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haraoh and !a"an:
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The Speculation '$out the 3a"e ;!a"an;
Those who keep the"selves occupied $y lookin# for inconsistencies in the
<ur=an refer to a "an na"ed ;!a"an; who
is "entioned in the <ur=anic verses as one of haraoh=s "en.
+n the Torah> the na"e !a"an is not used when the life of the rophet -oses
is quoted. ?n the other hand> it is
"entioned in the @ospel to refer to a helper of the Aa$ylonian kin# who lived
1>177 years after the rophet
-oses and persecuted the Bews.
Those who clai" that the rophet -uha""ad wrote the <ur=an in the li#ht of
the Torah and the @ospel also put forth
the sophistry that he copied so"e of the su$2ects in the <ur=an wron#ly.
The ridiculousness of this clai" $eca"e o$vious 977 years a#o when the
/#yptian hiero#lyphs were deciphered and the
na"e ;!a"an; was discovered.
Cntil then it had not $een possi$le to read any of the writin#s or ta$lets
written in ancient /#yptian.
The ancient /#yptian lan#ua#e and hiero#lyphs had $een present for "any
thousands of years.
!owever> with the spread of Dhristianity and its cultural inEuences durin# the
second and third centuries ': the
ancient /#yptians for#ot their reli#ion as well as the lan#ua#e> and the use of
hiero#lyphs ca"e to a #radual stop.
The year 8F. ': is the last known ti"e when a hiero#lyph was used.
'fterwards this lan#ua#e was for#otten>
leavin# no$ody who could read and understand it. Cntil so"e 977 years a#o.
The ancient /#yptian lan#ua#e was deciphered in 1GFF with the discovery of
a ta$let dated to 1FH AD
called the ;Rosetta Stone;. The unique nature of this ta$let ca"e fro" the
fact that it was written in three diferent
for"s of writin#& hiero#lyphics> de"otic )a si"plifed for" of ancient /#yptian
hieratic writin#* and @reek.
The ancient /#yptian dialect was decoded with the help of the @reek version.
' French"an na"ed BeanIFranJoise Dha"pollion co"pleted the decipherin#
of the whole ta$let.
+n this way> a for#otten lan#ua#e and the history that it contained ca"e $ack
to life.
This discovery "ade it possi$le to research ancient /#yptian civiliKation> their
$eliefs and social life.
+t also "ade it possi$le to acquire the vital piece of infor"ation we are now
discussin#. The na"e ;!a"an; was in
fact "entioned in old /#yptian ta$lets. +t was "entioned on a "onu"ent
which now stands in the !of -useu" in
0ienna> and in which the closeness of !a"an to the haraoh was
e"phasiKed. )Lalter LresKinski> M#yptische +nschriften aus de" %.%. !of
-useu" in Lien> 1F7H> B. D. !inrichs= sche Auchhandlun#*
The dictionary ;The eople in the 3ew %in#do"; refers to !a"an as ;the
head of the quarry workers;.
)!er"anne Ranke> :ie styleN;"soIspacerun: yes;O 'u#ustin in @lPckstadt>
Aand +> 1F8Q. Aand ++> 1FQ9*
This discovery $rou#ht to li#ht a truly astonishin# fact. !a"an was> contrary
to what those who opposed the <ur=an
clai"ed> really a "an who had lived in /#ypt durin# the rophet -oses= ti"e
and further"ore> 2ust as stated in
the <ur=an> he was close to the haraoh and dealt with construction of sorts.
's a "atter of fact> the <ur=anic verse that conveys how the haraoh
requested !a"an to $uild a tower is in perfect
unison with this archaeolo#ical fndin#:
haraoh said> =Douncil> + do not know of any other #od for you apart fro" "e.
!a"an> kindle a fre for "e over the clay and $uild "e a lofty tower so that
perhaps + "ay $e a$le to cli"$ up to -oses= #od! + consider hi" a $latant
liar.= )Surat alI<asas: 8R*
+n conclusion> the discovery of the na"e !a"an on ancient /#yptian ta$lets
discredited another clai" "ade $y those who
strive to fnd inconsistencies in the <ur=anic verses. Further"ore> the
undenia$le truth that the <ur=an is revealed $y @od
is once a#ain proven without any dou$t as the <ur=an "iraculously conveyed
historical infor"ation that could not
have $een found and deciphered in the rophet=s ti"e.
L/ 3?L S!/L T!/S/ ST/,/ '3: T!/+R +3SDR+T+?3:
Door jamb belonging to Hemen-hetep
Stone beams from a door opening with two co!mns of
hierog"phic inscription.
resent location:I
#$NS%&IS%'(IS)&ES *$SE$* +,-.,,1/ VIENNA
+nventory nu"$er:I
1-%& 01NAS%1 2not before34 2,%& 01NAS%1 2not after3
'rchaeolo#ical Site:I
!ei#ht:11. c"
Lidth :9G c"
)1* 'n oferin#> which the kin# )haroah*
#ives to ?siris> Fore"ost of the Lesterners> ,ord of +nfnity>
Ruler of /ternity> so that he "ay #ive everythin# that is ofered on his food
the sweet $reath of the northern wind& a #oodly funeral for his old a#e> for
the %a of the overseer of
the stone"asons of '"un !e"enIhetep>
True ?f 0oice.
)9* 'n oferin#> which the kin# )haroah* #ives to the Lestern :esert
and '"aunet> the ,ady of !eaven> so that she "ay #ive food and sustenance
and all kinds of oferin#s>
all thin#s #ood and pure> for the %a of the overseer of the stone"asons of
'"un !e"enIhetep> true of voice.
)8* !is son uIhetep.
).* The "istress of the house 3efretInu$.
Reinisch> S.> :ie T#yptischen :enk"Tler in -ira"ar )1RHQ* 9QQ> 3r. 1R> Tf.
LresKinski> L.> 'e#yptische +nschriften aus de" k.k. !of"useu" in Lien
)1F7H* 187: 3r. +.8..
3ote: %a is so"e thin# analo#ous to Spirit in 'ncient reli#ion of /#ypt.
?AB/DT+?3 ?F ?S+3@:
== 'ccordin# to the <ur=an !a"an is asked $y the haraoh to a hi#h )towerU*
of $urnt $rick To $uild $uildin#s.
)+t does appear that the /#yptolo#ist wants to say:I == 'ccor#in# to =',
<CR=':3> !'-'3 L'S 'S%/: A4 T!/ !'R?'!
T? AC+,: ' !+@! AC+,:+3@6T?L/R6+,,'R ?F A'%/: AR+D%S== *
+t is noteworthy
that an /#yptian kin# )haroah* is not a$out his ;head have entrusted all the
work of the %in# ;with the erection of such a
"assive $uildin# should> $ut a "inor ;head of the quarry workers or "asons.;
The latter usually had only local
si#nifcance and for a )pro$a$ly hu#e* Arick no qualifcations.==
/#ytolo#ist ?sin# has "ade so"e "ore o$2ections> and a proper discussion of
the" is $eyond the scope of presend
Aut it is an o$2ection which is directly related to the inscriptions.
Sa""ary of these ta$lets:
The kin# of /#ypt )haroah* :+: -'%/ TL? ?FF/R+3@S each to a distinct
:eity> one "ale ?risis> and other fe"ale
'"unet> so that the for"er "ay provide all those thin#s to the %a )SpiritU* ?f
!e"en !otep> and the later "ay provide
SCAST+3/3D/ to the %a of !e"en !otep.
'nalysis ?F T!/ +3SDR+T+?3S.
+t is clear fro" these inscriptions:I
15The kin# of /#ypt )haroah * hi"self ofer thin#s to two "a2or :eities of
/#yptian Reli#ion.
95 The %in# of /#ypt )haroah* "ade oferin#s F?R %a of !/-/3 !?T/.
85t!/ -/3S+?3/: 'A?0/ %+3@ ?FF/R T!+3@S ?FF/R/: T!+3@S T? T!/S/
T? :/T+/S S? that they "ay provide thin#s
in return> to %a of !e"en !otep.
.5!o"en !otep died at an old a#e.
Q5The hrase True ?f 0oice su##est that either !e"en was true of voince or
what so ever is written is true.
+f so then a part fro" the $elieves which cannot $e accepted as true> the acts
perfor"ed $y the
kin# as "entioned are confr"ed.
+F T!/ %+@ !+-S/,F ?FF/R/: thin#s to his deities F?R !e"en !otep T!/3
!e"en !otep cannot $e a "inor head of
workers and "asons> $ut a person of hi#h rank> a #reat architect> a "aster
$uilder> a kin#ly person> so"e one very close to
the /#yptian %in#> and pro$e$ly so"e thin# like an e"perial "inister of the
"inistry of constructions of "e#a structures.
't this point +S,'-+D '3SL/RS :? 3?T D,'+- T!'T any one of !/-/3
!?T/ ?R 4'3 !'-C ?R 4'3 %!'-C is
!a"an. +t is possi$le that all the "e"ories of !a:":n ceased as all the
"e"ories of -oses> /xodus are ceased.
+t is possi$le that !e"en !otep is !a"an or not the !a"an. Aut those who
think that it is i"possi$le are incorrect.
+f "e"ories of !'-'3 D/'S/S T?T',,4> it does not prove that !a"an did not
exist in the ti"e of haroah.
So only the ossi$ility is proved> not the occurrance> and only i"possi$ility is
atte"ted to disprove. /ven if it is disproved
it does not "atter.
-ore ever the possi$ility of "ore then one person na"ed as !e"en "ay
exist in the ti"e of haroahs.