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for 32-Bit Applications

RIS Utilities Guide

August 1996
Version 5.4

Warranties and Liabilities
Al l warranti es gi ven by I ntergraph Corporati on about equi pment or software are set forth i n your purchase contract,
and nothi ng stated i n, or i mpl i ed by, thi s document or i ts contents shal l be consi dered or deemed a modi fi cati on or
amendment of such warranti es.
The i nformati on and the software di scussed i n thi s document are subject to change wi thout noti ce and shoul d not be
consi dered commi tments by I ntergraph Corporati on. I ntergraph Corporati on assumes no responsi bi l i ty for any
error that may appear i n thi s document.
The software di scussed i n thi s document i s furni shed under a l i cense and may be used or copi ed onl y i n accordance
wi th the terms of thi s l i cense.
No responsi bi l i ty i s assumed by I ntergraph for the use or rel i abi l i ty of software on equi pment that i s not suppl i ed by
I ntergraph or i ts affi l i ated compani es.
I nterAct, I ntergraph, and RI S are regi stered trademarks of I ntergraph Corporati on. DI ALOG, I nterServe, and TD1
are trademarks of I ntergraph Corporati on. Al l other brands and product names are trademarks of thei r respecti ve
1996 I ntergraph Corporati on
Al l Ri ghts Reserved
I ncl udi ng software, fi l e formats, and audi ovi sual di spl ays; may be used pursuant to appl i cabl e software l i cense
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I ntergraph Corporati on
Huntsvi l l e, Al abama 35894-0001

Tableof Contents

Tableof Contents

1. Before You Begi n .................................................................................................. 1 - 3
1.1 Document Purpose ....................................................................................... 1 - 3
1.2 Audi ence ....................................................................................................... 1 - 3
1.3 Document Prerequi si tes .............................................................................. 1 - 3
1.4 Rel ated Documentati on ............................................................................... 1 - 3
1.5 Addi ti onal I nformati on ................................................................................ 1 - 4
1.6 Document Conventi ons ................................................................................ 1 - 4
1.7 Usi ng On-l i ne Hel p ...................................................................................... 1 - 6
1.7.1 Parts of the Hel p Wi ndow ................................................................ 1 - 6
2. Getti ng Started ..................................................................................................... 2 - 3
2.1 Products Needed to Use the RI S Uti l i ti es ................................................... 2 - 4
3. ri sbatch ................................................................................................................. 3 - 3
4. ri scl nsr .................................................................................................................. 4 - 3
5. ri sdcode ................................................................................................................. 5 - 3
6. ri sdtype ................................................................................................................. 6 - 3
7. ri sgui ..................................................................................................................... 7 - 3
7.1 Exi ti ng the ri sgui Uti l i ty ............................................................................. 7 - 4
7.2 Performi ng Queri es i n the ri sgui Uti l i ty ..................................................... 7 - 4
7.3 Opti ons... ...................................................................................................... 7 - 6
7.4 Uti l i ti es... ...................................................................................................... 7 - 7
7.5 Restart .......................................................................................................... 7 - 7
7.6 Set... .............................................................................................................. 7 - 8
7.7 Show... .......................................................................................................... 7 - 9
8. ri sl od ...................................................................................................................... 8 - 3
8.1 The Log Fi l e ................................................................................................. 8 - 8
8.2 The Bad Fi l e ................................................................................................. 8 - 9
8.3 Loadi ng I ndex, Vi ew, and Pri vi l ege Defi ni ti ons ......................................... 8 - 10
8.4 Usi ng ri sl od wi th the I nteracti ve I nterface ................................................ 8 - 10
8.5 Usi ng ri sl od wi th the Command Li ne I nterface ......................................... 8 - 17
8.6 BNF Representati on of ri sl od Command Li ne Syntax ............................... 8 - 18

9. ri smgr .................................................................................................................... 9 - 3
9.1 RI S Schema Manager .................................................................................. 9 - 5
9.2 Schema Defi ni ti on ........................................................................................ 9 - 7
9.2.1 Di spl ayi ng Schema I nformati on ...................................................... 9 - 9
9.2.2 Creati ng Schemas ............................................................................. 9 - 11 Creati ng Schemas (I NFORMI X) ....................................... 9 - 15 Creati ng Schemas (ORACLE) ........................................... 9 - 17 Creati ng Schemas (DB2) ................................................... 9 - 19 Creati ng Schemas (SYBASE) ............................................ 9 - 22 Creati ng Schemas (Mi crosoft SQL Server) ....................... 9 - 24
9.2.3 Droppi ng Schemas ............................................................................ 9 - 26
9.2.4 Granti ng/Revoki ng Access Pri vi l eges to Secure Schemas .............. 9 - 28
9.2.5 Obtai ni ng Di cti onary Access ............................................................ 9 - 30
9.2.6 Modi fyi ng Schema Passwords .......................................................... 9 - 32
9.2.7 Modi fyi ng Node I nformati on ............................................................ 9 - 33
9.2.8 Modi fy DB2 Password Form ............................................................ 9 - 35
9.3 Di spl ayi ng Tabl e, Vi ew, and I ndex I nformati on ......................................... 9 - 37
9.3.1 Di spl ayi ng Tabl e I nformati on .......................................................... 9 - 39
9.3.2 Creati ng Tabl es ................................................................................ 9 - 40
9.3.3 Droppi ng Tabl es ............................................................................... 9 - 42
9.3.4 Appendi ng Col umns to Tabl es ......................................................... 9 - 43
9.3.5 I ncl udi ng Tabl es, Vi ews, and I ndexes ............................................. 9 - 45
9.3.6 Excl udi ng Tabl es, Vi ews, and I ndexes ............................................ 9 - 47
9.4 Revi ewi ng and Mani pul ati ng Schema Fi l es ............................................... 9 - 48
9.5 Locati ng RI S Cl i ent Processes ..................................................................... 9 - 50
9.6 Setti ng Modes and Enabl i ng Databases ..................................................... 9 - 52
10. ri spl bck ................................................................................................................ 10 - 3
11. ri srecrd ................................................................................................................ 11 - 3
12. ri sunl od ............................................................................................................... 12 - 3
12.1 Usi ng ri sunl od wi th the I nteracti ve I nterface ........................................ 12 - 7
12.2 Usi ng ri sunl od Wi th the Command Li ne I nterface ................................ 12 - 13
12.3 BNF Representati on of ri sunl od Command Li ne Syntax ....................... 12 - 16
Appendi x A: Changes to Thi s Versi on of RI S .......................................................... A - 3
A.1 RDBMS Versi ons ............................................................................................... A - 3
A.2 UNI ON and UNI ON ALL Supported ................................................................ A - 3
A.3 Objects of Di fferent Owners Wi thi n a Schema ................................................. A - 3
A.4 Object Al i ases ..................................................................................................... A - 4

A.5 Mul ti -User/Secure Schemas .............................................................................. A - 5
A.6 Shared Di cti onari es ........................................................................................... A - 6
A.7 Di cti onary Objects .............................................................................................. A - 6
A.8 Di cti onary Vi ews ................................................................................................ A - 7
A.9 RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT ....................................................................................... A - 8
A.10 I nteroperabi l i ty ................................................................................................ A - 11
A.11 Upgrade Uti l i ty ................................................................................................ A - 12
A.12 Uti l i ti es ............................................................................................................. A - 12
A.13 Parameters ....................................................................................................... A - 13
A.14 I nternati onal i zati on ......................................................................................... A - 13
Appendi x B: Fi l e Formats for ri sunl od and ri sl od ................................................... B - 3
B.1 Format for Representi ng Schema Defi ni ti ons .................................................. B - 5
B.2 Format for Representi ng Tabl e Defi ni ti ons ...................................................... B - 6
B.3 Format for Representi ng I nsert I nto Statements .......................................... B - 6
B.4 Format for Representi ng Fi el d Defi ni ti ons ....................................................... B - 6
B.5 Format for Representi ng Tabl e Data ................................................................ B - 8
B.6 Format for Representi ng Data Fi l e Speci fi cati ons ........................................... B - 9
B.7 Format for Representi ng I ndex, Vi ew, and Pri vi l ege Defi ni ti ons .................... B - 10
B.8 Fi l e Format for Data Fi l es ................................................................................. B - 10
B.9 Use of Spaces and New Li ne Characters .......................................................... B - 10
B.10 BNF Representati on of Fi l e Formats .............................................................. B - 11
Gl ossary ....................................................................................................................... GL - 3
I ndex ............................................................................................................................ I N - 3

Before You Begin 1 - 1

BeforeYou Begin
1 - 2 Before You Begin

Before You Begin 1 - 3

BeforeYou Begin
1.1 Document Purpose
The RI S Utilities Guidefor 32-Bit Applications descri bes the RI S uti l i ti es.
1.2 Audience
Thi s document was wri tten for appl i cati on users, appl i cati on desi gners, and computer
software speci al i sts.
1.3 Document Prerequisites
Thi s document assumes a basi c understandi ng of your operati ng system, RDBMS software,
and RI S.
1.4 Related Documentation
DNA1151 RI S I nstallation Guidefor 32-Bit Applications
DNA1116 RI S SQL Users Guidefor 32-Bit Applications
DNA1003 RI S SQL Commands Quick Reference
DNA1119 RI S Programmers Guidefor 32-Bit Applications
DNA1009 RI S Programmers Quick Reference
For i nformati on about SQL terms and database structure, refer to documents rel ated to
speci fi c rel ati onal database management systems (I NFORMI X, ORACLE, DB2, SYBASE, or
Mi crosoft SQL Server).
1 - 4 Before You Begin

1.5 Additional Information
For addi ti onal i nformati on about RI S, see the fol l owi ng fi l es del i vered wi th the RI S software.
The defaul t l ocati on for these fi l es i s the c:\ ProgramFiles\ risdp di rectory.
README Provi des product i nformati on and descri bes changes and
addi ti ons to the product si nce the l ast rel ease.
product.def Li sts al l dependenci es and rel ated parts for the product.
MANI FEST.TXT Li sts al l fi l es del i vered wi th the product.
1.6 Document Conventions
Fi l enames and di rectory paths appear i n i tal i c typeface. However, the i tal i c typeface i s
al so used for emphasi s of new words or i mportant phrases. For exampl e:
c:\ windows
Command names, menu names, tool s, system prompts and messages, and keys may
appear i n bol dface type. For exampl e:
Press Enter
The word mouserefers to the 2-button or 3-button mouse.
The word select means to sel ect a command by pressi ng the l eft mouse button over a
menu command or by pressi ng the Alt key and the underl i ned character
si mul taneousl y.
The word choosemeans to choose a button or i con by pressi ng the l eft mouse button
over a Tool bar button, or appl i cati on i con.
The word reset means to termi nate a command i ni ti ated wi th the mouse. Reset by
pressi ng the ri ght mouse button.
The word identifymeans to defi ne an area or pl ace graphi c el ements i n a graphi cs fi l e.
For PCs, i denti fy wi th the l eft mouse button.
The phrase key in general l y means to enter data i nto a fi el d on a di al og box. To
advance to the next fi el d, use the Tabkey.
Before You Begin 1 - 5

System key-i ns, keywords, and programmi ng code segments, appear i n monospaced
type. For exampl e:
main ( )
I n actual usage, keywords can be i n ei ther upper or l owercase.
Words that appear i n angl e brackets, < >, are i denti fi ers or names that you must
suppl y, or dynami c i nformati on that can change for each error message. For exampl e:
ERROR: Error openi ng the fi l e <fi l ename>
Phrases i n square brackets, [ ], are opti onal phrases.
Curl y braces contai n several opti ons (used i n conjuncti on wi th a l ogi cal OR symbol ( | )
or phrases that can be repeated (used i n conjuncti on wi th [, ...]). A comma fol l owed by a
seri es of three peri ods i n square brackets ([, ...]) i ndi cates that the l ast phrase contai ned
wi thi n curl y braces ({}), or the l ast i tem, can be repeated numerous ti mes (separated by
For exampl e: {<col umn> <data type> }[, ...] means that numerous col umn names and
associ ated data types can be speci fi ed (separated by commas).
The logical or symbol ( | ) separates phrases or keywords wi thi n curl y braces ({}) that
can be used al one but not together.
For exampl e: { user | database }means that ei ther the user keyword or the
database keyword can be speci fi ed, but not both.

Thi s symbol notes i mportant i nformati on.

Thi s symbol cauti ons about operati ons that can cause l i mi ted damage.

Thi s symbol warns about operati ons that can cause severe damage.
1 - 6 Before You Begin

1.7 UsingOn-lineHelp
On-l i ne Hel p i s an on-l i ne reference tool accessi bl e at any ti me the appl i cati on i s i n use. The
on-l i ne Hel p contai ns a descri pti on for each command and tool and step-by-step procedures
for common tasks. For exampl e, i f you need to perform a certai n task, search and di spl ay the
topi c. You can move or resi ze your appl i cati on and Hel p wi ndows so that they are next to
each other. Thi s l ets you fol l ow the procedures wi thout havi ng to search for the pages i n the
documentati on.
Before You Begin 1 - 7

1.7.1 Parts of theHelp Window
To vi ew the on-l i ne Hel p, sel ect Contents from the Help menu. To get more speci fi c
i nformati on, sel ect one of the major topi cs or perform a search on a speci fi c topi c.

1 - 8 Before You Begin

Use To
Contents Di spl ay a l i sti ng of the tabl e of contents for
the on-l i ne Hel p fi l e.
Search Locate i nformati on about a certai n topi c that
you enter i n the Search box.
Back Take you back to the previ ous Hel p topi cs you
have al ready vi ewed.
History Di spl ay a sequenti al l i st of every Hel p topi c
you have vi ewed duri ng your current Wi ndows
sessi on.
Find Di spl ay a di al og box used to retri eve parti al or
ful l text stri ngs i n the hel p fi l e. Use the
Hints button for i nformati on on constructi ng
your search query.
<< Vi ew the previ ous topi c i n a seri es of rel ated
topi cs. The button i s di mmed when you reach
the fi rst topi c i n the seri es.
>> Vi ew the next topi c i n a seri es of rel ated
topi cs. The button i s di mmed when you reach
the l ast topi c i n the seri es.

I f the graphi cs i n the on-l i ne Hel p appear di storted, check your graphi cs dri ver.
I f you are usi ng an I ntergraph TD1 machi ne, the S3 1024x768 256 col or (Large
Font) di storts the graphi cs sl i ghtl y. Changi ng to the (Smal l Font) versi on
corrects the di spl ay. I f you are usi ng other dri vers, check wi th your PC manual
for i nformati on about avai l abl e graphi cs dri vers.
Getting Started 2 - 1

2 - 2 Getting Started

Getting Started 2 - 3

The I ntergraph Rel ati onal I nterface System (RI S) i s a generi c i nterface to rel ati onal
database management systems (RDBMSs). RI S offers si mul taneous connecti ons to RDBMSs
from many vendors on di ssi mi l ar hardware pl atforms usi ng numerous protocol s. RI S makes
an enti re network of databases avai l abl e as i f there were a si ngl e, l ocal database.

Duri ng i nstal l ati on, the RI S uti l i ti es path i s added to the system path
envi ronment vari abl e. By defaul t, the uti l i ti es are l oaded i n c:\Program
Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\bin.
RI S Uti l i ti es:
1. RI S Batch risbatch
Executes SQL statements i n ASCI I fi l es.
2. RI S Clean Server risclnsr
Cl eans up some of the RI S di cti onary tabl es.
3. RI S Decode risdcode
Pri nts the error message for a RI S error code.
4. RI S Data Types risdtype
I nstructs RI S to i nterpret a col umns data type i n a di fferent manner.
5. RI S I nteractive risgui
I nteracti vel y query databases usi ng RI S.
6. ConfigureRI S Version risintop
Descri bed i n the RI S I nstallation Guidefor 32-Bit Applications.
7. RI S Loader rislod
Transfers data from speci al l y formatted fi l es i nto new or exi sti ng schemas.
8. RI S Playback risplbck
Reads and executes fi l es contai ni ng RI S commands generated by appl i cati ons and
captured wi th the risrecrd uti l i ty.
2 - 4 Getting Started

9. RI S Record risrecrd
Records al l SQL statements and ti mi ng data i nto speci al l y formatted fi l es. Useful for
repeati ng l ong sequences when tryi ng to uncover program probl ems.
10. RI S Unloader risunlod
Extracts data from a schema and pl aces i t i nto speci al l y formatted fi l es.
11. UpgradeUtility risupgrd
Converts a schema (di cti onary and schema fi l e) from RI S Versi on 4 to RI S Versi on 5.
2.1 Products Needed to UsetheRIS Utilities
Refer to the RI S I nstallation Guidefor 32-Bit Applications for i nformati on concerni ng
products needed to use the RI S Uti l i ti es.
risbatch 3 - 1

3 - 2 risbatch

risbatch 3 - 3

Thi s uti l i ty i s a si mpl e, shel l -cal l abl e program provi di ng easy access to RI S and to underl yi ng
databases. The pri mary purpose of thi s uti l i ty i s batch executi on of SQL statements.
Any SQL statement can be speci fi ed i n an i nput fi l e, provi ded that you have the proper
Al l SQL statements must be termi nated wi th a semi col on (;).
The RI S_PARAMETERS envi ronment vari abl e i s used to speci fy the l ocati on of the
parms fi l e.
Output i s di rected to stdout when the -o opti on i s not used.
To start the risbatch uti l i ty, do one of the fol l owi ng:
Type risbatch i n a Command Prompt wi ndow.

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from Program Manager; then choose the RI S Batch i con:

3 - 4 risbatch

risbatch [-?] [-V] [-i <infile>] [-o <outfile>]
<none> I f you do not speci fy any command-l i ne arguments, or i f you start
the uti l i ty by sel ecti ng i ts i con from the Program Manager, the
uti l i ty runs i nteracti vel y and prompts for the necessary
i nformati on.
-? Di spl ay usage i nformati on and exi t.
-V Di spl ay versi on i nformati on and exi t.
-i <infile> Speci fy the i nput fi l e contai ni ng the RI S SQL statements. The
locateclient command prompts for the cl i ent versi on.
-o <outfile> Speci fy the output fi l e where output i s stored.

Type help at the risbatch prompt to get a l i st of avai l abl e non-SQL
I n thi s exampl e, risbatch i s i nvoked wi th the i nput fi l e input.sql and the output fi l e
risbatch -i input.sql -o output.sql
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ bin\ risbatch
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ parms
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ ris.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ net.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ utl.msg
Status Returns
0 Normal termi nati on.
other Abnormal termi nati on.
risclnsr 4 - 1

4 - 2 risclnsr

risclnsr 4 - 3

Thi s i nteracti ve uti l i ty del etes al l nonessenti al records from the RI S di cti onary tabl es. Thi s
uti l i ty i s provi ded to cl ean up when the server process has not been abl e to do so. The server
fai l s to cl ean up when i t i s ki l l ed or the machi ne i s shutdown or rebooted.

Do not run thi s uti l i ty whi l e the schemas to be cl eaned are bei ng accessed.
To start the risclnsr uti l i ty, do one of the fol l owi ng:
Type risclnsr i n a Command Prompt wi ndow.

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from Program Manager; then choose the RI S Cl ean Server
i con:

4 - 4 risclnsr

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from the Program Manager; then choose the RI S I nteracti ve
i con. Choose the Uti l i ti es... button from the RI S I nteracti ve form; then choose the RI S
Cl ean Server... button from the Uti l i ti es form.

I f you use another uti l i ty wi thi n RI S I nteracti ve, you must choose the Restart
button before RI S I nteracti ve i s aware of any RI S parameter changes, or
creati ng or droppi ng of schemas.
risclnsr [-?] [-V] schema[.password] [user[.password]] [osuser[.password]]
The osuser[.password] opti on speci fi es the user and password for a secure schema. I f the
schema speci fi ed i s a secure schema, ri scl nsr prompts for the osusername and osusername
password (i f one exi sts).
<none> I f you do not speci fy any command-l i ne arguments, or i f you start the
uti l i ty by sel ecti ng i ts i con from the Program Manager, the uti l i ty runs
i nteracti vel y and prompts for the necessary i nformati on.
-? Di spl ay usage i nformati on and exi t.
-V Di spl ay versi on i nformati on and exi t.
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ bin\ risclnsr
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ ris.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ net.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ utl.msg
Status Returns
0 Normal termi nati on.
1 Abnormal termi nati on.
risdcode 5 - 1

5 - 2 risdcode

risdcode 5 - 3

Thi s uti l i ty pri nts error messages for RI S error codes.
To start the risdcodeuti l i ty, do one of the fol l owi ng:
Type risdcode i n a Command Prompt wi ndow.

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from Program Manager; then choose the RI S Decode i con:

5 - 4 risdcode

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from the Program Manager; then choose the RI S I nteracti ve
i con. Choose the Uti l i ti es... button from the RI S I nteracti ve form; then choose the RI S
Decode... button from the Uti l i ti es form.

I f you use another uti l i ty wi thi n RI S I nteracti ve, you must choose the Restart
button before RI S I nteracti ve i s aware of any RI S parameter changes, or
creati ng or droppi ng of schemas.
risdcode [-?] [-V] [<error code>]
<none> I f you do not speci fy any command-l i ne arguments, or i f you start the
uti l i ty by sel ecti ng i ts i con from the Program Manager, the uti l i ty runs
i nteracti vel y and prompts for the necessary i nformati on.
-? Di spl ay usage i nformati on and exi t.
-V Di spl ay versi on i nformati on and exi t.
<error code> Deci mal , octal , or hexadeci mal error code.
To get the error message correspondi ng to an error code of 100, key i n one of the fol l owi ng:
risdcode 100 (Using decimal.)
risdcode Ox64 (Using hexadecimal.)
risdcode 0144 (Using octal.)
You are prompted to key i n the val ue to be decoded. I n thi s case, key i n 100.
risdcode 5 - 5

c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ bin\ risdcode
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ ris.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ net.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ utl.msg
Status Returns
0 Al ways zero.
5 - 6 risdcode

risdtype 6 - 1

6 - 2 risdtype

risdtype 6 - 3

Thi s i nteracti ve uti l i ty l ets you i nstruct RI S to i nterpret the data type of a col umn di fferentl y
and modi fy the si ze of a RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT data type.
The vari ety of data types i n database systems permi ts mul ti pl e mappi ngs of database data
types to ANSI standard data types. When a schema i s created, or a tabl e i s i ncl uded i n a
schema, RI S chooses one i nterpretati on of a data type. Thi s uti l i ty l ets you i nstruct RI S to
i nterpret the data type of a col umn di fferentl y by prompti ng you for the schema name,
username (for secure schemas), password (i f one exi sts), tabl e names, col umn names, and
new data types.
The envi ronment vari abl e RI S_LANGUAGE speci fi es the l anguage that RI S uses for parsi ng
and error messages. The defaul t i s Engl i sh. Consul t the fi l e c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common
Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ langs for other val ues.
To start the risdtypeuti l i ty, do one of the fol l owi ng:
Type risdtype i n a Command Prompt wi ndow.

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from Program Manager; then choose the RI S Data Types
i con:
6 - 4 risdtype

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from the Program Manager; then choose the RI S I nteracti ve
i con. Choose the Uti l i ti es... button from the RI S I nteracti ve form; then choose the RI S
Data Types... button from the Uti l i ti es form.

I f you use another uti l i ty wi thi n RI S I nteracti ve, you must choose the Restart
button before RI S I nteracti ve i s aware of any RI S parameter changes, or
creati ng or droppi ng of schemas.
Exampl e:
Enter schema (<CR> to exit):sch1
Enter a table or view name (or ? for a list of names):
Pos Column Name type type-string len prec scale null
- - - - -
1 c1 15 ris_blob 0 null null YES
Do you wish to modify this column? <y(es), n(o), d(one with table)>>yes
Choose a data type from those listed (enter the number) >>2
Current maximum ris_blob length is:0
Current maximum ris_blob length is:10000
Current status for nullable is YES, nulls are allowed
Are null values allowed? <y(es), n(o)> >>yes
Column definitions modified for object sch1.blob_table:
risdtype 6 - 5

Pos Column Name type type-string len prec scale null - -
- - - 1 c1 15 ris_blob 10000 null null
Is this correct? <y(es), n(o), q(uit)> >>yes
risdtype [-?] [-V]
<none> I f you do not speci fy any command-l i ne arguments, or i f you start the
uti l i ty by sel ecti ng i ts i con from the Program Manager, the uti l i ty runs
i nteracti vel y and prompts for the necessary i nformati on.
-? Di spl ay usage i nformati on and exi t.
-V Di spl ay versi on i nformati on and exi t.
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ bin\ risdtype
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ ris.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ net.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ utl.msg
Status Returns
0 Normal termi nati on.
1 Abnormal termi nati on.
6 - 6 risdtype

risgui 7 - 1

7 - 2 risgui

risgui 7 - 3

The risgui uti l i ty l ets you i nteracti vel y perform RI S queri es. To start the risgui uti l i ty, do
one of the fol l owi ng:
Type risgui i n a Command Prompt wi ndow.

Choose the RIS 05.nn i con from Program Manager; then choose the RIS Interactive
i con.

7 - 4 risgui

The RIS InteractiveUtility formis displayed.

7.1 Exitingtherisgui Utility
To exi t the risgui uti l i ty, sel ect the Cancel button.
7.2 PerformingQueries in therisgui Utility
To perform a query i n the risgui uti l i ty, fol l ow these steps:
1. Sel ect a defaul t schema from the Default Schema fi el d.
2. Key an SQL statement i nto the Query fi el d. You must termi nate the SQL
statement wi th a semi col on character (;). The statement can wrap across several
l i nes.

I f you need to change the entry, sel ect the Clear button to cl ear the
Query fi el d, then enter the statement agai n.
3. Sel ect the Executebutton. The resul ts appear i n the Results fi el d.
I f the query resul ts do not compl etel y fi t i n the Results fi el d, the risgui uti l i ty can
di spl ay a screenful at a ti me. For more i nformati on see the secti on Options....
Sel ect the Continuebutton to di spl ay the next screenful , or the Abort button to
stop the query.
risgui 7 - 5

To save the query resul ts i n a fi l e, sel ect the SaveResults... button.
History File
When you execute a query, the risgui uti l i ty saves the SQL statement i n the hi story
fi l e. To determi ne the name of the hi story fi l e, the ris uti l i ty uses the fi l e:
1. Speci fi ed by the RI S_HI STORY_FI LE envi ronment vari abl e.
2. ris.his i n the di rectory speci fi ed by the HOME envi ronment vari abl e, i f the
RI S_HI STORY_FI LE envi ronment vari abl e i s not defi ned.
3. ris.his i n the di rectory from whi ch you started the risgui uti l i ty, i f the HOME
envi ronment vari abl e i s not defi ned.
When risgui saves a query i n the hi story fi l e, you can go back to the same query l ater
and execute i t agai n or edi t the SQL statement to use i t as the basi s for a new query.
Sel ect the Previous or Next buttons to di spl ay the queri es i n the hi story fi l e.
Sel ect the Search... button to perform a search i n the hi story fi l e.

1. Key a search term i nto the Search Stringfi el d.
2. Sel ect a search di recti on (Up or Down).
7 - 6 risgui

3. Sel ect the Find Next button.
Therisgui utilityhighlights thenext match.
Savingand LoadingQueries
To save the current query (shown i n the Query fi el d) to a fi l e, sel ect the Save... button.
To l oad a previ ousl y-saved query, sel ect the Open... button.
To save the resul ts of the current query, sel ect the SaveResults... button.
7.3 Options...
The Options... button modi fi es the behavi or of query resul ts.
1. Sel ect the Options... button.

2. To speci fy the behavi or for query resul ts that do not fi t i n the Results fi el d, sel ect
one of the fol l owi ng:
Fetch by screenful (Append) fetch one screenful of resul ts. When you
sel ect the Continuebutton, append the next screenful to the resul ts.
Fetch by screenful (Overwrite) fetch one screenful of resul ts. When you
sel ect the Continuebutton, di scard the resul ts and get the next screenful .
Fetch all rows fetch al l resul ts wi thout pausi ng.
3. Sel ect the OK button to accept the setti ngs or sel ect the Cancel button to reject
risgui 7 - 7

7.4 Utilities...
The Utilities... button l ets you start the other RI S uti l i ti es from wi thi n the risgui
uti l i ty.
1. Sel ect the Utilities... button.

I n Wi ndows 95, onl y RIS Manager... i s avai l abl e.
2. Sel ect one of the fol l owi ng buttons to start a uti l i ty:
RIS Manager... starts the rismgr uti l i ty.
RIS Loader... starts the rislod uti l i ty.
RIS Unloader... starts the risunlod uti l i ty.
RIS Record... starts the risrecrd uti l i ty.
RIS Playback... starts the risplbck uti l i ty.
RIS Clean Server... starts the risclnsr uti l i ty.
RIS Data Types... starts the risdtypeuti l i ty.
RIS Decode... starts the risdcodeuti l i ty.
7.5 Restart
Whi l e you are runni ng the RI S I nteractiveuti l i ty, you can run other RI S uti l i ti es;
however, i f you modi fy the RI S parameters wi th the other uti l i ti es, or create or drop a
schema, the RI S I nteractiveuti l i ty i s not aware of the changes.
Sel ect the Restart button to restart risgui and make i t aware of your changes. Your
sel ecti on of modes, enabl ed databases, and defaul t schema i s not al tered.
7 - 8 risgui

7.6 Set...
The Set... button sets RI S modes and enabl es the databases.
1. Sel ect the Set... button.

2. Sel ect the modes for the risgui uti l i ty:
Verify Mode
Blank Strip Mode
Refer to the RI S SQL Users Guidefor more i nformati on on the RI S modes.
3. Sel ect the databases to enabl e:
risgui 7 - 9

7.7 Show...
The Show... button gi ves you addi ti onal i nformati on about RI S on your system.
1. Sel ect the Show... button.

2. Sel ect one of the fol l owi ng buttons:
Parameters... shows the setti ngs i n your parameters fi l e.

Transactions... shows the schemas i n transacti on.

7 - 10 risgui

About... shows versi on and copyri ght i nformati on.

rislod 8 - 1

8 - 2 rislod

rislod 8 - 3


You must understand the risunlod uti l i ty before usi ng the rislod uti l i ty.
The rislod uti l i ty permi ts the transfer of schema i nformati on between external ASCI I
fi l es and RI S schemas by l oadi ng schema i nformati on from external fi l es i nto RI S
Reads schema i nformati on from the mai n external fi l e and data fi l es (i f any) and
restores them i n the form of RI S schemas.
Restores onl y user-requested schema i nformati on i nto RI S schemas.
Lets i nformati on about mul ti pl e schemas be stored i n the same external mai n fi l e.
May create two fi l es to report the l oadi ng status: the l og fi l e reports successful
l oadi ng and the bad fi l e reports unsuccessful l oadi ng.
The rislod and risunlod uti l i ti es are not desi gned for use as backup uti l i ti es. The
fol l owi ng are some reasons for not usi ng rislod and risunlod as backup uti l i ti es:
I f a vi ew was created i n the database (not wi th RI S), RI S cannot unl oad the
defi ni ti on of the vi ew.
I f you drop a schema and then recreate the schema, and there were exi sti ng vi ews,
RI S cannot l oad the defi ni ti on of the vi ew because RI S l ost the defi ni ti on when
you dropped the schema.
I n certai n cases data types are mapped sl i ghtl y di fferentl y i n ORACLE databases.
ORACLE uses numericdata types, and RI S uses i nteger, smal l i nt, real , and
doubl e. I f you create a col umn of RI S data type real, i t i s mapped to a float(21)
ORACLE data type. I f you drop the schema, then recreate the schema, RI S maps
the float(21) i n ORACLE to a RI S doubledata type.
For these and further reasons, you shoul d use the databases uti l i ti es to back up data
correctl y.
The envi ronment vari abl e RI S_LANGUAGE speci fi es the l anguage that RI S uses for
parsi ng and error messages. The defaul t i s Engl i sh. Consul t the fi l e c:\ Program
Files\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ langs for other val ues.
8 - 4 rislod

The representati on of i nformati on must compl y wi th the format defi ned i n
the secti on FileFormats for risunlod and rislod.
The fol l owi ng fi gure represents the functi onal mechani sms of rislod and shows the
i nput requi rements and output generated.

Data for ri s_bl ob and ri s_text col umns cannot be l oaded; however, you can
have ri s_bl ob and ri s_text col umns i n a create table statement.
To start the rislod uti l i ty, do one of the fol l owi ng:
Type rislod i n a Command Prompt wi ndow.

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from Program Manager; then choose the RI S Loader
i con:

rislod 8 - 5

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from the Program Manager; then choose the RI S
I nteracti ve i con. Choose the Uti l i ti es... button from the RI S I nteracti ve form; then
choose the RI S Loader... button from the Uti l i ti es form.

I f you use another uti l i ty wi thi n RI S I nteracti ve, you must choose the
Restart button before RI S I nteracti ve i s aware of any RI S parameter
changes, or creati ng or droppi ng of schemas.
rislod [-?] [-V] [-n] [-p] [-e <db_list>]
[-m {w|a|e}] [-i <filename>] [-b <filename>] [-d <delimiter>]
[-c <commit>] [-s <schemas>] [-f <filename>]
<none> I f you do not speci fy any command-l i ne arguments, or i f you start the
uti l i ty by sel ecti ng i ts i con from the Program Manager, the uti l i ty runs
i nteracti vel y and prompts for the necessary i nformati on.
-? Di spl ay usage i nformati on and exi t.
-V Di spl ay versi on i nformati on and exi t.
-n Set ANSI mode off. ANSI mode i s on by defaul t. Refer to the set
mode statement i n the RI S SQL Users Guidefor 32-Bit Applications
for more i nformati on.
-p Preserve bl anks. By defaul t, rislod stri ps trai l i ng bl anks from
character data. Refer to the set mode statement i n the RI S SQL
Users Guidefor 32-Bit Applications for more i nformati on.
-e<db_list> Enabl e the database speci fi ed i n the <db_l i st>. Al l databases are
enabl ed by defaul t. Refer to the set enable database statement i n
the RI S SQL Users Guidefor 32-Bit Applications for more i nformati on.
8 - 6 rislod

-m{w| a| e} Speci fy the fi l e mode for output fi l es. The w overwri tes an exi sti ng fi l e,
the a appends to an exi sti ng fi l e, and the e returns an error i f an
output fi l e wi th the speci fi ed name exi sts.
-i <filename> Speci fy the mai n i nput ASCI I fi l e from whi ch RI S schema i nformati on
i s l oaded. The defaul t mai n fi l ename i s ris.dmp.
-l <filename> Speci fy the l og fi l e i nto whi ch RI S schema status i nformati on i s
recorded. The defaul t l og fi l ename i s ris.log.
-b <filename> Speci fy the bad fi l e i nto whi ch rejected RI S schema i nformati on i s
dumped. The defaul t bad fi l ename i s ris.bad.
-d <delimiter> Speci fy the character for del i mi ti ng col umn val ues of character type
whi l e l oadi ng rows i n a tabl e. A si ngl e quotati on mark () i s the defaul t
del i mi ter character.
-c <commit> Speci fy the commi t i nterval val ue that i nforms the l oader to commi t
after i nserti ng <commi t> number of rows for a tabl e. The defaul t
<commi t> val ue i s 25.
-s <schemas> Speci fy schema and schema-rel ated i nformati on, such as tabl es,
i ndexes, vi ews, and grants. Al ternati vel y, you can speci fy thi s
i nformati on i n a speci fi cati on fi l e.
-f <filename> Speci fy the name of the speci fi cati on fi l e for <schemas>. Thi s opti on
cannot be used wi th the -s opti on.
See the secti on Usingrislod with theCommand LineI nterfacefor more detai l ed
i nformati on.
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ bin\ rislod
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ parms
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ ris.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ net.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ utl.msg
Status Returns
0 Normal termi nati on.
1 Abnormal termi nati on.
rislod l oads user-requested RI S schema objects (i tems) from external ASCI I fi l es i nto
RI S schemas. rislod can:
Load schema defi ni ti ons
Load tabl e defi ni ti ons
Load tabl e data
rislod 8 - 7

Load i ndex defi ni ti ons
Load vi ew defi ni ti ons
Load pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons
Load mul ti pl es of above i tems i n a si ngl e run
Load i tems of one schema i nto any other exi sti ng schema
Load tabl e defi ni ti on onl y wi thout tabl e data
Load tabl e data i nto exi sti ng tabl e
Del ete records from the tabl e before l oadi ng tabl e data from external fi l e
Load tabl e data from separate data fi l e
Commi t tabl e data i nserti on after speci fi c i nterval
Overwri te or append the l og and bad fi l es or return error i f fi l es exi st
Enhanced features of rislod i ncl ude the fol l owi ng:
Setti ng the ANSI mode on/off
The ANSI mode can be turned on or off, dependi ng upon your requi rements,
before starti ng the l oadi ng executi on.
Enabl i ng speci fi c databases
rislod l ets you enabl e speci fi c databases before starti ng the l oadi ng executi on.
Loadi ng of any other exi sti ng schema
rislod permi ts i nformati on about a parti cul ar schema to be l oaded i nto another
exi sti ng schema usi ng the rislod rename capabi l i ty. You do not need to edi t or
correct the external mai n fi l e to use thi s feature.
Returni ng error and/or del ete tabl e records before l oadi ng
You can speci fy that rislod report errors whi l e l oadi ng data i nto a tabl e, i f the
tabl e al ready exi sts. You can al so speci fy that rislod l oad data i nto exi sti ng tabl es
or del ete data from exi sti ng tabl es before l oadi ng.
Commi tti ng i nserti on at a speci fi c i nterval
To i mprove executi on performance, rislod commi ts tabl e data i nserti ons at speci fi c
i nterval s, rather than commi tti ng after each tabl e i nserti on. By defaul t, tabl e
data i nserti ons are commi tted after 25 rows are i nserted.
8 - 8 rislod

Not i mposi ng the order of i nformati on stored i n the mai n external fi l e
For an i ndex, vi ew, or pri vi l ege defi ni ti on to be l oaded successful l y, al l i ts
references must exi st. rislod does not i mpose a stri ct order on the i nformati on
stored i n the mai n fi l e because i t often postpones the l oadi ng of an i ndex, vi ew, or
pri vi l ege unti l i ts references are l oaded.
There are three ways to i nteract wi th rislod: usi ng the I nteractiveI nterface, the
Command LineI nterface, or the Embedded ProgrammingFunction I nterface.
1. I nteractiveI nterface. When rislod i s i nvoked wi thout any command l i ne
arguments, i nteracti ve prompts di spl ay. You are prompted for requi red i nputs as
the mai n external fi l e i s scanned.
See the secti on Usingrislod with theI nteractiveI nterfacefor more i nformati on
about the meani ngs of these prompts and the correspondi ng acti ons taken by
2. Command LineI nterface. When rislod i s i nvoked wi th arguments, the rislod
command l i ne i nterface acti vates. Thi s i nterface l ets you speci fy, i n a si ngl e
command, the responses to vari ous prompts that woul d have been generated i f
rislod had been i nvoked i nteracti vel y. Errors encountered duri ng parsi ng are not
reported i n the l og or bad fi l e, and rislod termi nates abnormal l y.
See the secti on Usingrislod with theCommand LineI nterfacefor more
i nformati on about the syntax for constructi ng a rislod command and the
semanti cs of the command.
3. Embedded ProgrammingFunction I nterface. The RI S_loader functi on provi des
the functi onal i ty of rislod i n an embedded program when you cal l the functi on and
pass the appropri ate structures. Refer to the RI S Programmers Guidefor more
i nformati on.
8.1 TheLogFile
When rislod begi ns executi on, i t creates a logfi l e. The defaul t l og fi l ename i s ris.log.
You can speci fy a di fferent name for the l og fi l e. The l og fi l e can be opened i n overwri te
or append mode. I f rislod cannot create a l og fi l e, executi on termi nates.
The l og fi l e contai ns a detai l ed summary of the executi on wi th several secti ons:
Section . . . Contains . . .
Header Fi l e mode for the l og and bad fi l es
I nput mai n external fi l ename
Log fi l ename
Bad fi l ename
Commi t i nterval for l oadi ng tabl e data
rislod 8 - 9

Schema Information Schema section, containing:
Schema name
Whether the schema l oaded successful l y or
unsuccessful l y
Renamed schema name (i f sel ected)
Tablesection, containing:
Tabl e name
Whether the tabl e was created successful l y or
unsuccessful l y
Number of rows l oaded successful l y
Number of rows l oaded unsuccessful l y
I ndex section, containing:
Tabl e name
Number of i ndexes l oaded successful l y for thi s tabl e
Number of i ndexes l oaded unsuccessful l y for thi s tabl e
Viewsection, containing:
Vi ew name
Whether the vi ew l oaded successful l y or
unsuccessful l y
Grants Summary For each schema loaded:
Schema name and tabl e or vi ew name
Number of grants l oaded successful l y for thi s tabl e or
vi ew
Number of grants l oaded unsuccessful l y for thi s tabl e
or vi ew
Miscellaneous Date and ti me of the run
Total el apsed ti me
8.2 TheBad File
As i t executes, rislod creates a fi l e cal l ed the bad fi l e. The bad fi l e contai ns al l schema
i tem defi ni ti on statements that rislod attempted to l oad but coul d not. These
statements coul d be create schema, create table, insert, table field
definition, create index, create view, or grant statements. The defaul t
name for the bad fi l e i s ris.bad, but you can speci fy a di fferent name for the fi l e.
Statements that fai l to l oad are dumped to the bad fi l e wi th appropri ate error codes and
error messages. These error codes and messages are commented so the bad fi l e can be
used agai n, after i t i s edi ted or corrected, to l oad rejected schema i nformati on.
For exampl e, i f rislod cannot l oad a schema statement, then al l the schema i nformati on
pertai ni ng to thi s schema i s dumped to the bad fi l e. Or, i f the create table
statement fai l s, and data are to be l oaded i n thi s tabl e, then al l tabl e data statements
such as create table, insert, table field definition, and data statements
are dumped to the bad fi l e. The error messages are i gnored by rislod.
8 - 10 rislod

Addi ti onal l y, the status of each schema i tem bei ng l oaded i s echoed to the screen i n the
i nteracti ve and command l i ne i nterfaces.
The bad fi l e can be opened i n overwri te or append mode.
8.3 LoadingIndex, View, and PrivilegeDefinitions
For an i ndex to be l oaded, the tabl e i t references must exi st. Si mi l arl y, for a vi ew to be
successful l y l oaded, al l the tabl es and vi ews i t references must exi st. To successful l y
l oad a pri vi l ege defi ni ti on (a grant statement), the grantee, rel ati on, and access
pri vi l eges referenced i n the statement must al so exi st. To take away the burden of
organi zi ng i nformati on i nto a proper order for l oadi ng, rislod postpones the l oadi ng of
the i ndex, vi ew, or pri vi l ege defi ni ti on unti l i ts references have been l oaded.
When an i ndex defi ni ti on i n a schema i s fetched, rislod tri es to l oad i t. I f rislod recei ves
an error message from RI S stati ng that the tabl e on whi ch the i ndex i s created does not
exi st, the i ndex defi ni ti on i s stored i n a temporary fi l e. After rislod has tri ed to l oad
every statement i n the schema once, i t attempts to l oad the i ndexes from the temporary
fi l e agai n. The same thi ng happens to a vi ew defi ni ti on that coul d not be l oaded the
fi rst ti me because i ts references di d not exi st. rislod conti nuousl y l oads these vi ews i n
the temporary fi l e unti l al l of them have been l oaded or unti l no more vi ews can be
l oaded successful l y.
When rislod fetches a pri vi l ege defi ni ti on i n a schema, i t i s broken down i nto several
grant statements, one for each grantee speci fi ed. rislod tri es to l oad each of the new
grant statements. I f RI S noti fi es rislod that the statement coul d not be l oaded, the
grant statement i s stored i n a temporary fi l e al ong wi th the i nformati on about the
schema to whi ch i t bel ongs. After rislod tri es to l oad every statement i n the fi l es at
l east once, rislod tri es to l oad the grant statements i n the temporary fi l e agai n. rislod
conti nuousl y l oads these grant statements unti l ei ther al l of them have been l oaded or
no more grant statements can be l oaded successful l y. I n thi s approach you may noti ce
the breakdown of a grant statement and noti ce that some of the grant statements are
l oaded at the end of a rislod sessi on.
8.4 Usingrislod with theInteractiveInterface
I nvoki ng rislod wi thout any command l i ne arguments di spl ays i nteracti ve prompts.
AcceptingDefault Values. Most prompts have defaul t val ues i ndi cated i n square
brackets ([]). Press the ENTER key to sel ect these defaul t val ues.
SelectingNondefault Values. To sel ect a nondefaul t val ue choose the character i n
parentheses correspondi ng to the opti on you want. Key i n that character and
press ENTER.
SpecifyingOther I nformation. Some prompts ask you to enter i nformati on, such as
fi l enames. Key i n the i nformati on requested and press ENTER.
rislod 8 - 11

The fol l owi ng l i st di scusses the i nteracti ve prompts i n detai l .
1. Set mode ansi ON(y/n) :[y] >
The defaul t i s set ANSI mode on. See the RI S SQL Users Guidefor 32-Bit
Applications for more i nformati on.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t.
Sel ect n to turn off ANSI mode.
2. Preserve blanks? (y/n) :[n] >
Thi s prompt l ets you set the blankstrip mode. By defaul t rislod stri ps trai l i ng
bl anks from character data.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t i f you do not want to preserve trai l i ng
bl anks.
Sel ect y i f you want to preserve trai l i ng bl anks.
3. Set mode enable databases?
all(a) specific(s) :[a] >
Thi s prompt l ets you enabl e databases duri ng the l oadi ng of a schema.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to enabl e al l RI S-supported databases.
Sel ect s and rislod prompts you for a database type:
Enter DBMS type (ex. informix) :[return] >
Enter the RI S-supported database type, such as informix, ingres, or
oracle. Thi s prompt repeats unti l you press ENTER wi thout enteri ng a
database name.
4. File mode of all output files? overwrite(w) append(a) error out if exists(e) :[e] >
Thi s prompt l ets you set the fi l e mode for l og and bad fi l es. The fi l e mode affects
the l og and bad fi l es onl y. The defaul t i s e, error out mode.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t; when you are prompted for the l og and
bad fi l enames, rislod prompts you to qui t i f the fi l es you speci fy al ready
exi st.
8 - 12 rislod

Sel ect w to overwri te the exi sti ng l og and bad fi l es.
Sel ect a to append to the exi sti ng l og and bad fi l es.
5. Main file for loading :[ris.dmp] >
Thi s prompt l ets you speci fy the name of the main fi l e for l oadi ng. The defaul t
name for the main fi l e i s ris.dmp.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t fi l ename.
Enter another fi l ename for the main fi l e.
6. Log file :[ris.log] >
Thi s prompt l ets you speci fy the name of the l og fi l e for l oadi ng. The defaul t name
for the l og fi l e i s ris.log.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t fi l ename.
Enter another fi l ename for the l og fi l e.
I f you sel ected e for error out mode at the prompt File mode of all output files?,
and a fi l e wi th the name you speci fy exi sts, the message Log File already exists i s
di spl ayed. You are prompted:
Quit risload? (y/n):[n] >
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t. You are agai n prompted to enter a
name for the l og fi l e; key i n a new fi l ename.
Sel ect y to qui t rislod.
7. Bad file :[ris.bad] >
Thi s prompt l ets you speci fy the name of the bad fi l e for l oadi ng. The defaul t
name for the bad fi l e i s ris.bad.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t fi l ename.
Enter another fi l ename for the bad fi l e.
rislod 8 - 13

I f you sel ected e for error out mode at the prompt File mode of all output files?,
and a fi l e wi th the name you speci fy exi sts, the message Bad File already exists i s
di spl ayed. You are prompted:
Quit risload? (y/n):[n] >
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t. You are agai n prompted to enter a
name for the bad fi l e; key i n a new fi l ename.
Sel ect y to qui t rislod.
8. Enter delimitation used in the files for loading: [] >
Thi s prompt l ets you speci fy the del i mi ter to use for encl osi ng character val ues of
vari abl e l engths to use i n the main and data fi l es.

You cannot use the space character as a del i mi ter.
The fi l es generated by risunlod use si ngl e quotati on marks () for
del i mi tati on. Thi s feature of rislod l ets you use fi l es not prepared by
risunlod for l oadi ng as l ong as the other parts of the fi l es compl y
wi th the fi l e format used by rislod.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t.
Enter another del i mi tati on character.
9. Enter commit interval :[25] >
The commi t i nterval l ets you commi t the i nserti on of rows i n a tabl e after the
speci fi ed commi t i nterval val ue. The defaul t i s 25 (commi t after i nserti ng 25 rows
i n a tabl e).
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t.
Enter another commi t i nterval .
10. Which schemas should be loaded?
prompted - optionally transfer into existing schema(p) :[a] >
Thi s prompt l ets you choose between l oadi ng al l the schemas or onl y sel ected
schemas from the mai n fi l e. The defaul t i s a for al l schemas.
8 - 14 rislod

Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to l oad al l the schemas from the mai n fi l e.
Prompts l et you choose how to l oad tabl es, i ndexes, vi ews, and pri vi l ege
defi ni ti ons. These prompts appear once, after the prompt for the schema, i f
you choose to l oad al l the schemas i n the mai n fi l e.
Sel ect p and rislod generates a l i st of schemas and prompts you before
l oadi ng each schema. (After each schema i s sel ected, you are prompted for
how to l oad tabl es, i ndexes, vi ews, and pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons for that schema.)
Load schema <schname>(y/n) :[y] >
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Sel ect y to l oad the speci fi ed schema. I f you sel ect p at the prompt Which
schemas should be loaded? and you sel ect y at thi s prompt, you are
prompted to opti onal l y l oad i nto another exi sti ng schema:
To Transfer <schema>s items into another existing schema...
Enter an existing schema name :[<return>]
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER i f you do not want to use another exi sti ng schema;
rislod l oads the schema i nto the schema name speci fi ed i n the mai n
fi l e.
Enter the name of an exi sti ng schema. rislod then prompts for the
username, user password, and schema password, i f necessary, for the
speci fi ed schema.
Sel ect n i f you do not want to l oad the speci fi ed schema.

rislod l ets you rename schemas onl y i f the prompted (p) sel ecti on was
made at the Which schemas should be loaded? prompt.
I f the schema i s a secure schema, you are prompted for the database
username, the database username password, the operati ng system
username, and the operati ng system username password. I f the
schema has a password, you are prompted for the schema password.
Passwords are not echoed to the screen.
11. Which tables should be loaded?
all(a) prompted(p) none(n) :[a] >
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
rislod 8 - 15

Press ENTER to accept the defaul t and l oad al l the tabl es i n the schema.
Sel ect p i f you want to be prompted for each tabl e.
Sel ect n i f you do not want to l oad any tabl es.
I f you sel ect a or p at the prompt Which tables should be loaded? the fol l owi ng
prompt appears next:
Both definitions and data(b) definitions only(o):[b] >
Thi s prompt l ets you deci de whether to l oad both the defi ni ti ons and data of the
tabl es i n the schema or l oad onl y the defi ni ti ons.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t and l oad both tabl e defi ni ti ons and data.
Sel ect o to l oad tabl e defi ni ti ons onl y.

rislod l oads ei ther fi xed or vari abl e formatted tabl e data.
I f onl y the defi ni ti ons exi st for some or al l of the tabl es i n a
schema, choosi ng to l oad both defi ni ti ons and data does not
cause any probl em to rislod. These tabl es are created wi thout
data i n them. Si mi l arl y, i f both the defi ni ti ons and data exi st
for some or al l of the tabl es i n a schema, choosi ng the second
sel ecti on does not cause probl ems. These tabl e data are
di scarded and the stri ng only definitions i s pl aced i n the l og fi l e.
Sel ect n i f you do not want to l oad any tabl es.
I f you sel ect b at the prompt Both definitions and data(b) definitions only(o) the
fol l owi ng prompt appears:
Continue loading into a table even though that table
exists (y/n):[n] >
When l oadi ng a tabl e defi ni ti on of a tabl e that al ready exi sts, an error
message i s generated stati ng that a tabl e/vi ew wi th thi s name al ready
exi sts. Whether or not the data i s l oaded i nto the exi sti ng tabl e depends on
the answer to thi s prompt.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t and data are not l oaded i nto an
exi sti ng tabl e.
Sel ect y to l oad data i nto an exi sti ng tabl e.
8 - 16 rislod

I f y i s sel ected for the previ ous prompt, the fol l owi ng prompt i s di spl ayed:
Clear existing data from table before loading(y/n) :[n] >
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t and keep exi sti ng data.
Sel ect y to del ete al l rows from thi s tabl e before l oadi ng data from the
main fi l e.
12. Which index definitions should be loaded?
all(a) prompted(p) none(n): [a] >
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t and l oad al l i ndex defi ni ti ons.
Sel ect p and rislod generates a l i st of i ndexes and prompts for each i ndex
defi ni ti on:
Load definition <definition>(y/n):[y] >
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to l oad the speci fi ed defi ni ti on.
Sel ect n i f you do not want to l oad the i ndex defi ni ti on.
Sel ect n and no i ndex defi ni ti ons are l oaded.
13. Which views should be loaded?
all(a) prompted(p) none(n):[a] >
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t and l oad al l vi ews.
Sel ect p and rislod prompts for each vi ew:
Load view <view>(y/n):[y]:
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to l oad the speci fi ed vi ew.
Sel ect n and the speci fi ed vi ew i s not l oaded.
Sel ect n and novi ews are l oaded.
rislod 8 - 17

14. Which privilege definitions should be loaded?
all(a) prompted(p) none(n):[a] >
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t and l oad al l pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons.
Sel ect p and rislod prompts for each tabl e or vi ew on whi ch one or more
pri vi l eges are defi ned:
Load access privilege on <relation>(y/n):[y]
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to l oad the speci fi ed pri vi l ege defi ni ti on.
Sel ect n i f you do not want to l oad the pri vi l ege defi ni ti on.
Sel ect n and nopri vi l ege defi ni ti ons are l oaded.
I f you sel ected p at the prompt Which table should be loaded? the fol l owi ng prompt
i s di spl ayed.
Load table <table>(y/n):[y]
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t and l oad the speci fi ed tabl e.
Sel ect n and the speci fi ed tabl e i s not l oaded.
When al l the necessary i nformati on has been speci fi ed, rislod processes the schema(s)
sel ected.
8.5 Usingrislod with theCommand LineInterface
The command l i ne can be used to speci fy whi ch schemas i n the main fi l e shoul d be
l oaded. I t can al so be used to speci fy whi ch i nformati on i n the schemas shoul d be
l oaded. The syntax for constructi ng a rislod command i s al most the same as the syntax
for constructi ng a risunlod command, except for a few addi ti ons and changes.
rislod -i \dir1\dir2\mainfile -d\" -l load.log -b load.bad
-f ..\dir3\specfile -n -mw -e rdb informix -c 15
Option Specifies
8 - 18 rislod

-i Main fi l ename. The defaul t i s ris.dmp.
-d Del i mi ter. The defaul t i s a si ngl e quotati on mark (). The del i mi ter i n thi s
exampl e i s a doubl e quotati on mark. The backsl ash before the del i mi ter
causes the shel l not to i nterpret the doubl e quotati on mark.
-l Logfi l ename. The defaul t i s ris.log.
-b Bad fi l ename. The defaul t i s ris.bad.The del i mi ter i n thi s exampl e i s a
doubl e quotati on mark. The back sl ash before the del i mi ter causes the shel l
not to i nterpret the doubl e quotati on mark.
Addi ti onal opti ons not used i n the exampl e are:
Option Specifies
-n ANSI mode off.
-e Enabl e databases l i sted after thi s opti on.
-m Set the fi l e mode (w, a, or e) for the output fi l es (such as l og and bad fi l es).
-c Commi t i nterval .
rislod -s sch1.create_sch_passwd1.user_passwd1 all
-s sch2 .create_sch_passwd2 .user_passwd2 new table with data all
-s sch3 clear table with data t1 t2 grant all
-s sch4 rename sch5 .sch5pass table t1 index t2 view v1
grant t2 v2 sch.t3 sch.v3
rislod l ets you speci fy up to three passwords after a schema name (schema password,
osuser password, and user password). Passwords are necessary i f they are not al ready
stored i n the mai n fi l e. For schema sch2, data i s l oaded onl y i nto newl y created tabl es.
For schema sch3, data i s l oaded i nto tabl es t1 and t2 after del eti ng previ ousl y i nserted
rows even i f i t al ready exi sts before l oadi ng. For schema sch4 al l the fol l owi ng i tems
are l oaded i nto exi sti ng schema sch5. No data i s l oaded i nto tabl e t1, but i ndex
defi ni ti ons on tabl e t1 and pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons on tabl e t1 and vi ew view1 are l oaded.
The speci fi cati on fi l e format i s the same for both rislod and risunlod.
8.6 BNF Representation of rislod Command LineSyntax
Backus Naur form (BNF) i s a method of descri bi ng the syntax of a l anguage. I t i s used
here to show the capabi l i ti es of the RI S command l i ne i nterface.
The fol l owi ng i s the BNF representati on of the syntax for constructi ng a command l i ne.
rislod 8 - 19

<command_line> ::= rislod
[-e <database_list>]
[-m <file_mode>]
[-i <input_file>]
[-b <bad_file]
[-l <log_file>]
[-d <delimiter>]
[-c <commit_interval>]
-s <schema>
[rename <new_schema>
[user <user_name>[.<user_pwd>]]]
} [...]
-f <spec_file>
<database_list> ::= {<database> [...]}
<file_mode> ::= w | a | e
w represents overwrite file mode
a represents append file mode
e represents return error
<info_tobe_load> ::= all
| [{new | clear}] table with data
} <table_tobe_load>
[view <view_tobe_load>]
[index <index_tobe_load>]
[grant <grant_tobe_load>]
<table_tobe_load> ::= all | {<table>[ ...]}
<view_tobe_load> ::= all | {<view>[ ...]}
<index_tobe_load> ::= all | {<table>[ ...]}
<grant_tobe_load> ::= all
} [ ...]
8 - 20 rislod

The fol l owi ng i s the BNF representati on of the format for a speci fi cati on fi l e.
<spec_file_format> ::= {<schema> [.<create_sch_passwd>] [.<user_passwd>]
rismgr 9 - 1

9 - 2 rismgr

rismgr 9 - 3

Thi s uti l i ty creates, changes, and drops RI S schemas. You can al so use i t to di spl ay
i nformati on about exi sti ng schemas.
To start the rismgr uti l i ty, do one of the fol l owi ng:
Type rismgr i n a Command Prompt wi ndow.

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from Program Manager; then choose the RI S Schema
Manager i con:

9 - 4 rismgr

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from the Program Manager; then choose the RI S
I nteracti ve i con. Choose the Uti l i ti es... button from the RI S I nteracti ve form; then
choose the RI S Manager... button from the Uti l i ti es form.

I f you use another uti l i ty wi thi n RI S I nteracti ve, you must choose the
Restart button before RI S I nteracti ve i s aware of any RI S parameter
changes, or creati ng or droppi ng of schemas.
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ bin\ rismgr
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ forms\ v5forms\ *
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ parms
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ ris.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ net.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ utl.msg
Status Returns
0 Normal termi nati on.
1 Abnormal termi nati on.
rismgr 9 - 5

RIS Schema Manager
The RIS Schema Manager di al og box di spl ays a three-col umn l i st showi ng al l the
schemas known to RI S, each schema type (standard or secure), and whether the
schemas associ ated di cti onary i s owned or shared. Buttons correspondi ng to the
acti ons of the Schema Manager are al so on the di al og box. When you choose a button,
you i ni ti ate that parti cul ar acti on, and the associ ated subordi nate di al og box i s
di spl ayed. When you choose one of the schemas from the l i st on the RIS Schema
Manager di al og box, i nformati on about that schema i s di spl ayed on the subordi nate
di al og box.
1. Acti vate the RIS Schema Manager.
TheRIS Schema Manager dialogbox appears.

9 - 6 rismgr

2. Choose the button from the RIS Schema Manager di al og box for the functi on
you want to use. The RI S Schema Manager functi ons are descri bed bri efl y i n the
fol l owi ng l i st. See the secti on l i sted for a compl ete descri pti on.
Button Name Function
Schema Defi ni ti on Provi des addi ti onal functi ons and di al og boxes for
defi ni ng schemas. See the secti on Schema Definition.
Data Defi ni ti on Provi des addi ti onal functi ons and di al og boxes that
mani pul ate tabl es, vi ews, and i ndexes. See the secti on
DisplayingTable, View, and I ndex I nformation.
Schema Fi l e Lets you revi ew and mani pul ate schema fi l es. See the
secti on Reviewingand ManipulatingSchema Files.
Locate Cl i ent Lets you revi ew and speci fy the l ocati on of a RI S cl i ent
process. See the secti on LocatingRI S Client Processes.
Set Lets you set ANSI , autocommi t, autorename, bl ankstri p,
and veri fy modes on or off and enabl e di fferent
databases. See the secti on SettingModes and Enabling
3. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Choose the Reset button to erase the subordi nate di al og boxes.
TheRIS Schema Manager rereads theRI S schemas file.
Choose the Closebutton to end the RI S Schema Manager sessi on.
Choose the Help button to obtai n RI S Schema Manager hel p.
rismgr 9 - 7

Schema Definition
The Schema Definition di al og box l ets you i ni ti ate functi ons to di spl ay schema
i nformati on, create and drop schemas, access secure schemas and di cti onari es, and
modi fy schema passwords, node i nformati on, and DB2 passwords.
1. Choose the Schema Definition button from the RIS Schema Manager di al og

TheSchema Definition dialogbox appears.
The di al og box has ei ght buttons, each l etti ng you i ni ti ate a parti cul ar functi on.
2. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Choose the button from the Schema Definition di al og box for the functi on
you want to use. The Schema Defi ni ti on functi ons are descri bed bri efl y i n
the fol l owi ng l i st. See the secti on l i sted for a compl ete descri pti on.
Button Name Function
Schema I nformati on Di spl ays i nformati on about a speci fi ed schema.
See the secti on DisplayingSchema I nformation.
Create Schema Creates schemas. See the secti on Creating
Drop Schema Drops schemas. See the secti on Dropping
9 - 8 rismgr

Secure Schema Access Grants and revokes access to a secure schema.
See the secti on Granting/ RevokingAccess
Privileges toSecureSchemas.
Di cti onary Access Grants and revokes di cti onary access to a
schema. See the secti on ObtainingDictionary
Modi fy Schema Password Modi fi es the schema password. See the secti on
ModifyingSchema Passwords.
Modi fy Node I nformati on Modi fi es node i nformati on. See the secti on
ModifyingNodeI nformation.
Modi fy DB2 Password Modi fi es the DB2 password. See the secti on
ModifyDB2 Password Form.
Choose the Reset button to di smi ss the subordi nate di al og boxes.
Choose the Closebutton to di smi ss the Schema Definition di al og box.
Choose the Help button to obtai n RI S Schema Defi ni ti on hel p.
rismgr 9 - 9

DisplayingSchema Information
The Schema Information di al og box di spl ays i nformati on about a speci fi ed schema.
You can key i n a schema name or sel ect a name from the Schema Namel i st on the RIS
Schema Manager di al og box.
1. Choose the Schema Information button from the Schema Definition di al og

The Schema Information di al og box appears and di spl ays i nformati on about the
sel ected schema (i f one has been sel ected from the RIS Schema Manager di al og
2. Do one of the fol l owi ng i f the schema you want i s not al ready the sel ected schema:
I n the Schema Namebox, type a schema name.
Sel ect a schema from the Schema Namel i st on the RIS Schema Manager
di al og box.
Theschema information is displayed.
The fol l owi ng i nformati on i s di spl ayed:
Schema Name Di spl ays the schema name.
9 - 10 rismgr

Schema Type Di spl ays whether the schema i s a standard or secure
Network Protocol Di spl ays the type of network protocol bei ng used to
communi cate wi th the RI S data server.
Nodename or Address Di spl ays a nodename, an Ethernet address
(speci fi ed i n the [l an.]address) di al og box, an I nternet address, or an address
appropri ate for the protocol of the machi ne where the RI S data server i s
l ocated.
Database Username Di spl ays the database username.
OS Type Di spl ays the operati ng system type on whi ch the server i s
runni ng (for exampl e, UNI X or Wi ndows NT).
Di cti onary Owner Di spl ays the user who owns the di cti onary.
Database Type Di spl ays the database type (for exampl e, I NFORMI X, or
3. To di smi ss the Schema Information di al og box, cl i ck Close.
rismgr 9 - 11

The CreateSchema di al og box creates new RI S schemas and corresponds di rectl y to
the RI S create schema statement. The database-speci fi c i nformati on on the Create
Schema di al og box can be entered i n three ways:
By enteri ng the i nformati on di rectl y i n the boxes. I f the schema i s bei ng created
on a database unknown to RI S, thi s i s the onl y al ternati ve.
By sel ecti ng an exi sti ng schema from the RIS Schema Manager di al og box. The
database-speci fi c i nformati on about that schema i s entered i nto the Create
Schema di al og box. Thi s method i s parti cul arl y conveni ent when creati ng
addi ti onal schemas on a database.
By sel ecti ng the Display Databases button. A di al og box l i sti ng al l the known
RI S databases appears. Sel ecti ng one of these databases enters i nformati on about
that database i nto the CreateSchema di al og box.
1. Sel ect the CreateSchema button from the Schema Definition di al og box.

TheCreateSchema dialogbox appears.
9 - 12 rismgr

The CreateSchema di al og box has two areas:
The DBMS-i ndependent area
The DBMS-dependent area
2. Enter the appropri ate val ues for the DBMS-i ndependent secti on of the di al og box.
The fol l owi ng l i st expl ai ns the DBMS-i ndependent control s.
Schema Name Type a name for the schema you want to create.
(Schema Name) Password Enter a password for the schema. The No
Echo/Echo button causes the password to not di spl ay (No Echo) or di spl ay
(Echo) when i t i s entered.
Schema Type Cl i ck thi s button to toggl e between Standard and Secure
Network Protocol Sel ect the type of network protocol to use to
communi cate wi th the RI S data server. Onl y the top (#1) protocol i s used i n
the create schema statement. When you sel ect a protocol , i t moves to the
bottom (#4). I SO, XNS and DECNET are not currentl y supported.
To change the order of the Network Protocol boxes, sel ect one Network
Protocol box and i ts val ue i s repl aced wi th the val ue of the Network Protocol
box bel ow i t. The val ue that was ori gi nal l y sel ected i s moved to the bottom
of the l i st.
Nodename or Address Speci fy a nodename, an I nternet address, or an
address appropri ate for the protocol of the machi ne where the RI S data
server i s l ocated. Enter a val ue or cl i ck the Get Cl i ent Address button.
Get Cl i ent Address Cl i ck thi s button to enter the addresses of the cl i ent
machi ne i n the Nodename or Address boxes. Thi s i s useful when the RI S
cl i ent and the RI S data server are on the same machi ne.
Database Username Type the database username.
(Database Username) Password Type a password for the database
username. The No Echo/Echo button causes the password to not di spl ay (No
Echo) or di spl ay (Echo) when i t i s entered.
I ncl ude Database Users Tabl es/Vi ews Cl i ck thi s button to toggl e between
Yes to i ncl ude the database users tabl es and vi ews, or No not to i ncl ude the
database users tabl es and vi ews.
OS Type From the l i st, sel ect the operati ng system type on whi ch the RI S
data server i s runni ng.
Use Exi sti ng Di cti onary Cl i ck thi s button to toggl e between No (the
defaul t) and Yes. You must al ready have permi ssi on from the di cti onary
owner to use an exi sti ng di cti onary.
rismgr 9 - 13

Di cti onary Owner Type a user who owns a di cti onary i n the parti cul ar
3. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Sel ect a database type from the DatabaseTypel i st. I f the sel ected
database type requi res addi ti onal i nformati on, boxes to enter that
i nformati on are di spl ayed when you sel ect the database type.

The supported RDBMSs are:

The DBMS-dependent control s for each database type are
expl ai ned i n separate subsecti ons fol l owi ng thi s secti on.
To di spl ay databases known to RI S, sel ect the Display Databases button.
9 - 14 rismgr

The Databases di al og box appears. Databases known to RI S are l i sted on
thi s di al og box. Sel ect a database from the di al og box. Control s contai ni ng
i nformati on speci fi c to the database sel ected are shown on the Create
Schema di al og box.
4. See the secti on speci fi c to the type of database on whi ch you are creati ng the
schema for i nstructi ons on fi l l i ng i n the DBMS-dependent boxes.
For more i nformati on, see these secti ons:
CreatingSchemas (I NFORMI X)
CreatingSchemas (ORACLE)
CreatingSchemas (DB2)
CreatingSchemas (SYBASE)
CreatingSchemas (Microsoft SQL Server)
rismgr 9 - 15

CreatingSchemas (INFORMIX)
When you sel ect the I NFORMI X DBMS from the DatabaseTypel i st on the Create
Schema di al og box, the I NFORMI X-dependent control s appear on the di al og box.

1. Enter the appropri ate val ues for the I NFORMI X-dependent control s. The
fol l owi ng l i st expl ai ns these control s.
Database Name Speci fi es the I NFORMI X database name accessi bl e to the
I f the RI SI NFDS data server or RI SI NFNS net server i s on a UNI X node:
For the I NFORMI X Standard Engi ne product, the <dbname> must be a ful l
pathname (for exampl e, /usr2/i nformi x/dbnam1). On UNI X systems, the
fi l ename porti on cannot be l onger than ten characters because I NFORMI X
adds a DBS suffi x to i t.
For the I NFORMI X OnLi ne Engi ne product, the <dbname> needs onl y to be
the database name.
I f the RI SI NFDS data server or RI SI NFNS net server i s on a Wi ndows NT
For the I NFORMI X Standard Engi ne product, the <dbname> must be a ful l
pathname and must i ncl ude the I NFORMI X server name wi th the @
separator: </C=/dbs/dbname@servername>
9 - 16 rismgr

For the I NFORMI X OnLi ne Engi ne product, the <dbname> must i ncl ude onl y
the I NFORMI X server name wi th the @ separator: <dbname@servername>
Database Management System Locati on Enter the path where the
I NFORMI X RDBMS software i s i nstal l ed.
SQLEXEC Speci fi es whether I NFORMI X OnLi ne or I NFORMI X
Standard Engi ne i s bei ng used. Enter thi s i nformati on i f both the Standard
Engi ne and Onl i ne exi st on the machi ne; otherwi se, I NFORMI X defaul ts to
Onl i ne. For the I NFORMI X Database Management System l ocated i n
I f usi ng I NFORMI X OnLi ne Engi ne, enter $I NFORMI XDI R/ lib/ sqlturbo
I f usi ng the I NFORMI X Standard Engi ne, enter
$I NFORMI XDI R/ lib/ sqlexec
For the I NFORMI X Database Management System l ocated i n
c:\wi n32app\i nformi x on a Wi ndows NT node:
I f usi ng I NFORMI X OnLi ne Engi ne, enter,
c:\ win32app\ informix\ bin\ sqlturbo.exe
I f usi ng the I NFORMI X Standard Engi ne, enter,
c:\ win32app\ informix\ bin\ sqlexec.exe

Thi s parameter i s not used when the RI S Data server resi des
on a Wi ndows NT node. I f the RI S data server resi des on a
Wi ndows NT node thi s i nformati on i s obtai ned from the
regi stry.
DBTEMP Enter the path where I NFORMI X wi l l create temporary fi l es.
TBCONFI G Enter the path of the TBCONFI G fi l e used by I NFORMI X
OnLi ne. Thi s fi l e permi ts I NFORMI X OnLi ne to be confi gured so that a
l arge number of tabl es can be used wi th joi ns. Al so, tabl e structures and
l i mi ts can be vari ed wi th thi s fi l e. Refer to your I NFORMI X documentati on
for more i nformati on on the TBCONFI G fi l e.
2. When compl ete, do one of the fol l owi ng:
To create the schema, cl i ck the Apply button.
To cl ear the di al og box, cl i ck the Reset button.
To drop previ ousl y created RI S di cti onary objects (such as RI S tabl es, vi ews,
i ndexes, and schema pri vi l eges) before creati ng the new schema, cl i ck the
To di smi ss the di al og box wi thout creati ng a schema, cl i ck the Closebutton.
rismgr 9 - 17

CreatingSchemas (ORACLE)
When you sel ect the ORACLE DBMS from the DatabaseTypel i st on the Create
Schema di al og box, the ORACLE-dependent control s appear on the di al og box.

1. Enter the appropri ate val ues for the ORACLE-dependent control s. The fol l owi ng
l i st expl ai ns these control s.
Database Name Enter the system i denti fi er (SI D) of the ORACLE
database. The SI D shoul d be i n the correct format for ORACLE.
Database Management System Locati on Enter the ORACLE home path
(where ORACLE i s i nstal l ed).
OS Username Enter a val i d operati ng system l og-i n name on the server
machi ne.
Password Enter the operati ng system l og-i n password, i f any.

For a gi ven ORACLE SI D, al l schemas created usi ng that SI D
must have the same operati ng system username and password
combi nati on.
9 - 18 rismgr

2. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To create the schema, cl i ck the Apply button.
To cl ear the form, cl i ck the Reset button.
To drop previ ousl y created RI S di cti onary objects (such as RI S tabl es, vi ews,
i ndexes, and schema pri vi l eges) before creati ng the new schema, cl i ck the
To di smi ss the form wi thout creati ng a schema, cl i ck the Closebutton.
rismgr 9 - 19

CreatingSchemas (DB2)
When you sel ect the DB2 DBMS from the DatabaseTypel i st on the CreateSchema
di al og box, the DB2-dependent control s appear on the di al og box.

1. Enter the appropri ate val ues for the DB2-dependent control s. The fol l owi ng l i st
expl ai ns these control s.
Database Name Enter a DB2 database name accessi bl e by the schema.
The name i s case sensi ti ve and must have from one to ei ght al phanumeri c
Group Name Enter the RACF group name for TCPI P protocol . The RACF
group name i s passed to the RI S Transacti on Processor securi ty exi t on the
I BM mai nframe system for use duri ng si gn-on processi ng. (Opti onal .)
OS Username Enter a val i d operati ng system l og-i n name on the server
machi ne.
Password Enter the operati ng system l og-i n password, i f any. The No
Echo/Echo button causes the password to not di spl ay (No Echo) or di spl ay
(Echo) when i t i s entered.

For LU6.2 protocol , the Group Name box i s i gnored i n thi s
versi on of RI S.
TCP/I P i s not supported.
9 - 20 rismgr

I BM Network Protocol From the l i st, sel ect the network protocol that RI S
uses to access the I BM machi ne on whi ch the DBMS resi des. The protocol i s

The fol l owi ng control s are val i d for LU6.2 network protocol onl y:

RI S LU Name Enter the SSI l ocal LU name, ei ther ful l y qual i fi ed or
l ocal . Thi s name i s case sensi ti ve.
Host LU Name Enter the SSI remote LU name, ei ther ful l y qual i fi ed
or l ocal . Thi s name i s case sensi ti ve.
LU62 Mode Name Enter the name the I ntergraph System
Admi ni strator assi gned to the node that permi ts communi cati on to the
RI S program on an I BM machi ne. The mode assi gns attri butes to the
connecti on and must be predefi ned by the I ntergraph System
Admi ni strator. The mode name i s defi ned when LU6.2 i s confi gured.
Thi s name i s case sensi ti ve.
rismgr 9 - 21

Host Program Name Enter the name the I BM System Admi ni strator
assi gned the RI S server when i t was i nstal l ed on the I BM machi ne. Al so
enter the CES transacti on name. Thi s name i s case sensi ti ve.
2. When compl ete, do one of the fol l owi ng:
To create the schema, cl i ck the Apply button.
To cl ear the di al og box, cl i ck the Reset button.
To drop previ ousl y created RI S di cti onary objects (such as RI S tabl es, vi ews,
i ndexes, and schema pri vi l eges) before creati ng the new schema, cl i ck the
To di smi ss the di al og box wi thout creati ng a schema, cl i ck the Closebutton.
9 - 22 rismgr

CreatingSchemas (SYBASE)
When you sel ect the SYBASE DBMS from the DatabaseTypel i st on the Create
Schema di al og box, the SYBASE-dependent control s appear on the di al og box. You
must be granted createprocedurepri vi l eges before you can create shared schemas.

1. Enter the appropri ate val ues for the SYBASE-dependent control s. The fol l owi ng
l i st expl ai ns these control s.
Database Name Enter the name of the database the schema accesses.
Database Management System Locati on Enter the path where SYBASE i s
i nstal l ed. See the README.TXT fi l e del i vered wi th the RI SSYBDS product
for more i nformati on. Thi s i nformati on i s not requi red for al l servers.
OS Username Enter a val i d operati ng system l og-i n name on the server
machi ne.
Password Enter the operati ng system l og-i n password, i f any. The No
EchoEcho button causes the password not to di spl ay (No Echo) or to di spl ay
(Echo) when i t i s cl i cked.
DSQUERY Enter the database query l i stener. Thi s val ue i s the al i as
gi ven i n the interfaces fi l e. The defaul t name i s SYBASE. Thi s i nformati on
i s not requi red for al l servers.
rismgr 9 - 23

I FI LE Enter the name of the interfaces fi l e for the schema. By defaul t,
RI S uses the SYBASE i nterfaces fi l e named interfaces. On 32-bi t operati ng
systems the ifilei s named sql.ini. Thi s i nformati on i s not requi red for al l
2. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To create the schema, cl i ck the Apply button.
To cl ear the di al og box, cl i ck the Reset button.
To drop previ ousl y created RI S di cti onary objects (such as RI S tabl es, vi ews,
i ndexes, and schema pri vi l eges) before creati ng the new schema, cl i ck the
To di smi ss the di al og box wi thout creati ng a schema, cl i ck the Closebutton.
9 - 24 rismgr

CreatingSchemas (Microsoft SQL Server)
When you sel ect the SQL Server DBMS from the DatabaseTypel i st on the Create
Schema di al og box, the SQL Server-dependent control s appear on the di al og box.

1. Enter the appropri ate val ues for the Mi crosoft SQL Server-dependent control s.
The fol l owi ng l i st expl ai ns these control s.
Database Name Enter the name of the database the schema accesses.
Database Management System Locati on Enter the path where SQL
Server i s i nstal l ed. See the README.TXT fi l e del i vered wi th the
RI SMSFDS product for more i nformati on. Thi s i nformati on i s not requi red
for al l servers.
OS Username Enter a val i d operati ng system l og-i n name on the server
machi ne.
Password Enter the operati ng system l og-i n password, i f any. THe No
Echo/Echo button causes the password not to di spl ay (No Echo) or to di spl ay
(Echo) when i t i s cl i cked.
DSQUERY Currentl y thi s fi el d i s not used.
I FI LE Enter the name of the interfaces fi l e for the schema. By defaul t,
RI S uses the SQL Server i nterfaces fi l e named interfaces. Thi s i nformati on
i s not requi red for al l servers.
rismgr 9 - 25

2. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To create the schema, cl i ck the Apply button.
To cl ear the di al og box, cl i ck the Reset button.
To drop previ ousl y created RI S di cti onary objects (such as RI S tabl es, vi ews,
i ndexes, and schema pri vi l eges) before creati ng the new schema, cl i ck the
To di smi ss the di al og box wi thout creati ng a schema, cl i ck the Closebutton.
9 - 26 rismgr

The Drop Schema di al og box drops schemas usi ng the i nformati on you speci fy and
corresponds di rectl y to the RI S drop schema statement.
1. Choose the Drop Schema button from the Schema Definition di al og box.

The Drop Schema di al og box appears and di spl ays the name of the sel ected
schema (i f one has been sel ected from the RIS Schema Manager di al og box).
2. Do one of the fol l owi ng, i f the schema you want to drop i s not al ready the sel ected
I n the Schema Namebox on the Drop Schema di al og box, type the
schema name.
From the Schema Namel i st on the RIS Schema Manager di al og box,
sel ect a schema.
I f the schema i s a secure schema, a di al og box appears. Enter the database
username, database password, operati ng system username, and operati ng system
password i n the di al og box, i f di spl ayed.
3. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To drop the schema, cl i ck the Apply button.
To drop previ ousl y created RI S di cti onary objects (such as RI S tabl es, vi ews,
i ndexes, and schema pri vi l eges), cl i ck the Forcebutton.

The Force button removes the schema regardl ess of who i s
usi ng i t.
rismgr 9 - 27

To di smi ss the Drop Schema di al og box wi thout droppi ng the schema, cl i ck
the Closebutton.
Choose the Help button to obtai n Drop Schema hel p.
9 - 28 rismgr

Granting/RevokingAccess Privileges to Secure
The SecureSchema Access di al og box provi des access pri vi l eges to a secure schema.
1. Sel ect the SecureSchema Access button from the Schema Definition di al og

TheSecureSchema Access dialogbox appears.
I f a schema has al ready been sel ected from the RIS Schema Manager di al og
box, thi s schema i nformati on appears on the SecureSchema Access di al og box.
2. Do one of the fol l owi ng, i f the schema you want i s not al ready the acti ve schema:
Sel ect a schema from the Schema Namel i st on the RIS Schema Manager
di al og box.
Enter a name i nto the Schema Namebox to di spl ay i nformati on about a
A di al og box appears. Enter the database username, database password,
operati ng system username, and operati ng system password i n the di al og box.
3. Cl i ck the Action button to toggl e between granti ng and revoki ng secure schema
rismgr 9 - 29

4. Cl i ck the Privilegebutton to toggl e between granti ng and revoki ng resource and
connect pri vi l eges.
5. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Enter a username i n the Selected User box.
Sel ect a user from the Access Users l i st.
Sel ect a user from the All Users l i st.
6. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To grant or revoke pri vi l eges to the secure schema, cl i ck the Apply button.
To di smi ss the SecureSchema Access di al og box wi thout al teri ng schema
access, cl i ck the Closebutton.
Choose the Help button to obtai n hel p wi th granti ng and revoki ng schema
access pri vi l eges.
9 - 30 rismgr

ObtainingDictionary Access
Thi s di al og box grants and revokes access to a di cti onary for a sel ected user.
Sel ect the Dictionary Access button from the Schema Defi ni ti on di al og box.

TheDictionary Access dialogbox appears.
1. Do one of the fol l owi ng, i f the schema you want i s not al ready the sel ected schema:
Sel ect a schema from the Schema Namel i st on the RIS Schema Manager
di al og box.
Type a name i n the Schema Namebox to di spl ay i nformati on about a
I f the schema i s a secure schema, a di al og box appears.
Enter the database username, database password, operati ng system
username, and operati ng system password i n the di al og box, i f necessary.
2. Cl i ck the Action button to toggl e between granti ng and revoki ng access.
3. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
rismgr 9 - 31

Enter the name of the user to be granted or revoked access i n the Selected
User box.
Sel ect a name from the Access Users l i st.
Sel ect a name from the All Users l i st.
4. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To grant or revoke di cti onary access, cl i ck the Apply button.
To di smi ss the di al og box wi thout granti ng or revoki ng di cti onary access,
cl i ck the Closebutton.
Choose the Help button to obtai n hel p wi th granti ng and revoki ng
di cti onary access pri vi l eges.
9 - 32 rismgr

ModifyingSchema Passwords
Thi s di al og box l ets you modi fy the schema password.
1. Sel ect the Modify Schema Password button from the Schema Definition
di al og box.

TheModify Schema Password dialogbox appears.
2. Do one of the fol l owi ng, i f the schema you want i s not al ready the sel ected schema:
Sel ect a schema from the Schema Namel i st on the RIS Schema Manager
di al og box.
Type a name i n the Schema Namebox to di spl ay i nformati on about a
3. Type the new password i nto the NewPassword box.
I f the schema i s a secure schema, the Username Password di al og box appears.
Type the database username, database password, operati ng system username,
and operati ng sytem password i n the di al og box, i f necessary.
4. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To modi fy the schema password, cl i ck the Apply button. You must cl i ck the
Apply button after each sessi on to al ter the schema.
To di smi ss the di al og box wi thout al teri ng the schema, cl i ck the Close
To obtai n hel p wi th modi fyi ng schema passwords, cl i ck the Help button.
rismgr 9 - 33

Thi s di al og box l ets you modi fy node i nformati on.
1. Sel ect the Modify NodeInformation button from the Schema Definition
di al og box.

TheModify NodeInformation dialogbox appears.
2. Sel ect a schema from the Schema Namel i st on the RIS Schema Manager
di al og box or type a schema name i n the Schema Namebox to di spl ay
i nformati on about a schema, i f there i s no sel ected schema.
3. Choose the Modify Nodebutton from the di al og box. The current addresses
di spl ay i n the Nodenameor Address boxes.
Type the new names or addresses i n the boxes. Thi s acti on can al so be used to
change the order of the protocol s.
4. Choose the Modify DB User Password button. The database user associ ated
wi th the schema appears i n the DB Usernamebox. Thi s i s a read-onl y box.
5. Type the database user password i n the Password box. The No Echo/Echo
button causes the password to not di spl ay (No Echo) or di spl ay (Echo) when i t i s
9 - 34 rismgr

Thi s acti on does not change the users operati ng system account
password. I t changes onl y the RI S product copy of the user
password. Typi cal l y thi s command i s executed after users change
thei r operati ng system account passwords. Otherwi se an error
6. Choose the Modify OS User & Password button. The operati ng system user
associ ated wi th the schema appears i n the OS Usernamebox. Type a new
7. Type the operati ng system user password i n the Password box. The No
Echo/Echo button causes the password to not di spl ay (No Echo) or di spl ay (Echo)
when i t i s entered.
8. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To al ter the schema, cl i ck the Apply button. You must sel ect the Apply
button after each sessi on to al ter the schema.
To di smi ss the di al og box wi thout al teri ng the schema, cl i ck the Close
To obtai n hel p wi th modi fyi ng node i nformati on, cl i ck the Help button.
rismgr 9 - 35

Modify DB2Password Form
Thi s di al og box l ets you modi fy the DB2 password.

Thi s operati on i s val i d onl y for DB2 schemas.
1. Choose the Modify DB2Password button from the Schema Definition di al og

TheModify DB2Password dialogbox appears.
2. Sel ect a schema from the Schema Namel i st on the RIS Schema Manager
di al og box or type a schema name i n the Schema Namebox to di spl ay
i nformati on about a schema, i f the schema you want i s not al ready the sel ected
3. Type the ori gi nal password i nto the Old DB2Password box and the new
password i nto the NewDB2Password box. The AlternateLU62Modebox
appears on the di al og box i f thi s i nformati on i s requi red. Enter the LU6.2 mode
val ue i f the box di spl ays. The No Echo/Echo buttons cause the passwords to not
di spl ay (No Echo) or di spl ay (Echo) when they are entered.
4. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To al ter the schema, cl i ck the Apply button. Thi s acti on changes both the
MVS system password and the schema password. You must sel ect the
Apply button after each sessi on to al ter the schema.
To di smi ss the di al og box wi thout al teri ng the schema, cl i ck the Close
9 - 36 rismgr

To obtai n hel p wi th modi fyi ng the DB2 password, cl i ck the Help button.
rismgr 9 - 37

DisplayingTable, View, and Index Information
The Data Definition di al og box has si x buttons that di spl ay i nformati on about the
tabl es, vi ews, and i ndexes defi ned for the speci fi ed schema, and l et you make
modi fi cati ons.
The Data Definition functi on performs si x acti ons:
1. Di spl ays tabl e i nformati on
2. Creates tabl es
3. Drops tabl es
4. Adds a col umn to a tabl e
5. I ncl udes tabl es, vi ews, and i ndexes from the i n-memory data di cti onary
6. Excl udes tabl es, vi ews, and i ndexes i n the i n-memory data di cti onary
When you cl i ck the button for one of these acti ons, a di al og box associ ated wi th that
acti on appears.

I f the sel ected schema requi res a password, or a database
username/password and operati ng system username/password, the
i nformati on must be entered before the di al og boxes can accept
i nformati on.
9 - 38 rismgr

1. Choose the Data Definition button from the RIS Schema Manager di al og box.
The Data Definitiondi al og box appears.

2. I f the schema you want i s not al ready the sel ected schema, do one of the fol l owi ng:
From the RIS Schema Manager di al og box, sel ect a schema from the
Schema Namel i st.
I n the Schema Namebox, type a name.
3. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Cl i ck the button for the acti on you want to perform. See the secti on for the
acti on chosen for further i nstructi ons.
Cl i ck the Closebutton to di smi ss the Data Definition di al og box.
Cl i ck the Help button to obtai n further i nformati on about the Data
Definition di al og box.
rismgr 9 - 39

The TableInformation di al og box di spl ays the defi ni ti on of the speci fi ed tabl e. For
each col umn i n the tabl e, the l i st col umns di spl ay i nformati on such as the col umn
posi ti on, col umn name, DBMS col umn name, col umn type, and whether nul l s are
permi tted i n the col umn. Al so, a box i s provi ded to search for speci fi c col umns.
1. Choose the TableInfobutton from the Data Definition di al og box.

TheTableInformation dialogbox appears.
2. To choose a tabl e, type the tabl e name i n the TableNamebox or sel ect the tabl e
from the Type/Namel i st on the Data Definition di al og box.
The tabl e i nformati on appears on the TableInformation di al og box.
3. To di smi ss the Tabl e I nformati on di al og box, cl i ck the Closebutton.
4. To obtai n further i nformati on about the TableInformation di al og box, cl i ck the
Help button.
9 - 40 rismgr

The CreateTabledi al og box creates tabl es i n the schema speci fi ed on the Data
Definition di al og box. I f the name of an exi sti ng tabl e i s typed i n the TableName
box or sel ected from the Type/Namel i st on the Data Definition di al og box, the
defi ni ti on of that tabl e i s l oaded i nto the CreateTabledi al og box. Thi s can be useful
when creati ng several si mi l ar tabl es.

The CreateTabledi al og box creates newtabl es. I t cannot be used to
modi fy exi sti ng tabl es. The abi l i ty to l oad exi sti ng tabl e defi ni ti ons i nto
the di al og box exi sts onl y to provi de a templ ateor starti ng poi ntfor
new tabl es.
1. Choose the CreateTablebutton from the Data Definition di al og box.

TheCreateTabledialogbox appears.
2. The CreateTabledi al og box has two sets of control buttons. There i s a set of
di al og box control buttons (across the bottom of the di al og box), and a set of mode
control buttons.
The mode control buttons are used to execute and reset the di fferent modes of the
di al og box. The CreateTabledi al og box operates i n three modes that are
represented by three buttons:
rismgr 9 - 41

I nsert Col umn Cl i ck thi s button to add new col umns to the tabl e
defi ni ti on. I f a col umn i s sel ected i n the Col umn Name l i st, the new col umn
i s i nserted i n front of the sel ected col umn. Otherwi se the new col umn i s
appended to the l i st. Cl i ck the mode Apply button to i nsert the col umn.
Drop Col umn Cl i ck thi s button to drop col umns from the tabl e defi ni ti on.
Choose the col umn to drop by cl i cki ng the col umn i n the Col umn Name l i st.
Cl i ck the Mode Apply button to drop the col umn.
Modi fy Col umn Cl i ck thi s button to modi fy col umn defi ni ti ons. Choose the
col umn to modi fy by typi ng the col umn name i n the Col umn Name Search
box, or by cl i cki ng the col umn i n the Col umn Name l i st. Cl i ck the Mode
Apply button to modi fy the col umn.
Cl i cki ng the mode Cancel button cl ears the di al og box mode.
3. Type the tabl e name i n the TableNamebox or sel ect the tabl e from the
Type/Namel i st on the Data Definition di al og box.
4. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To create the tabl e, cl i ck the Apply button.
To cl ear the di al og box, cl i ck the Reset button.
To di smi ss the di al og box wi thout creati ng the tabl e, cl i ck the Closebutton.
To obtai n further i nformati on about the CreateTabledi al og box, cl i ck the
Help button.
9 - 42 rismgr

The Drop Tabledi al og box drops tabl es from the schema speci fi ed on the Data
Definition di al og box. Droppi ng a tabl e removes the tabl e data, the tabl e structure,
and any associ ated i ndexes. Once a tabl e has been dropped, i t no l onger exi sts i n the
database nor does i t exi st to RI S.
1. Cl i ck the Drop Tablebutton on the Data Definition di al og box.

TheDrop Tabledialogbox appears.
2. To choose the tabl e to drop, type the tabl e name i n the TableNamebox or sel ect
the tabl e from the Type/Namel i st on the Data Definition di al og box.
3. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To drop the tabl e, cl i ck the Apply button.
To di smi ss the di al og box wi thout droppi ng the tabl e, cl i ck the Closebutton.
To obtai n further i nformati on about the Drop Tabledi al og box, cl i ck the
Help button.
rismgr 9 - 43

AppendingColumns to Tables
The Alter Tabledi al og box al ters exi sti ng tabl es i n the schema speci fi ed on the Data
Definition di al og box. Thi s di al og box corresponds to the RI S alter table
command. You can append onl y one new col umn at a ti me to an exi sti ng tabl e.
1. Cl i ck the Alter Tablebutton on the Data Definition di al og box.

TheAlter Tabledialogbox appears.
2. I f the tabl e you want to al ter i s not al ready the sel ected tabl e, do one of the
fol l owi ng:
Type a tabl e name i n the TableNamebox.
Sel ect a tabl e from the Type/Namel i st on the Data Definition di al og box.
3. Defi ne the new col umn by enteri ng the i nformati on i n the control s of the Column
Definition to Append to Tablegroup box. The fol l owi ng l i st expl ai ns these
control s.
Col umn Name Type the name for the new col umn.
9 - 44 rismgr

dbms Col umn Name Type a col umn name for the underl yi ng database.
By defaul t, thi s name i s the same as Col umn Name, but you can speci fy
another name.
Col umn Type Choose the data type for the col umn.
Length Choose the data l ength. Thi s box remai ns i nacti ve unl ess the data
type you choose requi res i t.
Nul l s Choose whether NULL val ues are al l owed i n the col umn. Toggl e
between yes to al l ow NULL val ues or no.
4. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To append the col umn to the tabl e, cl i ck the Apply button. Repeat from
Step 2 to defi ne another new col umn.
To cl ear the Al ter tabl e di al og box, cl i ck the Reset button.
To di smi ss the Al ter Tabl e di al og box, cl i ck the Closebutton.
To obtai n further i nformati on about the Al ter Tabl e di al og box, cl i ck the
Help button.
rismgr 9 - 45

IncludingTables, Views, and Indexes
Thi s di al og box i ncl udes tabl es, vi ews, and i ndexes from the i n-memory data di cti onary.
1. Cl i ck the Includebutton on the Data Definition di al og box.

TheIncludedialogbox appears.
2. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
I n the dbms TableNamebox, type a name.
From the dbms TableNamesl i st, sel ect the name you want to i ncl ude.
3. From the Typel i st, choose tabl e, vi ew, or i ndex.
4. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To al ter the schema, cl i ck the Apply button. You must cl i ck the Apply
button each ti me you i ncl ude a tabl e, vi ew, or i ndex.
To cl ear the di al og box, cl i ck the Reset button.
9 - 46 rismgr

To di smi ss the di al og box wi thout al teri ng the schema, cl i ck the Close
To obtai n further i nformati on about the I ncl ude di al og box, cl i ck the Help
rismgr 9 - 47

ExcludingTables, Views, and Indexes
Thi s di al og box excl udes tabl es, vi ews, and i ndexes from the i n-memory data di cti onary.
1. Choose the Excludebutton from the Data Definition di al og box.

TheExcludedialogbox appears.
2. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
I n the TableNamebox, type a name.
From the TableNamesl i st, sel ect the name you want to excl ude.
3. From the Typel i st, choose tabl e, vi ew, or i ndex.
4. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To al ter the schema, cl i ck the Apply button. You must cl i ck the Apply
button after excl udi ng each tabl e, vi ew, or i ndex.
To cl ear the di al og box, cl i ck the Reset button.
To di smi ss the di al og box wi thout al teri ng the schema, cl i ck the Close
To obtai n further i nformati on about the Excl ude di al og box, cl i ck the Help
9 - 48 rismgr

Reviewingand ManipulatingSchema Files
The Schema Filedi al og box l ets you revi ew and mani pul ate schema fi l es.
By defaul t, RI S mai ntai ns the schema fi l e c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common
Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ schemas, whi ch tracks the schemas known to RI S.
1. Cl i ck the Schema Filebutton on the RIS Schema Manager di al og box.

TheSchema Filedialogbox appears.
2. Choose one of the buttons on the ri ght si de of the di al og box. I f you cl i ck the
Locate Schema Filebutton, al l the control s become acti ve, l etti ng you enter the
appropri ate val ues. The fol l owi ng l i st expl ai ns the buttons.
Show Schema Fi l e Locati on Produces read-onl y i nformati on on the
speci fi ed schema fi l e.
Locate Schema Fi l e Lets you rename your schema fi l e or speci fy a
di fferent protocol .
Checksum Schema Fi l e Recomputes the checksum for the speci fi ed
schema fi l e.

Checksum i s a mechani sm used to veri fy that the schema fi l e
has not been corrupted. I f you manual l y edi t the fi l e (i nstead of
maki ng changes through the RIS Schema Manager), the
checksum i s no l onger accurate.
rismgr 9 - 49

3. Enter the appropri ate val ues on the di al og box when the LocateSchema File
button i s cl i cked. The fol l owi ng l i st expl ai ns the control s on the Schema File
Local , TCP Choose a network protocol for your schema fi l e from the check
boxes. XNS and Decnet are not supported.
Schema Fi l e Name Type the name of a schema fi l e. The ful l pathname for
the schema fi l e must be speci fi ed unl ess the RI S HOME di rectory (the
defaul t di rectory) i s i ntended.
Nodename or Address Type the nodename or address where the schema
fi l e i s l ocated. I f the compl ete path i s not speci fi ed, the fi l e i s assumed to be
l ocated where RI S was i nstal l ed.
Username Type a system user name that has access to the schema fi l e.

A schema fi l e must be readabl e by al l users permi tted to access
the schemas. A schema fi l e must be readabl e and wri tabl e by
al l users authori zed to create, al ter, or drop schemas. The
users permi tted to create, al ter, and drop schemas must be abl e
to create and del ete fi l es i n the di rectory where the schema fi l e
i s l ocated.
Password Type a system password associ ated wi th Username. The No
Echo/Echo button causes the password to not di spl ay (the defaul t, No Echo)
or di spl ay (Echo) when i t i s entered.
4. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To l ocate the schema fi l e, cl i ck the Apply button.
To di smi ss the di al og box, cl i ck the Cancel button.
To obtai n hel p wi th the Schema Fi l e di al og box, cl i ck the Help button.
9 - 50 rismgr

LocatingRIS Client Processes
The Locate Cl i ent di al og box l ets you revi ew the l ocati on of a RI S cl i ent process or
speci fy a new l ocati on. Use thi s process when there i s a need to run RI S Cl i ent on a
di fferent machi ne.
1. Cl i ck the LocateClient button on the RIS Schema Manager di al og box.

TheLocateClient dialogbox appears.
2. Cl i ck the ShowClient Location button to show the current l ocati on of the RI S
Cl i ent process.
Cl i ck the LocateClient button to speci fy a new l ocati on for the RI S Cl i ent
3. I n the Nodenameor Address box, type the nodename or address of the RI S
Cl i ent machi ne.
4. I n the Usernamebox, type the name of the operati ng system user for the RI S
Cl i ent machi ne.
5. I n the Password box, type the user password, i f any. The No Echo/Echo button
causes the password to not di spl ay (No Echo) or di spl ay (Echo) when i t i s entered.
6. Choose the Local or TCP network protocol . XNS and Decnet are not supported.
rismgr 9 - 51

7. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To rel ocate the cl i ent, cl i ck the Apply button.
To cl ear the di al og box, cl i ck the Reset button.
To di smi ss the LocateClient di al og box wi thout rel ocati ng the cl i ent, cl i ck
the Closebutton.
To obtai n hel p wi th the LocateClient di al og box, cl i ck the Help button.
9 - 52 rismgr

SettingModes and EnablingDatabases
The Set di al og box sets the ANSI , Veri fy, Bl ank Stri p, Autocommi t, and Autorename
modes on or off and enabl es vari ous databases.
1. Cl i ck the Set button on the RIS Schema Manager di al og box.

TheSet dialogbox appears.

Setti ng any of these functi ons affects onl y the remai nder of the RIS
Schema Manager sessi on.
2. To set modes and enabl e databases, cl i ck the OK button.
3. Cl i ck ANSI Modecheck box to set ANSI on or off. The defaul t i s on.
I f you set ANSI Modeto on, schema, tabl e, col umn, vi ew, and i ndex names are
l i mi ted to 18 characters. Use thi s mode when creati ng names (for tabl es,
col umns, and so forth) that shoul d be ANSI compl i ant (18 characters or fewer.)
I f you set ANSI Modeto off, names can be up to 31 characters, based upon the
underl yi ng RDBMS. Remember, though, that these names may not be
portabl e.
4. I f you set Blankstrip Modeto on, risunlod stri ps trai l i ng bl anks from character
data. Set thi s mode to off i f you want to preserve trai l i ng bl anks.
rismgr 9 - 53

5. I f you set Verify Modeto on, tabl e and vi ew defi ni ti ons retri eved from the
database are val i dated agai nst the defi ni ti ons stored i n the RI S di cti onary tabl es.
Setti ng Verify Modeto off retri eves defi ni ti ons from the database onl y, omi tti ng
the val i dati on. Omi tti ng val i dati on reduces the executi on ti me when referenci ng a
tabl e or vi ew for the fi rst ti me; however, i f an appl i cati on dynami cal l y creates
tabl es and vi ews, the defi ni ti ons i n the RI S di cti onary tabl es and the DBMS may
become i nconsi stent i f Verify Modei s off.
6. I f you set Autocommit on, changes made to the Set form take effect
i mmedi atel y. I f Autocommit i s off, the changes take effect onl y when you sel ect
7. I f you set Autorenameon, schema, tabl e, col umn, vi ew, and i ndex names that
are l onger than the parti cul ar database l i mi tati on are automati cal l y renamed to
compl y wi th the shorter l ength. The defaul t i s on.
8. Cl i ck the Enabled Databases check boxes to choose RDBMSs that can be used.
Use thi s functi on when you want to create tabl e or col umn names that confl i ct
wi th the keywords of other databases.
9. Do one of the fol l owi ng:
To set modes and enabl e databases, cl i ck the OK button.
To voi d the process, cl i ck the Cancel button.
9 - 54 rismgr

risplbck 10 - 1

10 - 2 risplbck

risplbck 10 - 3

Thi s uti l i ty reads a <commandfile>that contai ns a l i st of the RI S commands executed
by an appl i cati on and executes each of the RI S commands. The <commandfile>i s
generated wi th the risrecrd uti l i ty.
RI S recordi ng i s control l ed by the risrecrd uti l i ty. The risplbck uti l i ty reads a fi l e
generated by a RI S appl i cati on that i s executed whi l e RI S recordi ng i s on. Thi s fi l e
contai ns a l i st of al l the RI S commands executed by the appl i cati on. The risplbck uti l i ty
executes each of the RI S commands and compares SQLCODEs and ti mes.

Thi s uti l i ty i s for debuggi ng purposes onl y.
The risplbck uti l i ty can onl y read fi l es generated wi th the risrecrd uti l i ty
of the same basi c versi on. That i s, i f you generate a fi l e wi th risrecrd
Versi on 4.3, then you can pl ay back the fi l e onl y wi th risplbck Versi on
The risplbck uti l i ty compares the SQLCODEs of the recorded commands wi th the
SQLCODEs of the pl ayback commands and reports i f they are di fferent. I f they are
di fferent, the acti on risplbck takes i s speci fi ed i n the acti on fi l e. Each row of the acti on
fi l e has three fi el ds separated by col ons(:): 1) the recorded resul ts; 2) the pl ayback
resul ts; and 3) an acti on. Val i d val ues for the two resul ts fi el ds are:
SUCCESS RI S command executed successful l y.
END_OF_DATA RI S command returned end-of-data.
ERROR RI S command returned an error.
Val i d val ues for the acti on fi el d are:
STOP Stop the pl ayback executi on.
CONTINUE Conti nue the pl ayback wi th the next RI S command.
RETRY Retry the RI S command one ti me, i f i t fai l s, stop.
Here i s a sampl e row:
The row i ndi cates that i f a command executed successful l y at record ti me, but got an
end-of-data duri ng pl ayback, conti nue wi th the pl ayback anyway.
By defaul t, risplbck conti nues on al l resul ts.
10 - 4 risplbck

To start the risplbck uti l i ty, do one of the fol l owi ng:
Type risplbck i n a Command Prompt wi ndow.

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from Program Manager; then choose the RI S Pl ayback
i con:

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from the Program Manager; then choose the RI S
I nteracti ve i con. Choose the Uti l i ti es... button from the RI S I nteracti ve form; then
choose the RI S Pl ayback... button from the Uti l i ti es form.

I f you use another uti l i ty wi thi n RI S I nteracti ve, you must choose the
Restart button before RI S I nteracti ve i s aware of any RI S parameter
changes, or creati ng or droppi ng of schemas.
risplbck 10 - 5

risplbck [-?] [-V] [-n] [-i] [-c] [-d]
[-t] [-f] [-v] [-a <actionfile>] [-o <outputfile>] [<commmandfile>]
<none> I f you do not speci fy any command-l i ne arguments, or i f you start the
uti l i ty by sel ecti ng i ts i con from the Program Manager, the uti l i ty runs
i nteracti vel y and prompts for the necessary i nformati on.
-? Di spl ay usage i nformati on and exi t.
-V Di spl ay versi on i nformati on and exi t.
-n No execute mode. Just read and val i date the fi l e.
-i I mmedi ate pl ayback mode. I gnore any del ays.
-c Cal cul ate command ti mes. I f command ti mes were recorded, compare
the pl ayback command ti mes and the recorded command ti mes and
report the di fference.
-d Cal cul ate del ay ti mes. I f del ay ti mes were recorded, compare the
pl ayback del ay ti mes and the recorded del ay ti mes and report the
di fference.
-t Cal cul ate total el apsed ti mes. I f el apsed ti mes were recorded, compare
the pl ayback el apsed ti mes and the recorded el apsed ti mes and report
the di fference.
-f Fetch bl ob/text fi l es i nto same fi l es as recorded sessi on. The defaul t i s to
fetch bl ob/text fi l es i nto temporary fi l es.
-v Verbose mode.
Acti ons are defi ned i n fi l e <acti onfi l e>.
Wri te al l output to <outputfi l e>.
To pl ay back the RI S commands previ ousl y recorded i n the command fi l e load.rap and
cal cul ate command, del ay, and total ti mes, key i n:
risplbck -cdt -o load.out load.rap
The risplbck output i s wri tten i n the load.out fi l e.
10 - 6 risplbck

c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ bin\ risplbck
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ parms
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ ris.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ net.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ utl.msg
Status Returns
0 Normal termi nati on.
1 Abnormal termi nati on.
risrecrd 11 - 1

11 - 2 risrecrd

risrecrd 11 - 3

Thi s uti l i ty control s RI S recordi ng for the current user. RI S recordi ng can be turned on,
turned off, and the status of recordi ng can be queri ed wi th thi s uti l i ty. When RI S
recordi ng i s on, any RI S command executed by any of the current users appl i cati ons
are recorded and pl aced i n <outputfile>. These commands can then be re-executed by
the risplbck uti l i ty.

Thi s uti l i ty i s for debuggi ng purposes onl y.
The risplbck uti l i ty can onl y read fi l es generated wi th the risrecrd uti l i ty
of the same basi c versi on. That i s, i f you generate a fi l e wi th risrecrd
Versi on 4.3, then you can pl ay back the fi l e wi th risplbck Versi on 4.x.x.x.
The risrecrd uti l i ty affects onl y RI S appl i cati ons executed by the current
user. I f an appl i cati on i s run by a user other than the current user,
risrecrd has no effect.
When speci fyi ng the <outputfile>, the characters $$ have speci al
meani ng; they are repl aced wi th the process I D of the RI S appl i cati on.
Thi s produces uni que output fi l es every ti me the RI S appl i cati on i s run.
To use the $$ characters, the <outputfile>name must be pl aced i n si ngl e
quotati on marks; otherwi se, the shel l i nterprets the $$. For exampl e, an
<outputfile>name of risrap.$$ wi l l generate fi l enames such as,
risrap.1252, risrap.1323, and so forth.
To start the risrecrd uti l i ty, do one of the fol l owi ng:
Type risrecrd i n a Command Prompt wi ndow.
11 - 4 risrecrd

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from Program Manager; then choose the RI S Record
i con:

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from the Program Manager; then choose the RI S
I nteracti ve i con. Choose the Uti l i ti es... button from the RI S I nteracti ve form; then
choose the RI S Record... button from the Uti l i ti es form.

I f you use another uti l i ty wi thi n RI S I nteracti ve, you must choose the
Restart button before RI S I nteracti ve i s aware of any RI S parameter
changes, or creati ng or droppi ng of schemas.
risrecrd 11 - 5

risrecrd [-?] [-V] [on <outputfile>] [-c] [-d] [-t] [-a] [off] [query]
<none> I f you do not speci fy any command-l i ne arguments, or i f you start
the uti l i ty by sel ecti ng i ts i con from the Program Manager, the
uti l i ty runs i nteracti vel y and prompts for the necessary
i nformati on.
-? Di spl ay usage i nformati on and exi t.
-V Di spl ay versi on i nformati on and exi t.
on <outputfile> Turn RI S recordi ng on and pl ace output i n <outputfi l e>. I f a ful l
path i s gi ven for the output fi l e, then al l output i s pl aced i n the
named fi l e. I f onl y a fi l ename i s speci fi ed, RI S stores the
recorded output i n a fi l e by the di rectory name where the
appl i cati on (ris, risbatch, and so forth) was started.
-c Record command ti mes. Store how l ong each RI S command took
to execute.
-d Record del ay ti mes. Store the ti me between each RI S command.
These val ues are used by risplbck to reproduce the commands i n
real ti me.
-t Record total el apsed ti me. Store the total el apsed ti me from the
start of the appl i cati on for each RI S command.
-a Append to the output fi l e i f i t al ready exi sts. The defaul t acti on
i s to overwri te the output fi l e.
off Turn RI S recordi ng off.
query Query the current status of RI S recordi ng. The resul ts are
di spl ayed on stdout.
The fol l owi ng risrecrd command turns record on and pl aces the output i n
risrecrd -c on risrecrd.out
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ bin\ risrecrd
11 - 6 risrecrd

Status Returns
0 Normal termi nati on.
1 Abnormal termi nati on.
risunlod 12 - 1

12 - 2 risunlod

risunlod 12 - 3

Thi s uti l i ty retri eves i nformati on about one or more RI S schemas and stores i t i n one or
more external ASCI I fi l es. You can l ater rel oad the schemas from the ASCI I fi l es usi ng
the rislod uti l i ty.

The risunlod uti l i ty i s not desi gned for use as a backup uti l i ty. See the
rislod secti on for more speci fi c i nformati on.
The envi ronment vari abl e RI S_LANGUAGE speci fi es the l anguage that RI S uses for
parsi ng and error messages. The defaul t i s Engl i sh. Consul t the fi l e c:\ Program
Files\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ langs for other val ues.

The representati on of i nformati on must compl y wi th the format defi ned i n
the secti on FileFormats for risunlod and rislod.
The fol l owi ng fi gure represents the functi onal mechani sms of risunlod and shows the
i nput requi rements and output generated.

You cannot unl oad ri s_bl ob and ri s_text data; however, you can unl oad the
tabl e defi ni ti on, whi ch contai ns ri s_bl ob or ri s_text col umns.
12 - 4 risunlod

To start the risunlod uti l i ty, do one of the fol l owi ng:
Type risunlod i n a Command Prompt wi ndow.

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from Program Manager; then choose the RI S Unl oader
i con:

Choose the RI S 05.nn i con from the Program Manager; then choose the RI S
I nteracti ve i con. Choose the Uti l i ti es... button from the RI S I nteracti ve form; then
choose the RI S Unl oader... button from the Uti l i ti es form.

I f you use another uti l i ty wi thi n RI S I nteracti ve, you must choose the
Restart button before RI S I nteracti ve i s aware of any RI S parameter
changes, or creati ng or droppi ng of schemas.
risunlod 12 - 5

risunlod [-?] [-V] [-p] [-m {w|a|e}]
[-o <filename>] [-s <schemas>] [-f <filename>]
<none> I f you do not speci fy any command-l i ne arguments, or i f you start the
uti l i ty by sel ecti ng i ts i con from the Program Manager, the uti l i ty runs
i nteracti vel y and prompts for the necessary i nformati on.
-? Di spl ay usage i nformati on and exi t.
-V Di spl ay versi on i nformati on and exi t.
-p Preserve bl anks. By defaul t risunlod stri ps trai l i ng bl anks from
character data. See the set mode statement i n the RI S SQL Users
Guidefor 32-Bit Applications for more i nformati on.
-m{w| a| e} Speci fy the fi l e mode for output fi l es. The w overwri tes an exi sti ng fi l e,
the a appends to an exi sti ng fi l e, and the e returns an error i f an output
fi l e wi th the speci fi ed name exi sts.
-o <filename> Speci fy the mai n output ASCI I fi l e i nto whi ch RI S schema i nformati on i s
to be unl oaded. The defaul t mai n fi l ename i s ris.dmp.
-s <schemas> Speci fy schema and schema-rel ated i nformati on, such as tabl es, i ndexes,
vi ews, and grants. Al ternati vel y you can store thi s i nformati on i n a
speci fi cati on fi l e.
-f <filename> Speci fy the name of the speci fi cati on fi l e for <schemas>. Thi s opti on
cannot be used wi th the -s opti on.
See the secti on Usingrisunlod With theCommand LineI nterfacefor more i nformati on.
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ bin\ risunlod
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ parms
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ ris.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ net.msg
c:\ ProgramFiles\ Common Files\ I ntergraph\ ris05.nn\ config\ english\ messages\ utl.msg
Status Returns
0 Normal termi nati on.
1 Abnormal termi nati on.
12 - 6 risunlod

The risunlod uti l i ty unl oads user-requested RI S schema objects (i tems) i nto external
ASCI I fi l es from RI S schemas. The risunlod uti l i ty can unl oad:
Schema defi ni ti ons
Tabl e defi ni ti ons
Tabl e data
Parti al tabl e data usi ng risunlods extended where cl ause
I ndex defi ni ti ons
Vi ew defi ni ti ons

The risunlod uti l i ty does not unl oad a vi ew that has a NULL i n the
RI S_VI EW_DEFS col umn i n the RI S_VI EWS di cti onary vi ew. Thi s
condi ti on exi sts when a schema i s created on a database that has an
exi sti ng vi ew i n the underl yi ng database. Vi ews created i n RI S are not
NULL i n the RI S_VI EW_DEFS col umn.
Pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons
Mul ti pl e above i tems i n a si ngl e run
Tabl e defi ni ti on onl y wi thout tabl e data
Tabl e data i n separate data fi l e (one for each tabl e)
Tabl e data i n ei ther fi xed or vari abl e format (See the secti on FileFormats for
risunlod and rislod for more i nformati on.)
As di scussed earl i er, risunlod requi res that al l schema i nformati on be unl oaded before
starti ng the actual unl oadi ng. The schema i nformati on i s unl oaded i nto the mai n
external fi l e (the defaul t i s ris.dmp) and/or addi ti onal data fi l es, i f you want. Mul ti pl e
schema i nformati on can be unl oaded i n the same mai n fi l e duri ng a si ngl e risunlod
executi on.
Enhanced features of risunlod i ncl ude:
You can open the external mai n fi l e and data fi l es i n overwri te or append mode.
An error i s reported i f fi l es wi th the speci fi ed names al ready exi st.
Al l the schema i tem statements (such as create schema, create table,
insert table, table field definition, create index, create view,
and grant) are unl oaded i nto the mai n fi l e. I f the user wants, risunlod can
unl oad the tabl e data i nto separate data fi l es, one for each tabl e.
The risunlod uti l i ty provi des a risunlod extended where cl ause to unl oad parti al
data from onetabl e. The risunlod extended where cl ause has two parts:
risunlod 12 - 7

A join cl ause that l ets the user provi de powerful sel ecti on cri teri a to unl oad
parti al data from one tabl e whi l e joi ni ng across di fferent tabl es. The join
cl ause i s opti onal .
A sql-where cl ause.
For exampl e, the fol l owi ng risunlod extended where cl ause for tabl e t1 unl oads
parti al data from tabl e t1 whi l e joi ni ng across tabl e t2.
join t2 where t1.c1 = t2.c1 and t1.c2 > t2.c2
There are three ways to i nteract wi th risunlod: usi ng the I nteractiveI nterface, the
Command LineI nterface, or the Embedded ProgrammingFunction I nterface.
1. I nteractiveI nterface. When risunlod i s i nvoked wi thout any command l i ne
arguments, i nteracti ve prompts di spl ay. You are prompted for the requi red i nputs
before any unl oadi ng i s done.
See the secti on Usingrisunlod with theI nteractiveI nterfacefor more i nformati on
about the meani ngs of these prompts and the correspondi ng acti ons taken by
2. Command LineI nterface. When risunlod i s i nvoked wi th arguments, the
command l i ne i nterface acti vates. Thi s i nterface l ets you speci fy, i n a si ngl e
command, the responses to vari ous prompts that woul d have been generated i f
risunlod had been i nvoked i nteracti vel y.
See the secti on Usingrisunlod With theCommand LineI nterfacefor more
i nformati on about the syntax for constructi ng a risunlod command and the
semanti cs of the command.
3. Embedded ProgrammingFunction I nterface. The RI S_unloader functi on provi des
the functi onal i ty of risunlod i n an embedded program when you cal l the functi on
and pass the appropri ate structures. Refer to the RI S Programmers Guidefor
more i nformati on.
12.1 Usingrisunlod with theInteractiveInterface
I nvoki ng risunlod wi thout any command l i ne arguments di spl ays i nteracti ve prompts.
AcceptingDefault Values. Most prompts have defaul t val ues i ndi cated i n square
brackets([]). Press the ENTER key to sel ect these defaul t val ues.
SelectingNondefault Values. To sel ect a nondefaul t val ue, choose the character i n
parentheses correspondi ng to the opti on you want. Key i n that character and
press ENTER.
SpecifyingOther I nformation. Some prompts ask you to enter i nformati on, such
as fi l enames. Key i n the i nformati on requested and press ENTER.
12 - 8 risunlod

The fol l owi ng l i st di scusses the i nteracti ve prompts i n detai l .
1. Preserve blanks? (y/n) :[n] >
Thi s prompt l ets you set the blankstrip mode. By defaul t risunlod stri ps trai l i ng
bl anks from character data.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t i f you do not want to preserve trai l i ng
bl anks.
Sel ect y i f you want to preserve trai l i ng bl anks.
2. File mode of all output files?
overwrite(w) append(a) error out if exists(e) :[e] >
The fi l e mode affects the main fi l e and al l the data fi l es. By defaul t risunlod
returns an error i f the speci fi ed mai n fi l e or data fi l es al ready exi st.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t.
Sel ect w to overwri te the exi sti ng main fi l e and data fi l es.
Sel ect a to append to the exi sti ng main fi l e and data fi l es.
3. Main file for unloading: [ris.dmp] >
Thi s prompt l ets you speci fy the name of the main fi l e for unl oadi ng. The defaul t
name for the main fi l e i s ris.dmp.
Press ENTER to accept the defaul t fi l ename.
Enter another fi l ename for the main fi l e.
I f you sel ected e (for error out if exists) at the File mode of all output files? prompt,
and a mai n fi l e al ready exi sts, ri sunl od prompts you to qui t unl oadi ng or to key i n
another fi l ename.
Quit risunlod(y/n) :[n] >
I f you sel ect n, risunlod prompts you for a new name for the main fi l e. Speci fy a
new fi l ename at thi s prompt or key i n y and risunlod exi ts.
4. Enter schema name (<return> after last schema): >
Thi s prompt l ets you speci fy a schema for unl oadi ng.
risunlod 12 - 9

I f a secure schema name i s entered, the user i s prompted for the
database username and database username password, and the
osusername and osusername password, i f appropri ate. I f the schema
has a password, the user i s prompted for the schema password.
Do not add the password at the end of the schema name. The
schema and user passwords i n a schema defi ni ti on are not unl oaded
i nto the main fi l e for securi ty reasons. I nstead, they are desi gnated
by a peri od i mmedi atel y after the schema and user names. I f the
passwords are not added to the main fi l e before l oadi ng, the user i s
prompted for them when l oadi ng the schema.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Enter the name of the schema to unl oad. risunlod di spl ays addi ti onal
prompts to gather schema i nformati on, then returns to thi s prompt to l et you
speci fy another schema.

You can unl oad mul ti pl e schemas duri ng a risunlod sessi on.
Wi thi n a schema, data are unl oaded i n the fol l owi ng order:
tabl es, i ndexes, vi ews, and pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons.
Press ENTER wi thout enteri ng another schema name when you have
entered al l the schema i nformati on you want to process. risunlod wi l l
process the entered schemas.
Press ENTER wi thout enteri ng any schema names, and risunlod termi nates.
5. Which tables should be unloaded?
all(a) prompted(p) entered by user(e) none(n):[a] >
Thi s prompt l ets you speci fy whi ch tabl e(s) to unl oad from the speci fi ed schema.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to unl oad al l the tabl es i n the current schema.
Sel ect p and risunlod generates a l i st of tabl es and prompts you before
unl oadi ng each tabl e:
Unload table <table>(y/n): [y] >
Sel ect y to unl oad the speci fi ed tabl e or sel ect n i f you do not want to unl oad
the tabl e.
Sel ect e and risunlod prompts for a tabl e name:
Enter table for unloading:[<return>]
Enter the name of a tabl e to unl oad.
12 - 10 risunlod

Sel ect n and risunlod does not unl oad any tabl es for the schema.
I f you sel ected a, p, or e at the Which tables should be unloaded? prompt, the
fol l owi ng prompt appears:
Both definitions and data(b) definitions only(o): [b] >
Thi s prompt l ets you deci de whether to unl oad both the tabl e defi ni ti ons and the
data i n the tabl es or onl y the tabl e defi ni ti ons.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Sel ect o to unl oad tabl e defi ni ti ons onl y.
Press ENTER to unl oad both tabl e defi ni ti ons and data and the fol l owi ng
prompt appears:
Definitions and data in the same file(s) data in a different file(d):[s] >
Press ENTER to store both the defi ni ti ons and data i n the main fi l e, or sel ect
d to store the defi ni ti ons i n the main fi l e and the data i n data fi l es wi th one
data fi l e per tabl e.

The name of a data fi l e i s composed of the fi rst three characters (or
fewer) of a schema name, fol l owed by the fi rst three characters (or
fewer) of a tabl e name, fol l owed by a number si gni fyi ng the number
of data fi l es generated so far i n a risunlod sessi on. The name of a
data fi l e i s termi nated by .dmp. For exampl e, the 100th data fi l e
generated for stori ng the data i n tabl e, tab1, of schema, sch1, has the
name schtab100.dmp. Al l these fi l es are pl aced i n the current
di rectory. On the fi rst l i ne of a data fi l e, risunlod speci fi es the tabl e
and schema from whi ch the data comes.
I f you sel ected a, p, or e at the prompt Which tables should be unloaded? and
sel ected b to unl oad both defi ni ti ons and data, risunlod prompts you for a fi xed or
vari abl e data format for unl oadi ng tabl e data.
Data in fixed (f) or variable (v) format: [f]>
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to unl oad the tabl e data i n fi xed format and data that does not
fi l l the enti re col umn i s padded wi th spaces.
Sel ect v and vari abl e l ength data wi l l be del i mi ted by si ngl e quotati on marks
(). Thi s saves di sk space, and l ets you easi l y edi t the data.
I f you sel ected p or e at the prompt Which tables should be unloaded?, you are al so
prompted for risunlods extended where cl ause for each tabl e to unl oad parti al
risunlod 12 - 11

Enter where clause :[return] >
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to i gnore the where cl ause prompt.
Enter a where cl ause.

Thi s where cl ause i s risunlods extended where cl ause. I t l ets you
joi n across more than one tabl e for powerful sel ecti on cri teri a.
Exampl es of the where clause:
Enter where clause: [return] >
c1 = 100 and c2 not like john ENTER
Enter where clause: [return] >
join t2 where t1.c1 = 100
and t2.c2 not like john and t1.c1 = t2.c1 ENTER
The join cl ause permi ts addi ti onal tabl es to be speci fi ed for better
sel ecti on cri teri a. I n the previ ous exampl e, the current tabl e i s
joi ned wi th t2 usi ng the join cl ause.

Parti al data can be unl oaded onl y from the current tabl e, even when a
join cl ause i s speci fi ed.
Use si ngl e quotati on marks () for character stri ngs.
6. Which indexes should be unloaded for a table?
all(a) prompted(p) entered by user(e) none(n):[a]>

I f you sel ected p or e at the prompt Which tables should be unloaded?,
you shoul d key i n n at the prompt Which indexes should be unloaded
for a table? unl ess i ndexes on addi ti onal tabl es are requi red.
risunlod automati cal l y unl oads i ndexes created on the tabl es sel ected
as p or e at the Which tables should be unloaded? prompt.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to unl oad al l the i ndexes created i n the current schema.
Sel ect p and risunlod prompts for each tabl e that has i ndexes:
Unload index on table <table>(y/n):[y] >
Press ENTER to unl oad the i ndexes of that tabl e or key i n n i f you do not
want to unl oad i ndexes.
Sel ect e and risunlod prompts you to enter the tabl e:
12 - 12 risunlod

Enter table for unloading index:[<return>] >
Enter a tabl e name and press ENTER.
Sel ect n, and risunlod wi l l not unl oad any i ndexes.
7. Which views should be unloaded?
all(a) prompted(p) entered by user(e) none(n):[a] >
The prompt for unl oadi ng vi ews i n a schema comes after the prompt(s) for
unl oadi ng the i ndexes.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to unl oad al l the vi ews created i n the current schema.
Sel ect p, and risunlod prompts for each vi ew:
Unload view <view>(y/n):[y] >
Press ENTERto unl oad the vi ew or key i n n i f you do not want to unl oad the
vi ew.
Sel ect e and risunlod prompts you to enter a vi ew name:
Enter view for unloading:[<return>] >
Enter a vi ew name and press ENTER.
Sel ect n, and risunlod wi l l not unl oad any vi ews.
8. Which privileges should be unloaded?
all(a) prompted(p) entered by user(e) none(n):[a] >
The prompt for unl oadi ng pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons comes after the prompt(s) for
unl oadi ng vi ews.

As i s the case wi th unl oadi ng i ndexes, risunlod automati cal l y
unl oads pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons granted on tabl es and/or vi ews that
were p or e sel ecti ons to the Which tables should be unloaded? and/or
Which views should be unloaded? prompts.
Do one of the fol l owi ng:
Press ENTER to unl oad al l the pri vi l eges created i n the current schema.
Sel ect p, and risunlod prompts for each tabl e or vi ew on whi ch one or more
pri vi l eges are defi ned:
Unload access privilege on <relation>(y/n):[y] >
risunlod 12 - 13

Press ENTER to unl oad the access pri vi l eges or key i n n i f you do not want to
unl oad the pri vi l eges.
Sel ect e and risunlod prompts you to enter a tabl e to unl oad al l the
pri vi l eges defi ned:
Enter table or view for unloading access privilege:[<return>] >
Enter a tabl e or vi ew name and press ENTER.
Sel ect n, and risunlod wi l l not unl oad any pri vi l eges.

I n a schema, pri vi l eges may be granted on a tabl e or vi ew owned by
the schema or by another schema. Pri vi l eges granted on a tabl e or
vi ew owned by another schema are i l l ustrated i n the fol l owi ng
exampl e.
Schema sch1 grants sel ect pri vi l ege on i ts tabl e tab1 to another
schema sch2 wi th grant opti on. Schema sch2 can then grant the
sel ect pri vi l ege on sch1.tab1 to yet another schema sch3. Thus i n
schema sch2, a pri vi l ege on the tabl e (tab1) bel ongi ng to another
schema (sch1) i s defi ned. The fol l owi ng command l i ne opti on
i l l ustrates the previ ous exampl e:
risunlod -s sch2 grant sch1.tab1
When speci fyi ng a tabl e or vi ew on whi ch pri vi l eges have been
granted, onl y the name of the rel ati on i s needed i f i t i s owned by the
current schema. Otherwi se, the rel ati on name must be preceded by
a schema name i n the form of <schema>.<rel ati on>.
12.2 Usingrisunlod With theCommand LineInterface
The schemas to be unl oaded and the pl aces for stori ng them can be speci fi ed to risunlod
i n a command l i ne:
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\ris05.nn\bin\risunlod [-?] [-V] [-p] [-m {w|a|e}]
[-o <filename>] [-s <schemas>] [-f <filename>]
I n a command l i ne, i nformati on i s speci fi ed i n four l evel s:
1. Level One
The -m opti on speci fi es the fi l e mode of the output main and data fi l es. The val i d
characters suffi xi ng thi s opti on are w, a or e representi ng overwrite, append,
or return error mode, respecti vel y.
12 - 14 risunlod

I f the main fi l e or data fi l es exi st, and i f the -me opti on i s used,
ri sunl od exi ts.
[-o <filename>]
The -o opti on speci fi es the name to use for the main fi l e. The absence of thi s
opti on causes the defaul t main fi l ename, ris.dmp, to be used.
[-s <schemas>]
The -s opti on i s used to speci fy whi ch schema and whi ch i nformati on i n the
schema i s to be unl oaded. More than one -s opti on can be used for mul ti pl e
[-f <filename>]
The command l i ne i nterface permi ts i nformati on speci fi ed by -s opti ons to be
stored i n a speci fi cati on fi l e. The -f opti on i s used to speci fy a speci fi cati on fi l e.

The -s and -f opti ons are mutual l y excl usi ve.
For secure schemas, the cl ause user <os_usr> [/<os_passwd> must be
speci fi ed after the schema name.
The fol l owi ng exampl es show commands contai ni ng Level Onei nformati on.
risunlod -mw -o \dir1\dir2\mainfile -f ..\dir3\specfile
risunlod -s sch1 .sch1_passwd <level 2/3/4 -s sch2 <level
2/3> -s sch3 <level 2/3/4> -s sch4
The <l evel 2/3/4> i n the second exampl e represents i nformati on bel ongi ng to
Levels Twoand Three.
risunlod 12 - 15

2. Level Two
Level Twospeci fi es the types of schema i nformati on to be unl oaded. The
speci fi cati on i s mai nl y composed of keywords.
Tospecify: Usekeyword(s):
Unl oadi ng onl y the tabl e defi ni ti ons table
Stori ng tabl e data i n the main fi l e table with data
Stori ng data i n the data fi l e table with dfile data
Stori ng data i n the data fi l e wi th
vari abl e format
table with var dfile data
The keywords index, view, and grant are used to speci fy the i nformati on they
represent. I f the keyword all i s used, then al l the i nformati on i n a schema i s
unl oaded, and the tabl e data i s stored i n the main fi l e.
The fol l owi ng exampl e shows commands contai ni ng Levels Oneand Two
i nformati on.
risunlod -s sch1 .sch1_passwd all
-s sch2 table with var dfile data <level 3>
-s sch3 table with data <level 3> grant <level 3>
-s sch4 table <level 3/4> index <level 3> view <level 3>
grant <level 3>
The <l evel 3> i n the exampl es represents i nformati on bel ongi ng to Level Three.
The mi ddl e two l i nes speci fy that onl y tabl es of schema sch2, and onl y tabl es and
pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons of schema sch3, are unl oaded.
3. Level Three
Level Threespeci fi es the i tems of a parti cul ar type of i nformati on that shoul d be
unl oaded. The speci fi cati on can be ei ther the keyword all (al l i tems) or the i tem
The fol l owi ng exampl e shows a l evel 1/2/3 command.
risunlod -s sch1 .sch1_passwd all
-s sch2 table with var dfile data all
-s sch3 table with data t1 t2 grant all
-s sch4 table t1 index t2 view v1 grant t2 v2
sch.3 sch.v3
4. Level Four
Level Four i s val i d for tabl es onl y. I t speci fi es risunlods extended where cl ause
for a parti cul ar tabl e.
12 - 16 risunlod

The fol l owi ng exampl e shows a compl ete command.
risunlod -s sch1 .sch1_passwd all
-s sch2 table with dfile data all
-s sch3 table with data t1 t2 grant all
-s sch4 table t1 join t2 where "t1.c1 = t2.c2"
index t2 view v1 grant t2 v2 sch.3 sch.v3

The where cl ause shoul d be wi thi n doubl e quotati on marks (") for shel l
i nterpretati on. The character stri ng wi thi n the where cl ause shoul d be
i n si ngl e quotati on marks ().
For schema sch4, i ndexes created on the tabl e t1 are al so unl oaded. Al though t1 i s
not speci fi ed for i ndex, i t was speci fi ed to be unl oaded. Pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons on
tabl e t1 and vi ew v1 are al so unl oaded.
When a command becomes too compl i cated, al l the -s opti ons can be moved i nto
a speci fi cati on fi l e. The speci fi cati on of each schema i s separated by a semi col on
and can occupy more than one l i ne. The fl ag -s i s i nval i d i n the speci fi cati on fi l e.
The fol l owi ng exampl e shows the contents of a speci fi cati on fi l e.
sch1 .sch1_passwd all
table t1 join t2 where "t1.c1 = t2.c1"
index t2
view v1
grant t2 v2 sch.t3 sch.v3
12.3 BNF Representation of risunlod Command LineSyntax
Backus Naur form (BNF) i s a method of descri bi ng the syntax of a l anguage. I t i s used
here to show the capabi l i ti es of the RI S command l i ne i nterface.
The fol l owi ng i s the BNF representati on of the syntax for constructi ng a command l i ne.
<command> ::= risunlod
[-m <file_mode>]
[-o <output_file>]
-s <schema>[.<default_sch_passwd>]
[osuser <os_user>[.<os_pwd>]]
[user <user_name>[.<user_pwd>]]
} [ ...]
-f <spec_file>
<file_mode> ::= w | a | e
w represents overwrite file mode
a represents append file mode
e represents return error
risunlod 12 - 17

<info_tobe_unload> ::= all
{table | table with [var][dfile]data}
[view <view_tobe_unload>]
[index <index_tobe_unload>]
[grant <grant_tobe_unload>]
<table_tobe_unload> ::= all | { { <table> [<where_clause>] } [ ...] }
<where_clause> ::= [join <from_list>] where "<conditions>"
<from_list> ::= { <table> [...] }
<view_tobe_unload> ::= all | { <view> [ ...] }
<index_tobe_unload> ::= all | { <index> [ ... ] }
<grant_tobe_unload> ::= all
{ [<schema>.]<table> | [<schema>.<view> ]
} [ ...]
The fol l owi ng i s the BNF representati on of the format for a speci fi cati on fi l e.
<spec_file_format> ::= {<schema> [.<password>] <info_tobe_unload>}[;<new_line>...]
12 - 18 risunlod

Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S A - 1

Appendix A
Changes to This Version of RIS
A - 2 Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S

Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S A - 3

Appendix A
Changes to This Version of RIS
Thi s secti on descri bes changes between RI S Versi on 4 and RI S Versi on 5.
A.1 RDBMS Versions

For the most current i nformati on concerni ng RDBMS versi on
compati bi l i ty for supported RI S pl atforms, see the Architectureand
Configuration Overviewsecti on i n the i nstal l ati on gui de for your pl atform.
A.2 UNION and UNION ALL Supported
RI S Versi on 5 supports UNI ON and UNI ON ALL operators wi th the select
statement. For exampl e:
select * from t1 union select * from t2;
select c1, c2 from t1 union all select c21, c22 from t2;
UNI ON and UNI ON ALL are not supported i n subqueri es. See the RI S SQL Users
Guidefor more i nformati on.
A.3 Objects of Different Owners Within a Schema
I n RI S Versi on 4 a schema created by an RDBMS user contai ned onl y objects (tabl es,
vi ews, and i ndexes) owned by that user. I n RI S Versi on 5 a schema can contai n objects
owned by mul ti pl e users. For exampl e, schema S1, created by RDBMS user U1, can
contai n objects owned by RDBMS users U2 and U3, as wel l as those owned by U1. Thi s
capabi l i ty:
I s a fundamental redefi ni ti on of a schema to be si mpl y a named col l ecti on of
objects i n a database.
Lets data owned by pri vi l eged accounts be i ncl uded wi thout vi ews or securi ty
vi ol ati ons.
Al l ows shari ng of common objects among schemas. For exampl e, tabl e T1, created
by user U1, can be shared by schemas S1, S2, and S3, where S1 was created by
user U1, S2 by user U2, and S3 by user U3.
A - 4 Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S

Lets appl i cati ons easi l y create l ogi cal groupi ngs of tabl es.
Consi derati ons when usi ng thi s capabi l i ty:
Si nce objects owned by di fferent users can be i ncl uded i n the schema, the owner
i nformati on i s mai ntai ned i n the RI S di cti onary. The dbms_owner val ue appl i es
to a tabl e, vi ew, or an i ndex, and can be i n upper or l owercase.
Thi s capabi l i ty cannot be accessed through RI S Versi on 4.
The access restri cti ons of the underl yi ng RDBMS are encountered when usi ng thi s
capabi l i ty.
Most databases l et two di fferent users create tabl es/vi ews/i ndexes wi th the same
name. However the names of tabl es/vi ews/i ndexes wi thi n a schema are uni que,
regardl ess of the dbms_owner. I f both T1 owned by U1, and T1 owned by U2 need
to be i ncl uded i n a schema, one of the tabl es has to be al i ased. See the secti on
Object Aliases for more i nformati on.
A.4 Object Aliases
Wi th RI S Versi on 5, any col umn or tabl e name can be gi ven an al i as. For exampl e,
tableabc_123 wi th col umns abc1, abc2, and abc3, can be i ncl uded and referred to as
respecti vel y. Thi s capabi l i ty:
Lets i denti cal l y-named tabl es owned by di fferent RDBMS users exi st i n a si ngl e
schema. For exampl e, suppose three di fferent users create three di fferent tabl es
wi th the same name:
These tabl es must be al i ased so that they have di sti nct names.
Names i n RI S can be l onger than the underl yi ng database supports. See the RI S
SQL Users Guidefor more i nformati on.
Object names and keyword confl i cts can be worked around. For exampl e, i f a
col umn name i s a RI S keyword, such as t1(i nformi x, oracl e, db2), i t can be
i ncl uded as t1(col 1, col 2, col 3).
Consi derati ons when usi ng thi s capabi l i ty:
An excl ude/i ncl ude sequence l oses al l al i ases.
Thi s capabi l i ty cannot be accessed through RI S Versi on 4.
Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S A - 5

Wi thi n RI S onl y the RI S names (al i ases) are val i d. The external /DBMS name i s
not val i d.
A.5 Multi-User/SecureSchemas
I n RI S Versi on 5 two types of schemas are supported: the standard schema and the
secureschema. The standard schema i s a si ngl e-user schema and the i nformati on
necessary for connecti ng to thi s schema i s stored i n the schema fi l e (thi s i s no di fferent
from a RI S Versi on 4 schema). The secure schema has no username/password
combi nati on stored for i t. The RI S Versi on 4 (si ngl e user) schema i s sti l l supported and
sti l l the defaul t. Thi s mul ti -user/secure schema capabi l i ty:
Al l ows no connecti on unti l a user provi des a username/password combi nati on.
Lets you use the same schema, but provi de di fferent RDBMS l og-i ns.
Consi derati ons when usi ng thi s capabi l i ty:
No password i s stored i n any form by RI S.
I ndi vi dual s appear di sti nct to the RDBMS and are subject to RDBMS securi ty
tracki ng.
The declareschema statement l ets you speci fy a schema name and password, and
opti onal l y, the user and password of the user who owns the schema, and the
operati ng system user and password i n the RI S i n-memory data di cti onary cache.
Thi s statement must be used to access secure schemas. I t can al so be used to
access standard schemas. See the RI S SQL Users Guidefor more i nformati on.
Thi s capabi l i ty can be used by any si te. I t i s most useful to those i nterested i n
hi gh l evel s of securi ty (usual l y DB2, ORACLE, and so on).
The schema admi ni strator (user who creates the schema) control s authori ty to
connect to a schema and to create tabl es on a schema, usi ng:
GRANT CONNECT TO <rdbms_user>;
GRANT RESOURCE TO <rdbms_user>;
A username/password combi nati on shoul d be provi ded before a schema i s open.
There i s case-sensi ti vi ty of the RDBMS username (except i n cases where some
databases accept names i n a parti cul ar case; then RI S does a conversi on).
Thi s capabi l i ty cannot be accessed through RI S Versi on 4.
A - 6 Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S

A.6 Shared Dictionaries
I n RI S Versi on 5 when a schema s1 i s created and creates the di cti onary as i n RI S
Versi on 4, schemas s2, s3, s4, and so on can be created usi ng the di cti onary created by
schema s1. Thi s capabi l i ty:
Al l ows mul ti pl e schemas i n databases that cannot have tabl es of the same name
Requi res mi ni mal di cti onary creati on when there are many schemas.
Al l ows l i mi ted di cti onary creati on, admi ni strati on, and ownershi p outsi de of RI S
for DB2, SYBASE, and Mi crosoft SQL Server.
Consi derati ons when usi ng thi s capabi l i ty:
The system admi ni strator must grant and revoke an RDBMS user the authori ty
to create a schema on a di cti onary, usi ng:
GRANT SCHEMA TO <rdbms_user>;
REVOKE SCHEMA FROM <rdbms_user>;
Creators of di cti onari es cannot drop al l thei r schemas whi l e there are other
schemas i n the di cti onary.
An appl i cati on based on RI S Versi on 4 must create a di cti onary i n order to use i t.
Addi ti onal schemas can then be added to the di cti onary and used by appl i cati ons
based on RI S Versi on 5. Schemas s2, s3, and so on, cannot be accessed from RI S
Versi on 4.
A.7 Dictionary Objects
Di cti onary objects i n RI S Versi on 5 are al l renamed (ri s5*). Thi s capabi l i ty:
Removes the di sti ncti on between ri s* and ri s_*.
Makes RI S di cti onary objects now appear i n the di cti onary vi ews.
Consi derati ons when usi ng thi s capabi l i ty:
Addi ti onal col umns are needed to di sti ngui sh among schemas i n shared
di cti onari es, to di sti ngui sh between user objects and di cti onary objects, and for
i nternal /external object names.
Names may need to be changed i n queri es.
New col umns shoul d be consi dered i n queri es.
Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S A - 7

A.8 Dictionary Views
I n RI S Versi on 4 the i nternal RI S di cti onary tabl es were documented wi th the note that
they are not i ntended for appl i cati on use, and i nformati on about them was mai ntai ned
i n the di cti onary. I n RI S Versi on 5, the i nternal tabl es are not documented and
i nformati on about them i s not avai l abl e i n the di cti onary. Onl y di cti onary vi ews can be
accessed from an appl i cati on.
I n RI S Versi on 4 the di cti onary vi ews showed i nformati on about onl y the user (or
appl i cati on) objects and the base tabl es contai ned both appl i cati on objects and RI S
di cti onary objects. I n RI S Versi on 5, si nce the base tabl es are not accessi bl e from the
appl i cati ons, the vi ews show both user objects and RI S objects.
Consi derati ons:
I f onl y user objects need to be sel ected, the condi ti on ris_object=N shoul d be used
i n the wherecl ause.
Thi s rul e appl i es to the vi ews ris5columns, ris5column_privs, ris5tables, and
I n RI S Versi on 4 the vi ews risdbms_tables, risdbms_views, and risdbms_indexes,
l i sted the objects, vi ews, and i ndexes, respecti vel y, that were i n the database, but
not i ncl uded i n the schema. Due to the RI S Versi on 5 capabi l i ti es al l owi ng objects
of di fferent users wi thi n a schema and shared di cti onari es, the exact equi val ent of
the RI S Versi on 4 vi ews cannot be provi ded. I n Versi on 5, the ris5dbms_tables
vi ew l i sts al l the tabl es i n the database, al ong wi th the user that owns the
database. The ris5dbms_views vi ew l i sts al l the vi ews i n the database, al ong wi th
the user that owns the database. The ris5dbms_indexes vi ew l i sts al l the i ndexes
i n the database, al ong wi th the user that owns the database. I n some cases, these
l i sts may i ncl ude onl y those tabl es/vi ews/i ndexes accessi bl e to the current l og-
i n/user of the database.

These vi ews are not recommended for use by appl i cati ons. I f used,
the query shoul d have some restri cti ve condi ti on (speci fi cal l y,
WHERE). Usi ng select * from these vi ews can l ead to si gni fi cant
performance degradati on. Si nce thi s vi ew i s defi ned to show
everythi ng, i t shoul d be used wi th cauti on. I n some cases these
vi ews are accessi bl e onl y for the di cti onary creator si nce some
databases do not al l ow granti ng system pri vi l eges on catal ogs (where
these vi ews are defi ned).
A - 8 Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S

RI S Versi on 5 al l ows l ong bi nary or l ong text data that l ets you:
Use i t for document or pi cture storage by I NFORMI X OnLi ne and ORACLE. RI S
has no RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT support for I NFORMI X Standard Engi ne, SYBASE,
Mi crosoft SQL Server, or DB2.
I nsert, update, or retri eve l arge data.
Access character stri ngs wi th a l ength greater than 249 characters for other
RDBMSs not supporti ng RI S_BLOB.
Consi derati ons when usi ng thi s capabi l i ty:
To use RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT data, the cl i ent and data server versi ons must be at
l east 05.01.01.xx.
Thi s feature i s avai l abl e onl y through the programmi ng i nterface; no i nteracti ve
access i s avai l abl e.
The appl i cati on shoul d track the data l ength.
The RI S_BLOB data type i s for bi nary data; for exampl e, GI F fi l es, executabl es,
and so forth. RI S makes no attempt to convert or i nterpret the data.
The RI S_TEXT data type i s for text data; for exampl e, ASCI I fi l es. RI S does
convert the text data between di fferent hardware pl atforms as i t woul d for char
The text data can be i nserted i nto a RI S_BLOB col umn, but nobl ob data shoul d
be i nserted i nto a RI S_TEXT col umn.
To create a tabl e wi th a col umn of RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT data type
create table emp (name char(25), id int, picture ris_blob (50000))
The defaul t si ze of the RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT col umn i s 0. The maxi mum l ength
of the data i s dependent on the database. I f the maxi mum data si ze i s set to 0,
data can be retri eved from the database to a memory array and not a fi l e.
The fi l e_used fi el d i s requi red for i nserti ng and retri evi ng. RI S uses the fi l ename
or the memory array as the targeted user vari abl e.
The text data and character data are converted for di fferent hardware pl atforms.
The maxi mum si ze l i mi t cannot be zero when retri evi ng data from the database.
The maxi mum si ze l i mi t i s zero when retri evi ng data from memory.
RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT col umns cannot be used i n the SQL WHERE cl ause or
GROUP BY statements, and cannot be i ndexed.
Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S A - 9

The number of RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT col umns al l owed i n one tabl e i s subject to
the restri cti ons of the underl yi ng RDBMS. I NFORMI X al l ows mul ti pl e
RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT col umns whi l e ORACLE al l ows one RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT
col umn per tabl e.
The si ze of RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT i s subject to the restri cti ons and l i mi tati ons of
the underl yi ng RDBMS.
Tabl es wi th RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT are created through RI S and data i s i nserted
through RI S.
Currentl y, RI S uses the fi rst 8 bytes (ORACLE onl y) of the RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT
col umn i n databases to store the l ength of the data. Exi sti ng tabl es wi th data, when
i ncl uded i n a RI S schema, wi l l resul t i n i ncompl ete data when retri eved from the
database. To mani pul ate RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT data, any tabl es wi th
RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT fi el ds need to be created through RI S and the data i nserted onl y
through RI S.
When the maxi mum si ze l i mi t for a RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT col umn i s zero, data cannot
be retri eved from the database to a fi l e. Thi s si tuati on does not appl y when the data i s
retri eved i nto a memory array.
I f a posi ti ve, non-zero val ue i s used, RI S wi l l use thi s val ue as the maxi mum si ze l i mi t
for the RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT object. I f the val ue i s zero, or no val ue i s speci fi ed (usi ng
defaul t of zero), then RI S does not i mpose a l i mi t and the maxi mum si ze supported by
the underl yi ng RDBMS can be used.
The l i mi t si ze can be set to zero i n the fol l owi ng si tuati ons:
An exi sti ng tabl e whi ch has RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT col umns i s i ncl uded i n a RI S
A tabl e i s excl uded from the RI S schema and l ater i ncl uded back i nto the schema
A tabl e i s created through RI S wi thout speci fyi ng a RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT col umn
si ze.
To check the val ue of the maxi mum si ze l i mi t:
select char_max_length from ris5columns
where table_name = table and column_name = column;
A - 10 Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S

To reset the maxi mum si ze l i mi t use ri sdtype:
Enter schema (<CR> to exit) :sch1
Enter a table or view name (or ? for a list of names):
Pos Column Name type type-string len prec scale null
1 c1 15 ris_blob 10000 null null Yes
Do you wish to modify this column? <y(es), n(o), d(one with table)>>y
0 Unsupported
1 Character
Choose a datatype from those listed (enter the number) >>2
Current maximum ris_blob length is:0
Current maximum ris_blob length is:10000
Current status for nullable is YES, nulls are allowed
Are null values allowed? <y(es), n(o)> >>y
Column definitions modified for object sch1.blob_table:
Pos Column Name type type-string len prec scale null
1 c1 15 ris_blob 10000 null null Yes
Is this correct? <y(es), n(o), q(uit> >>y
I n the above exampl e, RC01 i s the di cti onary owner as shown i n the schema fi l e,
bl ob_tabl e i s the name of the tabl e wi th a bl ob col umn, set to val ues other than 10000.
RI S l i mi ts the data si ze i nserted i nto a RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT col umn i f a si ze i s
speci fi ed when the tabl e i s created.
For exampl e:
create table blob1 (c1 ris_blob(100000))
woul d i mpose a l i mi t of 100,000 bytes. I f the tabl e i s created wi thout speci fyi ng a si ze,
then the underl yi ng RDBMSs maxi mum l i mi t for RI S_BLOB/RI S_TEXT data wi l l be
For exampl e:
create table blob2 (c2 ris_blob)
Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S A - 11

A.10 Interoperability
RI S Versi on 5 l ets mul ti pl e versi ons of RI S products be avai l abl e on most systems. The
fol l owi ng fi gure detai l s i nteroperabi l i ty of RI S Versi on 4 and RI S Versi on 5.

Thi s capabi l i ty:
Lets you conti nue to use RI S Versi on 4 appl i cati ons wi th mi ni mal i mpact. Versi on
4 appl i cati ons shoul d conti nue to run.
Consi derati ons when usi ng thi s capabi l i ty:
RI S Cl i ent and Data Servers shoul d be upgraded to RI S Versi on 5.
Mul ti pl e versi ons are avai l abl e remotel y through TCP onl y.
The ORACLE 7 Data Server requi res the RI S Versi on 5 Cl i ent.
The Sybase SQL Data Server requi res the Versi on 5.02 Cl i ent.
A RI S Versi on 4 appl i cati on attempts to start up a RI S Versi on 4 Cl i ent. Onl y i f
the RI S Versi on 4 Cl i ent i s absent does i t start up a RI S Versi on 5 Cl i ent.
Removi ng the entry 04.03 i n the regi stry under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHI NE/SOFTWARE/I ntergraph/RI S wi l l force the RI S
Versi on 4 appl i cati ons to start the RI S Versi on 5 Cl i ent. The same i s true for
Cl i ent/Server.
Onl y RI S Versi on 5 appl i cati ons can query RI S Versi on 5 di cti onary objects. Onl y
RI S Versi on 4 appl i cati ons can query RI S Versi on 4 di cti onary objects.
A - 12 Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S

The RI S uti l i ti es are al so appl i cati ons and the previ ous restri cti ons appl y.
The risdtypeuti l i ty of RI S Versi on 4 cannot be used wi th the RI S Cl i ent Versi on 5
or the RI S Data Server Versi on 5.
Fi l es generated by the RI S Versi on 4 risrecrd uti l i ty cannot be processed by the
RI S Versi on 5 risplbck uti l i ty. I f an appl i cati on i s bui l t wi th RI S Versi on 4, the
resul ti ng record fi l e can be processed onl y by the RI S Versi on 4 risplbck uti l i ty.
A.11 UpgradeUtility
A uti l i ty to convert a schema (di cti onary and schema fi l e) from RI S Versi on 4 to RI S
Versi on 5 i s del i vered wi th the RI S Cl i ent.

Whi l e RI S Versi on 4 i s not avai l abl e for Sol ari s, the upgrade uti l i ty can be
used to upgrade a Versi on 4 schema fi l e on another pl atform (for exampl e,
Consi derati ons when usi ng thi s uti l i ty:
Thi s conversi on shoul d be appl i ed to every exi sti ng schema when RI S Versi on 5
Data Servers are i nstal l ed.
The RI S Versi on 4 Data Servers shoul d be removed.
The conversi on of the di cti onary i s i rreversi bl e and i s done i n-pl ace.
The schema fi l e conversi on i s non-destructi ve. The Versi on 5 schema fi l e i s
generated from the Versi on 4 schema fi l e. Thi s feature l ets you mi x Versi on 4 and
Versi on 5 cl i ents to access a Versi on 5 data server. The schema fi l e that matches
the cl i ent versi on shoul d be used.
A.12 Utilities
The RI S Versi on 4 ad hoc uti l i ty ris has been renamed risbatch. There i s now an ad hoc
query uti l i ty wi th a graphi c user i nterface (GUI ), cal l ed risgui.
Consi derati ons when usi ng the Versi on 5 l oader/unl oader:
The l oader/unl oader provi des no BLOB support.
The unl oader unl oads (or saves) RI S names (al i ases) onl y, not the underl yi ng
object names.
The unl oader unl oads (or saves) schema ownershi p onl y, not underl yi ng RDBMS
ownershi p.
Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S A - 13

A.13 Parameters
The parameter fi l e generated by a Versi on 5 appl i cati on or uti l i ty i s compati bl e wi th
Versi on 4 appl i cati ons. I n Versi on 4, i f a parameter fi l e exi sted, al l parameters were
expected to be set. Unl i ke Versi on 4, Versi on 5 i s more tol erant wi th respect to
parameter fi l es: any number of parameters can be l eft unspeci fi ed and RI S uses the
defaul t val ues.
A new parameter, CLI ENT_VERSI ON, has been added wi th the defaul t val ue set to
0.0, meani ng that the appl i cati on connects to a compati bl e cl i ent. When future versi ons
of RI S become avai l abl e, Versi on 5 and hi gher appl i cati ons wi l l be abl e to use thi s
parameter to speci fy the cl i ent versi on.

Usi ng thi s parameter causes Versi on 4 appl i cati ons to fail; hence, for now,
l eave i t commented out. When the CLI ENT_VERSI ON parameter i s set,
Versi on 4 appl i cati ons can no l onger use that parameter fi l e.
A.14 Internationalization
RI S for 32-bi t appl i cati ons (Versi on 5.3.1 and l ater) support 16-bi t or mul ti -byte
l anguages. Most 16-bi t l anguages are Asi an. I n the RI S documentati on, the maxi mum
si ze al l owed for tabl e names, vi ew names, i ndex names, schema names, col umn wi dths,
and character data i s speci fi ed as x characters, where x i s an i nteger. For those usi ng
mul ti -byte l anguages, the maxi mum number of characters shoul d be i nterpreted as the
maxi mum si ze i n bytes. RI SMGR and RI SGUI i mpl ement mul ti -byte character
RI S l i mi tati ons and gui del i nes:
RI S schema and user names can be i nternati onal i zed, but not passwords.
Onl y al pha-numeri c characters can be i nternati onal i zed.
Setup i s not ful l y i nternati onal i zed.
RI S does not l ocal i ze di al ogs, gadgets and error messages.
RI S i s i nternati onal i zed on NT onl y. The RI S appl i cati on, RI S Cl i ent, and RI S
Data Server must be on NT to take advantage of the RI S i nternati onal i zati on.
The peri od (.) used between username and passwords must be 8-bi t Engl i sh.
Al l punctuati on, keywords, col umn datatype defi ni ti ons, ti mestamp data,
statements must be 8-bi t Engl i sh.
Schemas, tabl es, vi ews, col umns, i ndex names can be 8-bi t or 16-bi t characters.
RI S data di cti onary tabl es and vi ews are created usi ng 8-bi t Engl i sh characters.
A - 14 Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S

The fol l owi ng components of a create schema statement are 8-bi t and 16-bi t characters:
create schema 8-bi t Engl i sh
schema name 8-bi t and 16-bi t Engl i sh
schema pass 8-bi t Engl i sh
db type 8-bi t Engl i sh
dbname 8-bi t and 16-bi t Engl i sh
db di r 8-bi t and 16-bi t Engl i sh
osuser 16-bi t Engl i sh
ospass 8-bi t Engl i sh
ostype 8-bi t Engl i sh
db user 8-bi t and 16-bi t Engl i sh
remote cl ause 8-bi t Engl i sh
Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S A - 15

Character col umns are anal yzed to make sure that they are wi de enough to hol d the
data. For exampl e, a 10 character name i n a 16-bi t l anguage requi res a char(20)
col umn.
The maxi mum number of 8-bi t characters i n a col umn i s 240. The maxi mum number of
16-bi t characters i n a col umn i s 120.
A - 16 Appendix A: Changes to This Version of RI S

Appendix B: File Formats for risunlod and rislod B - 1

Appendix B
FileFormats for risunlod and rislod
B - 2 Appendix B: File Formats for risunlod and rislod

Appendix B: File Formats for risunlod and rislod B - 3

Appendix B
FileFormats for risunlod and rislod
The risunlod and rislod uti l i ti es use two types of fi l es: the main fi l e and data fi l es.
The mai n fi l e contai ns the schema, tabl e, i ndex, vi ew, and pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons.
Tabl e data, however, can be stored i n ei ther the mai n fi l e or a data fi l e.
The representati on of the i nformati on i n a schema starts wi th one or two statements
speci fyi ng the schema and ends wi th an end of schema i ndi cator. I n between, tabl es,
vi ews, and pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons are represented. As far as rislod i s concerned, there i s
no order of appearances defi ned for any two pi eces of i nformati on i n a schema.
However, because risunlod unl oads tabl es before vi ews, and vi ews before pri vi l ege
defi ni ti ons, i nformati on i n a schema appears i n that order ( i f the mai n fi l e i s prepared
by risunlod ). The i nformati on i n a schema i s represented i n the mai n fi l e by:
SQL Statements
Fi el d Defi ni ti ons
Li nes of Data
Data Fi l e Speci fi cati ons
Dend I ndi cators
The fol l owi ng may appear i n the mai n fi l e:
I tem Meaning
default schema Speci fi es a schema
create [secure] schema Defi nes a schema
create table Defi nes a tabl e
insert into Speci fi es a l i st of col umns to be l oaded wi th data
field definition Speci fi es where i n the mai n fi l e or a data fi l e the val ues of
each col umn of a tabl e are l ocated
line of data Represents one row of data i n a tabl e
B - 4 Appendix B: File Formats for risunlod and rislod

data file specification Speci fi es the data fi l ename
end of table indicator I ndi cates where i nformati on from a tabl e ends i n the mai n
fi l e
create index Defi nes an i ndex
create view Defi nes a vi ew
grant Defi nes access pri vi l ege
end of schema indicator I ndi cates where i nformati on from a schema ends i n the
mai n fi l e

Commented l i nes have two hyphens (--) as the fi rst two characters i n the
l i ne. The l oader i gnores commented l i nes.
The default schema and create [secure] schema statements can appear by
themsel ves or together. Thei r presence marks the begi nni ng of a schema, represented
i n the mai n fi l e. Because mul ti pl e schemas can exi st i n the mai n fi l e, an end of schema
i ndi cator i s used to mark the end of a schema:
***RI S*** End of Schema ***RI S***
The i tems from create table through the end of tabl e i ndi cator i n the precedi ng l i st
are used to represent tabl es. The order i n the representati on i s:
create table statement
insert into statement
fi el d defi ni ti on
l i nes of data or a data fi l es speci fi cati on
end of tabl e i ndi cator
Not al l of the statements are needed to represent a tabl e. The presence of these
statements i s defi ned by three rul es:
1. The create table statement and an end of tabl e i ndi cator are requi red.
2. The insert into statement and a fi el d defi ni ti on are requi red onl y when data
or a data fi l e speci fi cati on i s present.
3. The insert into statement and a fi el d defi ni ti on are permi tted even i f data or
a data fi l e speci fi cati on i s not present.
Rules 1 and 2 cover the si tuati on where onl y the defi ni ti on of a tabl e i s unl oaded. Si nce
both the insert into statement and field definition are needed for l oadi ng
tabl e data, Rule2 covers si tuati ons where one or more rows of data are unl oaded i nto
ei ther the mai n fi l e or a data fi l e. Rule3 covers the si tuati on where a tabl e i s empty,
but risunlod i s i nstructed to unl oad data from the tabl e.
Appendix B: File Formats for risunlod and rislod B - 5

The number of statements representi ng a tabl e may vary. For rislod to correctl y
i denti fy where the i nformati on of a tabl e ends i n the mai n fi l e, an end of tabl e i ndi cator
i s necessary:
***RI S*** End of Tabl e ***RI S***
The representati on of i ndex, vi ew, and pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons i s much si mpl er than that of
a tabl e. The defi ni ti ons are represented by the create index, create view, and
grant statements, respecti vel y.
B.1 Format for RepresentingSchema Definitions
When representi ng a schema that al ready exi sts, a default schema statement
speci fyi ng that schema i s suffi ci ent. However, i f a schema needs to be created duri ng
l oadi ng, a create [secure] schema statement defi ni ng the schema must be
speci fi ed. Thi s create schema statement shoul d be preceded by a default schema
statement, i f the on database cl ause i s not speci fi ed. I n l oadi ng a create
[secure] schema statement, i f rislod fi nds that the schema speci fi ed al ready exi sts,
the statement i s transformed i nto a si mpl e default schema statement. Then
i nformati on i s l oaded i nto the exi sti ng schema. Si nce risunlod assumes that a schema
does not exi st before l oadi ng, i t al ways unl oads the compl ete defi ni ti on of the schema.
I f the schema or user cl ause has a password associ ated wi th i t, and you do not want to
l eave the password i n the mai n fi l e, the password shoul d be desi gnated by a peri od
ri ght after the name. I n l oadi ng a default schema or create [secure] schema
statement, when rislod fi nds a peri od al one after the schema or username, i t prompts
for the mi ssi ng password. The password keyed i n i s not echoed on the screen. Note
that rislod does not store ei ther the schema or the user password i n the mai n fi l e.
The fol l owi ng are some sampl e default schema and create [secure] schema
statements that are accepted by rislod.

Do not use a semi col on for termi nati on.
1. default schema sch1
2. create [secure] schema sch2.passwd2 on database (oracle, dbname
db2) user user2
3. default schema sch3
4. create schema sch4. user user4.passwd4
B - 6 Appendix B: File Formats for risunlod and rislod

B.2 Format for RepresentingTableDefinitions
A tabl e defi ni ti on i s represented by a create table statement. Thi s statement i s
mandatory i n representi ng a tabl e. The fol l owi ng i s an exampl e of a create table
statement accepted by rislod:
create table tab1 (char_col1 char(10) not null, char_col2 char(10),
int_col int, smallint_col smallint, double_col double, real_col
real, decimal_col1 (10, 7), decimal_col2 (1,0),
decimal_col3 (1,1))
B.3 Format for RepresentingInsert Into Statements
The rislod uti l i ty uses an insert into statement as a templ ate for l oadi ng each row
of data i nto a tabl e. Thi s statement and a fi el d defi ni ti on are requi red onl y when data
or a data fi l e speci fi cati on for the tabl e are present i n the mai n fi l e. The fol l owi ng i s an
exampl e of an insert into statement defi ned on tabl e tab1, wi th seven col umns,
accepted by rislod:
insert into tab1 (char_col1,char_col2, int_col, smallint_col,
double_col, real_col, decimal_col1) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

You shoul d speci fy onl y the col umns that need to be l oaded after the tabl e
name. The number of questi on marks i n the values cl ause must match
the number of col umns bei ng speci fi ed. The col umns decimal_col2and
decimal_col3of the tabl e tab1 have been l eft out because onl y NULL
val ues are l oaded i nto these col umns.
B.4 Format for RepresentingField Definitions
The rislod uti l i ty can l oad fi xed or vari abl e tabl e data. rislod determi nes whether tabl e
data i s fi xed or vari abl e by exami ni ng the l i ne i mmedi atel y fol l owi ng the insert
into statement. Thi s l i ne i s referred to as a field definition. I f rislod detects
***variable*** as the fi rst 14 characters i n the fi el d defi ni ti on, i t assumes that the
tabl e data fol l owi ng the fi el d defi ni ti on i s i n vari abl e format. Otherwi se, i t assumes
that the tabl e data i s i n fi xed format.
For rislod to know where to get tabl e data, tabl e l ocati ons must be speci fi ed. rislod
assumes that:
Data i n a tabl e are stored after thei r fi el d defi ni ti ons
Each row of data i n the tabl e occupi es one l i ne
Val ues of a col umn occupy the same posi ti ons on al l the l i nes.
Appendix B: File Formats for risunlod and rislod B - 7

Because of these assumpti ons, onl y the posi ti ons occupi ed by each col umn on a l i ne
need to be speci fi ed i n the fi el d defi ni ti on. Thus, a fi el d defi ni ti on i s typi cal l y made up
of one or more components, one for each col umn, consi sti ng of a col umn name and the
starti ng and endi ng posi ti ons of the col umn data on a l i ne. I n rislod, the combi nati on of
a col umn name and i ts starti ng and endi ng posi ti ons i s referred to as a field.
The fol l owi ng i s an exampl e of a fi el d defi ni ti on for tabl e tab1 accepted by rislod:
char_col1 1 12 char_col2 14 23 int_col 25 35
smallint_col 37 42 double_real_col 44 66 real_col 68 81
decimal_col1 83 94 decimal_col2 95 109
The starti ng and endi ng posi ti ons of a fi el d are constrai ned by the fol l owi ng
rel ati on:
10,000 >= ending position >= starting position >= 1.
The starti ng and endi ng posi ti ons of a col umn shoul d be separated by one or more
risunlod uses a si ngl e bl ank to separate the starti ng and endi ng posi ti ons.
The keyword var fol l owi ng a col umn name di sti ngui shes a character col umn
havi ng vari abl e-l ength val ues from a character col umn havi ng fi xed-l ength val ues.
The absence of the keyword var after a character col umn name si gni fi es that the
col umn val ues have the same l ength.
The val ues of a vari abl e character col umn are represented di fferentl y from those
of a fi xed character col umn. A vari abl e character col umn val ue i s al ways encl osed
by a del i mi tati on, whi l e the val ue of a fi xed character col umn i s assumed to
occupy the enti re fi el d.
Because a character col umn supported by RI S can store val ues of di fferent
l engths, i t i s al ways unl oaded as a vari abl e character col umn.
The del i mi tati ons used by risunlod are two si ngl e quotati on marks.
The fi el d defi ni ti on for a tabl e must i ncl ude al l the col umns l i sted i n the insert into
statement of that tabl e. However, col umns that are not l i sted i n the insert into
statement may al so appear i n the fi el d defi ni ti on. The col umn decimal_col2i n thi s
exampl e was not speci fi ed i n the insert into statement for tabl e tab1.
B - 8 Appendix B: File Formats for risunlod and rislod

The conventi ons used by risunlod for determi ni ng the fi el d wi dth of a col umn are:
Column Data Type Field width is equal to...
character The col umn l ength pl us two extra spaces for del i mi tati on
decimal The preci si on pl us two
integer 11
small integer 6
double 23
real 14
risunlod can unl oad tabl e data i n vari abl e format, and rislod can l oad the same vari abl e
formatted data. The vari abl e tabl e data i s i denti fi ed by the stri ng ***variable*** i n
the fi el d defi ni ti on l i ne. Thi s stri ng i s suffi ci ent to i denti fy vari abl e tabl e data fol l owi ng
i t. Starti ng and endi ng posi ti on does not make sense i n thi s format. The col umn data
i s separated (del i mi ted) by a bl ank space, whi l e the character data of a col umn i s
del i mi ted by defaul t si ngl e quotati on marks ().
The fol l owi ng i s an exampl e of a fi el d defi ni ti on l i ne and several rows of vari abl e data.
Noti ce the thi rd row. The del i mi ter can be escaped from wi thi n the stri ng by an extra
del i mi ter precedi ng i t.
1 nyz
23 nyzabc
246 nyzabc
***RIS*** End of Table ***RIS***
B.5 Format for RepresentingTableData
I n the mai n fi l e or a data fi l e, each row of tabl e data occupi es one l i ne. The fol l owi ng i s
an exampl e of a row of data for the tabl e tab1:
xxxx yyyy -1234567890 -123.456
1.234567e+20 +123.4567890-1.
Thi s exampl e i s prepared accordi ng to the fi el d defi ni ti on for the tabl e tabl1.
I n thi s exampl e, the col umn char_col1i s a character col umn wi th vari abl e-l ength
val ues. Thus, i ts val ue, xxxx, i s encl osed i n a del i mi tati on (two si ngl e quotati on
marks). The col umn char_col2i s a character col umn wi th fi xed-l ength val ues. There i s
no del i mi tati on surroundi ng i ts val ues, and these val ues are assumed to occupy the
enti re fi el ds. I n thi s exampl e, the val ue for the col umn char_col2i s a stri ng of four ys
fol l owed by si x bl anks. NULL val ue i s not represented by the keyword NULL i n the
format. I nstead, i f a col umn val ue i s NULL, the enti re fi el d for stori ng that val ue
Appendix B: File Formats for risunlod and rislod B - 9

shoul d be fi l l ed wi th bl anks (not spaces). I n thi s exampl e, the val ue for smal l i nt_col i s
Al though i n the previ ous exampl e al l the val ues begi n at the fi rst posi ti ons i n thei r
fi el ds, a col umn val ue can actual l y start anywhere wi thi n i ts fi el d.
The fol l owi ng descri bes how rislod handl es the val ues of di fferent datatypes stored i n a
fi l e.
1. I n the fi el d of a vari abl e character col umn, the fi rst and l ast nonspace characters
must be del i mi ters. A del i mi ter i s permi tted among the character val ues. I f there
are more characters wi thi n a pai r of del i mi ters than the si ze of the col umn (n),
onl y the fi rst n characters are l oaded.
2. I f the fi el d wi dth (m) i s greater than the si ze of a fi xed character col umn (n), onl y
the fi rst n characters i n the fi el d are l oaded. Otherwi se, al l mcharacters are
l oaded wi th (m - n) trai l i ng bl anks.
3. A deci mal val ue must have preci si on and scal e no greater than that speci fi ed for
the col umn.
4. For an i nteger or smal l i nteger val ue to be l oaded correctl y, i t must fal l wi thi n the
ranges of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 and -32,768 to 32,767, respecti vel y.
5. Real and doubl e val ues are rounded to preci si ons 7 and 15.
6. Val ues of ti mestamp type are al so supported.
B.6 Format for RepresentingData FileSpecifications
A data fi l e speci fi cati on speci fi es the l ocati on of a data fi l e. The fol l owi ng are some
exampl es of data fi l e speci fi cati ons:
***RIS*** schtab100.dmp ***RIS***
***RIS*** \sub_dir1\sub_dir2\schtab100.dmp ***RIS***
***RIS*** ..\sub_dir2\schtab100.dmp ***RIS***
risunlod speci fi es the compl ete pathname of a data fi l e i n a data fi l e speci fi cati on. Note
that a data fi l e speci fi cati on must start at the fi rst col umn of a l i ne.
B - 10 Appendix B: File Formats for risunlod and rislod

B.7 Format for RepresentingIndex, View, and PrivilegeDefinitions
An i ndex, vi ew, or pri vi l ege defi ni ti on i s represented by a create index, create
view or grant statement. The fol l owi ng are some exampl es of i ndex, vi ew, and
pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons:
create unique index indx1 on tab1 (char_col1, char_column2)
create view view2
as select * from view1, tab2 where view1.coln = tab2.colm
grant all on tab1 to sch2 with grant option
grant select, insert on sch1.tab1 to sch3
grant select on view1 to sch2, sch3
B.8 FileFormat for Data Files
A data fi l e may begi n wi th an i nformati ve header i n the form of:
***RI S*** Data i n Tabl e <tabl e> of Schema <schema> ***RI S***
Thi s header i s opti onal . The header i s fol l owed by zero or more l i nes of data. The
format for representi ng a l i ne of data i n a data fi l e i s the same as the format defi ned for
the mai n fi l e. The header must start at the fi rst col umn of the fi rst l i ne.
B.9 Useof Spaces and NewLineCharacters
rislod i s tol erant of the number of spaces (a bl ank or tab character) used to separate
two words or a word from a punctuati on mark.
I n the BNF representati on, when a bl ank i s used to separate two adjacent enti ti es on a
l i ne, the bl ank can be repl aced by any number of spaces. Thi s does not appl y to a si ngl e
bl ank used i n the end of schema and end of tabl e i ndi cators. When no bl ank i s used to
separate two adjacent enti ti es on a l i ne of the BNF representati on, then zero or more
spaces can be used to separate the enti ti es.
End i ndi cators, data fi l e speci fi cati ons, and data fi l e headers must start at the fi rst
col umn of a l i ne. Other types of statements and rows of data can start at any col umn
on a l i ne. A l i ne must be termi nated wi th a si ngl e new l i ne character.
A l i ne contai ni ng a row of tabl e data i s termi nated by a new l i ne character. I f the data
l i ne contai ns trai l i ng bl anks, these trai l i ng bl anks need not be speci fi ed. For i nstance,
i f a row of data contai ns onl y NULL val ues (represented by bl anks i n the enti re fi el d),
the l i ne where the row of data i s stored may contai n zero or more bl anks termi nated by
a new l i ne character. A space i s not necessary to separate any two consecuti ve col umn
val ues on a l i ne.
Appendix B: File Formats for risunlod and rislod B - 11

Comments and Errors:
For exampl e:
--Thi s i s a comment.
--Thi s i s another comment.
These are al so used to represent errors encountered duri ng l oadi ng i n the bad fi l e. Thi s
bad fi l e i s reprocessabl e by rislod.
For exampl e:
--ri sl oder Error (-xxxx)
--RI S Error (-xxxx)
--DB Error (-xxxx)
The xxxx represents the error val ue, and ssss represents the correspondi ng error
message stri ng.
B.10 BNF Representation of FileFormats
The format of the main fi l e i s defi ned by <main_file_format>, and the format of a data
fi l e i s defi ned by <data_file_format>i n the fol l owi ng BNF representati on.
<main_file_format> ::=
<info_in_schema> ::=
<table_index_view_grant> ::=
<schema_def> ::=
<default_schema> ::=
default schema <schema_passwd>
B - 12 Appendix B: File Formats for risunlod and rislod

<schema_passwd> ::=
<create_schema> ::=
create [secure] schema <schema_passwd> [on database (...)] user <user_passwd>
<user_passwd> ::=
***RIS*** End of Schema ***RIS***
<table_def_data> ::=
<end_of_table> ::=
***RIS*** End of Table ***RIS***
<table_def> ::=
create table <table> ({<column> <type_def> [not null]}[,...])
<insert_stmt> ::=
insert into <table> (<column>[,...]) values (?[,...])
<field_def> ::=
{<column> [var ]<starting_posi> <ending_posi>}[ ...]
<table_data> ::=
<timestamp_val>} [...]
<file_name_spec> ::=
***RIS*** <file> ***RIS***
Appendix B: File Formats for risunlod and rislod B - 13

<index_def> ::=
create [unique] index <index> on <table> (<column> [,...])
<view_def> ::=
create view <view> [(<column>[,...])] as <select_statement>
<grant_def> ::=
grant <privileges> [<schema>.]<table_or_view> to <schema>[,...]
[with grant option]
<data_file_format> ::=
<header> ::=
***RIS*** Data in Table <table> of Schema <schema> ****RIS***
<comments> ::= -- [<string>]
B - 14 Appendix B: File Formats for risunlod and rislod

Glossary GL - 1

GL - 2 Glossary

Glossary GL - 3


absolutepathname Sequence of di rectori es, begi nni ng wi th the root di rectory (/)
that l ocates a fi l e. See al so pathnameand relativepathname.
accept Recei ve i nput, such as characters, i ntegers, or data buttons.
Al so, confi rmi ng an el ement sel ecti on.
access Perform acti ons necessary to use software.
activate Change the state of an object or enti ty so that i t accepts or
di spl ays data.
ad hoc query Query formul ated at runti me by i nput from a user or by the
program i tsel f.
address Label , name, or number that i denti fi es an exact storage
l ocati on i n memory.
alias An al ternate l abel for a command, program, or database
enti ty such as a l i ne added to the start-up fi l e that l ets you
start the software wi thout havi ng to key i n the ful l pathname
each ti me you want to use the software.
ANSI Acronym for Ameri can Nati onal Standards I nsti tute, a
pri vate organi zati on that devel ops, mai ntai ns, and publ i shes
i ndustry standards i n the Uni ted States.
application System of programs or uti l i ti es desi gned to accompl i sh
speci fi c tasks as requested by the user.
array Data structure used to organi ze data i nto conti guous l i sts.
arrowkeys Keys used to move from one fi el d of a menu or form to
ASCII Ameri can Standard Code for I nformati on I nterchange
character set.
association A rel ati onshi p between two or more objects.
attribute Characteri sti c of an el ement. See al so parameter.
attributes The features of an object, such as col or, l i ne wi dth, font, and
font si ze.
GL - 4 Glossary

bit Bi nary di gi t represented by a 1 or 0. Smal l est uni t of storage
i n a di gi tal computer.
BLOB Long bi nary data type.
button State gadget that has a three-di mensi onal appearance and
can be set on or off.
C General -purpose, structured programmi ng l anguage
devel oped at Bel l Labs i n the earl y 1970s.
cabinet A physi cal l ocati on for documents i n DM/Manager. Tabl es i n
the DM/Manager database. An I /NFM catal og.
cache To store frequentl y used i nformati on i n a devi ce that i s faster
than the devi ce i t i s usual l y stored i n to i mprove performance.
For exampl e, frequentl y used i nformati on that i s usual l y
stored on a hard di sk dri ve can be cached i n memory, whi ch i s
consi derabl y faster.
catalog Tabl e of fi l es, arranged systemati cal l y, contai ni ng requi red
and user-defi ned fi l e attri butes.
char Data type that stores one character.
character Al phabeti c l etter, di gi t, punctuati on, or symbol .
check box A smal l box that l ets you sel ect or unsel ect an opti on. When
the check box i s sel ected, an X appears i n the box.
checklist State gadget consi sti ng of one or more boxes, fol l owed by text
or symbol s, usual l y arranged i n a col umn.
choose To acti vate buttons, fi el ds, and so forth on forms.
clicking Poi nti ng to a menu command, button, or i tem on your screen
and qui ckl y pressi ng and rel easi ng the l eft mouse button.
client Porti on of a cl i ent/server-based appl i cati on that requests
servi ces.
CLIX Versi on of the UNI X operati ng system ported to run on
I ntergraph systems.
collection A l ogi cal groupi ng of fi l es for ftr searchi ng and i ndexi ng.
column Verti cal arrangement of fi gures or words.
command Software that i nteracts wi th the user, obtai ni ng user i nput
and then acti ng i n a speci fi ed way based on that i nput. Each
i con on the menu accesses a command, al though there coul d
al so be addi ti onal commands accessed onl y by key-i n.
Glossary GL - 5

command file ASCI I fi l e contai ni ng the PPL (Parametri c Programmi ng
Language) statements needed to provi de a user-speci fi c
capabi l i ty.
command line Al phanumeri c key-i ns used to i nvoke an executabl e di rectl y
from the operati ng system envi ronment.
CPU Acronym for Central Processi ng Uni t.
CRT Acronym for Cathode Ray Tube.
data dictionary Ei ther a fi l ed object space that contai ns i nformati on about the
cl asses that make up an appl i cati on or a set of ASCI I fi l es
created by a uti l i ty cal l ed a data di cti onary processor (ddp).
data point Poi nt entered wi th the mouse or wi th a preci si on key-i n,
whi ch speci fi es a posi ti on i n a drawi ng fi l e.
data structure Structure whose components are data objects. Data
structures are used to group l ogi cal l y rel ated data.
data type Cl assi fi cati on of a data i tem as an i nteger, l etter, or real
database Col l ecti on of comprehensi ve i nformati onal fi l es havi ng
predetermi ned structure and organi zati on that can then be
communi cated, i nterpreted, or processed by a speci fi c
DB2 A propri etary rel ati onal database management system.
decimal Fi xed poi nt number data type.
default Predetermi ned val ue of a parameter or opti on that i s
automati cal l y suppl i ed by the system or program whenever a
val ue i s not speci fi ed by the user.
default schema Schema i n whi ch statements are i ssued unl ess another
schema i s speci fi ed (a RI S concept).
delete To remove, destroy, el i mi nate, or erase.
delimiter Separati ng mark or space; a character or sequence of
conti guous characters that mark the end of a stri ng of
device Nonaddressabl e component of a network, that i s, a component
onto whi ch a user cannot l og, for exampl e, tape dri ve, di sk
dri ve, and fl oppy di sk.
GL - 6 Glossary

dialogbox A box that requests i nformati on about a parti cul ar task you
are performi ng.
dimmed A button or command that i s di spl ayed i n l i ght gray i nstead of
bl ack. When a button or command i s di mmed, i t i s di sabl ed
and nonsel ectabl e.
disk Round fl at pl ate coated wi th a magneti c substance on whi ch
data i s stored.
document A fi l e or many fi l es that are handl ed as one enti ty to the
redl i ni ng software.
double Data type whi ch stores a range of fl oati ng poi nt numbers.
The storage requi rement and range of val ues are dependent
on the computer and compi l er.
drop To di sconti nue current status or associ ati on; to return to a
previ ous or more pri mi ti ve status or associ ati on; to descend
l evel s.
edit To add, del ete, or change text, graphi cs, and objects.
EMACS ASCI I text edi tor.
enter To enter data from a mouse or from a keyboard.
entity Graphi c or descri pti ve component i n a graphi cs fi l e. Can al so
mean a database tabl e.
environment variable Vari abl e defi ned on or across i nvocati ons of a command shel l .
Processes are gi ven access to the i nformati on i n these
vari abl es by the operati ng system.
error message Descri pti on of an error found i n a program.
Ethernet Popul ar i mpl ementati on of a l ocal area network.
executable Program that has been wri tten i n or transl ated i nto, a
machi ne l anguage that i s ready for executi on by the
exit To termi nate a job or process.
field Any of the data grouped together i n a record (al so known as
an attri bute or col umn). Al so, a gadget al l owi ng text entry on
a form.
file Col l ecti on of l ogi cal records stored as a uni t.
Glossary GL - 7

filed object space Set of objects fi l ed away for subsequent retri eval . Fi l ed object
spaces l et objects be stored and retri eved, wi th thei r
connecti ons i ntact.
filename User-defi ned name gi ven to an i nteracti vel y created fi l e. The
name shoul d be rel evant to the contents of the fi l e.
flag A vari abl e that can be set to i ndi cate the presence or absence
of a certai n condi ti on.
float Data type whi ch stores a range of fl oati ng poi nt numbers.
The storage requi rement and range of val ues are dependent
on the computer and compi l er.
floppy disk Fl exi bl e magneti c sheet used to store i nformati on.
font Compl ete set and styl e of the characters and symbol s of a
typeface used for di spl ayi ng text.
form Rectangul ar di spl ay through whi ch a user and an appl i cati on
can communi cate usi ng gadgets.
ftr Acronym for Ful l Text Retri eval .
full pathname Name of the enti re path or di rectory hi erarchy to a fi l e,
i ncl udi ng the fi l ename. See al so relativepathname.
function Smal l segment of code wri tten to compl ete a porti on of a
l arger task.
gadget Graphi c devi ce on a form that hel ps a user enter or recei ve
speci fi c i nformati on.
grant option Rel ati on pri vi l ege whi ch gi ves a schema the abi l i ty to grant
rel ati on pri vi l eges to other schemas.
graphic Any symbol or method of vi sual communi cati on that i s not
group A col l ecti on of i cons that represent documents and
appl i cati ons wi thi n the Program Manager.
Help See on-lineHelp.
Help window Form i n whi ch the Hel p topi cs are di spl ayed by the Hel p
hierarchy Cl assi fi ed structure wi th superi ors (roots) and subordi nates
(dependents) for groupi ng fi l es or commands.
GL - 8 Glossary

horizontal Paral l el to, i n the pl ane of, or operati ng i n a pl ane paral l el to
the hori zon or to a base l i ne.
icon Symbol that graphi cal l y i denti fi es a command, appl i cati on, or
ID Name composed of numbers or characters gi ven for
i denti fi cati on purposes to a record. A record number.
identify To i ndi cate your sel ecti on on a form or graphi cs by pl aci ng a
data poi nt on the i tem.
index Storage mechani sm used to provi de faster access to the rows
i n a tabl e.
indexing Extracti on and sorti ng of al l the i ndexabl e words i n any new
or modi fi ed documents and updati ng the i ndex fi l es wi th the
new i nformati on.
INFORMIX Rel ati onal database management system.
int Data type whi ch stores a range of i nteger val ues.
integer Val ue i n the set of al l posi ti ve and negati ve whol e numbers
and zero. Al so, a data type whi ch stores a range of i nteger
val ues. Storage requi rement and range of val ues are
dependent on the computer and compi l er.
interactive Of or rel ati ng to the process of enteri ng data and recei vi ng a
response from the computer.
interface Shared boundary through whi ch the user and software
communi cate.
I/ORL I ntergraph On-l i ne Reference Li brary. Provi des easy access
to I ntergraph documentati on on compact di sk.
item Uni t of storage wi thi n a l arger uni t, such as a fi l e i n a
cabi net.
job The smal l est organi zati onal uni t i n the structural outl i ne of
DM/Capture. A job correl ates to one i tem (that i s, a storage
uni t) i n the database. A job can contai n one fi l e or mul ti pl e
fi l es.
joining Process of rel ati ng the data i n two or more tabl es, possi bl y
restri cted by some condi ti on.
key-in I nformati on or command keyed i n, rather than sel ected usi ng
a mouse.
Glossary GL - 9

keyword Word defi ned to have speci al meani ng i n a programmi ng,
command, query l anguage, or i ndexi ng.
library Col l ecti on of subrouti nes.
linear Havi ng a si ngl e di mensi on; a l i ne.
link Combi ne one or more program segments, subrouti nes, or
l i brary routi ne i nto a si ngl e executabl e program.
local The physi cal l ocati on of the data on the machi ne or the
l ocati on of the data by the way of remote mounti ng
capabi l i ti es.
local area network Computer networki ng scheme i n whi ch nodes that are
geographi cal l y l ocal are connected to a network through
mul ti pl exers, and networks of geographi cal l y remote nodes
are connected through routers.
logfile Fi l e contai ni ng the di recti on of the transl ati on, the command
l i ne used, a count of el ements processed, and any errors
encountered duri ng the transl ati on process.
login Enter the necessary i nformati on, such as a username and
password, to begi n a sessi on on a termi nal .
log-in Username/password combi nati on used to gai n access to a
memory Devi ce that can store data.
menu Means for stori ng and sel ecti ng commands: i con-based,
functi on key, or paper.
Microsoft SQL Server A propri etary rel ati onal database management system.
Microsoft Windows A wi ndows-based graphi cal i nterface that i s used wi th MS-
mode Parti cul ar functi oni ng arrangement or condi ti on. Al so, the
behavi or of a gadget.
mouse Hand-control l ed i nput and command sel ecti on devi ce. There
are several model s; most common are the 2-button mouse, the
3-button mouse, and the 12-button mouse.
MSSQL Acronym for the Mi crosoft SQL Server.
network I nterconnecti on of host computers and workstati ons that l ets
them share data and control . The term network can mean the
devi ces that connect the system, or i t can mean the connected
GL - 10 Glossary

node Any addressabl e component of a network; that i s, any
component of the network onto whi ch a user can l ocal l y or
remotel y l og i n.
nodename Symbol i c name gi ven to each devi ce on an ethernet network
whi ch can be transl ated i nto a network address.
NULL I ndi cates no val ue.
on-lineHelp Set of on-l i ne, context sensi ti ve fi l es, that provi de i nformati on
to the user about the capabi l i ti es of an appl i cati on.
operatingsystem System programs that control the overal l operati on of a
computer system.
operator Symbol that i ndi cates that an ari thmeti c, l ogi cal , or rel ati onal
operati on i s to be performed.
ORACLE Rel ati onal database management system.
ORL See I / ORL.
overview Reduced resol uti on di spl ay of an i mage i n a raster data fi l e.
An overvi ew i s normal l y l ocated i n the raster data fi l e i tsel f.
pair An associ ati on of two objects, such as a document to a pi ece of
equi pment.
parameter Property that associ ates a vari abl e name wi th a val ue.
Programmi ng l anguage devel oped by I ntergraph Corporati on
for wri ti ng user commands to automate operator acti vi ti es.
password Word that i s entered duri ng l og i n that prevents unauthori zed
peopl e from usi ng the fi l e, software, or computer.
path Sequence of di rectori es l eadi ng to a fi l e or a sequence of
menus l eadi ng to a command.
pathname Sequence of di rectori es l eadi ng to a fi l e. See al so absolute
pathnameand relativepathname.
place To create and posi ti on an el ement or object.
portable Desi gnati ng a program that i s easi l y executed (or can be
easi l y modi fi ed to execute) on mul ti pl e computers or software
PPL Abbrevi ati on of Parametri c Programmi ng Language.
Glossary GL - 11

privilege Descri bed by the ANSI SQL Standard. A pri vi l ege i s a ri ght
to access. For exampl e: a rel ati on pri vi l ege i s a ri ght to
access a rel ati on (tabl e or vi ew) wi thi n a database.
process Enti ty composed of a program or seri es of programs.
ProgramManager The mai n wi ndow i n Mi crosoft Wi ndows, used to start
appl i cati ons and open documents. I t al so organi zes the
appl i cati ons and documents i nto groups. Wi thi n these groups
resi de i cons that represent each appl i cati on and document.
prompt Text di spl ayed by a command that tel l s you the i nputs
expected by that command.
query A search i n a database.
query criteria Val ues used to l i mi t a database search.
quit Termi nate a job or process wi thout savi ng any changes or
data entered. Al so, to di smi ss a form wi thout processi ng any
raster Pattern of hori zontal scanni ng l i nes on the screen of a CRT:
i nput data causes the beam of the tube to i l l umi nate the
correct pi xel s on these l i nes to produce the requi red
characters, curves, and so forth.
raster data Generi c term that refers to a group of pi xel s. Each of these
pi xel s has an associ ated col or and together they form a
vi ewabl e i mage.
raster data file Fi l e contai ni ng raster data (pi xel s). Raster data fi l es can be
generated by opti cal scanner, vi deo frame grabber, di gi tal
camera, i nteracti ve pai nt package, and so forth. I ntergraph
raster data fi l es are characteri zed by speci fi c data formats
whi ch are i denti fi ed i n the fi l e headers.
RDBMS Acronym for Rel ati onal Database Management System, the
software that l ets you organi ze, store, and mani pul ate data i n
a database.
real Data type whi ch stores a range of fl oati ng poi nt numbers.
The storage requi rement and range of val ues are dependent
on the computer and compi l er.
record Groupi ng of l ogi cal l y rel ated data whi ch can be mani pul ated
as a si ngl e enti ty. One or more records make up a fi l e or a
tabl e. Al so known as a row or tupl e.
relation Tabl e or vi ew.
GL - 12 Glossary

relation privilege Pri vi l ege granted to a schema regardi ng i ts access to rel ati ons
i n other schemas.
relational database Organi zes data i n two-di mensi onal tabl es to defi ne
rel ati onshi ps.
Relational Interface
I ntergraph software system that provi des a generi c i nterface
for appl i cati ons to access many popul ar rel ati onal database
management systems.
relativepathname Sequence of di rectori es l eadi ng from the current di rectory to a
parti cul ar fi l e. See al so pathnameand absolutepathname.
report Standard and user-defi nabl e tabl e format for i nformati on
queri ed from the database.
requester See client.
resize To change the si ze and posi ti on of a form or wi ndow.
resolution Number of pi xel s of whi ch a screen i s composed. The greater
the number of pi xel s, the hi gher the resol uti on.
RIS Acronym for Rel ati onal I nterface System, the software that
l ets di fferent rel ati onal database management systems
communi cate wi th each other.
root El ement upon whi ch an associ ati ve el ement or macro
routine Set of functi ons constructed to process speci fi c i nformati on.
row Groupi ng of l ogi cal l y rel ated data whi ch may be mani pul ated
as a si ngl e enti ty. One or more rows make up a fi l e or tabl e.
Al so known as a record or tupl e.
run To execute a program or process.
scale To enl arge or reduce the si ze of a defi ned el ement, modi fyi ng
onl y the di mensi ons, not the rati o among the pi eces.
schema Concept descri bed by the ANSI SQL Standard as a col l ecti on
of tabl es and vi ews. Wi thi n RI S, thi s col l ecti on corresponds to
the col l ecti on of tabl es and vi ews wi thi n a database.
scripts C-l i ke statements that l et you further customi ze reports.
scroll To move verti cal l y or hori zontal l y through di spl ayed text,
symbol s, or wi ndows.
Glossary GL - 13

scroll bar A gadget that l ets you move verti cal l y or hori zontal l y through
di spl ayed text symbol s. Al so, a numeri c gadget you can use to
send numeri cal val ues to another gadget.
search term Words or phrases used i n an I /FTR search query.
select To acti vate a command. Thi s can be done by the user or
server Computer, connected to a network, that provi des servi ces to
one or more devi ces on that network. A server can al so refer
to a process that provi des servi ces to one or more cl i ent
(requester) processes l ocal l y or remotel y.
set Groupi ng of i tems that can be mani pul ated as a si ngl e i tem.
shell Body of commands provi di ng i nterface to l ow l evel software.
For exampl e, a UNI X shel l provi des an i nterface between
users and the UNI X kernel .
site Top l evel catal og cl assi fi cati on that represents a l ocati on.
slider Numeri c gadget that accepts and di spl ays numeri cal val ues.
Al so, the three-di mensi onal porti on of a sl i der gadget that
moves al ong a l i near track.
smallint Data type whi ch stores a range of i nteger val ues. Storage
requi rement and range of val ues are dependent on the
computer and compi l er.
SNA Acronym for Systems Network Archi tecture. The pri mary
networki ng strategy for I BM, i ntroduced i n 1974. SNA i s
made up of a vari ety of hardware and software products that
i nteract together.
specification file Defi nes the characteri sti cs of a uni que cl ass: name and
versi on number, ancestry, i nstance data structure, channel s,
messages, and overri des.
SQL Acronym for Structured Query Language.
statement Word or group of words that has a speci fi c meani ng i n a
programmi ng l anguage.
states Steps that an i tem goes through from creati on to compl eti on.
stop Termi nate a job or process.
string Sequence of characters.
GL - 14 Glossary

Structured Query
Structured l anguage desi gned for accessi ng rel ati onal
database management systems.
SUN/OS The computer operati ng system for a SunOs UNI X
workstati on.
SUN/SOLARIS The computer operati ng system for a SUN Mi crosystems
UNI X(r) workstati on.
Sybase A propri etary rel ati onal database management system.
syntax Rul es governi ng the structure and use of statements i n a
l anguage.
system Col l ecti on of i nformati on and processes desi gned to i nteract to
compl ete a task.
table Col l ecti on of data for qui ck reference, stored i n sequenti al
l ocati ons i n memory or pri nted as an array of rows and
col umns of data i tems of the same type.
tap To qui ckl y press and i mmedi atel y rel ease a button.
TCP/IP Acronym for Transmi ssi on Control Protocol /I nternet Protocol ;
a network protocol .
templatelibrary A CLI X fi l e that stores templ ates.
text Graphi c gadget used to l abel other gadgets.
text editor Uti l i ty that l ets you create an ASCI I fi l e.
timestamp Data type that stores a ti mestamp consi sti ng of year, month,
day, hour, mi nute, second.
toggle To swi tch; to change between two al ternati ves. Al so, a state
gadget that can be used to change between two al ternati ves.
transaction Concept descri bed by the ANSI SQL Standard. A transacti on
i s a group of SQL Statements that affect the database
si mul taneousl y or can be cancel ed si mul taneousl y.
translation Converti ng an ASCI I fi l e to a bi nary fi l e.
tuple Record or a row.
type Type of data that a programmi ng vari abl e can contai n.
unit Representati ve of a bui l di ng l ocati on wi thi n a si te.
Glossary GL - 15

UNIX General purpose operati ng system devel oped at Bel l
Laboratori es i n the l ate 60s and earl y 70s.
user Person who uses a computer.
user interface End users means of communi cati ng wi th the software,
i ncl udi ng any of the means of enteri ng val ues, sel ecti ng
commands, or l ocati ng el ements. The menus and prompts are
exampl es of user i nterfaces.
value Numeri c or character data.
variable Quanti ty that can assume any one of a set of val ues.
VAX/VMS Computer/operati ng system combi nati on. The VAX i s a
fami l y of processors manufactured and sol d by Di gi tal
Equi pment Corporati on. VMS i s an operati ng system for the
VAX fami l y.
version The number associ ated wi th the speci fi c rel ease of a product.
vi ASCI I text edi tor avai l abl e on many systems.
view Concept descri bed by the ANSI SQL Standard, used to
combi ne tabl es or restri ct access to col umns i n a tabl e. A vi ew
l ooks and acts l i ke a tabl e, but does not actual l y store data.
window I ndependent rectangul ar area that di spl ays appl i cati ons or
documents and can be moved, resi zed, reshaped, mi ni mi zed,
or maxi mi zed.
Windows NT General purpose 32-bi t operati ng system devel oped at
Mi crosoft Corporati on.
workstation Termi nal that contai ns an i nternal CPU and can operate i n a
standal one mode or as part of a network.
XNS Communi cati on protocol used on the Ethernet network.
GL - 16 Glossary

I ndex I N - 1

I N - 2 I ndex

I ndex I N - 3


accessi ng
di cti onary vi ews A-7
al i ases
excl ude/i ncl ude sequences A-4
object A-4
wi thi n RI S A-5
ASCI I fi l es
l oadi ng schema i nformati on from 8-3
bad fi l e 8-9
batch executi on of SQL statements 3-3
bi nary data A-8
programmi ng i nterface A-8
changi ng
col umns data type 6-3
schemas 9-3
choose 1-4
cl ean servers 4-3
cl i ent
l ocate 9-50
command l i ne i nterface 8-17
command l i ne syntax 8-18
commandfi l es 10-3
recordi ng 11-3
connecti ng to tabl es
granti ng and revoki ng authori ty A-5
create i ndex B-4
create schema di al og box
DB2 9-19
Mi crosoft SQL Server 9-24
SQL Server 9-24
create [secure] schema B-3
create tabl e B-3
create tabl e di al og box 9-40
create vi ew B-4
creati ng
l og fi l es 8-8
schemas 9-3
tabl es, granti ng and revoki ng authori ty
creati ng di cti onari es A-6
fi l e B-3
fi l e speci fi cati on B-3, B-9
i ncl udi ng owned by pri vi l eged accounts
i nserti ng l arge A-8
l ong bi nary A-8
l ong text A-8
retri evi ng l arge A-8
updati ng l arge A-8
data defi ni ti on di al og box 9-37
data fi l es
format B-10
data type 6-3
changi ng 6-3
mul ti pl e schemas i n A-6
create schema di al og box 9-19
dbms_owner A-4
decl are schema statement A-5
decode 5-3
defaul t schema B-3
defi ni ti on of schema i n RI S 5 A-3
del eti ng nonessenti al records from
di cti onary tabl es 4-3
di al og box
secure schema access 9-28
di al og boxes
al ter tabl e 9-43
create schema 9-11
create tabl e 9-40
data defi ni ti on 9-37
I N - 4 I ndex

di al og boxes (continued)
di cti onary access 9-30
drop schema 9-26
drop tabl e 9-42
excl ude 9-47
i ncl ude 9-45
l ocate cl i ent 9-50
modi fy DB2 password 9-35
modi fy node i nformati on 9-33
modi fy schema password 9-32
schema defi ni ti on 9-7
schema fi l e 9-48
schema i nformati on 9-9
schema manager 9-5
Set 9-52
tabl e i nformati on 9-39
di cti onary
addi ng schemas to A-6
creati ng A-6
creati on A-6
objects A-6
shared A-6
vi ews
accessi ng from appl i cati on A-7
i nformati on i n A-7
di cti onary access di al og box 9-30
di cti onary tabl es
del eti ng records from 4-3
di spl ayi ng schema i nformati on 9-3
document audi ence 1-3
document conventi ons 1-4
document prerequi si tes 1-3
documentati on, rel ated 1-3
droppi ng schemas A-6, 9-3
end of schema i ndi cator B-4
end of tabl e i ndi cator B-4
envi ronment vari abl e
RI S_LANGUAGE 3-3, 6-3, 8-3, 12-3
error codes
pri nti ng messages for 5-3
error messages
pri nti ng 5-3
excl ude/i ncl ude sequences A-4
executi ng commands from commandfi l es
fi el d defi ni ti on B-3
fi el d defi ni ti ons
format B-6
fi l e
bad 8-9
fi l es
ASCI I , l oadi ng schema i nformati on from
data B-3
l og, creati ng 8-8
mai n B-3
outputfi l e 11-3
data fi l e speci fi cati ons B-9
data fi l es B-10
fi el d defi ni ti ons B-6
i ndex defi ni ti ons B-10
i nsert i nto B-6
pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons B-10
schema defi ni ti ons B-5
tabl e defi ni ti ons B-6
vi ew defi ni ti ons B-10
getti ng started 2-3
grant B-4
Hel p
usi ng on-l i ne 1-6
i denti fy 1-4
i ncl ude sequences A-4
i ncl udi ng data owned by pri vi l eged accounts
i ndex defi ni ti ons
format B-10
l oadi ng 8-10
i ndexes
wi th same name A-4
create schema di al og box 9-15
i nsert i nto B-3
format B-6
i nserti ng l arge data A-8
i nteracti ve i nterface
usi ng ri sl od wi th 8-10
usi ng ri sunl od 12-7
I ndex I N - 5

key i n 1-4
l i ne of data B-3
l oad 8-3
l oadi ng
i ndex, vi ew, and pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons
schema i nformati on 8-3
l oadi ng queri es 7-6
l ocate cl i ent 9-50
l og fi l es, creati ng 8-8
l ong bi nary data A-8
l ong text data A-8
mai n fi l e B-3
Mi crosoft SQL Server, create schema di al og
box 9-24
modi fy DB2 password di al og box 9-35
modi fy node i nformati on di al og box 9-33
modi fy schema password di al og box 9-32
mouse 1-4
names, al i ases A-5
new l i ne characters B-10
al i ases A-4
di cti onary A-6
of di fferent owners wi thi n a schema A-3
ownershi p A-3
shari ng among schemas A-3
on-l i ne Hel p 1-6
create schema di al og box 9-17
outputfi l e 11-3
overvi ew of uti l i ti es 2-3
ownershi p of objects A-3
parts of the Hel p wi ndow 1-6
RI S A-5
stored for schema A-5
performi ng RI S queri es 7-3
pl ayback 10-3
pri nti ng error messages 5-3
pri vi l ege defi ni ti ons
format B-10
l oadi ng 8-10
pri vi l eged accounts
i ncl udi ng data owned by A-3
queri es
changi ng object names A-6
l oadi ng 7-6
performi ng 7-3
resul ts 7-6
savi ng 7-6
l ogi ns A-5
securi ty tracki ng A-5
versi ons, compati bl e wi th RI S 5 A-3
readi ng commandfi l es 10-3
record 11-3
recordi ng commands 11-3
del eti ng from di cti onary tabl es 4-3
rel ated documentati on 1-3
Rel ati onal I nterface System 2-3
reset 1-4
retri evi ng
l arge data A-8
schema i nformati on 12-3
RI S 2-3
object ownershi p A-3
password storage A-5
uti l i ti es overvi ew 2-3
versi ons
i nteroperabi l i ty A-11
RI S uti l i ti es
ri sbatch 3-3
ri scl nsr 4-3
ri sdcode 5-3
ri sdtype 6-3
ri sl od 8-3
ri smgr 9-3
ri spl bck 10-3
ri srecrd 11-3
I N - 6 I ndex

RI S uti l i ti es (continued)
ri sunl od 12-3
ri sal pha uti l i ty A-12
ri sbatch 3-3
ri scl nsr 4-3
ri sdbms_i ndexes A-7
ri sdbms_tabl es A-7
ri sdbms_vi ews A-7
ri sdcode 5-3
ri sdtype 6-3
ri sgui 7-3
ri sgui uti l i ty A-12
RI S_LANGUAGE 3-3, 6-3, 8-3, 12-3
RI S_l oader 8-8
ri sl od 8-3, 8-8
ANSI mode
enabl e databases
fi l e mode 8-11
command l i ne syntax 8-18
fi l es 8-12
l oadi ng
bad fi l e 8-9
command l i ne i nterface 8-8, 8-17
embedded programmi ng functi on
i nterface 8-8
i nteracti ve i nterface 8-8, 8-10
l og fi l e 8-8
prompts 8-11
ri smgr 9-3
ri s_object A-7
ri spl bck 10-3
ri srecrd 11-3
ri sunl od 12-3
command l i ne i nterface 12-16
i nteracti ve i nterface
fi l e mode 12-8
i ndexes 12-11
mai n fi l e 12-8
schemas 12-8
tabl es 12-9
unl oadi ng 12-6
i nteracti ve i nterface 12-7
ri sunl od and ri sl od
fi l e formats B-3
savi ng
queri es 7-6
resul ts 7-6
admi ni strator
granti ng and revoki ng authori ty A-5
defi ni ti ons, format B-5
schema manager 9-3
acti vati ng 9-5
create schema di al og box 9-11
DB2 9-19
Mi crosoft SQL Server 9-24
SQL Server 9-24
data defi ni ti on di al og box 9-37
al ter tabl e di al og box 9-43
create tabl e di al og box 9-40
drop tabl e di al og box 9-42
tabl e i nformati on di al og box 9-39
di cti onary access di al og box 9-30
drop schema di al og box 9-26
excl ude di al og box 9-47
i ncl ude di al og box 9-45
l ocate cl i ent di al og box 9-50
modi fy DB2 password di al og box 9-35
modi fy node i nformati on di al og box 9-33
modi fy schema password di al og box 9-32
schema defi ni ti on di al og box 9-7
schema fi l e di al og box 9-48
schema i nformati on di al og box 9-9
secure schema access di al og box 9-28
Schema Manager
Set di al og box 9-52
Schema Manager di al og box 9-5
addi ng to di cti onary A-6
changi ng 9-3
creati ng 9-3
defi ni ti on i n RI S 5 A-3
di cti onary creati on A-6
di spl ayi ng i nformati on 9-3
droppi ng A-6, 9-3
granti ng and revoki ng authori ty A-5
mul ti pl e i n databases A-6
mul ti -user A-5
objects of di fferent owners wi thi n A-3
passwords stored for A-5
retri evi ng i nformati on 12-3
secure A-5
shari ng objects among A-3
transferri ng i nformati on 8-3
usernames stored for A-5
I ndex I N - 7

secure schema access di al og box 9-28
secure schemas A-5
securi ty A-5
tracki ng, RDBMS A-5
vi ol ati ons, i ncl udi ng data wi thout A-3
sel ect 1-4
sel ect statement A-3
sequences, excl ude/i ncl ude A-4
cl eani ng up 4-3
shared di cti onari es A-6
software changes A-3
spaces B-10
SQL Server, create schema di al og box 9-24
SQL statements
batch executi on 3-3
decl are schema A-5
sel ect A-3
SYBASE, create schema di al og box 9-22
tabl e i nformati on di al og box 9-39
tabl es
creati ng l ogi cal groupi ngs A-4
defi ni ti ons, format B-6
wi th same name A-4
wi th same name i n one schema A-4
text data A-8
transferri ng schema i nformati on 8-3
unl oad 12-3
updati ng l arge data A-8
usernames, stored for schema A-5
usi ng on-l i ne Hel p 1-6
uti l i ti es
ri sal pha A-12
ri sbatch 3-3
ri scl nsr 4-3
ri sdcode 5-3
ri sdtype 6-3
ri sgui A-12, 7-3
ri sl od 8-8
uti l i ti es overvi ew 2-3
val ues, dbms_owner A-4
vi ew defi ni ti ons
format B-10
l oadi ng 8-10
vi ewi ng on-l i ne Hel p 1-6
vi ews
i ncl udi ng data wi thout A-3
wi th same name A-4
WHERE cl ause A-7
ri s_object condi ti on A-7
I N - 8 I ndex

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