The objectives of a statutory audit are to:
1. Enhance the trustworthiness of published financial statements.
2. Ensure that management has performed their statutory duties appropriately.
3. Give assurance to management that they have complied with non-statutory requirements such as corporate governance requirements.
4. Provide a view on the effectiveness of internal controls and recommendations for improvement which can help management reduce risk and improve company performance.
The objectives of a statutory audit are to:
1. Enhance the trustworthiness of published financial statements.
2. Ensure that management has performed their statutory duties appropriately.
3. Give assurance to management that they have complied with non-statutory requirements such as corporate governance requirements.
4. Provide a view on the effectiveness of internal controls and recommendations for improvement which can help management reduce risk and improve company performance.
The objectives of a statutory audit are to:
1. Enhance the trustworthiness of published financial statements.
2. Ensure that management has performed their statutory duties appropriately.
3. Give assurance to management that they have complied with non-statutory requirements such as corporate governance requirements.
4. Provide a view on the effectiveness of internal controls and recommendations for improvement which can help management reduce risk and improve company performance.
The objectives of a statutory audit are to:
1. Enhance the trustworthiness of published financial statements.
2. Ensure that management has performed their statutory duties appropriately.
3. Give assurance to management that they have complied with non-statutory requirements such as corporate governance requirements.
4. Provide a view on the effectiveness of internal controls and recommendations for improvement which can help management reduce risk and improve company performance.
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OBJECTIVESs of statutory audits
An statutory audit offers the following OBJECTIVES
To enhances the trustworthiness of published financial statements. To ensures the management that the ha!e performed their statutor duties appropriatel. To gi!es assurance to management that the ha!e complied with non"statutor re#uirements$ such as corporate go!ernance re#uirements . To gi!es !iew on the efficac of internal controls. %here internal controls are wea& or inade#uate$ the auditor will pro!ide recommendations for impro!ement. This will help management in reducing ris& and impro!ing the performance of the compan. E!en where a statutor audit is not re#uired$ for e'ample due to small compan statutor e'emption limits$ an audit will boost the trustworthiness of published financial statements. This ma be important for potential in!estors to the compan. (otential in!estors$ such as ban&s$ ma insist on the compan ha!ing an audit as a precondition for lending mone.