Focus On Your Attention On Something For Some Length of Time

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Pay attention

- Focus on your attention on something for some length of time

- This means Concentration
- Concentration is an act of will, cannot take place automatically
- The will to focus attention on the message must be sustained in order to carry out all the
actions needed to fully comprehend the message
Perceive the message
- One to see or hear it
- One has to interpret whatever one has seen or heard
- Perception means interpretation
Decoding the message
- Ability to decipher the message i.e. he is able to ascribe the meaning to written word
- Integrating the message with foreknowledge
- Range of ones existing knowledge and past experiences
- Store something that one has perceived and decoded
- So that he will recall that information at later stage
- Ability to recall to memory or to remember that makes learning possible

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