Beans From Bowl To 2 Equal Bowls
Beans From Bowl To 2 Equal Bowls
Beans From Bowl To 2 Equal Bowls
3 Spooning:
2.3.2 Spooning from bowl to 2 equal bowls:
Small mat, a tray contains a main bowl with some beans, 2 equal bowls and a spoon
Steps of presentation:
1. Invite the child to the shelf where the materials are kept, Today we are going to do a
spooning exercise, please come with me to the shelf.
2. Teacher shows how to carry the tray of materials and asks the child to unroll a small mat
on the table and asks the child to place the materials on the mat. Teacher sits on the
dominant side of the child and asks the child to have his seat.
3. Teacher tells the child, Today we are going to spooning from bowl with some beans to 2
equal bowls. Teacher introduces the names of materials, This is mat, tray, a bowl with some
beans, 2 equal bowls and a spoon. Watch me carefully and you may your turn later.
4. Teacher takes out the spoon from the tray and shows the child how to hold the spoon with
the right hand thumb, index and middle finger (pincer grip).
5. Teacher starts scooping the beans which is in the bow on the left side and transfer to the
first empty bowl with least noise at marks.
6. Teacher follows the same procedure to the second empty bowl and shows the child the
bowl is empty through tilt the bowl.
7. Once transferring is completed, pick the spilled beans from the tray and put it into the
8. To finish the exercise, transfer the beans from the bowls in the right hand side to the
left side bowl.
9. Invite the child to do the exercise.
10. After the child has finished the exercise; teacher tells the child that, Today we have
done spooning from bowl with some beans to 2 equal bowls. Feel free to work with it anytime
you want.
11. Ask the child to return the materials.
2.3 Spooning:
2.3.2 Spooning from bowl to 2 equal bowls:
Control of Error:
1. Making as least noise as possible from scooping and emptying the bowl.
2. Spillage of beans.
3. Seeing the full bowl of beans gradually emptied and divided into two.
Aims of Exercise:
Development of order, development of concentration, independence and feeding skills,
development of fine and gross motor skills wrist and finger muscles, eye hand co
ordination , care of the environment, development of writing concepts and indirect
preparation for mathematics.
Points of Interest:
1. The spoon is a scooping device.
2. The quantity of beans is retained when transferring from one bowl to 2 equal bowls.
3. Noise resulted from dropping the beans on the tray or when dropping the beans into the
4. The concept of dividing equally.
Small mat, tray, spoon, bowls and beans
Age of Interest:
years onwards
Peanuts, sago and dried corns