13 Golden Dharmas

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Thirteen Golden Dharmas (Tib.

: ser cho chu sum): there are several sets, or enumerations, that
make up the Thirteen Golden Dharmas of the Sakya Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.
Those that are standard to all sets are the three sets of Three ed !nes (mar mo kor sum): (")
#a$rayo%ini of &aropa, (') #a$rayo%ini of (ndrabhuti and ()) #a$rayo%ini of *aitripa + all from the
,hakrasamvara cycle of Tantras.
The Three Great ed !nes (mar po kor sum): (-) .urukulla of the /eva$ra Tantra, (0) Takkira$a of
the Guhyasama$a Tantra and (1) *aharakta Ganapati associated 2ith the ,hakrasamvara Tantra
(see *aharakta !utline 3a%e).
The Three Small ed !nes (mar chun% kor sum): (4) .urukulla+Tara of the #a$rapan$ara Tantra,
(5) ed #asudhara of the ,hakrasamvara cycle of Tantras and (6) Tinuma, the activity form of
#a$ravarahi, also of the ,hakrasamvara cycle.
The four standard remainin% deities are ("7) Black *an$ushri, ("") Shabala Garuda from the
.alachakra Tantra, ("') Simhanada 8valokiteshvara from its o2n tantra and (")) ed 9ambhala
from the ,hakrasamvara Tantra.
8lternates that are added or used as substitutes to the above list are ("-) Simhamukha Dakini
associated 2ith the ,hakrasamvara Tantra, ("0) 8marava$radevi also of the ,hakrasamvara Tantra
and ("1) Buddha 8mitayus (2hite or red) from his o2n Tantra.

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