Earth Science Course Syllabus Final

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Earth Science

Earth Science Course Syllabus 2014-2015

Teacher: Ms. Sacha Casciato
Location: Room 2
Email: [email protected] (Best way to reach me)
Phone: (619) 390-2579 ext. 312
Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday (3:15-4:30pm), Wednesday/Friday (During Lunch)

Course Outline:

Earth Science is a branch of science that studies the processes and characteristics of the
Earth and space. It is a culmination of different subjects: astronomy, geology, paleontology,
meteorology, and oceanography. This school year in Earth Science, you will be covering the
following topics according to the California State Standards, Common Core strategies, and the
Next Generation Science Standards:

1. Investigation and Experimentation
2. Earths Place in the Universe
3. Dynamic Earth Processes
4. California Geology
5. Energy in the Earth System
6. Structure and Composition of the Atmoshepere.
HS-ESS1: Earths Place in the Universe
HS-ESS2: Earths Systems
HS-ESS3: Earth and Human Activity

Along with the various topics taught throughout the course, you will be participating in
numerous labs, group projects, and other class activities. Completing independent study (IS)
work, studying for tests and quizzes, completing labs/classwork, and participating in class are
crucial to your success in this course.


1. Textbook: Earth Science, Prentice Hall, 2006
2. Homework posts:
3. Course information and online activities/assignments:


Independent Study
20% (10% of this grade is for your lab book)

1. 3-Ring binder with dividers for homework, notes, labs/classwork
2. Filler paper
3. Pens, #2 pencils, eraser, highlighter, calculator
4. Composition Notebook: College-ruled
Earth Science
Class Rules and Expectations:

1. RESPECT is the golden rule! Respect the staff, parents, and peers at River Valley.
2. BE READY TO WORK: Students are expected to be in class on time and in their seats
before the bell rings. Students must complete the warm-up every day at the start of class
(Unannounced, I might use the warm-ups for extra points or for pop-quizzes)
3. Dismissal: Students are dismissed from class when the teacher dismisses them, not the
4. Class Rules: Students are expected to follow ALL classroom rules and procedures on
this paper, posted in class, and verbally given in class.
5. Homework is due at the beginning of class on the specified due dates on the course
weekly IS checklist. If absent, see handbook for guidelines ( I will accept absent work up
to one week after the student returns to school). If late, Students will lose 16% starting
the same day if turned in after the start of class and 16% more each of the following days.
Work turned in more than 5 days AFTER the due date will receive a ZERO.
6. Homework Format: The proper format for all homework assignments should appear in
the upper right margin of your paper.


Spongebob Squarepants, p.1 (Name, period)
Asn 3A (Date Assigned)
Due 3B (Date Due)
Ch. 3,Sect. 1 p.50 #1-10 (Chapter, Section, Page #, Questions Due)

7. Lab/ Test/ Quiz Make-up: Students are solely responsible for staying during tutoring
time to make up a lab, quiz, or test. Failure to do so will result in a zero grade for the
8. Parents: Family involvement is essential for a students success in any subject. Help
from parents is encouraged and always welcome. Grades will be updated weekly and
parents will be notified via email if their child has missing assignments or if their childs
grade is below 70%.

Earth Science
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Day time Phone

Evening Phone


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Day time Phone

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I have and agree to the terms of this syllabus,

Student Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______

Parent Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______

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