Meals For Under A Fiver Suggestions

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‘Meals for Under a Fiver’ – Recipe Ideas

Meatballs and More (Serves 4)

Cook time: 25 minutes

Prep time: 10 minutes


Ingredients:  500g minced beef, 1 onion, garlic bulb, 500g spaghetti, 2x400g of
chopped tomatoes, 900g frozen garden peas (items from your store cupboard: dried
oregano, olive oil, salt and pepper).

Chunky tuna Cakes (Serves 4)

Cook time: 25 minutes
Prep time: 50 minutes


Ingredients:  2x200g tins tuna steak in spring water, 1kg potatoes, 1 bunch spring
onions, 1 loose broccoli, 1kg carrots,1.5kg flour (items from your store cupboard:
cooking oil).

Homemade Beefy Burgers (Serves 4)

Cook time: 15 minutes
Prep time: 35 minutes


Ingredients:  700g lean beef mince, loose onion, 200g crunchy salad, baking
potatoes x 4, burger buns x 6 (items from your store cupboard: an egg, cooking oil,
tomato sauce).

Savoury Sausage Bake (Serves 4)

Cook time: 15 minutes
Prep time: 30 minutes


Ingredients:  400g pork sausages, 300g broccoli, 125g

mozzarella cheese, 500g penne, 390g chopped tomatoes with basil & oregano
(Items from your store cupboard: cooking oil).
‘Meals for Under a Fiver’ – Recipe Ideas
Bangers and Roasted Mash (Serves 4)
Cook time: 10 minutes
Prep time: 30 minutes


Ingredients:  500g parsnips, 1kg carrots, 900g frozen garden

peas, 450g sausages (items from your store cupboard: cooking oil, salt and pepper).

Spicy Chilli (Serves 4)

Cook time: 5 minutes

Prep time: 30 minutes


Ingredients:  500g Sainsbury's coarse cut mince, loose onion, 250g pack of
mushrooms, 420g red kidney beans in chilli sauce, 400g chopped tomatoes, 1kg
long grain rice

Saucy Tomato Chicken (Serves 4)

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 25 minutes

Ingredients:  975g chicken legs, baking potatoes x 4, 500g tomato & chilli sauce,
500g frozen mixed peppers, 1kg frozen sliced green beans (items from your store
cupboard: chicken stock cube, olive oil

Grilled Veggie Macaroni (Serves 4)

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 18-20 minutes

Ingredients:  4 loose tomatoes, 135g watercress, spinach &

rocket salad, 500g macaroni, 500g cheese pasta sauce, 400g
flageolet beans (items in your store cupboard: salt and pepper)

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