lan5 investigation template 7 National Patient Safety Agency 8 9an. &::; Recommendations !numbered and referenced) Recommendations should be directly lin5ed to root causes and lessons learned* They should be clear but not detailed !detail belongs in the action plan). (t is generally agreed that 5ey recommendations should be 5ept to a minimum where ever possible. "* & 3' Recommendations E.ample only 9please delete and add your o:n findings; ". 4nsure allergy records and other priority assessment sheets are routinely filed prominently for ease of completion &. 4nsure essential assessment criteria are set as mandatory fields in new electronic record development Arrangements for s!ared learning ,escribe how learning has been or will be shared with staff and other organisations !e.g. through bulletins* PSAT2Regional offices* professional networ5s* NPSA* etc.) "* & 3' Arrangements for s!ared learning E.ample only 9please delete and add your o:n findings; Share findings with other departments caring for short stay patients and include them in piloting solutions Share findings with patient Safety Action Team to identify opportunities for sharing outside the organisation istri$ution list ,escribe who !e.g. patients* relatives and staff involved) will be informed of the outcome of the investigation and how & 3 ' istri$ution list Appendices (nclude 5ey e-planatory documents. e.g. Tabular timeline* $ause 3 effect chart* Ac5nowledgements to patients* family* staff or e-perts etc. & 3 ' Appendices Aut!or5 >o$ Title5 ate5 C!ronology 9timeline; of events ate ? Time Event 6lan5 investigation template 7 National Patient Safety Agency 8 9an. &::; 6lan5 investigation template 7 National Patient Safety Agency 8 9an. &::;