Nimai Cost Sheet

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Nimai Place

Current Rates/sqft. PLP (30:35:35) 30% bkng

10500 3150
Possesion Time 4 years
Minimum anticipated price after 4 years on the basis of price of other projects
Return on Investment for first 21 mnths
initial Investment 30% of 10500 3150
Capital Appreciation aftr 21 mnths 15000-10500 4500
Profit % 142%
Return on investment for next 27 mnths
Investment 35% of 10500+ initial investment 3675+3150=6825
Capital Appreciation aftr 27 mnths 20000-10500 9500
Total Profit 9500
Profit % 139%
30% bkng 35% aftr 21 mnths min 35% on possession
3675 3675
aftr 21 mnths aftr 48 mnths
15000 20000
Other projects in Vicinity
Dwarka sector 9 90000/sqft
galleria gurgaon 70000/sqft.

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