Eating Out
Eating Out
Eating Out
Burger 1.35
Fries 0.80
Cola 1.00 Milkshake 0.75
Hotdog 1.10
1) Jenna has a pizza,
chips and a milkshake.
What does her meal
3) Matty spends 1.55
what does he have?
) !aye has a "ries a
#$r%er and colas.
What does her meal
&) 'ahra(s meal costs
.)*. What does he
&) +$ke #$ys a hotdo%
and milkshake. ,ow
m$ch chan%e does he
%et "rom 1*.**?
&) -melia spends
.&5. Which two
di.erent meals mi%ht
he have?
Meal 1/
Meal /
Pizza 2.45
Burger 1.35
Fries 0.80
Cola 1.00 Milkshake 0.75
Hotdog 1.10
1) 1livia has a pizza
and a milkshake. What
does her meal cost?
3) Matthew spends
1.55 what does he
) 2than has a "ries a
#$r%er and cola. What
does his meal cost?
&) 1liver(s meal costs
.)*. What does he
&) +$ke #$ys a hotdo%
and milkshake. ,ow
m$ch chan%e does he
%et "rom 5.**?
&) Michael spends
.&5. Which two
di.erent meals mi%ht
he have?
Meal 1/
Meal /
Pizza 2.45
Burger 2.
Fries 0.
Cola 1.00 Milkshake 1.75
Hotdog 1.25
1) -le3 has a pizza,
chips and a milkshake.
What does her meal
3) 1wen spends &.4&
what does he have?
) Jack has a "ries a
#$r%er and colas.
What does his meal
&) 5aitlin #$ys
hotdo%s and coke. ,ow
m$ch chan%e does she
%et "rom 5.**
5) 5ole #$ys a
#$r%ers and milkshake.
,ow m$ch chan%e does
he %et "rom 1*.**?
6) Jack #$ys 5 #$r%ers,
3 cokes and & "ries. ,e
has a 1*.** note. ,ow
m$ch more money does
he need?