Electronics Projects
Electronics Projects
Electronics Projects
1N4148........................ D2.................................. 1
WO2 bridge rectifier ...... D1.................................. 1
2-pin header ................. LK1................................ 1
Jumper ........................ ...................................... 1
3.579MHz crystal ......... Y1.................................. 1
4.096mhz crystal.......... Y2.................................. 1
10nF/63V box capacitor C1 C2............................. 2
10uF mini electrolytic.... C8 C9............................. 2
100nF 104 monoblok..... C3 C4 C5 C10 C11 .......... 5
0.47uF 474 monoblok.... C12 ................................ 1
27pF ceramic ............... C6 C7............................. 2
BC557 transistor........... Q1 Q3 ............................ 2
BC547 ......................... Q2.................................. 1
SPDT switch................ SW1 SW2 ...................... 2
DPDT switch................ SW3............................... 1
2.5mm audio jack ......... J1................................... 1
Telephone jack ............. X1 .................................. 1
LCD 2x16..................... ...................................... 1
14-pin male single-in-line header ........................... 1
14-pin female single-in-line header......................... 1
LM358 IC ..................... U5.................................. 1
MAX666 IC................... U4.................................. 1
Programmed 68HC705K1P........U2....................... 1
8870 decoder IC ........... U1.................................. 1
8 pin IC socket ............. ...................................... 2
16 pin IC socket ........... ...................................... 1
18 pin IC socket ........... ...................................... 1
9V battery snap............ ...................................... 1
Plastic box & 4 screws . ...................................... 1
K56 PCB ..................... ...................................... 1
DIY Electronics
Southern Cross II
Hardware Manual
The Southern Cross II single board computer is based around the 8032/52 8-bit microcontroller. Adding a
power supply and connecting to any PC capable of running an 8051 cross-assembler enables the user to
implement an 8031 software development system. Programming in BASIC is also possible using one of the
8052-BASIC chips currently available. If your board is fitted with one of these BASIC chips then switching
from one software environment to the other is simply a matter of inserting or removing a link.
The Southern Cross II, when used in conjunction with the MVS-31 debugging monitor, implements a
complete 8031-based assembly language software development system. The extra resources provided by an
8032/52 over an 8031,(extra timer and an additional 128 bytes of internal RAM memory), together with an
independent external UART allows the user complete access to all the 8031's internal ports and timers.
Software debugging tools such as breakpoints, watchpoints and single stepping are provided by the MVS-31
monitor program. Refer to the "MVS-31 User's manual" for further details.
Getting Started
Insert the MVS-31 monitor EPROM into socket IC4 and ensure that jumper JP2 is set to the correct EPROM
type. An 8032/52 microcontroller chip must be used in position IC1.
This mode requires an 8052-BASIC microcontroller chip in position IC1. A 27256 EPROM is also necessary
in position IC4 if BASIC programs are to be saved into EPROM. Ensure that jumper JP2 is set to the correct
EPROM type.
Please read the section on "BASIC-52 Programming" before attempting to save any programs into EPROM.
EPROM types
The Southern Cross II can use three different EPROM types, 8K (2764), 16K (27128) and 32K (27256). The
EPROM type is selected by setting jumper JP2 to the correct position as marked on the circuit board.
Note that in order to save BASIC programs in EPROM, a 27256 EPROM must be used.
The 8051 family of microcontrollers implement the Harvard memory architecture. This means that these
devices have separate address spaces for Program and Data memory, each up to 64K in size. Internal
circuitry in the microcontroller accesses the correct memory based on the instruction being executed.
As well as having separate Program and Data spaces, these microcontrollers also have internal and external
Program and Data memory. The 8051/52 series of microcontrollers can have up to 8K of internal program
memory. Thus any program address in the range 0000h to 1FFFh is directed to internal Program memory.
Any other program address is directed externally. It is possible to direct all program access externally by
disabling internal program memory. This is done by connecting the /EA pin to ground. The 8031/32 series
have no internal program memory so all program access must be directed externally. The microcontrollers
running BASIC are 8052 series chips with the BASIC interpreter stored in internal program memory.
Program memory can only be read, not written to, The /PSEN signal is used as a read strobe for any external
program memory. Data memory occupies a separate address space from Program memory. The /RD and /WR
signals are used to access external Data memory as needed. Only Data memory can be written to and
programs can only run from Program memory!
It is possible to combine all or part of the Program and Data memory into one address space. This is done by
logically ORing the /PSEN and /RD signals with the decoded memory range required and using the resultant
output as a read strobe. Combining Program and Data memory is necessary on the Southern Cross II so that
users can download and run programs.
The Southern Cross II provides 16K of RAM memory that is accessible as both Program and Data memory.
This is the area of memory where user programs are downloaded into and executed from. The other 16K of
RAM is accessible as Data memory only.
The EPROM can be an 8K, 16K or 32K type. The EPROM address space is split, with 16K located at 0000h
and the other 16K located at 8000h. The 16K block at 8000h is used to store BASIC programs when the
Southern Cross II is used as a BASIC computer! Refer to the "BASIC-52 Programming" reference manuals
for more information.
All external I/O devices such as the SPI and PPI chips are located in external data memory. Remember that
only data memory can be written to!
Memory and I/O decoding is provided via two programmable logic devices (GALs). Using GALs for address
mapping adds great flexibility to the circuit design as well as significantly reducing chip count. Other memory
and I/O address mapping schemes are possible by re-programming the GALs.
Contact DIY Electronics for further information.
External External
Program Data
Memory Memory
0000h EPROM 0000h
( MVS-31 ) RAM
2000h EPROM
Common RAM
program and ⇒
data space OPTIONAL CLOCK/CALENDAR( See text ) 7FFFh
8000h 8000h
SPI F000h
Fig 1
Serial Ports
These are implemented as simple "3-wire" interfaces, using just TxD, RxD and GND. The modem control
lines "CTS, DSR and DCD" are held at the RS-232 "ON" level and do not provide any hardware
handshaking. No software handshaking protocol is used either.
1. Uses the internal serial port of the 8032/52 chip and is referred to as the "USER" port. Connection is via
the 10-pin header labelled J6.
2. Uses an external SC2691 UART chip from Philips Components and is referred to as the "HOST" port.
Connection is via the 10-pin header labelled J5
The RS-232 signals are brought out to standard D9 connectors by using a 10-way flat ribbon cable. One end
is terminated with a 10-pin IDC plug and the other end with a crimp-style female D9 connector. By
connecting pin 1 on the 10-pin plug with pin 1 on the D9 connectors, the signals will be in the correct
positions to allow a "straight-through" connection to a D9-type PC COM port.
TxD 3 2
RxD 5 3
CTS 6 8
DSR 2 6
GND 9 5
DCD 1 1
Parallel I/O Ports
A number of parallel I/O ports are provided. Some are "static" in operation, meaning that any data written to
the port is latched. The other ports are "dynamic" in nature. These ports do not latch data written to them.
Output data is only valid while the port is being addressed. These ports are referred to as "bit ports".
These 13 I/O lines are brought out to a 16-pin header labelled J1.
Port bits P1.3, P1.4 ans P1.5 also have a secondary function. They are connected via switch SW2 to the
memory decoder GAL, IC9, and used by the 8052-BASIC chips as EPROM programming control pins. These
pins are only needed by BASIC-52 when programs are to be saved into EPROM. Refer to the section on
"BASIC-52 Programming" for further details.
Although each port is mapped into a 256 byte block, it is only one address "wide". Therefore bit port 1 can
be accessed at address FC00h, FC01h, FC02h ... etc right through to FCFFh. These ports are both input and
output ports, depending on the instruction used to access them.
These ports are pin for pin compatible to the CN1 port on the Z80 based "Southern Cross" computer, also
available from DIY Electronics. It is provided on the Southern Cross II to take advantage of a number of add-
on boards already available for the "Southern Cross" computer.
The bit ports are brought out to a 16-pin header labelled J4.
Signals preceeded by " / " are active low, all other signals are active high.
The signal " /IOEXP " is the block decode signal for the expansion interface and should be used in
conjunction with address lines A0-A7 to provide further address decoding.
Address lines A0-A7 have already been de-mulitplexed on the Southern Cross II board ie. they are actually
address lines. This allows devices with separate address and data lines to be connected to the expansion
interface directly. For those devices with a multiplexed address/data bus use signals AD0-AD7 and ALE.
An optional clock/calendar device is available for the Southern Cross II, a Dallas Semiconductor DS1216C
Intelligent Socket. Access to this clock/calendar is provided in the MVS-31 debugging monitor.
The DS1216C contains an internal lithium battery. This keeps the clock going during power down and also
makes the CMOS RAM non-volatile ie. no loss of data when power to the Southern Cross II is removed.
Battery life is over 10 years. No circuit modifications are necessary to use the DS1216C, just plug it in
between the RAM chip and the IC socket (or solder directly to the PCB if purchased with the Southern Cross
II kit).
BASIC-52 Programming
As mentioned, the Southern Cross II board is capable of being programmed in BASIC. A number of
suppliers, such as Intel and Micromint Inc., have available an 8052 microcontroller with a BASIC interpreter
programmed into the chip's internal EPROM. The Southern Cross II needs one of these chips installed as IC1
in order run the BASIC-52 language.
BASIC-52 has the ability to store its programs into an external memory device such as EPROM.
Programming EPROMs requires a voltage level of between 12.5 and 25 volts ( depending on the EPROM ).
The Southern Cross II generates this programming voltage using a DC-DC converter chip, IC12.
The Southern Cross II is designed to use a 27256 EPROM for storing BASIC programs. These EPROMs
require a programming voltage of 12.5 volts. Before attempting to save any programs in EPROM, the
programming voltage must be set to this level. This is done by measuring the voltage on test pin TP1 and
adjusting trimpot VR1 for 12.5 volts. This procedure is only required once. However it is worth checking this
voltage periodically or whenever any problems occur with saving programs to EPROM.
The Southern Cross II only uses 27256 EPROMs for saving BASIC programs. Remove the MVS-31 monitor
EPROM and install a 27256 type in its place. The MVS-31 monitor can reside on the same 27256 EPROM
used to save BASIC programs. The monitor would reside in the bottom 8K starting at address 0000h whereas
BASIC programs are saved at address locations 8000h upwards, which is in the upper 16K of the EPROM.
The memory decoder GAL, IC9, splits the EPROM into two halves, with one half starting at 0000h and the
other half starting at 8000h. Remember to set jumper JP2 to the correct EPROM type. A number of BASIC-
52 programming and startup options are also available. Refer to the BASIC-52 reference manual for further
BASIC-52 uses port bits P1.3, P1,4 and P1.5 as EPROM programming control lines. The function of these
lines is:
P1.3 ALE Disable
P1.4 Program pulse width
P1.5 Enable program voltage
These signals are not connected directly to the EPROM or associated programming circuitry. Instead they are
connected via switch SW2 and the memory decoder GAL, IC9. When the GAL detects a low on its pin 5, it
uses these port bits to control the output signals " /ROM_CE, SYS_ALE and /VPP_CONT ". Moving SW2 to
the " ON " position connects the port bits to the GAL and pulls pin 5 low, ready for EPROM programming.
These port bits can also be used as general purpose I/O lines and are brought out on connector J1. These pins
MUST be isolated from any external voltage levels. This would be the case if any of these pins were inputs
being "driven" from a device connected to J1. Therefore, it is advisable before saving programs to EPROM to
disconnect any device from J1.
To summarize, the following steps must be carried out before issuing a BASIC-52 programming command.
Whilst the MVS-31 monitor program and BASIC programs can be stored on the same 27256 EPROM it is
advisable to use two separate EPROMs. If you wish to keep them together then make a copy of the MVS-31
EPROM and use the copy instead. The MVS-31 binary file is on the disk supplied with the Southern Cross II
The hardware & software for the Southern Cross 2 were developed by Frank Crivelli for DIY Electronics.
Frank can be contacted at [email protected]
Zip Country
ere’s the circuit of a multi-switch normally low mode and hence all the four
input musical doorbell (shown in outputs (Q0 through Q3) have the same
Fig.1). The circuit is built around states as their corresponding data inputs.
the popular and less expensive quad As a result, LED1 through LED4 are in off Fig. 2: Suggested panel layout of musical
D-latch CD4042B (IC1). When switch S6 condition. doorbell
is pushed to ‘on’ condition, the circuit gets There are four switches fitted at four
+9V and the four data inputs (D1 through different doors/gates outside the home and switch S1 at door 1), pins 2 and 4 of IC1
D4) of ICI are in low state because these a monitoring panel (as shown in Fig. 2) in go high.
are tied to ground via resistors R1 through the common room of the home. If any Simultaneously, pin 3 to IC1 (Q0 out-
R4. Polarity input (POL) pin 6 of IC1 is switch is pressed by a visitor (for example, put) goes low and LED1 starts glowing to
indicate that switch
S1 is pressed by
Next, output pin
13 of the dual 4-in-
put NOR gate (IC2,
here wired as a
single 4-input OR
gate) goes high to
forward bias buzzer-
driver transistor T1
via resistor R10.
The final result is
a soft and pleasing
musical bell, which
lasts until reset
switch S5 is pressed
by the owner. For
this latching arrange-
ment , output pin 13
of IC2 from the NOR
gate is fed back to
the clock input of
The circuit costs
Fig. 1: Multi-switch doorbell with indicators around Rs 100.
ere’s a circuit to display the song number in an audio
system for quick reference to songs. It also serves the
purpose of an extra visual indicator in modern audio
When the power is switched on, the power-on-reset cir-
cuit comprising 3.3k resistor R20 and 1µF, 25V capacitor C6
resets the counters, showing ‘00’ in the display. One can also
reset the display to zero at any time by pressing reset switch
When the first song starts playing, the output pins of IC1
(KA2281) go low and capacitor C5 starts charging. This for-
ward biases transistor T1 and hence the input to IC3 at pin 1
goes to high state. As a result, the output of the counter goes
to the next state, showing 01 on the display. The counter
remains in this state until the song is completed.
During the time gap before the next song starts playing,
capacitor C5 discharges. After discharging of capacitor C5,
the input to IC3 becomes low again. When the song starts,
the process described above is repeated and the display shows
02. You can adjust VR3 to change the time gap setting. This
must be set such that the circuit doesn’t respond to short
gaps, if any, within a song and responds only to long gaps
between different songs.
Transistor T2 helps in gap-delay adjustment. The inten-
sity of LED11 diminishes when a song is completed and the
counter is ready to accept the next pulse.
Connect the input to the preamp output or equaliser out-
put of the audio system. Adjust VR1 and VR2 to get the
correct audio-level indication. If you are already using KA2281
for audio-level indication, just connect diodes D1 and D2 as
shown in this circuit.
Note that the counter counts the songs by detecting the
gaps. Therefore any long gap within a song may cause false
triggering and the display will also be incremented. However,
as this is very unlikely to happen, the circuit shows the
correct song number almost all the time.
The circuit costs around Rs 100.
flashing beacon has many uses. It heat-sink to dissipate the
can be employed as a distress sig- heat generated while deliv-
nal on highways or as a direction ering full current. Since the
pointer for parking lots, hospitals, hotels, IC has an inbuilt switch-on
etc. Here we present a flashing beacon current limiter, it extends
that uses well-known regulator IC LM317T. the bulb life.
As LM317T regulator can deliver more than For the shown values
1 amp. A small 12V, 10W bulb with a of resistors and capacitors,
high-quality reflector can serve as a good the bulb flashes at approxi-
visible blinker. mately 4 cycles per second.
A 12-15V, 1A DC supply is connected The number of flashes de-
to the input pin of the IC. A 12V, 10W pends on the charge-dis-
bulb and a combination of resistors and charge time of the capaci-
capacitors are connected between the out- tors. Different values of resistors and ca- crease the number of flashes.
put pin and ADJ pin of the IC as shown in pacitors can be used to increase or de- This circuit costs around Rs 50.
onsider a situation where a burglar
has entered your house and snapped
the telephone wires, leaving you
with no means of communication with the
outside world. In such an emergency, you
will find this intruder alarm to be very
handy. It transmits a prerecorded emer-
gency message repeatedly for reception by
an FM receiver.
The message containing address, geo-
graphical location, name, etc is recorded
onto a chip. The prerecorded message can
then be transmitted repeatedly with the
help of an FM transmitter, in the hope
that some noble soul will hear it and in-
form the police about the incident.
The circuit comprises a sound record-
ing-and-playback chip (UM5506BH). This
chip consists of a 96kbit SRAM and can
record up to six seconds of audio. (For
details, refer ‘Mini Voice Processor’ circuit
published in April 2000 issue of EFY.) Af-
ter the required message has been re-
corded, it is passed to a low-power, VHF
FM transmitter wired around BC547 and
2N2369 transistors. The range of this trans- Fig. 2: Circuit diagram of intruder radio alert system
VIKRAM BANERJEE sity is high. This controller allows the pe- of 8 seconds each. For the left- and right-
MRINAL KANTI MANDAL destrians to safely cross the road during turning traffic and pedestrians crossing
DR ANIRUDHA GHOSAL certain periods. from north to south, south to north, east
3. The controller uses digital logic, to west, and west to east, only green and
his automated traffic signal control- which can be easily implemented by us- red signals are used.
ler can be made by suitably pro- ing logic gates. Table I shows the simultaneous states
gramming a GAL device. (For GAL 4. The controller is a generalised one of the signals for all the traffic. Each row
programming you may refer to the con- and can be used for different roads with represents the status of a signal for 8
Simultaneous States of Signals for All the Traffic
Lt/Rt St Lt/Rt St Lt/Rt St Lt/Rt St (N-S)/(S-N) (E-W)/(W-E)
0 0 0 R R R R G G R R R R
0 0 1 R G R R R G R R G R
0 1 0 R G R R R Y R R G R
0 1 1 G Y R R R R R R R R
1 0 0 R R R R R R G G R R
1 0 1 R R R G R R R G R G
1 1 0 R R R G R R R Y R G
1 1 1 R R G Y R R R R R R
struction project published on page 52 in slight modification. seconds. As can be observed from the
EFY’s September issue.) Its main features 5. The control can also be exercised table, the ratio of green, yellow, and red
are: manually when desired. signals is 16:8:40 (=2:1:5) for the straight
1. The controller assumes equal traffic The time period for which green, yel- moving traffic. For the turning traffic the
density on all the roads. low, and red traffic signals remain ‘on’ ratio of green and red signals is 8:56
2. In most automated traffic signals the (and then repeat) for the straight moving (=1:7), while for pedestrians crossing the
free left-turn condition is provided through- traffic is divided into eight units of 8 road the ratio of green and red signals is
out the entire signal period, which poses seconds (or multiples thereof) each. Fig. 16:48 (=2:6).
difficulties to the pedestrians in crossing 1 shows the flow of traffic in all permis- In Table II (as well as Table I) X, Y,
the road, especially when the traffic den- sible directions during the eight time units and Z are used as binary variables to
his add-on circuit enables remote depressed again, the monostable is example, behind the front glass, and con-
switching on/off of battery-operated retriggered to reset decade counter IC2 and nect its wires to the circuit board using a
toy cars with the help of a TV/ the motor is switched off. Standby LED1 short 3-core ribbon cable/shielded wire.
video remote control handset operating at glows again. Note. Since the circuit uses modu-
30–40 kHz.
When the circuit is energised
from a 6V battery, the decade
counter CD4017 (IC2), which is
configured as a toggle flip-flop, is
immediately reset by the power-on-
reset combination of capacitor C3
and resistor R6. LED1 connected
to pin 3 (Q0) of IC2 via resistor R5
glows to indicate the standby con-
dition. In standby condition, data
output pin of the integrated infra-
red receiver/demodulator
(SFH505A or TSOP1738) is at a
high level (about 5 volts) and tran-
sistor T1 is ‘off’ (reverse biased).
The monostable wired around IC1
is inactive in this condition.
When any key on the remote
control handset is depressed, the
output of the IR receiver momen-
tarily transits through low state and
transistor T1 conducts. As a result,
the monostable is triggered and a
short pulse is applied to the clock
input (pin 14) of IC2, which takes Q1 out- This circuit can be easily fabricated on lated infrared beam for control function,
put (pin 2) of IC2 high to switch on motor a general-purpose printed board. After con- ambient light reflections will not affect the
driver transistor T2 via base bias resistor struction, enclose it inside the toy car and circuit operation. However, fluorescent
R7 and the motor starts rotating connect the supply wires to the battery of tubelights with electronic ballasts and CFL
continously (car starts running). Resistor the toy car with right polarity. Rewire the lamps may cause malfunctioning of the
R8 limits the starting current. DC motor connections and fix the IR re- circuit.
When any key on the handset is ceiver module in a suitable location, for
his small circuit, based on popu- Whenever an attempt is made to re- a differentiated short pulse to forward bias
lar CMOS NAND chip CD4093, move the car audio from its mounting by transistor T1 for a short duration. (The
can be effectively used for protect- cutting its connecting wires, the combination of capacitor C1 and resistor
ing your expensive car audio system optocoupler immediately turns off, as its R5 acts as the differentiating circuit.)
against theft. LED cathode terminal is hanging. As a As a result, buzzer in the collector
When 12V DC from the car battery is result, the oscillator circuit built around terminal of T1 beeps for a short duration
to announce that
the security cir-
cuit is intact.
This ‘on’ period
of buzzer can be
varied by chang-
ing the values of
capacitor C1
and/or resistor
After con-
struction, fix the
LED and buzzer
in dashboard as
per your re-
quirement and
hide switch S1
applied to the gadget (as indicated by gates N2 and N3 is enabled and it con- in a suitable location. Then connect lead
LED1) through switch S1, the circuit goes trols the ‘on’/‘off’ timings of the relay via A to the body of car stereo (not to the
into standby mode. LED inside transistor T2. (Relay contacts can be used body of vehicle) and lead B to its positive
optocoupler IC1 is lit as its cathode ter- to energise an emergency beeper, indica- lead terminal. Take power supply for the
minal is grounded via the car audio (am- tor, car horns, etc, as desired.) circuit from the car battery directly.
plifier) body. As a result, the output at Different values of capacitor C2 give Caution. This design is meant for car
pin 3 of gate N1 goes low and disables different ‘on’/‘off’ timings for relay RL1 to audios with negative ground only.
the rest of the circuit. be ‘on’/‘off’. With 100µF we get approxi-
caded in such a way that the positive volt-
age available at the emitter of transistor
ere is a simple telephone ring tor (CMOS IC CD4060B) is used to gen- reverse biased for similar durations.
tone generator circuit designed erate three types of pulses, which are Using a built-in oscillator-type piezo-
using only a few components. It available from pin 1 (O11), pin 3 (O13), and buzzer produces around 1kHz tone. In this
produces simulated telephone ring tone pin 14 (O7), respectively. Preset VR1 is circuit, the piezo-buzzer is turned ‘on’ and
and needs only DC voltage (4.5V DC to adjusted to obtain 0.3125Hz pulses (1.6- ‘off’ at 20 Hz for ring tone sound by tran-
12V DC). One may use this circuit in or- second ‘low’ followed by 1.6-second ‘high’) sistor T3. 20Hz pulses are available at
dinary intercom or phone-type intercom. at pin 3 of IC1. At the same time, pulses the collector of transistor T3 for 0.4-sec-
available from pin 1 will be of 1.25 Hz ond duration. After a time interval of 0.4
second, 20Hz
pulses become
again avail-
able for an-
other 0.4-sec-
ond duration.
This is fol-
lowed by two
seconds of no-
sound inter-
val. Thereaf-
ter the pulse
pattern re-
The sound is quite loud when this circuit (0.4-second ‘low’, 0.4-second ‘high’) and 20 peats itself.
is operated on +12V DC power supply. Hz at pin 14. The three output pins of Refer the figure that indicates wave-
However, the volume of ring sound is ad- IC1 are connected to base terminals of forms available at various points includ-
justable. transistors T1, T2, and T3 through resis- ing the collector of transistor T3. Preset
The commonly available 14-stage bi- tors R1, R2, and R3, respectively. VR2 can be used for adjusting the ampli-
nary ripple counter with built-in oscilla- Transistors T1 through T3 are cas- tude of the ring tone.
DTMF-based IR transmitter and column 1 (pin 12) get connected together partition so that it receives only the re-
receiver pair can be used to realise via transistor T2 after a power-on delay flected IR light.) On detection of the sig-
a proximity detector. The circuit (determined by capacitor C1 and resis- nal by photodetector, it is coupled to
presented here enables you to detect any tors R1 and R16 in the base circuit of the DTMF decoder IC2 through emitter-fol-
object capable of reflecting the IR beam transistor) to generate DTMF tone (com- lower transistor T1.
and moving in front of the IR LED photo- bination of 697 Hz and 1209 Hz) corre- When the valid tone pair is detected
detector pair up to a distance of about 12 sponding to keypad digit “1” continuously. by the decoder, its StD pin 15 (shorted to
cm from it. LED 2 is used to indicate the tone TOE pin 10) goes ‘high’. The detection of
The circuit uses the commonly avail- output from IC3. This tone output is am- the object in proximity of IR transmitter-
able telephony ICs such as dial-tone gen- plified by Darlington transistor pair of T3 receiver combination is indicated by
erator 91214B/91215B (IC1) and DTMF and T4 to drive IR LED1 via variable re- LED1. The active-high logic output pulse
decoder CM8870 (IC2) in conjunction with sistor VR1 in series with fixed 10-ohm (terminated at connector CON1, in the
infrared LED (IR LED1), photodiode D1, resistor R14. Thus IR LED1 produces figure) can be used to switch on/off any
and other components as shown in the tone-modulated IR light. Variable resis- device (such as a siren via a latch and
figure. A properly regulated 5V DC power tor VR1 controls the emission level to vary relay driver) or it can be used to clock a
supply is required for operation of the cir- the transmission range. LED 3 indicates counter, etc.
cuit. that transmission is taking place. This DTMF proximity detector finds
The transmitter part is configured A part of modulated IR light signal applications in burglar alarms, object
around dialer IC1. Its row 1 (pin 15) and transmitted by IR LED1, after reflection counter and tachometers, etc.
anual stabilisers are still popu- eration is very irritating and inconvenient level for beep indication.
lar because of their simple con- for the user. When the DC voltage across capaci-
struction, low cost, and high re- This under-/over-voltage audio alarm tor C1 rises above the preset high-level
liability due to the absence of any relays circuit designed as an add-on circuit for voltage or falls below the preset low-level
while covering a wide range of mains AC the existing manual stabilisers overcomes voltage, the collector of transistor T2 be-
voltages compared to that handled by au- the above problem. Whenever the comes high due to non-conduction of tran-
tomatic voltage stabilisers. These are used stabiliser’s output voltage falls below a sistor T2, in either case. However, if the
mostly in homes and in business centres preset low-level voltage or rises above a DC voltage sampled across C1 is within
for loads such as lighting, TV, and fridge, preset high-level voltage, it produces dif- the preset high- and low-level voltage,
and in certain areas where the mains AC ferent beep sounds for ‘high’ and ‘low’ volt- transistor T2 conducts and its collector
voltage fluctuates between very low (dur- age levels—short-duration beeps with voltage gets pulled to the ground level.
ing peak hours) and abnormally high (dur- short intervals between successive beeps These changes in the collector voltage of
ing non-peak hours). for ‘high’ voltage level and slightly longer- transistor T2 are used to start or stop
Some manual stabilisers available in duration beeps with longer interval be- oscillations in the astable multivibrator
the market incorporate the high-voltage tween successive beeps for ‘low’ voltage circuit that is built around transistors T3
and T4. The collector
of transistor T4 is con-
nected to the base of
buzzer driver transis-
tor T5 through resis-
tor R8. Thus when the
collector voltage of
transistor T4 goes
high, the buzzer
sounds. Preset VR3 is
used to control the
volume of buzzer
In normal condi-
auto-cut-off facility to turn off the load level. By using these two different types tion, the DC voltage sampled across ca-
when the output voltage of manual of beep sounds one can readily readjust pacitor C1 is within the permissible win-
stabiliser exceeds a certain preset high the stabiliser’s AC voltage output with the dow voltage zone. The base of transistor
voltage limit. The output voltage may be- help of the rotary switch. There is no need T3 is pulled low due to conduction of di-
come high due to the rise in AC mains of frequently checking voltmeter reading. ode D2 and transistor T2. As a result,
voltage or due to improper selection by It is advisable to preset the high-level capacitor C2 is discharged. The astable
the rotary switch on manual stabiliser. voltage 10V to 20V less than the required multivibrator stops oscillating and tran-
One of the major disadvantage of us- high-voltage limit for auto-cut-off opera- sistor T4 starts conducting because tran-
ing a manual stabiliser in areas with a tion. Similarly, for low level one may pre- sistor T3 is in cut-off state. No beep sound
wide range of voltage fluctuations is that set low-level AC voltage 20V to 30V above is heard in the buzzer due to conduction
one has to keep a watch on the manual minimum operating voltage for a given of transistor T4 and non-conduction of
stabiliser’s output voltage that is displayed load. transistor T5.
on a voltmeter and keep changing the The primary winding terminals of When the DC voltage across capaci-
same using its rotary switch. Or else, the step-down transformer X1 are connected tor C1 goes above or below the window
output voltage may reach the preset auto- to the output terminals of the manual voltage level, transistor T2 is cut off. Its
cut-off limit to switch off the load without stabiliser. Thus, 9V DC available across collector voltage goes high and diode D2
the user’s knowledge. To turn on the load capacitor C1 will vary in accordance with stops conducting. Thus there is no dis-
again, one has to readjust the stabiliser the voltage available at the output termi- charge path for capacitor C2 through di-
voltage using its rotary switch. Such op- nals of the manual stabiliser, which is ode D2. The astable multivibrator starts
oscillating. The time period for which the sampling. The time taken for charging longer duration with longer interval be-
beep is heard and the time interval be- capacitors C2 and C3 is less when the DC tween successive beeps compared to that
tween two successive beeps are achieved voltage is high and slightly greater when during high-voltage level sensing.
with the help of the DC supply voltage, the DC voltage is low for astable This circuit can be added to any ex-
which is low during low-level voltage sam- multivibrator operation. Thus during low- isting stabiliser (automatic or manual) or
pling and high during high-level voltage level voltage sensing the buzzer beeps for UPS to monitor its performance.
ere is a simple circuit to obtain down by closing switch S2. age is governed by the following relation-
variable DC voltage from 1.25V The output of counter IC2 is used to ship as long as the input-to-output differ-
to 15.19V in reasonably small realise a digitally variable resistor. This ential is greater than or equal to 2.5V:
steps as shown in the table. The input section consists of four N/O reed relays Vout = 1.25(1+R2'/R1')
voltage may lie anywhere between 20V that need just about 5mA current for their Where, R1' = R15 = 270 ohms (fixed)
and 35V.
The first section of the circuit com-
prises a digital up-down counter built
around IC1— a quad 2-input NAND
schmitt trigger (4093), followed by
IC2— a binary up-down counter (4029).
Two gates of IC 4093 are used to gen-
erate up-down logic using push but-
tons S1 and S2, respectively, while the
other two gates form an oscillator to
provide clock pulses to IC2 (4029). The
frequency of oscillations can be varied
by changing the value of capacitor C1
or preset VR1.
IC2 receives clock pulses from the os- operation. (EFY lab note. The original and R2' = R11 + R12 + R13 + R14
cillator and produces a sequential binary circuit containing quad bilateral switch = 220 + 470 + 820 +1500 ohms
output. As long as its pin 5 is low, the IC 4066 has been replaced by reed relays = 3,010 ohms (with all relays
counter continues to count at the rising operated by transistorised switches be- energised)
edge of each clock pulse, but stops count- cause of unreliable operation of the One can use either the binary
ing as soon as its pin 5 is brought to logic former.) The switching action is performed weighted LED display as indicated by
1. using BC548 transistors. External resis- LED1 through LED4 in the circuit or a
Logic 1 at pin 10 makes the counter tors are connected in parallel with the 74LS154 IC in conjunction with LED5
to count upwards, while logic 0 makes it reed relay contacts. If particular relay con- through LED20 to indicate one of the 16
count downwards. Therefore the counter tacts are opened by the control input at selected voltage steps of Table I. The in-
counts up by closing switch S1 and counts the base of a transistor, the correspond- put for IC4 is to be tapped from points
his circuit using a dual-timer ing switch S1 momentarily ‘low’. (Otherwise pin 8 is at 1/2 Vcc and
NE556 can produce 1Hz pulses you can generate a single pulse of 5- triggers at/below 1/3 Vcc level.) When the
spaced 5 seconds apart, either second duration. When switch S2 is second timer is triggered at the trailing
manually or automatically. IC NE556 kept in ‘b’ position, i.e. pins 6 and 2 are edge of 5-second pulse, it generates a 1-
comprises two independent NE555 tim- shorted, timer 1 in NE556 triggers by second wide pulse.
ers in a single package. It is used to itself. When switch S2 is on position ‘b’,
produce two separate pulses of differ- The output of the first timer is con- switch S1 is disconnected, while pin 6 is
ent pulse widths, where one pulse nected to trigger pin 8 of second timer, connected to pin 2. When capacitor C is
initiates the activation of the second which, in turn, is connected to a poten- charged, it is discharged through pin 2
pulse. tial divider comprising resistors R4 and until it reaches 1/3Vcc potential, at which
The first half of the NE556 is wired R5. Resistor R1, preset VR1, resistor R2, it is retriggered since trigger pin 6 is
for 5-second pulse output. When slide preset VR2, and capacitors C2 and C5 also connected here. Thus timer 1 is
switch S2 is in position ‘a’, the first timer are the components determining time pe- retriggered after every 5-second period
is set for manual operation, i.e. by press- riod. Presets VR1 and VR2 permit trim- (corresponding to 0.2Hz frequency). The
second timer is triggered as before to
produce a 1-second pulse in synchro-
nism with the trailing edge of 5-sec-
ond pulse.
This circuit is important wherever
a pulse is needed at regular intervals;
for instance, in ‘Versatile Digital Fre-
quency Counter Cum Clock’ construc-
tion project published in EFY Oct. ’97,
one may use this circuit in place of
CD4060-based circuit. For the digital
clock function, however, pin 8 and 12
are to be shorted after removal of
0.1µF capacitor and 10-kilo-ohm resis-
tors R4 and R5.
his circuit uses a complementary Pin Designation Sound Effect cuit, bring a burning matchstick
pair comprising npn metallic SEL1 SEL2 close to transistor T1 (BC109),
transistor T1 (BC109) and pnp No Connection No Connection Police Siren which causes the resistance of its
germanium transistor T2 (AC188) to de- +3V No Connection Fire Engine Siren emitter-collector junction to go low
tect heat (due to outbreak of fire, etc) Ground No Connection Ambulance Siren due to a rise in temperature and it
in the vicinity and energise a siren. The Do not care +3V Machine Gun starts conducting. Simultaneously,
collector of transistor T1 is connected transistor T2
to the base of transistor T2, while the also conducts be-
collector of transistor T2 is connected cause its base is
to relay RL1. connected to the
The second part of the circuit com- collector of tran-
prises popular IC UM3561 (a siren and sistor T1. As a
machine-gun sound generator IC), which result, relay RL1
can produce the sound of a fire-brigade energises and
siren. Pin numbers 5 and 6 of the IC switches on the
are connected to the +3V supply when siren circuit to
the relay is in energised state, whereas produce loud
pin 2 is grounded. A resistor (R2) con- sound of a fire-
nected across pins 7 and 8 is used to fix brigade siren.
the frequency of the inbuilt oscillator. Lab note.
The output is available from pin 3. We have added a
Two transistors BC147 (T3) and sound from UM3561. Resistor R4 in se- table to enable readers to obtain all pos-
BEL187 (T4) are connected in ries with a 3V zener is used to provide sible sound effects by returning pins 1
Darlington configuration to amplify the the 3V supply to UM3561 when the re- and 2 as suggested in the table.
ere is a musical call bell that The collector of BC558 is connected to generator IC1 (UM66). The output of
can be operated by just bridg- pin 2 of musical IC UM66, and pin 3 of IC1 is amplified by transistor BEL187
ing the gap between the touch- IC UM66 is shorted to the ground. The and fed to the speaker. So we hear a
plates with one’s fingertips. Thus there output from pin 1 is connected to a tran- musical note just by touching the touch
is no need for a mechanical ‘on’/‘off’ sistor amplifier comprising BEL187 points.
switch because the touch-plates act as transistor for feeding the loudspeaker. The washer’s inner diameter should
a switch. Other features include low cost One end of 2.2-mega-ohm resistor R1 be 1 to 2 mm greater than that of the
and low power consumption. The bell is connected to the positive rail and the screwhead. The washer could be fixed in
can work on 1.5V or 3V, using one or
two pencil cells, and can be used in
homes and offices.
Two transistors are used for sens-
ing the finger touch and switching
on a melody IC. Transistor BC148 is
npn type while transistor BC558 is pnp
The emitter of transistor BC148 is
shorted to the ground, while that of other to a screw (as shown in the fig- the position by using an adhesive, while
transistor BC558 is connected to the ure). The complete circuit is connected the screw can be easily driven in a
positive terminal. The collector of tran- to a single pencil cell of 1.5V. wooden piece used for mounting the
sistor BC148 is connected to the base of When the touch-plate gap is bridged touch-plate. The use of brass washer and
BC558. The base of BC148 is connected with a finger, the emitter-collector junc- screw is recommended for easy solder-
to the washer (as shown in the figure). tion of transistor BC148 starts conduct- ability.
his circuit is similar to the pre- puts are not loaded on measurement. For better performance, use ICL7650
ceding circuit of the attenuator. The user can terminate the inputs with (not pin-compatible) in place of OP07
Gain of up to 100 can be resistance of his choice (such as 10 meg- and use ±7.5V instead of ±5V supply.
achieved in this configuration, which is ohm or 1 meg-ohm) to avoid floating of Eight steps for gain or attenuation
useful for signal conditioning of low out- the inputs when no measurement is be- can be added by using two CD4051 and
put of transducers in millivolt range. ing made. pin 6 inhibit on CD4051/52. More steps
The gain selection resistors R3 to IC5 is used as an inverting buffer to can be added by cascading many
R6 can be selected by the user and restore polarity of the input while IC4 CD4051, or CD4052, or CD4053 ICs, as
can be anywhere from 1 kilo-ohm to 1 is used as buffer at the output of pin 6 works like a chip select.
meg-ohm. Trimpots can be used for ob- CD4052, because loading it by resistance Some extended applications of this
taining any value of gain required by of value less than 1 meg-ohm will cause circuit are given below.
the user. The resistor values shown in an error. An alternative is to make 1. Error correction in transducer
the circuit are for decade gains suitable R7=R8=1 meg-ohm and do away with amplifiers by correcting gain.
for an autoranging DPM. IC4, though this may not be an ideal 2. Autoranging in DMM.
Resistor R1 and capacitor C1 reduce method. 3. Sensor selection or input type se-
ripple in the input and also snub tran- lection in process control.
sients. Zeners Z1 and Z2 limit the input Truth Table (Control Input vs Gain) 4. Digitally preset power supplies or
to ±4.7V, while the input current is lim- X,Y (On-switch (2) (1) Gain electronic loads.
ited by resistor R1. Capacitors C2 and Pair) B A (Av.) 5. Programmable precision mV or
C3 are the power supply decoupling ca- X0,Y0 0 0 1/10 mA sources.
pacitors. X1,Y1 0 1 1 6. PC or microcontroller or micro-
Op-amp IC1 is used to increase the X2,Y2 1 0 10 processor based instruments.
X3,Y3 1 1 100
input impedance so that very low in- 7. Data loggers and scanners.
Q4 (pin 10) to the reset pin. Capacitor
C5 in conjunction with resistor R6 forms
a power-on-reset circuit for IC2, so that
on initial switching ‘on’ of the power
supply, output Q0 (pin 3) is always
‘high’. The clock signal to CD4017 is pro-
vided by IC1 (NE555) which acts as an
he add-on circuit presented here channel A is selected, the audio from astable multivibrator when transistor
is useful for stereo systems. This the tape recorder will be present at the T1 is in cut-off state.
circuit has provision for connect- output. After the tape is played com- IC5 (KA2281) is used here for not
ing stereo outputs from four different pletely, or if there is sufficient pause only indicating the audio levels of the
sources/channels as inputs and only one between consecutive recordings, the cir- selected stereo channel, but also for for-
of them is selected/ connected to the cuit automatically switches over to the ward biasing transistor T1. As soon as
output at any one time. output from the radio receiver. To a specific threshold audio level is de-
When power supply is turned ‘on’, manually skip over from one (selected) tected in a selected channel, pin 7 and/
channel A (A2 and A1) is selected. If no active channel, simply push the skip or pin 10 of IC5 goes ‘low’. This low
audio is present in channel A, the cir- switch (S1) momentarily once or more, level is coupled to the base of transistor
cuit waits for some time and then se- until the desired channel inputs gets T1, through diode-resistor combination
lects the next channel (channel B), This selected. The selected channel (A, B, C, of D2-R1/D3-R22. As a result, transis-
search operation continues until it de- or D) is indicated by the glowing of cor- tor T1 conducts and causes output of
tects audio signal in one of the chan- responding LED (LED11, LED12, IC1 to remain ‘low’ (disabled) as long as
nels. The inter-channel wait or delay LED13, or LED14 respectively). the selected channel output exceeds the
time can be adjusted with the help of IC CD4066 contains four analogue preset audio threshold level.
preset VR1. If still longer time is switches. These switches are connected Presets VR2 and VR3 have been in-
needed, one may replace capacitor C1 to four separate channels. For stereo cluded for adjustment of individual au-
with a capacitor of higher value. operation, two similar CD4066 ICs are dio threshold levels of left stereo chan-
Suppose channel A is connected to used as shown in the circuit. These ana- nels, as desired. Once the multivibrator
a tape recorder and channel B is con- logue switches are controlled by IC action of IC1 is disabled, output of IC2
nected to a radio receiver. If initially CD4017 outputs. CD4017 is a 10-bit ring does not change further. Hence, search-
ing through the channels continues un- switch S1 is used to skip a channel even ily extended up to ten, by using addi-
til it receives an audio signal exceeding if audio is present in the selected chan- tional 4066 ICs.
the preset threshold value. The skip nel. The number of channels can be eas-
Telephone Number R. R
he given circuit, when connected
in parallel to a telephone, dis-
plays the number dialled from
the telephone set using the DTMF mode.
This circuit can also show the number
dialled from the phone of the called
party. This is particularly helpful for
receiving any number over the phone
The DTMF signal—generated by the
phone on dialling a number—is decoded
by DTMF decoder CM8870P1 (IC1),
which converts the received DTMF sig-
nal into its equivalent BCD number that
corresponds to the dialled number. This
binary number is stored sequentially in
10 latches each time a number is dialled
from the phone. The first number is
stored in IC5A (1/2 of CD4508) while
the second number is stored in IC5B
and so on. The binary output from IC1
for digit ‘0’ as decoded by IC1 is 10102
(=1010), and this cannot be displayed by
the seven-segment decoder, IC10. There-
fore the binary output of IC1 is passed
through a logic-circuit which converts
an input of ‘10102’ into ‘00002’ without
affecting the inputs ‘1’ through ‘9’. This
is accomplished by gates N13 through
N15 (IC11) and N1 (IC12).
The storing of numbers in respec-
tive latches is done by IC2 (4017). The
data valid output from pin 15 of IC1 is
used to clock IC2. The ten outputs of
IC2 are sequentially connected to the
store and clear inputs of all the latches,
except the last one, where the clear in-
put is tied to ground. When an output
pin of IC2 is high, the corresponding
latch is cleared of previous data and
kept ready for storing new data. Then,
on clocking IC2, the same pin becomes
low and the data present at the inputs
of that latch at that instant gets stored
and the next latch is cleared and kept
ready. The similar input and output pins
of all latches are connected together to
form two separate input and output coding by IC10, gets displayed in the mum of ten digits, one can reduce the
buses. corresponding display. For instance, con- display digits as required. For doing
There is only one 7-segment decoder/ tents of IC5A are displayed on display this, connect the reset pin of IC2, say,
driver IC10 for all the ten displays. This ‘DIS1,’ that of IC5B on ‘DIS2’ and so for a 7-digit display, with S6 output at
not only reduces size and cost but re- on. The system should be connected to pin 5.
duces power requirement too. The out- the telephone lines via a DPDT switch The present circuit can be built on a
put from a latch is available only when (not shown) for manual switching, oth- veroboard and housed in a suitable box.
its disable pins (3 and 15) are brought erwise any circuit capable of sensing The displays are common-cathode type.
low. This is done by IC3, IC12 and IC13. handset’s off-hook condition and thereby To make the system compact, small, 7-
IC3 is clocked by an astable switching relays, etc. can be used for segment displays can be used but with
multivibrator IC4 (555). IC3 also drives automatic switching. The power-supply some extra cost. Also, different colour
the displays by switching correspond- switch can also be replaced then. Such displays can be used for the first three
ing transistors. When a latch is enabled, circuits, under different captions, can or four digits to separate the exchange
its corresponding display is turned on be found in EFY’s back issues. Though code/STD code, etc. The circuit can be
and the content of that latch, after de- this circuit is capable of showing a maxi- suitably adopted for calling-line display.
hile travelling by a train or bus, sistor T1 gets forward biased to extend (Pin6) (Pin1)
we generally lock our luggage the positive supply to the alarm circuit. X X Police siren
using a chain-and-lock arrange- In idle mode, the power consumption of VDD X Fire-engine siren
ment. But, still we are under tension, ap- the circuit is minimum and thus it can be VSS X Ambulance siren
prehending that somebody may cut the used for hundreds of travel hours. “-” VDD Machine-gun sound
chain and steal our luggage. Here is a To enable generation of different Note: X = no connection; “-” = do not care
simple circuit to alarm you when
somebody tries to cut the chain.
Transistor T1 enables supply to
the sound generator chip when the
base current starts flowing through
it. When the wire (thin enameled
copper wire of 30 to 40 SWG, used
for winding transformers) loop
around the chain is broken by some-
body, the base of transistor T1,
which was earlier tied to positive
rail, gets opened. As a result, tran-
5.00V 44 µA
4.00V 34 µA
I 3.00V 24 µA
DWI 2.00V 14 µA
S.C. 1.00V 4 µA
he full-scale deflection of the uni- Calculate RI according to the applica-
versal high-input-resistance volt- tion from one of the following equations: Position 2 of Function Switch
meter circuit shown in the figure Erms input Meter Current
(a) DC voltmeter: RIA = full-scale EDC/IFS
5V 46 µA
(b) RMS AC voltmeter (sine 4V 36 µA
wave only): RIB = 0.9 full-scale 3V 26 µA
ERMS/ IFS 2V 18 µA
(c) Peak reading voltmeter 1V 10 µA
(sine wave only): RIC = 0.636 full-
(d) Peak-to-peak AC voltme- Position 3 of Function Switch
ter (sine wave only): RID = 0.318 EPk input Meter Current
full-scale EPK-TO-PK / IFS 5V peak 46 µA
The term IFS in the above 4V peak 36 µA
equations refers to meter’s full- 3V peak 26 µA
2V peak 16 µA
scale deflection current rating in 1V peak 6 µA
It must be noted that neither TABLE IV
meter resistance nor diode volt-
Position 4 of Function Switch
age drops affects meter current.
EPk-To-Pk Meter Current
Note: The results obtained
5V peak to peak 46 µA
during practical testing of the cir- 4V peak to peak 36 µA
depends on the function switch position cuit in EFY lab are tabulated in Tables I 3V peak to peak 26 µA
as follows: through IV. 2V peak to peak 16 µA
(a) 5V DC on position 1 A high-input-resistance op-amp, a 1V peak to peak 7 µA
(b) 5V AC rms in position 2 bridge rectifier, a microammeter, and a
(c) 5V peak AC in position 3 few other discrete components are all that ing the value of the resistor connected be-
(d) 5V AC peak-to-peak in position 4 are required to realise this versatile cir- tween the inverting input terminal of the
The circuit is basically a voltage-to- cuit. This circuit can be used for mea- op-amp and ground. The voltage to be
current converter. The design procedure surement of DC, AC RMS, AC peak, or measured is connected to non-inverting in-
is as follows: AC peak-to-peak voltage by simply chang- put of the op-amp.
Time Switch Y. K
the position of mode switch. At the time
of alarm, when point A connected to col-
lector of transistor T1 passes through
logic 0 state, the output logic state of
AVNISH PUNDIR both the gates will toggle.
Assuming that mode switch is
his circuit is especially designed out having to flip the mode switch (i.e. flipped to ‘Mode Off’ position at power-
for those who often need to wake mode switch can be omitted). on-reset (when point D is at logic 1),
up early in the morning. Ordi- Please refer to the back panel dia- initially diode D1 would be in blocking
nary alarms in electronic watches are gram of a typical analogue clock and state and transistor T2 would be for-
not loud enough and the audio jack, to see how the existing ward biased via resistor R5 and
very often they fail to buzzer of diodes D2 and D3. As a result, the
wake up. The switch the clock is relay is in energised state, which makes
circuit described here required to output power available at output socket-
will come handy; it can be wired to 1 and cuts it off from socket-2. At alarm
be used to switch on a the audio time, the audio signal toggles logic
TV, radio or tape re- output output states of both gates N1 and N2.
corder etc, which will from the As a result, point D goes to logic 0
not allow even the la- clock. This state. Diode D1 conducts, taking the
ziest amongst us to ig- will ensure that when plug is inserted voltage at junction of diodes D1 and
nore their sound for too long. Besides, in the audio jack, the clock’s buzzer will D2 to near about 1 volt. Diode D3
this time switch can also be used to remain off and not consume any power ensures that its series combination with
switch on/off any other electric or elec- unnecessarily. diode D2 puts them in blocking mode.
tronic gadget at any time. What you The audio alarm output from the Capacitor C3 meanwhile discharges
need is a simple analogue electronic clock is coupled to the AF detector built via resistor R6 and the voltage at base
clock with alarm facility and a small around low-power switching transistor of transistor T2 approaches towards
circuit to implement the time switch. T1. During alarm, the collector of tran- ground level, cutting off transistor
This time switch has two modes. sistor T1 will fluctuate around ground T2 and de-energising relay RL1. Now
One is ‘time-on’ mode and the other is level and Vcc. During absence of audio the power at output socket-1 would be
‘time-off ’ mode. In time-on mode, you alarm input, the collector of transistor cut off while it becomes available in
set up the alarm in your clock as per T1 is held at Vcc potential. socket-2.
normal procedure and at the set time The next stage consists of an S-R If the above operation is repeated
this switch turns on the gadget con- latch built around NAND gates N1 and with switch S1 in ‘Mode On,’ the power
nected at the output socket-1. In time- N2. Capacitor C2 and resistor R4 are would initially not be available in
off mode, it turns your gadget off at the used for power-on-reset. On switching socket-1 (but available in socket-2). But
set time. The optional output socket-2 the power supply, gate N2 output will after the alarm, the power would be-
is wired in such a way that when you acquire logic 1 and that of gate N1 logic come available in socket-1 and not in
use this socket, the mode changes with- 0. This is the initial state, irrespective of socket-2.
Headphone G.S.
mitter. This IR transmitter can be pow-
ered from a 9-volt mains adapter or bat-
tery. Red LED1 in transmitter circuit
functions as a zener diode (0.65V) as
PRADEEP G. well as supply-on indicator.
IR receiver uses 3-stage transistor
amplifier. The first two transistors (T4
sing this low-cost project one possible. Range can be extended by and T5) form audio signal amplifier
can reproduce audio from TV using lenses and reflectors with IR sen- while the third transistor T6 is used to
without disturbing others. It sors comprising transmitters and re- drive a headphone. Adjust potmeter VR2
does not use any wire connection be- ceivers. for max. clarity.
tween TV and headphones. In place of IR transmitter uses two-stage tran- Direct photo-transistor towards IR
a pair of wires, it uses invisible infra- sistor amplifier to drive two series-con- LEDs of transmitter for max. range. A
red light to transmit audio signals from nected IR LEDs. An
audio out-
put trans-
former is
used (in re-
verse) to
couple audio
output from
TV to the IR
T1 and T2
amplify the
audio sig-
nals re-
ceived from
TV to headphones. Without using any TV through the audio transformer. Low- 9-volt battery can be used with receiver
lens, a range of up to 6 metres is impedance output windings (lower for portable operation.
Volume Control . DH
minimum volume respectively.
The active high outputs A, B, C and
D of the counter are used for control-
ling two quad bi-polar analogue switches
A.P.S in each of the two CD4066 ICs (IC3 and
SHEENA K. IC4). Each of the output bits, when high,
short a part of the resistor network com-
his circuit could be used for re- quency pulses to up/down clock input prising series resistors R6 through R9
placing your manual volume con- pins of pre-setable up/down counter for one channel and R10 through R13
trol in a stereo amplifier. In this 74LS193 (IC2) via push-to-on switches for the other channel,
circuit, push-to-on switch S1 controls the S1 and S2. To vary the pulse width of and thereby control the output of the
forward (volume increase) operation of pulses from IC1, one may replace tim- audio signals being fed to the inputs of
both channels while a similar switch ing resistor R1 with a variable resistor. stereo amplifier. Push-to-on switch S3
S2 controls reverse (volume decrease) Operation of switch S1 (up) causes is used for resetting the output of
operation of both channels. the binary output to increment while counter to 0000, and thereby turning
Here IC1 timer 555 is configured as operation of S2 (down) causes the bi- the volume of both channels to the mini-
an astable flip-flop to provide low-fre- nary output to decrement. The maxi- mum level.
any digital code lock circuits An essential property of this elec- charging time T of the capacitor C1 to
have been published in this tronic code lock is that it works in the threshold voltage, which is calcu-
magazine. In those circuits a monostable mode, i.e. once triggered, lated by the relation T=1.1 R1 x C1 sec-
set of switches (conforming to code) are the output becomes high and remains onds).
pressed one by one within the specified so for a period of time, governed by the Within these five seconds, switches
time to open the lock. In some other timing components, before returing to SA and SC are to be pressed momen-
circuits, custom-built ICs are used and the quiescent low state. In this circuit, tarily once again, followed by the de-
positive and negative logic pulses are timer IC 555 with 8 pins is used. The pression of last code-switch pair S3-S4.
keyed in sequence as per the code by IC is inexpensive and easily available. These switches connect the relay to out-
two switches to open the lock. Its pin 2 is the triggering input pin put pin 3 and the relay is energised.
A low-cost digital code lock circuit which, when held below 1/3 of the sup- The contacts of the relay close and the
is presented in this article. Here the ply voltage, drives the output to high solenoid pulls in the latch (forming part
keying-in code is rather unique. Six state. The threshold pin 6, when held of a lock) and the lock opens. The re-
switches are to be pressed to open the higher than 2/3 of the supply voltage, maining switches are connected between
lock, but only two switches at a time. drives the output to low state. By ap- reset pin 4 and ground. If any one of
Thus a total of three sets of switches plying a low-going pulse to the reset these switches is pressed, the IC is re-
have to be pressed in a particular se- pin 4, the output at pin 3 can be set and the output goes to its quiescent
quence. (Of these three sets, one set is brought to the quiescent low level. Thus low state. Possibilities of pressing these
repeated.) The salient features of this the reset pin 4 should be held high for reset switches are more when a code
circuit are: normal operation of the IC. breaker tries to open the lock.
1. Use of 16 switches, which sug- Three sets of switches SA-SC, S1- LED D5 indicates the presence of
gests that there is a microprocessor in- S8 and S3-S4 are pressed, in that or- power supply while resistor R5 is a cur-
side. der, to open the lock. On pressing the rent limiting resistor.
2. Elimination of power amplifier switches SA and SC simultaneously, ca- The given circuit can be recoded eas-
transistor to energise the relay. pacitor C3 charges through the poten- ily by rearranging connections to the
3. Low cost and small PCB size. tial divider comprising resistors R3 and switches as desired by the user.
his jam circuit can be used in through R8. All eight outputs of IC1 presses his switch first, jams the dis-
quiz contests wherein any par- are connected to inputs of priority en- play to show only his number. In the
ticipant who presses his button coder 74LS147 (IC2) as well as 8-input unlikely event of simultaneous press-
(switch) before the other contestants, NAND gate 74LS30 (IC3). The output ing (within few nano-seconds difference)
gets the first chance to answer a ques- of IC3 thus becomes logic 0 which, after of more than one switch, the higher
tion. The circuit given here permits up inversion by NAND gate N2, is applied priority number (switch no.) will be
to eight contestants with each one al- to latch-enable pin 11 of IC1. With all displayed. Simultaneously, the logic 0
lotted a distinct number (1 to 8). The input pins of IC2 being logic 1, its BCD output of gate N1 drives the buzzer via
display will show the number of the con- output is 0000, which is applied to 7- pnp transistor BC158 (T1). The buzzer
testant pressing his button before the segment decoder/driver 74LS47 (IC6) af- as well the display can be reset (to
others. Simultaneously, a buzzer will ter inversion by hex inverter gates in- show 0) by momentary pressing of re-
also sound. Both, the display as well as side 74LS04 (IC5). Thus, on reset the set switch S9 so that next round may
the buzzer have to be reset manually display shows 0. start.
using a common reset switch. When any one of the push-to-on Lab Note: The original circuit sent
Initially, when reset switch S9 is mo- switches—S1 through S8—is pressed, by the author has been modified as it
mentarily pressed and released, all out- the corresponding output line of IC1 is did not jam the display, and a higher
puts of 74LS373 (IC1) transparent latch latched at logic 0 level and the display number switch (higher priority), even
go ‘high’ since all the input data lines indicates the number associated with when pressed later, was able to change
are returned to Vcc via resistors R1 the specific switch. At the same time, the displayed number.
divided using decade counters to gener-
ate the required time period.
EFY lab note. To generate required
digital frequency counter needs a
time-base generator to count the
frequency with high resolution.
Normally, a crystal-based oscillator with
divider IC chain or a similar circuit in the
form of an ASIC (application-specific IC)
is used for time-base generation. Here
we’ve presented a simple circuit for accu-
rate time-base generation using the readily
available 3.5795MHz crystal commonly
used in telecommunication equipment.
The 3.5795MHz crystal is used in con-
junction with a CD4060-based crystal os- Thus the crystal frequency is divided
cillator-cum-divider (IC1). The crystal fre- by 3584, giving the final output frequency flop, will generate gates with 1-sec ‘on’
quency is divided by 512 by IC1, which is of around 998.8 Hz. This frequency can period and 1-sec ‘off’ period.
further divided by 7 by CD4017 (IC2). IC2 be trimmed to exactly 1 kHz with the help This circuit is estimated to cost below
is reset as soon as its Q7 output goes high. of trimmer capacitor VC1 as shown in the Rs 50.
capacitors C1, C2, and C3, diodes D1 and
D2, and zener ZD1 are used to develop a
fairly steady 5V DC supply voltage that
ere is a low-cost circuit of Christ- advantage of this circuit is that it doesn’t provides the required current to operate
mas star that can be easily con- require any step-down transformer or ICs. the multivibrator circuit and trigger triac
structed even by a novice. The main Components like resistors R1 and R2, BT136 via LED1.
The multivibrator circuit is constructed
using two BC548 transistors (T1 and T2)
and some passive components. The fre-
quency of the multivibrator circuit is con-
trolled by capacitors C4 and C5 and resis-
tors R3 through R7. The output of the
multivibrator circuit is connected to tran-
sistor T3, which, in turn, drives the triac
via LED1. During positive half cycles of
the multivibrator’s output, transistor T3
energises triac BT136 and the lamp glows.
This circuit is estimated to cost Rs 75.
ery often we forget to switch off volts via diode D3. This voltage is suffi- possible, plug the unit into the mains via
the peripherals like monitor, scan- cient to hold transistor T2 in forward bi- an earth leakage circuit breaker. The mains
ner, and printer while switching off ased condition for about 200 ms even af- LED1 should glow and the slave LED2
our PC. The problem is that there are sepa- ter the controlling load on the master should remain off. Now connect a table
rate power switches to turn the peripher- socket is switched off. lamp to the master socket and switch it
als off. Normally, the peripherals are con- When transistor T2 is ‘on’, transistor ‘on’. The lamp should operate as usual.
nected to a single of those four-way trail- T1 gets forward biased and is switched The slave LED should turn ‘on’ whenever
ing sockets that are plugged into a single on. This, in turn, triggers Triac 1, which the lamp plugged into slave socket is
wall socket. If that socket is accessible, all then powers the slave loads. Capacitor C4 switched on. Both lamps should be at full
the devices could be switched off from and resistor R9 form a snubber network to brightness without any flicker. If so, the
there and none of the equipment used will ensure that the triac turns off cleanly with unit is working correctly and can be put
require any modification. an inductive load. into use.
Here is a mains manager
circuit that allows you to turn
all the equipment on or off by
just operating the switch on
any one of the devices; for
example, when you switch off
your PC, the monitor as well
as other equipment will get
powered down automatically.
You may choose the main
equipment to control other
gadgets. The main equipment
is to be directly plugged into
the master socket, while all
other equipment are to be con-
nected via the slave socket.
The mains supply from the
wall socket is to be connected
to the input of the mains man-
ager circuit.
The unit operates by
sensing the current drawn by
the control equipment/load
from the master socket. On
sensing that the control
equipment is on, it powers up the other LED1 indicates that the unit is operat- Note. 1. The device connected to the
(slave) sockets. The load on the master ing. Capacitor C1 and zener ZD1 are effec- master socket must have its power switch
socket can be anywhere between 20 VA tively in series across the mains. The result- on the primary side of the internal trans-
and 500 VA, while the load on the slave ing 15V pulses across ZD1 are rectified by former. Some electronic equipment have
sockets can be 60 VA to 1200 VA. diode D2 and smoothened by capacitor C2 the power switch on the secondary side
During the positive half cycle of the to provide the necessary DC supply for the and hence these devices continue to draw
mains AC supply, diodes D4, D5, and D6 circuit around transistors T1 and T2. Resis- a small current from the mains even when
have a voltage drop of about 1.8 volts tor R3 is used to limit the switching-on switched off. Thus such devices, if con-
when current is drawn from the master surge current, while resistor R1 serves as a nected as the master, will not control the
socket. Diode D7 carries the current dur- bleeder for rapidly discharging capacitor C1 slave units correctly.
ing negative half cycles. Capacitor C3, in when the unit is unplugged. LED1 glows 2. Though this unit removes the power
series with diode D3, is connected across whenever the unit is plugged into the mains. from the equipment being controlled, it
the diode combination of D4 through D6, Diode D1, in anti-parallel to LED1, carries doesn’t provide isolation from the mains.
in addition to diode D7 as well as resistor the current during the opposite half cycles. So, before working inside any equipment
R10. Thus current pulses during positive Don’t plug anything into the master or connected to this unit, it must be un-
half-cycles, charge up the capacitor to 1.8 slave sockets without testing the unit. If plugged from the socket.
AUTO SHUT-OFF FOR CASSETTE tween the noise and the signal. Resistor
R4 offers feedback resistance to control
the gain of the opamp. By increasing or
ere are two simple, low-cost cir- interrupt the power supply. Initial energisation of relay RL2 and
cuits that can be used to shut The other circuit, shown in Fig. 2, charging of capacitor C4 take place on
off the mains supply to any au- functions on the basis of the signal re- depression of switch S3 in the same man-
dio or video equipment (such as tape re- ceived from preamp of the appliance used. ner as charging of capacitor C1 (refer Fig.
corder, CD player, and amplifier). These In this circuit, opamp µA741 is wired in 1) on depression of switch S1. As a re-
circuits are helpful to those in the habit inverting opamp configuration. It ampli- sult, pins 2 and 6 of NE555 go high and
of falling asleep with their music system fies the signal received from the preamp. the output of timer goes low to switch off
on. Timer NE555 is used to provide the nec- mains supply from the relay to step-down
The circuits will also protect the equip- essary time delay of about one minute. transformer X2 of the appliance. Bleeder
ment from getting damaged due to high- Preset VR1 is used to control the sen- resistor R6 is used to discharge capacitor
voltage spikes whenever there is a re- sitivity of the circuit to differentiate be- C4. Now if signals are received from the
sumption of power after a break. This is
possible because the equipment will get
switched off automatically under such con-
ditions but will not get switched on auto-
matically on resumption of mains supply.
The circuit in Fig. 1 can be used to
shut off any cassette player that has a
reliable auto-stop mechanism. Whenever
switch S1 is pressed momentarily, it ex-
tends the supply to the step-down trans-
former of the tape recorder and charges
capacitor C1 through diode D1. This, in
turn, makes transistor T1 conduct and
energise relay RL1 to provide a parallel
path to switch S1, so that supply to the
step-down transformer continues even
when switch S1 is released.
When any button on the cassette
player is pressed, the capacitor charges
through diode D2. This ensures conduc-
tion of transistor T1 and thus the conti-
nuity of operation of cassette player. How-
ever, whenever the auto-stop mechanism
functions at the end of a tape, the leaf
switch gets opened. This cuts the charg-
ing path for the capacitor and it starts
discharging slowly. After about one
minute, the relay opens and interrupts
main power to the transformer. The time
delay can be increased by increasing the
value of capacitor C1.
If the appliance used is a two-in-one
type (e.g. cassette player-cum-radio), just
connect another diode in parallel with di-
odes D1 and D2 to provide an additional
path for charging capacitor C1 via the
tape-to-radio changeover switch, so that
when radio is played the relay does not
preamplifier, these are amplified by 741 the mains supply to transformer X2. driven from the preamplifier of the gad-
and fed to the base of transistor T2, which Switch S2 can be depressed momentarily get used, and not from its power ampli-
keeps capacitor C4 charged through re- if the device needs to be manually fier output. Switches S1 and S2 are 2-
sistor R5. When there is no signal, T2 switched off. pole push-to-on switches. These can also
will not conduct and the capacitor slowly Note. The 12V supply should be pro- be fabricated from 2-pole on-off switches,
discharges through R6. The output of 555 vided to the circuit from the equipment’s which are widely used in cassette play-
goes high to switch off the relay and thus power supply. Opamp 741 should be ers, by removing the latch pin from them.
he compact, low-cost condenser transmitters, and packet radio receivers. 1 watt into 4 ohms at 6V power supply
mic audio amplifier described here Transistors T1 and T2 form the mic voltage. It exhibits low distortion and
provides good-quality audio of 0.5 preamplifier. Resistor R1 provides the nec- noise and operates over 3V-9V supply volt-
watts at 4.5 volts. It can be used as part essary bias for the condenser mic while age, which makes it ideal for battery op-
of intercoms, walkie-talkies, low-power preset VR1 functions as gain control for eration. A turn-on pop reduction circuit
prevents thud when the power
supply is switched on.
Coupling capacitor C7 deter-
mines low-frequency response of
the amplifier. Capacitor C9 acts
as the ripple-rejection filter. Ca-
pacitor C13 couples the output
available at pin 1 to the loud-
speaker. R15-C13 combination
acts as the damping circuit for
output oscillations. Capacitor C12
provides the boot strapping func-
This circuit is suitable for low-
power HAM radio transmitters to
supply the necessary audio power
for modulation. With simple modi-
fications it can also be used in
intercom circuits.
everal circuits of a telephone
extension ringer have earlier been
published in EFY. The circuit pre-
sented here is distinct from these circuits
in that it has no electrical contact with
the telephone lines. It senses the induced
fluctuating electric field of telephone lines
when the phone rings.
The input is sensed by a 5-8cm long
plastic insulated flexible wire that is wound
3-4 times on telephone cable. When the
telephone rings, about 20Hz AC voltage is
available on the telephone line, which
causes field fluctuation up to a few centimetres
outside the telephone cable also.
The 20Hz AC signal induced in the
pick-up sensor is coupled to the clock pin
of decade counter IC CD4017. The CD4017
is wired as a divide-by-two counter by
connecting its pin 4 to reset pin 15.
As the input impedance of CMOS IC transistor BC547 in class-C mode of op- ing duration. As a result, the alarm is
is extremely high, the induced electric field eration. The transistor conducts during the activated when the telephone rings.
is sufficient to clock it. The output ob- positive half cycle of square wave. The When the handset is picked up or the
tained at pin 3 of CD4017 is a 10Hz square positive voltage (high) available at the telephone stops ringing, the transistor
wave (half of input 20Hz signals). This emitter of the transistor pulls reset pin 4 stops conduction. Then reset pin of IC2
square wave signal is used to bias npn of 555 timer IC high for the correspond- goes low and the alarm is disabled.
OR gate is a derived logic gate that inverters or buffers. Here
finds many applications in digital one of the inputs of each
circuits. Here we have described XOR gate are connected
use of XOR gate as controlled inverter,
9’s BCD subtractor and up-/down-counter. XOR Gate
It can be seen from Fig. 1 and the A B Y
accompanying truth table that XOR gate
0 0 0
works as NOT (inverter) gate when its
0 1 1
one input is held high, and as a buffer
1 0 1
when the same input is pulled low. The
1 1 0
common input (as shown in Fig. 2) can Fig. 1: XOR gate as inverter and buffer
The audio alarm generator comprises
clock oscillator IC7 (555), whose output
drives a loudspeaker. The oscillator fre-
P. RAJESH BHAT quency can be varied with the help of
preset VR1. Logic 0 state at one of the
uiz-type game shows are increas- When a contestant presses his switch, outputs of IC2 produces logic 1 input con-
ingly becoming popular on tele- the corresponding output of latch IC2 dition at pin 4 of IC7, thereby enabling
vision these days. In such games, (7475) changes its logic state from 1 to 0. the audio oscillator.
fastest finger first indicators (FFFIs) are The combinational circuitry comprising IC7 needs +12V DC supply for suffi-
used to test the player’s reaction time. dual 4-input NAND gates of IC3 (7420) cient alarm level. The remaining circuit
The player’s designated number is dis- locks out subsequent entries by produc- operates on regulated +5V DC supply,
played with an audio alarm when the ing the appropriate latch-disable signal. which is obtained using IC1 (7805).
player presses his entry button. Priority encoder IC4 (74147) encodes Once the organiser identifies the con-
The circuit presented here determines the active-low input condition into the cor- testant who pressed the switch first, he
as to which of the four contestants first responding binary coded decimal (BCD) disables the audio alarm and at the same
pressed the button and locks out the re- number output. The outputs of IC4 after time forces the digital display to ‘0’ by
maining three entries. Simultaneously, an inversion by inverter gates inside hex in- pressing reset pushbutton S5.
audio alarm and the correct decimal num- verter 74LS04 (IC5) are coupled to BCD- With a slight modification, this cir-
ber display of the corresponding contes- to-7-segment decoder/display driver IC6 cuit can accommodate more than four con-
tant are activated. (7447). The output of IC6 drives common- testants.
ere is a low-cost circuit of an FM stations clearly. The circuit comprises a 2SC2570. (Only C2570 is annotated on the
booster that can be used to listen common-emitter tuned RF preamplifier transistor body.)
to programmes from distant FM wired around VHF/UHF transistor Assemble the circuit on a good-quality
PCB (preferably, glass-epoxy). Adjust in-
put/output trimmers (VC1/VC2) for maxi-
mum gain.
Input coil L1 consists of four turns of
20SWG enamelled copper wire (slightly
space wound) over 5mm diameter former.
It is tapped at the first turn from ground
lead side. Coil L2 is similar to L1, but has
only three turns. Pin configuration of tran-
sistor 2SC2570 is shown in the figure.
EDI As a consequence, output voltage at
the collector of transistor T1 sustains for-
ward biasing of transistor T2, even if switch
S1 is released. This latching action keeps
both transistors T1 and T2 in conduction
as long as the output of the bridge rectifier
ere is a simple circuit for music- line voltage is more than 15 volts, i.e. is greater than 15 volts.
on-hold with automatic shut off fa- when the handset is placed on the cradle. If the handset is now lifted off-hook,
cility. During telephone conversa- Once the transistor pair of TI and T2 the rectifier output drops to about 9 volts
tion if you are reminded of some urgent starts conducting, melody generator IC1 and hence latching action ceases and the
work, momentarily push switch S1 until
red LED1 glows, keep the telephone hand-
set on the cradle, and attend to the work
on hand. A soft music is generated and
passed into the telephone lines while the
other-end subscriber holds. When you re-
turn, you can simply pick up the handset
again and continue with the conversation.
The glowing of LED1, while the music
is generated, indicates that the telephone
is in hold position. As soon as the handset
is picked up, LED1 is turned off and the
music stops.
Normally, the voltage across telephone
lines is about 50 volts. When we pick up gets the supply and is activated. The mu- circuit automatically switches off.
the receiver (handset), it drops to about 9 sic is coupled to the telephone lines via (EFY lab note. The value of resistor
volts. The minimum voltage required to capacitor C2, resistor R1, and the bridge R2 determines the current through resistor
activate this circuit is about 15 volts. If the rectifier. R1 to develop adequate voltage (greater
voltage is less than 15 volts, the circuit With the handset off-hook after a ring, than 0.65 volts) for conduction of transis-
automatically switches off. However, ini- momentary depression of switch S1 causes tor T1. Hence it may be test selected be-
tially both transistors T1 and T2 are cut off. forward biasing of transistor T2. Mean- tween 33 kilo-ohms and 100 kilo-ohms to
The transistor pair of T1 and T2 performs while, if the handset is placed on the obtain instant latching.)
switching and latching action when switch cradle, the current passing through R1 The total cost of this circuit is around
S1 is momentarily pressed, provided the (connected across the emitter and base ter- Rs 50.
quartz alarm time pieces) in parallel with
EDI one small (3mm) LCD in place of LED1
S.C. and resistor R5. In such a case, the cur-
rent consumption of the circuit will be
K. UDHAYA KUMARAN, VU3GTH around 7 mA. Alternatively, one may use
two 1.5V R6- or AA-type batteries. Using
ortable loads such as video cam- The frequency is determined by timing this gadget, one can also quickly detect
eras, halogen flood lights, elec- components comprising resistors R3 and fused small filament bulbs in serial loops
trical irons, hand drillers, grind- R4, and capacitor C1. Gates N1 and N2 powered by 230V AC mains.
ers, and cutters are powered by connect- are used to sense the presence of 230V AC The whole circuit can be accommo-
ing long 2- or 3-core cables to the mains field around the live wire and buffer weak dated in a small PVC pipe and used as a
plug. Due to prolonged usage, the power AC voltage picked from the test probe. handy broken-wire detector. Before detect-
cord wires are subjected to mechanical The voltage at output pin 10 of gate N2 ing broken faulty wires, take out any con-
strain and stress, which can lead to in- can enable or inhibit the oscillator circuit. nected load and find out the faulty wire
ternal snapping of wires at any point. In When the test probe is away from any first by continuity method using any mul-
such a case most people go for replacing high-voltage AC field, output pin 10 of timeter or continuity tester. Then connect
the core/cable, as finding the exact loca- gate N2 remains low. As a result, diode 230V AC mains live wire at one end of
D3 conducts and inhibits the faulty wire, leaving the other end free.
the oscillator circuit from Connect neutral terminal of the mains
oscillating. Simulta- AC to the remaining wires at one end.
neously, the output of gate However, if any of the remaining wires is
N3 at pin 6 goes ‘low’ to also found to be faulty, then both ends of
cut off transistor T1. As a these wires are connected to neutral. For
result, LED1 goes off. single-wire testing, connecting neutral
When the test probe is only to the live wire at one end is suffi-
moved closer to 230V AC, cient to detect the breakage point.
50Hz mains live wire, dur- In this circuit, a 5cm (2-inch) long,
ing every positive half- thick, single-strand wire is used as the
cycle, output pin 10 of gate test probe. To detect the breakage point,
N2 goes high. turn on switch S1 and slowly move the
Thus during every test probe closer to the faulty wire, begin-
positive half-cycle of the ning with the input point of the live wire
mains frequency, the os- and proceeding towards its other end.
cillator circuit is allowed LED1 starts glowing during the presence
tion of a broken wire is difficult. In 3-core to oscillate at around 1 kHz, making red of AC voltage in faulty wire. When the
cables, it appears almost impossible to de- LED (LED1) to blink. (Due to the persis- breakage point is reached, LED1 immedi-
tect a broken wire and the point of break tence of vision, the LED appears to be ately extinguishes due to the non-avail-
without physically disturbing all the three glowing continuously.) This type of blink- ability of mains AC voltage. The point
wires that are concealed in a PVC jacket. ing reduces consumption of the current where LED1 is turned off is the exact
The circuit presented here can easily from button cells used for power supply. broken-wire point.
and quickly detect a broken/faulty wire A 3V DC supply is sufficient for pow- While testing a broken 3-core rounded
and its breakage point in 1-core, 2-core, ering the whole circuit. AG13 or LR44 cable wire, bend the probe’s edge in the
and 3-core cables without physically dis- type button cells, which are also used in- form of ‘J’ to increase its sensitivity and
turbing wires. It is built using hex in- side laser pointers or in LED-based conti- move the bent edge of the test probe closer
verter CMOS CD4069. Gates N3 and N4 nuity testers, can be used for the circuit. over the cable. During testing avoid any
are used as a pulse generator that oscil- The circuit consumes 3 mA during the strong electric field close to the circuit to
lates at around 1000 Hz in audio range. sensing of AC mains voltage. avoid false detection.
magine the convenience of selecting works up to a distance of about 10 metres. display the status of each output stage dur-
TV channels using your remote and The circuit is built around a 3-pin IR ing circuit operation. Back-EMF diode D5
then pointing the same remote to your IC receiver (Siemens SFH-506-38 or equiva- is used for protection. Transistor T1 is con-
switchboard to switch on/off the fan or lent) that can detect 38kHz burst frequency figured as an open-collector output device
the tubelight. Here is a simple circuit to generated by a TV remote. (This IR re- to drive the relay rated at 12V DC.
remotely switch on/off any electrical de- ceiver module has been covered earlier in The circuit draws the power from volt-
vice through a relay using the normal TV/ many projects published in EFY.) age regulator 7805. Capacitor C5 is sol-
VCR/VCP/VCD remote control unit. It The output pin of IR sensor goes low dered close to the IR sensor’s pins to avoid
noise and false
triggering. Ca-
pacitor C3 and
resistor R3 also
avoid false trig-
gering of
NE555. The
monostable acts
as a 1-second
hysterisis unit to
restrict the flip-
flop from getting
within one sec-
ond. To activate
any other 12V
logic device, use
the output across
the relay coil ter-
sing this circuit you can communi-
cate with your neighbours
wirelessly. Instead of RF signals,
light from a laser torch is used as the
carrier in the circuit. The laser torch can
transmit light up to a distance of about 500
metres. The phototransistor of the receiver
must be accurately oriented towards the
laser beam from the torch. If there is any
obstruction in the path of the laser beam,
no sound will be heard from the receiver.
The transmitter circuit (Fig. 1) com-
prises condenser microphone transistor
amplifier BC548 (T1) followed by an op-
amp stage built around µA741 (IC1). The
gain of the op-amp can be controlled with
the help of 1-mega-ohm potmeter VR1.
The AF output from IC1 is coupled to the
base of transistor BD139 (T2), which, in
turn, modulates the laser beam.
The transmitter uses 9V power sup-
ply. However, the 3-volt laser torch (after
removal of its battery) can be directly con-
nected to the circuit—with the body of
the torch connected to the emitter of
BD139 and the spring-loaded lead protrud-
ing from inside the torch to circuit ground.
The receiver circuit (Fig. 2) uses an
npn phototransistor as the light sensor that
is followed by a two-stage transistor
preamplifier and LM386-based audio
power amplifier. The receiver does not
need any complicated alignment. Just keep
the phototransistor oriented towards the
remote transmitter’s laser point and ad-
just the volume control for a clear sound.
To avoid 50Hz hum noise in the from AC light sources such as bulbs. cause any problem. But the sensor should
speaker, keep the phototransistor away The reflected sunlight, however, does not not directly face the sun.
obile phone chargers available in 7.2 volts, such as Nokia 6110/6150. and LED3 indicates the charging status.
the market are quite expensive. The 220-240V AC mains supply is During the charging period, about 3 volts
The circuit presented here comes downconverted to 9V AC by transformer drop occurs across resistor R2, which turns
as a low-cost alternative to charge mobile X1. The transformer output is rectified by on LED3 through resistor R3.
telephones/battery packs with a rating of diodes D1 through D4 wired in bridge An external DC supply source (for in-
stance, from a vehicle battery) can also be
used to energise the charger, where resis-
tor R4, after polarity protection diode D5,
limits the input current to a safe value.
The 3-terminal positive voltage regulator
LM7806 (IC1) provides a constant voltage
output of 7.8V DC since LED1 connected
between the common terminal (pin 2) and
ground rail of IC1 raises the output volt-
age to 7.8V DC. LED1 also serves as a
power indicator for the external DC sup-
After constructing the circuit on a
veroboard, enclose it in a suitable cabinet.
A small heat sink is recommended for IC1.
his circuit (Fig. 1), used in conjunc- ates an electrical signal, which is am-
tion with a thin piezoelectric plate, plified by transistors T1 through T3.
senses the vibration generated on The amplified signal is rectified
knocking a surface (such as a door or a and filtered to produce a low-level
table) to activate the alarm. It uses readily- DC voltage, which is further ampli-
available, low-cost components and can fied by the remaining transistors. The
also be used to safeguard motor vehicles. final output from the collector of pnp
The piezoelectric plate is used as the sen- transistor T6 is applied to reset pin 4
sor. It is the same as used in ordinary of 555 (IC1) that is wired as an Fig. 2: Proposed installation of knock alarm
his simple and cost-effective door (Website address: fortech@mantramail. the output.
bell circuit is based on IC 8021-2 com). It is an 8-pin DIP IC whose only During the standby period, the IC con-
from Formox Semiconductors four pins, as shown in the circuit, have sumes nominal current of a few microam-
been used. peres only. Therefore switch S1 may be
The IC has an in-built kept closed. Each time switch S2 is
circuitry to produce ding- pressed, ding dong sound is produced
dong sound each time its twice. If you try to press switch S2 a sec-
pin 3 is pulled low. The ond time when the first ding dong sound
sound is stored in the IC is still being produed, it has no effect what-
as bits, as in a ROM. The ever and the two ding-dong bell sounds
sound output from the IC will be invariably produced.
can’t however drive a The circuit costs no more than Rs 35
speaker directly, as this and the IC 8021-2 used in the circuit is
puts strain on the device. readily available for around Rs 15 in the
Therefore a complemen- market.
his circuit conditions different sig- put signal such that the negative half cycle The final output voltage (Vo) at pin 7
nals of frequency below 1 kHz and of the input signal is available in the posi- of op-amp A2 is given by the following
displays their waveforms on the PC’s tive side itself, so both the half cycles are relationship:
screen. The hardware is used to condition read as positive when it is given as input Vo=(1+R/2R)(-2Vi/3)= -Vi
the input waveform and convert it to the to the ADC. During positive half cycle, As Vi is negative, the output voltage is
digital format for interfacing to the PC. The diode D3 is on and diode D4 is off, and positive.
software for acquiring the data into the PC op-amps A1 and A2 act as inverters. Thus The zero-crossing detector detects
and displaying the same on its screen is the output is a replica of the input. During whether the cycle is positive or negative.
written in Turbo C. the negative half cycle, diode D3 is off It is the most critical part of the circuit
The input waveform (limited to 5V and diode D4 is on. With and if it operates improperly, the symme-
peak-to-peak) is first applied to a full-wave R2=R3=R4=R5=R6=R=330 ohms, the try of the analogue signal displayed in the
rectifier comprising op-amps A1 and A2 of voltage (V) at inverting pin 2 of op-amp PC monitor gets affected. At the zero-cross-
quad op-amp LM324 (IC4) and a zero- A1 is related to the input voltage (Vi) as ing instant when the input signal transits
crossing detector built around LM3914 dot/ follows: to negative side, the zero-crossing detec-
bar display driver (IC8) simultaneously. Vi/R +V/(2R)+V/R=0 tor informs the PC by taking pin 15 of 25-
The full-wave rectifier rectifies the in- V= -(2/3)Vi pin ‘D’ connector of the parallel port high.
The input at pin 15 of ‘D’ connector goes R1=10 kilo-ohms and C4=150 pF, which tus port address is 0x0379 and the
low when the input signal transits to posi- are the externally connected timing com- control port address is 0x037a. The port
tive side. The zero-crossing detector com- ponents. The conversion time obtained is addresses for parallel ports are summarised
municates with the PC through bit D3 of approximately 100 µs. The functions of below:
the status port 379Hex. other pins are given below: Printer Data port Status port Control port
The zero-crossing detector has been Pin 1 (CS): This is active- LPT1 0x0378 0x0379 0x037a
realised using LM3914 IC. You may adjust low chip-select pin. LPT2 0x0278 0x0279 0x027a
VR1 such that the last LED (LED10) goes Pin 2 (RD): This active-low LPT3 0x03bc 0x03bd 0x03be
off when the input signal transits negative pin enables the digital output
side of the input waveform. The LM3914 buffers. When high, the 8-bit bus will be (EFY Lab note. For details of the par-
itself rectifies the input signal and allows in Hi-Z state. allel port pins, refer ‘PC-based Dial Clock
only positive half of the cycle. Pin 3 (WR): This active-low pin is used with Timer’ project published in June 2002
The output from the full-wave rectifier to start the conversion. issue of EFY.)
is applied to the input of a sample-and-hold Pin 9 (Vref/2): This is optional input The software, written in C program-
circuit comprising op-amps A3 and A4 of pin. It is used only when the input signal ming language, is user-friendly and easy-
the LM324 (IC5), capacitor C3, transistor range is small. When pin 9 is at 2V, the to-understand. It gets data from the devel-
T1 (SL100), and analogue switch IC6 range is 0-4V, i.e. twice the voltage at pin 9. oped hardware circuit and displays it in
(CD4016). This circuit samples the input Pin 6 (V+), Pin 7(V-): The actual in- the graphical screen with some changes.
signal, i.e. it divides the waveform into a put is the difference in voltages applied to The C program includes two user-de-
number of voltages or points and inputs these pins. The analogue input can range fined functions with the main function:
each voltage level (with a delay) to the from 0 to 5V. graphics( ) and settings( ). The settings( )
ADC for conversion into the digital format. In this circuit, pins 1 and 2 are always function is used to adjust the voltage and
Op-amps A3 and A4, along with a switch made low, so the IC and the buses are time scale. The graphics( ) function is used
from IC CD4016 and a 1500pF capacitor always enabled. Pin 9 is made open, as to display the waveform on the screen. The
with sampling time of 20 µs, are used as we use analogue input with 0-5V range. sample control signal is used to close the
voltage followers/buffers. Pin 7 is grounded. switch in the sample-and-hold circuit, so the
When the base of transistor T1 is made Pin 5 (INTR): This active-low pin indi- capacitor charges towards the analogue in-
low via strobe pin 1 (bit Do of I/O port cates the end of conversion. It is connected put voltage. After the sampling is over, the
37A) of 25-pin D connector of the parallel to pin 17 (bit D3 of I/O port 37A) of ‘D’ switch is opened using the same signal.
port, the transistor stops conducting and connector. (Note that this bit is inverted.) Then the start-of-conversion control signal
the voltage at its collector goes high. The The start-of-conversion command via is given to start the conversion. The sam-
high voltage at the collector of transistor pin 16 of ‘D’ connector is applied to pin 3 pling time is approximately 20 µs and the
T1 closes the switch inside CD4016. As a of the ADC0804. Since we cannot read 8- conversion time is approximately 100 µs.
consequence, the analogue input signal is bit digital data output from ADC through After the conversion is over, the 8-bit
applied to the capacitor, which charges to- the 4-bit status port at a time, we divide it binary data for the specific voltage sample
wards the signal voltage. in two 4-bit parts and read. Hence the is available in the data bus of the ADC.
When the switch is subsequently ADC data output is multiplexed through Since the PC accepts only 4-bit data through
opened by applying a logic-high voltage two 4-bit sections of octal buffers of IC1 the status port (379H), the 8-bit data must
from pin 1 of ‘D’ connector to the base of (74244) with the help of output-enable sig- be split into two 4-bit data, which are ac-
transistor T1, the capacitor retains the volt- nals from pins 2 and 9 of ‘D’ connector to cepted one after another. This is done by IC
age with a loss of about 20 mV/sec and pins 1 and 19 (OE1 and OE2, respectively) 74244, which is controlled by D0 and D7
this voltage is given to input pin 6 of the of IC1. The digital data output from IC1 is bits of the data port. Then the two 4-bit
ADC0804 (IC3) via buffer A4 for conver- interfaced to the PC via pins 13 (D4), 12 data are packed to get the final 8-bit data.
sion to the digital format. When the num- (D5), 10 (D6), and 11 (D7) of status input The default BGI directory path is set
ber of sampling points in the input signal port 379H of ‘D’ connector. as ‘c:\tc\bgi’. The sampling time is de-
waveform is increased, the reconstructed The circuit uses 9V and 5V regulated cided by the ‘for’ loop that uses the samp
waveform becomes more accurate. DC supply voltages as shown in the cir- value. The maximum delay produced
The ADC0804 is compatible with mi- cuit diagram. should be greater than 20 µs, which is the
croprocessors. It is a 20-pin IC that works A PC printer port is an inexpensive maximum acquisition time of the capaci-
with 5V supply. It converts the analogue platform for implementing low-frequency tor. When the sample value is increased,
input voltage to 8-bit digital output. The data acquisition projects. Each printer port the number of points on the input signal
data bus is tristate buffered. With eight consists of data, status, and control port decreases and therefore the accuracy de-
bits, the resolution is 5V/255 = 19.6 mV. addresses. These addresses are in sequen- creases. The time scale may be calibrated
The inbuilt clock generator circuit pro- tial order; for example, if the data port with 50Hz sine wave as reference.
duces a frequency of about 640 kHz with address is 0x0378, the corresponding sta- This circuit costs around Rs 400.
his circuit is able to handle nine heard in all the nine telephones (it is (if the phone normally works in dial mode)
independent telephones (using a also possible that the phones will not and dial extension number, say, ‘1’, within
single telephone line pair) lo- work due to higher load), and out of 10 seconds. (In case the calling subscriber
cated at nine different locations, say, nine persons eight will find that the call fails to dial the required extension num-
up to a distance of 100m from each is not for them. Further, one can over- ber within 10 seconds, the line will be
other, for receiving and making outgo- hear others’ conversation, which is not disconnected automatically.) Also, if the
ing calls, while maintaining conversa- desirable. To overcome these problems, dialed extension phone is not lifted within
tion secrecy. This circuit is useful when the circuit given here proves beneficial, 10 seconds, the ring-back tone will cease.
a single telephone line is to be shared as the ring is heard only in the desired The ring signal on the main phone
by more members residing in different extension, say, extension number ‘1’. line is detected by opto-coupler MCT-
rooms/apartments. For making use of this facility, the 2E (IC1), which in turn activates the
Normally, if one connects nine calling subscriber is required to initially 10-second ‘on timer’, formed by IC2
phones in parallel, ring signals are dial the normal phone number of the (555), and energises relay RL10 (6V, 100-
ohm, 2 C/O). One of the ‘N/O’
contacts of the relay has been
used to connect +6V rail to the
processing circuitry and the
other has been used to provide
220-ohm loop resistance to de-
energise the ringer relay in
telephone exchange, to cut off
the ring.
When the caller dials the
extension number (say, ‘1’) in
tone mode, tone receiver
CM8870 (IC3) outputs code
‘0001’, which is fed to the 4-
bit BCD-to-10 line decimal de-
coder IC4 (CD4028). The out-
put of IC4 at its output pin
14 (Q1) goes high and
switches on the SCR (TH-1)
and associated relay RL1. Re-
lay RL1, in turn, connects, via
its N/O contacts, the 50Hz ex-
tension ring signal, derived
from the 230V AC mains, to
the line of telephone ‘1’. This
ring signal is available to tele-
phone ‘1’ only, because half
of the signal is blocked by di-
ode D1 and DIAC1 (which do
not conduct below 35 volts).
As soon as phone ‘1’ is
lifted, the ring current in-
creases and voltage drop
across R28 (220-ohm, 1/2W re-
sistor) increases and operates
opto-coupler IC5 (MCT-2E).
This in turn resets timer IC2
(a) interruption of the
power supply for processing
circuitry as well as the ring
his solidstate DC switch can be as- from transistor T2 to transistor T1 to keep collector to be pulled towards positive rail.
sembled using just three transistors this transistor pair in latched state (on/ Since the collector of T2 is connected to
and some passive components. It off), while the state of the third transistor the base of pnp transistor T3, it causes
can be used to switch on one gadget while stage is the complement of transistor T2’s transistor T3 to cut off, switching off the
switching off the second gadget with mo- conduction state. supply to gadget 2) as well as extinguish-
mentary operation of switch. To reverse Initially when switch S3 is closed, both ing LED2. This status is maintained until
the operation, you just have to momen- transistors T1 and T2 are off, as no for- switch S2 is momentarily pressed. Depres-
tarily depress another switch. ward bias is available to these, while the sion of switch S2 effectively grounds the
The circuit operates over 6V-15V DC base of transistor T3 is effectively grounded base of transistor T1, which cuts off and
supply voltage. It uses positive feedback via resistors R8 and R6 (shunted by the thus virtually opens the base-emitter cir-
load of the first cuit of transistor T2 and thus cutting it
gadget). As a re- off. This is the same condition as was ob-
sult, transistor T3 tained initially. This condition can be re-
is forward biased versed by momentarily pressing switch S1
and gadget 2 gets as explained earlier.
the supply. This EFY lab note. During testing, it was
is indicated by noticed that for proper operation of the
glowing of LED2. circuit, gadget 1 must draw a current of
When switch more than 100 mA (i.e. the resistance of
S1 is momentarily gadget 1 must be less than 220 ohms) to
depressed, T1 sustain the latched ‘on’ state. But this stipu-
gets the base lation is not applicable for gadget 2. A
drive and it maximum current of 275 mA could be
grounds the base drawn by any gadget.
of transistor T2 The total cost of this circuit is around
via resistor R4. Rs 30.
K. BHARATHAN output of
t h e
his reliable and easy-to-operate elec- Darlington
tronic security system can be used pair drives
in banks, factories, commercial es- the loud-
tablishments, houses, etc. speaker
The system comprises a monitoring sys- whose out-
tem and several sensing zones. Each sens- put volume
ing zone is provided with a closed-loop can be con-
switch known as sense switch. Sense trolled by
switches are fixed on the doors of premises potentiom-
under security and connected to the moni- eter VR1.
toring system. As long as the doors are Capacitor
closed, sense switches are also closed. The C1 serves
monitoring system can be installed at a as a filter
convenient central place for easy operation. capacitor.
Fig. 1 shows the monitoring circuit Y o u
only for zone 1 along with the common can alter
alarm circuit. For other zones, the the alarm
monitoring circuit is identical, with only sound as
the prefixes of components changing desired by
as per zone number. Encircled points A, changing
B, and C of each zone monitoring circuit the con-
need to be joined to the corresponding nections of
points of the alarm circuit (upper half IC1 as
of Fig. 1). shown in
When zone 1 sensing switch S11, zone the table.
on/off slide switch S12, and system on/off T h e
switch S1 are all on, pnp transistor T12 circuit con-
reverse biases to go in cut-off condition, tinues to
with its collector at around 0 volt. When sound the
the door fitted with sensor switch S11 is alarm until
opened, transistor T12 gets forward biased zone door Fig. 1: Monitoring circuit along with the alarm circuit
and it conducts. Its collector voltage goes
high, which forward biases transistor T10
via resistor R10 to turn it on. (Capacitor
C10 serves as a filter capacitor.) As a re-
sult, the collector voltage of transistor T10
falls to forward bias transistor T11, which
conducts and its collector voltage is sus-
tained at a high level. Under this latched
condition, sensor switch S11 and the state
of transistor T12 have no effect. In this
state, red LED11 of the zone remains lit.
Simultaneously, the high-level voltage
from the collector of transistor T11 via di-
ode D10 is applied to VDD pin 5 of siren
sound generator IC1 (UM3561) whose pin
2 is grounded. Resistor R3 connected across
pins 7 and 8 of IC1 determines the fre-
Fig. 2: Physical layout of sensors and monitoring/alarm system
quency of the in-built oscillator. As a re-
sult, IC1 starts generating the audio signal is closed (to close switch S11) and the The system operates off a 3V DC bat-
output at pin 3. The output voltage from reset switch is pressed momentarily (which tery or recharging battery with charging
IC1 is further amplified by Darlington pair causes transistor T10 to cut off, returning circuit or battery eliminator. If desired,
of transistors T1 and T2. The amplified the circuit to its initial state). more operating zones can be added.
Alarm sound Circuit connections for respective ing to the zone glows to indicate that the
zones in closed door of the zone is open. The alarm and
IC pin 1 connected to IC pin 6 connected to position. Also the LED indication will continue even af-
Police siren NC NC keep zone slide ter that particular door with the sensing
Ambulance siren NC VDD switches S12, S22, switch is immediately closed, or even if
Fire engine Sound NC VSS S32, S42, etc in that switch is removed/damaged or con-
Machinegun sound VSS NC ‘on’ position. This necting wire is cut open.
puts the system in Any particular zone in the monitoring
Note. NC indicates no connection
operation, guard- system can be put to operation or out of
ing all the zone operation by switching on or switching off
Initially keep the monitoring system doors. the corresponding slide switch in the moni-
switch S1 off. Keep all the zone doors fixed Now, if the door of a particular zone toring system.
with sensing switches S11, S21, S31, S41, is opened, the monitoring system sounds The circuit for monitoring four zones
etc closed. This keeps the sensing switches an audible alarm and the LED correspond- costs around Rs 400.
ere is a low-cost, invisible laser for generating a laser beam.
circuit to protect your house A combination of plain mir-
from thieves or trespassers. A rors M1 through M6 is used
laser pointer torch, which is easily avail- to direct the laser beam
able in the market, can be used to oper- around the house to form a
ate this device. net. The laser beam is di-
The block diagram of the unit shown rected to finally fall on an
in Fig. 1 depicts the overall arrangement LDR that forms part of the
for providing security to a house. A laser receiver unit as shown in Fig.
torch powered by 3V power-supply is used 2. Any interruption of the
beam by a thief/ ponents. When switches S1 and S2 are
trespasser will re- activated, transformer X1, followed by a
sult into full-wave rectifier and smoothing capaci-
energisation of tor C1, drives relay RL1 through the la-
the alarm. The ser switch.
3V power-supply The laser beam should be aimed con-
circuit is a con- tinuously on LDR. As long as the laser
ventional full- beam falls on LDR, transistor T1 remains
wave rectifier-fil- forward biased and relay RL1 is thus in
ter circuit. Any energised condition. When a person
alarm unit that crosses the line of laser beam, relay RL1
operates on 230V turns off and transformer X2 gets
AC can be con- energised to provide a parallel path across
N/C contact and the pole of relay RL1.
In this condition, the laser beam will have
no effect on LDR and the alarm will con-
tinue to operate as long as switch S2 is
When the torch is switched on, the
pointed laser beam is reflected from a defi-
nite point/place on the periphery of the
house. Making use of a set of properly
oriented mirrors one can form an invis-
ible net of laser rays as shown in the
block diagram. The final ray should fall
on LDR of the circuit.
Note. LDR should be kept in a long
pipe to protect it from other sources of
light, and its total distance from the
source may be kept limited to 500 metres.
The total cost of the circuit, including the
laser torch, is Rs 400 or less.
ere’s a circuit to display the song number in an audio
system for quick reference to songs. It also serves the
purpose of an extra visual indicator in modern audio
When the power is switched on, the power-on-reset cir-
cuit comprising 3.3k resistor R20 and 1µF, 25V capacitor C6
resets the counters, showing ‘00’ in the display. One can also
reset the display to zero at any time by pressing reset switch
When the first song starts playing, the output pins of IC1
(KA2281) go low and capacitor C5 starts charging. This for-
ward biases transistor T1 and hence the input to IC3 at pin 1
goes to high state. As a result, the output of the counter goes
to the next state, showing 01 on the display. The counter
remains in this state until the song is completed.
During the time gap before the next song starts playing,
capacitor C5 discharges. After discharging of capacitor C5,
the input to IC3 becomes low again. When the song starts,
the process described above is repeated and the display shows
02. You can adjust VR3 to change the time gap setting. This
must be set such that the circuit doesn’t respond to short
gaps, if any, within a song and responds only to long gaps
between different songs.
Transistor T2 helps in gap-delay adjustment. The inten-
sity of LED11 diminishes when a song is completed and the
counter is ready to accept the next pulse.
Connect the input to the preamp output or equaliser out-
put of the audio system. Adjust VR1 and VR2 to get the
correct audio-level indication. If you are already using KA2281
for audio-level indication, just connect diodes D1 and D2 as
shown in this circuit.
Note that the counter counts the songs by detecting the
gaps. Therefore any long gap within a song may cause false
triggering and the display will also be incremented. However,
as this is very unlikely to happen, the circuit shows the
correct song number almost all the time.
The circuit costs around Rs 100.
high, transistor T1 goes off and its out-
put at the collector goes low. Since the
EDI emitter of transistor T2 is connected to
S.C. the collector of transistor T1, and collec-
tor and emitter terminals of transistors
T1 through T9 are connected in series,
all transistors next to transistor T1, i.e.
VIJAYA KUMAR P. transistors T2 through T9, do not get sup-
ply and hence all their outputs go low.
he circuit described here uses low- CD4017 is a decade counter having Next, when Q1 output goes high, tran-
cost and easily available IC ten outputs, of which one output is high sistor T2 goes off. Thus outputs of tran-
CD4017 to produce a speller type for each clock pulse. However, this pro- sistors T2 through T9 remain low. Since
light display. In such displays, each let- duces running lights effect. To change this Q0 output at this instant is low, transis-
ter of the sign sequentially lights up, one sequence to get the speller effect, pnp tor T1 is forward biased and its output
after the other, until all letters are glow- transistors T1 through T9 are wired as goes high to light up the first character.
ing. After a few seconds, the letters switch shown in the figure. Nine triacs (triac 1 Similarly, when Q2 output goes high,
off and the cycle repeats. This circuit pro- through triac 9) are used to drive 230V Q0 and Q1 outputs are low and therefore
vides a maximum of nine channels and bulbs. (In place of 230V bulbs, miniature outputs of transistors T1 and T2 go high
therefore can be used to spell a word or lamps connected in series in the form of to light up the first and second characters.
sign having up to nine characters. characters or letters can also be used, pro- This process continues until all tran-
Timer IC1 (555) is configured in vided the voltage drop across the series sistors turn on, making all the characters
astable mode to produce clock signal for combination is 230 volts.) to light up. The cycle repeats endlessly,
triggering IC2 (CD4017). Speed of switch- When any of the outputs of IC2 goes producing the speller type light effect.
ing on the display can be controlled by high, the corresponding transistor con-
varying preset VR1. nected to the output goes off. When Q0 is
ere is a stereo tape head pream- The amplified and equalised signals changeover the signals to internal source,
plifier circuit for your PC sound available at output pins 3 and 6 of IC1 i.e. the head preamplifier.
card that can playback your are coupled to the inputs of line amplifier After constructing the whole circuit
favourite audio cassette through the PC. circuit built around transistors T1 (via ca- on a veroboard, enclose it in a mini me-
Audio signals from this circuit can be di- pacitor C5, potmeter VR1, resistor R8, and tallic cabinet with level controls and sock-
rectly connected to the stereo-input (line- capacitor C12) and T2 (via capacitor C10, ets at suitable points. Use a regulated
input) socket of the PC sound card for potmeter VR2, resistor R19, and capaci- 1A, 12V DC power supply for powering
further processing. tor C16), respectively. Left and right play- the whole circuit including the tape deck
The circuit is built around a popular back levels can be adjusted by variable mechanism. (A 1A, 18V AC secondary
stereo head preamp IC LA3161. Weak resistors VR1 and VR2. The audio signals transformer with 4700µF, 40V electrolytic
electrical signals from the playback heads are finally available at the negative ends capacitor and 78M12 regulator is suffi-
are fed to pins 1 and 8 of IC1 via DC of capacitors C13 and C17. cient.)
decoupling capacitors C1 and C6, respec- The circuit wired around relay driver You can use any kind of tape deck
tively. Components between pins 2 and 3 transistor T3 serves as a simple source mechanism with this circuit. Use of good-
and pins 6 and 7 provide adequate selector. This is added deliberately to help quality playback head and well-screened
equalisation to the signals for a normal the user share the common PC sound card wires are recommended.
tape playback. line-input terminal for operating some
D. MOHAN KUMAR The charger circuit consists of a stan- comprising resistors R1 through R5. Thus
dard step-down 12V AC (2-amp) trans- the voltage applied to any non-inverting
owadays maintenance-free lead-acid former and a bridge rectifier comprising input is the ratio of the resistance between
batteries are common in vehicles, diodes D1 through D4. Capacitor C1 that non-inverting terminal and ground to
inverters, and UPS systems. If the smoothes the AC ripples to provide a clean the total resistance (R1+R2+R3+R4+R5).
battery is left in a poor state of charge, its DC for charging the battery. The resistor chain provides a positive volt-
useful life is shortened. It also reduces the The battery voltage analyser circuit is age of above 5V to the non-inverting inputs
capacity and rechargeability of the battery. built around the popular quad op-amp of all op-amps when battery voltage is 12.5V
For older types of batteries, a hygrometer LM324 that has four separate op-amps (A or more. A reference voltage of 5V is ap-
can be used to check the specific gravity through D) with differential inputs. Op- plied to the inverting inputs of op-amps via
of the acid, which, in turn, indicates the amps have been used here as compara- 5V zener diode ZD1.
charge condition of the battery. However, tors. Switch S2 is a pushswitch, which is When the circuit is connected to the
you cannot use a hygrometer for sealed- pressed momentarily to check the battery battery and pushswitch S2 is pressed (with
type maintenance-free batteries. The only voltage level before charging the battery. S1 open), the battery voltage is sampled
way to know their charge level is by check- The non-inverting terminals of op-amps by the analyser circuit. If the supply volt-
ing their terminal voltage. A through D are connected to the positive age sample applied to the non-inverting
The circuit presented here can replen- supply rail via a potential divider chain input of an op-amp exceeds the reference
ish the charge in a battery within 6-8 hours. voltage applied
It also has a voltage analysing circuit for Battery voltage Status of LEDs Comments to the invert-
quick checking of voltage before start of Red Green Yellow Orange ing inputs, the
charging, since overcharging may damage output of the
the battery. The voltage analyser gives an <9.8V Off Off Off Off Buzzer off
op-amp goes
audio-visual indication of the battery volt- >9.8V On Off Off Off Danger level
high and the
age level and also warns about the critical 11.5V On On Off Off Low level
LED connected
voltage level at which the battery requires 12.0V On On On Off Normal level
at its output
immediate charging. 12.5V On On On On High level
lights up.
The different levels of battery voltages 9.8V. If the voltage level goes below 9.8V, wire and crocodile clips to connect the
are indicated by LED1 through LED4. All the buzzer goes off, which indicates that charger to the battery. A 2.5-amp fuse con-
the LEDs remain lit when the battery is it’s time to replace the battery. The status nected to the output of the charger pro-
fully charged (above 12.5V). The buzzer of LEDs for different battery voltages is tects the analyser circuit against acciden-
connected to the output of IC1 also sounds shown in the table. tal polarity reversal.
(when S2 is pressed with S1 kept open) as The circuit can be assembled on a gen- The circuit costs around Rs 120 with
long as the voltage of battery is above eral-purpose PCB or a veroboard. Use 4mm all accessories.
he circuit presented here uses
bicolour LEDs to generate a dis-
play in three colours, namely, red,
green, and yellowish green.
Transistors T1 through T20 form a grid
to which common-cathode bicolour LEDs
(LED1 through LED10) are connected.
Transistors T1 through T10 have their col-
lector terminals connected to the emitter
of transistor T21. Similarly, transistors T11
through T20 have their collector terminals
connected to the emitter of transistor T22.
The bases of each pair of transistors (i.e.
T1 and T11, T2 and T12,…, T10 and T20)
are tied to outputs Q0, Q1,…, Q9, respec-
tively, of IC1 (CD4017) through 10-kilo-
ohm resistors as shown in the figure. Posi-
tive supply to collectors of transistors T1
through T10 is controlled by transistor T21.
Similarly, positive supply to collectors of
transistors T11 through T20 is controlled
by transistor T22.
IC1 and IC2 are decade counters. Clock
pulse to IC1 is provided by the oscillator
circuit comprising NOR gates N1 and N2.
The outputs of IC1 advance sequentially
with each clock. (Any other source of
squarewave pulses also serves the pur-
pose.) IC2 is used to select the mode of
display. Clock input pin 14 of IC2 is con-
nected to Q9 output of IC1. Thus IC2 re-
ceives one pulse after every ten pulses re-
ceived by IC1.
When the circuit is switched on, Q0
output of IC2 is active high. Thus transis-
tor T21 gets forward biased via diode D3
and it conducts to extend positive supply
to transistors T1 through T10. Transistors
T1 through T10 are forward biased sequen-
tially by Q0 through Q9 outputs of IC1,
i.e. at a time only one of these ten transis-
tors is forward biased (on). Thus only red
LED parts of bicolour LEDs light up se- After completion of the third glowing Now both transistors T21 and T22 con-
quentially. (Transistor T22 is not conduct- sequence of red LEDs, when Q3 output of duct due to diodes D1 and D2. Thus both
ing at this moment.) IC2 goes high, transistor T21 stops con- red and green LEDs in bicolour LEDs (LED1
When red LED part of LED10 glows, ducting and T22 starts conducting with the through LED10) glow sequentially. The ef-
IC2 receives a clock pulse and its Q1 output next three sequences of green LEDs of fect of red and green LEDs glowing to-
goes high. Transistor T21 still conducts, as bicolour LEDs (LED1 through LED10) gether is a distinct yellowish orange colour.
it is forward biased through diode D6, and glowing sequentially. This sequence repeats four times.
next again via diode D5. Thus red LEDs After completion of three sequences of Thereafter, the whole sequence repeats,
complete two more glowing sequences. green LEDs, output Q6 of IC2 goes high. starting with red LEDs. Thus the bicolour-
LED display shows three colours—red, green, by preset VR1. One can omit automatic 5, and 7 of IC2 with SPDT switches. (Thus
and yellowish green—one after the other. selection of different colours by omitting diodes D3-D12 are also omitted.)
The speed of display can be controlled IC2 and replacing connections to pins 3, This circuit costs around Rs 250.
his ultra-bright white LED lamp
works on 230V AC with minimal
power consumption. It can be used
to illuminate VU meters, SWR meters, etc.
Ultra-bright LEDs available in the mar-
ket cost Rs 8 to 15. These LEDs emit a
1000-6000mCd bright white light like weld-
ing arc and work on 3 volts, 10 mA. Their
maximum voltage is 3.6 volts and the cur-
rent is 25 mA. Anti-static precautions
should be taken when handling the LEDs. Fig. 1: The circuit of ultra-bright white LED Fig. 2: 16-LED combination
The LEDs in water-clear plastic package lamp
whereas no power is dissipated in a ca- Use AC capacitors for Cx. Filter capaci-
pacitor. The value of capacitor is calcu- tor C1 across the output provides flicker-
lated by using the following relationships: free light. The circuit can be enclosed in a
XC = 1/(2πfC) ohms —————(a) CFL round case, and thus it can be con-
XC = VRMS /I ohms ———— (b) nected directly to AC bulb holder socket. A
where XC is capacitive reactance in ohms, series combination of 16 LEDs (Fig. 2) gives
C is capacitance in farads, I is the current a luminance (lux) equivalent of a 12W
through the LED in amperes, f is the mains bulb. But if you have two series combina-
frequency in Hz, and Vrms is the input tions of 23 LEDs in parallel (total 46 LEDs
mains voltage. as shown in Fig. 3), it gives light equal to a
The 100-ohm, 2W series resistor avoids 35W bulb. 15 LEDs are suitable for a table-
Fig. 3: 46-LED combination heavy ‘inrush’ current during transients. lamp light.
MOV at the input prevents surges or spikes, Diode D1 (1N4007) and capacitor C1
emit spotlight, while diffused type LEDs protecting the circuit. The 390-kilo-ohm, act as rectifying and smoothing elements
have a wide-angle radiation pattern. ½-watt resistor acts as a bleeder to pro- to provide DC voltage to the row of LEDs.
This circuit (Fig. 1) employs capaci- vide discharge path for capacitor Cx when For a 16-LED row, use Cx of 0.22 µF, 630V;
tive reactance for limiting the current flow mains supply is disconnected. The zener C1 of 22 µF, 100V; and zener of 48V, 1W.
through the LEDs on application of mains diode at the output section prevents ex- Similarly, for 23+23 LED combination use
voltage to the circuit. If we use only a cess reverse voltage levels appearing across Cx of 0.47 mF, 630V; C1 of 33 µF, 150V;
series resistor for limiting the current with the LEDs during negative half cycles. Dur- and zener of 69V, 1W.
mains operation, the limiting resistor itself ing positive half cycle, the voltage across This circuit (inclusive of LEDs) costs
will dissipate around 2 to 3 watts of power, LEDs is limited to zener voltage. Rs 200 to Rs 400.
mergency lights using incandescent
bulbs are inherently inefficient com-
pared to those using fluorescent
tubes. Here’s a versatile emergency light
using fluorescent tubes. You can operate
it using readymade SUNCA or similar other
inverter transformers, which are readily
available in the market for around Rs 25.
With this circuit you can drive two 6W,
22.8cm (9-inch) fluorescent tubes, with
the option to use a single tube or a pair
of tubes with the help of DPDT switch
Step-down transformer X1, diodes D1-
D4, capacitor C1, and 5V regulator IC1
(7805) form a regulated power supply. A
2.7V zener (ZD1) in common terminal of
the regulator props up the output voltage
to 7.7 volts. The regulated voltage is ap-
plied to the battery through diodes D6 and
D7, which cause a drop of about 1.4V
across them. Thus the effective charging
voltage is about 6.3V, which prevents over-
charging of the battery as the terminal volt-
age of the battery cannot exceed 6.3V.
When AC mains supply is present, the
battery starts charging and green LED1
glows to indicate the same. Diode D5 re-
verse biases transistor T1 forming part of
the inverter oscillator and thus the tubes An on/off switch (S1) is used to switch off vent it from thermal runaway. For good
don’t glow. the light when it is not required. illumination, use Toshiba’s FL6D fluores-
When mains supply fails, transistor T1 D882 (actually, 2SD882) is an npn cent tubes.
starts oscillating and supplies power to in- power transistor in TO-126 package. It is The circuit (excluding the cabinet)
verter transformer X2 and the tubes glow. mounted on a suitable heat-sink to pre- costs around Rs 350.
MANOJ KUMAR SAHA filtering is performed by capacitors C5 Diodes D5 and D6 and capacitor C11
through C8 to get +12V, 0V (Gnd) and form the detector circuit. Resistor R6 is
t is quite difficult to find the switch –12V DC required for the operation of the used here for quick discharge of capacitor
board in a dark room to turn on the circuit. C10. The detected clap signal is used to
light. Here’s a clap switch that allows The clap sound impulses are converted switch on transistor T1. On conduction of
you to switch on lights, fans, and into electrical signals by a condenser mi- transistor T1, its collector voltage falls to
motors sequentially by just clapping in crophone that forms a Wheatstone bridge trigger timer IC4 connected as a
the vicinity of the microphone used in the together with resistors R4, R5, and R3. monostable. The combination of resistor
circuit. The microphone is suitably biased through R9 and capacitor C12 determine the
The mains supply is stepped down to resistor R3. The output of the microphone pulsewidth of the monostable (about one
15-0-15V AC by step-down transformer is coupled to op-amp IC 741 (IC3) having second, with the component values
X1. The output of the transformer is recti- a voltage gain of 45. The output of IC3, shown).
fied, filtered, and regulated by diodes D1 after passing through capacitor C10, is AND gate IC5 (4081) is used as a buffer
through D4, capacitors C1 through C4, free from any DC component of signal. between the output of IC4 and clock input
and IC1 (regulator IC 7812) and IC2 (regu- Capacitors C15 and C17 are used for spike to decade counter IC6 (CD4017). Thus each
lator IC 7912), respectively. Additional and surge suppression. clap causes outputs of IC6 to advance in
sequential manner
and switch on the
corresponding de-
If you want a
lamp to be switched
on when output Q1
goes high (after first
clap), then in place
of R11 and LED2 use
a relay driver circuit
at Q1 output similar
to that used for Q2
output (for fan).
As stated earlier,
only one output of
CD4017 can be high
at any given time.
Thus first clap causes
LED1 to go off and
LED2 to glow. The
second clap causes
only the fan to
switch on via relay
RL1. The third clap
causes the miniature
12V motor to run. On
fourth clap, Q4 out-
put goes high mo-
mentarily to reset IC6
since Q4 output is
connected to its re-
set pin 15. In reset
state, LED1 con-
nected to Q0 output
lights up.
The circuit costs
around Rs 150.
DIY Kit 130. Door Minder
Zener diode Z1, resistor R6 and capacitor C4 provides a PARTS LIST – K130
stable 5.6V supply for the IR module. The relays provided Transmitter board
with this kit are mains rated but use with care. RUDH Resistors (0.25W carbon)
110V/10A; RWH 250V/12A, 120VAC/15A. 47 yellow violet black........ R6 ................................. 1
1K brown black red ............ R5 ................................. 1
INSTALLATION 1K8 brown grey red ............ R3 ................................. 1
For ease of operation, the transmitter board can be 6K8 blue grey red ............... R2 ................................. 1
powered from the receiver board when they are relatively 47K yellow violet orange.... R1,4 .............................. 2
close together. Two plugs have been supplied for this. Capacitors
Connecting wire for the length required must be supplied 1nF ceramic 102 ................ C2 ................................. 1
by you. Otherwise two separate power supplies are 100nF monobloc 104 ......... C1 ................................. 1
required. 100uF 25V electrolytic ....... C3 ................................. 1
The receiver board contains two DC jacks connected in 4.7V 400mW zener diode... Z1.................................. 1
parallel. Power from a 12VDC source is connected to one BC557 transistor, PNP........ Q1 ................................. 1
jack. A lead can then be connected to the other jack and 4093 CMOS IC................... IC1 ................................ 1
run to the transmitter board. DC plugs to make up a lead Quad 2-input NAND with schmitt trigger inputs
are supplied with the kit. IR LED, EL-1L7................. L1.................................. 1
Aligning the transmitter and receiver is simply a matter of 2.5mm DC jack................... X1 ................................. 1
pointing the transmitter IR LED at the receiver board and Tubing, 5mm x 25mm long to fit over L1................. 1
moving it around until the red LED on the receiver board PCB, K130T .............................................................. 1
lights. This indicates that the beam is being received. The
relay will be operated. Receiver Board
Resistors (0.25W carbon)
Note: 470 yellow violet brown ..... R3,6 .............................. 2
With power applied the relay is normally operated and 6K8 blue grey red ............... R1,2,4 ........................... 3
only releases when the beam is broken. The relay contacts 47K yellow violet orange.... R5 ................................. 1
labelled “NO” (Normally Open) and “NC” (Normally Capacitors
Closed) refer to when the relay is released. 10uF 16V electrolytic ......... C1,2,3 ........................... 3
100uF 25V electrolytic ....... C4,5 .............................. 2
With the relay operated, the “NO” contact will be Semiconductors
connected to the “C” contact and the “NC” contact will be 1N4148 signal diode........... D1,2 .............................. 2
unconnected. 1N4004 power diode .......... D3 ................................. 1
5.6V 400mW zener diode... Z1.................................. 1
IF IT DOES NOT WORK BC547 transistor, NPN ....... Q2 ................................. 1
Poor soldering (“dry joints”) is the most common reason BC557 transistor, PNP........ Q1 ................................. 1
that the circuit does not work. Check all soldered joints LED, 5mm red .................... L1.................................. 1
carefully under a good light. Re-solder any that look IR receiver module ............. RX1 .............................. 1
suspicious. Check that all components are in their correct PIC-12043S
position on the PCB. Are the electrolytic capacitors and Miscellaneous
diodes the right way round? Have you fitted the 5mm 2.5mm DC jack................... X1,2 .............................. 2
tubing over the IR LED on the transmitter board? Terminal block, 3-way........ X3 ................................. 1
Relay, 12V SPDT ............... RL1 ............................... 1
Web Address & Email “Goodsky” RWH-SH-112D, or RUDH-SS-112D
You can email us at [email protected] PCB, K130R .............................................................. 1
See our website at Extras
http://kitsrus.com 2.5mm DC plugs ........................................................ 2
This is an improved (natually!) version of the door minder (to make up optional power lead to the transmitter board)
published in Silicon Chip, april, 1999. It was developed
originally by Oatley Electronics.
DIY Kit 130. Door Minder
This is our second ultrasonic movement detector circuit. It slower so that it will follow this envelope. All the
also uses a crystal locked circuit to get maximum amplifiers are AC coupled to prevent DC bias problems.
performance from the ultrasonic transmitter. However, the
detection circuit is different. We think it is more sensitive. Then the signal is fed through a window detector IC1:C
which detects both positive and negative pulses. When
ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS there is no movement the potential at pin 7 sits at half the
Check all the components against the parts list. It is supply potential and neither D2 or D3 can conduct. The
generally easier to solder in the lowest height components potential at pin 8 is low. If the signal rises D3 conducts
first - the resistors and diodes. Make sure to get the diodes causing the output to go high. If the signal falls then D2
in the correct way. The black circle or band on the diodes conducts which also causes the output to go high. Thus the
must match the bar of the diode symbol on the overlay. name window detector circuit because it detects potentials
There are a lot of resistors. Use the resistor color code which move both below and above a given range.
printed on the back of the header card to work out each
value. A low pass filter screens out unwanted spurious signals,
then an amp IC1:D set up as a monostable flip flop
The 40 kHz crystal can be inserted either way. Holes have converts any signal that gets through the filter into a
been provided to secure its case to the PCB. Use one of the substantial pulse to turn on the BC639. This turns on the
leads cut from the resistors. You can also quickly solder LED and provides a Signal Out to drive a separate relay or
the wire to the case of the crystal. any other device you may wish to signal to. The time
constant of the monostable flip-flop is about half a second
The ultrasonic transmitter has a T suffix on the number and is set by C8 & R10. D4 is used to separate the charge
stampedunderneath it. The receiver has an R suffix. Each & discharge time constants. It lets the circuit switch on
may be soldered either way around on the pads under the immediately movement is detected but allows about a 1/2
PCB. Make sure to get them both pointing straight out at second delay for the reset.
90o from the PCB.
CALIBRATION Poor soldering is the most likely reason. Check all solder
Battery operation is not recommended for this detector. As joints carefully under a good light. Next check that all
the battery potential decreases the sensitivity will change. components are in their correct position on the PCB.
This is partcuarly so if the unit is triggered often (as in Thirdly, follow the track with a voltmeter to check the
detecting a door opening.) It is better to use a power potential differences at various parts of the circuit.
supply. Use 9V to 12V DC. You could go to a maximum
of 15V but you may have to replace the 78L05 by a 7805. Other items to check; are the IC's in the correct way. Check
no IC pins are bent up. Are the diodes, transistors and the
Immediately after you connect the power let the unit stand electrolytic capacitor in the correct way. Did you mix up
for at least 20 seconds so whole circuit will settle down the 78L05 with the BC639? Check the values of the
electrically. The schematic shows that the setting of the resistors.
trimpot value is critical to the operation of the detector. We
provide a 1M trimpot. Set it to about 400K by eye. We
have found that below about 300K the detector is too COMPONENTS
sensitive and will self-trigger. Trial and error will show the Resistors: carbon film, 5%
best setting for your particular requirement. 47R R17 1
1K brown black red R6 R20 2
Note that this circuit is very sensitive. Even air moving 2K2 red red red R4 1
(hot air rising, wind blowing) will trigger it when the 10K brown black orange R13 R16 R19 3
trimpot is set near the most sensitive position. That is why 100K brown black yellow R1 R2 R15 3
we say to set it for your particular need. 150K brown green yellow R22 1
220K red red yellow R5 1
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 1M Brown black green R8 R9 R10 R14 4
The transmitter sends out a steady ultrasonic tone at 1M2 brown red green R12 R11 2
40kHz. At this frequency the wavelength is about 6 mm. 10M brown black blue R3 R7 R18 R21 4
Trimpot 1M 1
Any reflected sound is detected by ultrasonic receiver. The Capacitors:
signal is then amplified by IC1:A and IC1:B. IC1:A is self- 100nF monoblock (104) C1 C10 2
biasing via C2 & R5. The time constant of the first 100pF monoblock (101) C5 1
amplifier is set to let the 40kHz signal through. Between 10nF (103) ceramic C2 C6 C7 3
the first & second amplifier there is a negative peak 33pF ceramic C11 C12 2
detector (diode D1 & R8) which follows the envelope of 100 uF electrolytic C9 1
the 40kHz signal. If there is no movement the envelope is 470 nF (474) monoblock C3 C4 C8 3
just a straight line. The time constant of IC1:B is much Diode 1N4002/4 D5 1
Diode 1N4148 D1 2 3 4 4 INFORMATION
9V battery snap 1 The manufacturers specifications (pdf format) for the
40kHz crystal 1 ultrasonic transducers see under Kit 20 or Kit 49 at
78L05 voltage regulator 1 http://kitsrus.com/kits.html
14049 hex buffer IC IC2 1
BC639 1 The data sheet for the LM324 & 4049 is available at
LM324 IC IC1 1 www.nsc.com
14 pin IC socket 1
16 pin IC socket 1
40kHz Ultrasonic Tx/Rx pair 400ST/R160 1
Kit 49 PCB 1
This electronic gardener is used to maintain the soil moisture level, so the plants can
grow healthy. The soil moisture value from the sensor is processed by microcontroller
to activate the watering valve. If the soil moisture level is below from the expected
value, then the watering valve will be active. But, if the soil moisture level is higher
than the expected value, the watering valve will be off. We can control the expected soil
moisture level by arranging the value of Pot VR1. The LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
will display the soil moisture level and the expected level. The main part of this
electronic gardener is a microcontroller chip 8051. This chip is used as LCD driver,
ADC driver and valve driver.
Hardware Description
I use the soil moisture sensor 200SS, which have an output range from 0 cb to 200 cb
(centibar). This sensor must be operated with square wave signal, which generated by
the timer circuit using LM555 and 7404. Basically, the sensor circuit is like an voltage
divider circuit, so the resistance of the sensor is equal to the soil moisture value.
Because the reading from the sensor is only valid when the bias signal from the timer
circuit reach the peak amplitude, so I must use the sample and hold component LF398
to keep the value untill next reading cycle.
To convert the analog signal to digital signal, I use MAX114 which have four inputs
channel and 8 bits output. The soil moisture level goes to the first channel, while the
expected value goes to the second channel. The other channels can be connected to
other sensors in different areas, so we can control the soil moisture in many areas. But,
of course the sensors must be placed far enough from the others.
The micrcontroller chip drive the ADC chip by sending low signal to CS and RD pin of
the MAX114 and get the digital data from DB0-DB7 pins after the INT pin goes low.
These digital signals will be converted to decimal format, then send to the LCD.
Because the function of the LCD is only to display data, so the RW pin can be
connected to ground. While the other control pins (i.e EN and RS pins) are controlled
by the microcontroller.
The microcontroller will compare the expected soil moisture value with the sensor
reading and determine whether the watering valve is active or not.
Software Description
I use Assembly program to design the controller for the microcontroller 8051. There are
four main procedures included on the design.
1. ADC Driver
This procedure is used to drive the ADC chip MAX114. Here is the listing program.
ADC : JBC P2.0,Two
MOV Moist,R3
SJMP Drive
Two : MOV Expect,R3
Drive : SETB P2.1
Wait : JB P2.2,Wait
CLR P2.1
2. Data Conversion
This procedure is used to convert the soil moisture and expected level from ADC
Driver procedure to the ASCII format, so they can be displayed on the LCD.
Convert: MOV Repeat,#3
Loop : MOV B,#10
DJNZ Repeat,Loop
3. LCD Driver
This procedure is used to control the LCD. First the LCD must be initialized using
InitLCD procedure. Then, to write an instruction register we must use IR procedure,
while to write an data register we must use DR procedure. The main procedure of
the LCD driver is Display procedure.
IR : CLR P2.3
CLR P2.4
CLR P2.3
DR : CLR P2.3
CLR P2.3
InitLCD: MOV R4,#30h
MOV R4,#38h
MOV R4,#08h
MOV R4,#01H
MOV R4,#06h
MOV R4,#0Ch
Display: MOV R4,#8Ch ; Column 12th Row 1st position
MOV R4,First_Moist ; Display soil moisture level
MOV R4,Second_Moist
MOV R4,Third_Moist
MOV R4,#CCh ; Column 12th Row 2nd position
MOV R4,First_Exp ; Display expected level
MOV R4,Second_Exp
MOV R4,Third_Exp
4. Device Driver
This procedure is used to control the watering valve. It will compare the expected
level with soil moisture level, and decide whether the watering valve is active or
Valve: MOV A,Moist
CJNE A,Expect,Level
Level: JNC Off
JMP Exit
Off : CLR P2.5
Exit: RET
5. Main Program
Program: LCALL InitLCD
MOV R3,Moist
LCALL Convert
MOV First_Moist,DPL
MOV Second_Moist,DPL
MOV Third_Moist,DPL
MOV R3,Expect
LCALL Convert
MOV First_Exp,DPL
MOV Second_Exp,DPL
MOV Third_Exp,DPL
LCALL Display
Parts List
Part Label Part Description
U1 LM555 Timer
U2 7404 Not Gate
U3 LM324 Operational Amplifier
U4 LF398 Sample And Hold
U5 MAX6350 Voltage Reference
U6 MAX114 Analog to Digital Converter
U7 8051 Microcontroller
U8 M1632 Liquid Crystal Display
Q1 BD139
Q2 MJ2955
C1 0.01uF
C2 100nF
C3 0.01uF
C4 1uF
C5 2.2uF
C6 4.7uF
C7 0.1uF
D1 D1N4001
R1 70K
R2 1.5K
R3 17K
R4 10K
R5 1K
VR1 Pot 50K
VR2 Pot 10K
VR3 Pot 10K
The MSM80C85AH is a complete 8-bit parallel; central processor implemented in silicon gate
C-MOS technology and compatible with MSM80C85A.
It is designed with higher processing speed (max.5 MHz) and lower power consumption
compared with MSM80C85A and power down mode is provided, thereby offering a high level
of system integration.
The MSM80C85AH uses a multiplexed address/data bus. The address is split between the 8-
bit address bus and the 8-bit data bus. The on-chip address latch : of a MSM81C55-5 memory
product allows a direct interface with the MSM80C85AH.
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
Power Down
Timing And Control
GEN Control Status DMA Reset Data/Address
X2 Address Buffer (8)
Buffer (8)
OUT Address Bus Address/Data Bus
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
AD4 16 25 A12
AD5 17 24 A11
43 SOD
AD6 18 23 A10
38 VCC
44 SID
39 NC
41 X2
40 X1
AD7 19 22 A9
GND 20 21 A8
RST7.5 2 32 IO/M
RST6.5 3 31 S1
RST5.5 4 30 RD
INTR 5 29 WR
AD0 7 27 S0
AD1 8 26 A15
AD2 9 25 A14
AD3 10 24 A13 44 pin Plastic QFJ
NC 11 23 A12
AD4 12
AD5 13
AD6 14
AD7 15
GND 16
VCC 17
A8 18
A9 19
A11 21
NC 22
44 VCC
1 NC
3 X2
2 X1
RST7.5 8 38 IO/M
RST6.5 9 37 S1
RST5.5 10 36 RD
INTR 11 35 WR
NC 12 34 NC
INTA 13 33 ALE
AD0 14 32 S0
AD1 15 31 A15
AD2 16 30 A14
AD3 17 29 A13
AD4 18
NC 19
AD5 20
AD6 21
AD7 22
GND 23
A8 24
A9 25
A11 27
A12 28
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
Symbol Function
A8 - A15 Address Bus: The most significant 8-bits of the memory address or the 8-bits of the I/O address,
(Output, 3-state) 3-stated during Hold and Halt modes and during RESET.
A0 - A 7 Multiplexed Address/Data Bus: Lower 8-bits of the memory address (or I/O address) appear on
(Input/Output) the bus during the first clock cycle (T state) of a machine cycle. It then becomes the data bus during
3-state the second and third clock cycles.
ALE Address Latch Enable: It occurs during the first clock state of a machine cycle and enables address to
(Output) get latched into the on-chip latch peripherals. The falling edge of ALE is set to guarantee setup and
hold times for the address information. The falling edge ALE can also be used to strobe the status
information ALE is never 3-state.
S0 , S1 , IO/M Machine cycle status:
(Output) IO/M S1 S0 States IO/M S1 S0 States
0 0 1 Memory write 1 1 1 Interrupt Acknowledge
0 1 0 Memory read . 0 0 Halt = 3-state
1 0 1 I/O write . ¥ ¥ Hold (high impedance)
1 1 0 I/O read . ¥
Reset ¥ = unspecified
0 1 1 Opcode fetch
S1 can be used as an advanced R/W status. IO/M, S0 and S1 become valid at the beginning of
a machine cycle and remain stable throughout the cycle. The falling edge of ALE may be used to latch
the state of these lines.
RD READ control: A low level on RD indicates the selected memory or I/O device is to be read that
(Output, 3-state) the Data Bus is available for the data transfer, 3-stated during Hold and Halt modes and during RESET.
WR WRITE control: A low level on WR indicates the data on the Data Bus is to be written into the selected
(Output, 3-state) memory or I/O location. Data is set up at the trailing edge of WR, 3-stated during Hold and Halt
modes and during RESET.
READY If READY is high during a read or write cycle, it indicates that the memory or peripheral is ready to
(Input) send or receive data. If READY is low, the cpu will wait an integral number of clock cycles for READY
to go high before completing the read or write cycle READY must conform to specified setup and
hold times.
HOLD HOLD indicates that another master is requesting the use of the address and data buses.
(Input) The cpu, upon receiving the hold request, will relinquish the use of the bus as soon as the completion
of the current bus transfer. Internal processing can continue. The processor can regain the bus only
after the HOLD is removed. When the HOLD is acknowledged, the Address, Data, RD, WR, and IO/M
lines are 3-stated. And status of power down is controlled by HOLD.
HLDA HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE: Indicates that the cpu has received the HOLD request and that it will
(Output) relinquish the bus in the next clock cycle. HLDA goes low after the Hold request is removed.
The cpu takes the bus one half clock cycle after HLDA goes low.
INTR INTERRUPT REQUEST: Is used as a general purpose interrupt. It is sampled on during the next to
(Output) the last clock cycle of an instruction and during Hold and Halt states. If it is active, the Program
Counter (PC) will be inhibited from incrementing and an INTA will be issued. During this cycle
a RESTART or CALL instruction can be inserted to jump to the interrupt service routine.
The INTR is enabled and disabled by software. It is disabled by Reset and immediately after
an interrupt is accepted. Power down mode is reset by INTR.
INTA INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE: Is used instead of (and has the same timing as) RD during
(Output) the instruction cycle after an INTR is accepted.
RST 5.5 RESTART INTERRUPTS: These three inputs have the same timing as INTR except they cause
RST 6.5 an internal RESTART to be automatically inserted.
RST 7.5 The priority of these interrupts is ordered as shown in Table 1. These interrupts have a higher priority
(Input) than INTR. In addition, they may be individually masked out using the SIM instruction.
Power down mode is reset by these interrupts.
TRAP Trap interrupt is a nonmaskable RESTART interrupt. It is recognized at the same timing as INTR or
(Input) RST 5.5 - 7.5. It is unaffected by any mask or Interrupt Disable. It has the highest priority of any
interrupt. (See Table 1.) Power down mode is reset by input of TRAP.
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
Symbol Function
Sets the Program Counter to zero and resets the Interrupt Enable and HLDA flip-flops and release
power down mode. The data and address buses and the control lines are 3-stated during RESET and
RESET IN because of the asynchronous nature of RESET IN, the processor's internal registers and flags may be
(Input) altered by RESET with unpredictable results. RESET IN is a Schmitt-triggered input, allowing
connection to an R-C network for power-on RESET delay. The cpu is held in the reset condition as
long as RESET IN is applied.
RESET OUT Indicated cpu is being reset. Can be used as a system reset. The signal is synchronized to
(Output) the processor clock and lasts an integral number of clock periods.
X1 and X2 are connected to a crystal to drive the internal clock generator. X1 can also be an external
X1, X2
clock input from a logic gate. The input frequency is divided by 2 to give the processor's internal
operating frequency.
Clock Output for use as a system clock. The period of CLK is twice the X1, X2 input period.
SID Serial input data line. The data on this line is loaded into accumulator bit 7 whenever a RIM instruction
(Input) is executed.
(Output) Serial output data line. The output SOD is set or reset as specified by the SIM instruction.
Notes: (1) The processor pushes the PC on the stack before branching to the indicated
(2) The address branched to depends on the instruction provided to the cpu
when the interrupt is acknowledged.
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
The MSM80C85AH is a complete 8-bit parallel central processor. It is designed with silicon gate
C-MOS technology and requires a single +5 volt supply. Its basic clock speed is 5 MHz, thus
improving on the present MSM80C85A's performance with higher system speed and power
down mode. Also it is designed to fit into a minimum system of two IC's: The CPU
(MSM80C85AH), and a RAM/IO (MSM81C55-5)
The MSM80C85AH has twelve addressable 8-bit register pairs. Six others can be used
interchangeably as 8-bit registers or 16-bit register pairs. The MSM80C85AH register set is as
Mnemonic Register Contents
ACC or A Accumulator 8-bits
PC Program Counter 16-bit address
BC, DE, HL General-Purpose Registers; data pointer (HL) 8-bit ¥ 6 or 16-bits ¥ 3
SP Stack Pointer 16-bit address
Flags or F Flag Register 5 flags (8-bit space)
The MSM80C85AH uses a multiplexed Data Bus. The address is spilt between the higher 8-bit
Address Bus and the lower 8-bit Address/Data Bus. During the first T state (clock cycle) of a
machine cycle the low order address is sent out on the Address/Data Bus. These lower 8-bits
may be latched externally by the Address Latch Enable signal (ALE). During the rest of the
machine cycle the data bus is used for mamory or I/O data.
The MSM80C85AH provides RD, WR, S0, S1, and IO/M signals for bus control. An Interrupt
Acknowledge signal (INTA) is also provided. Hold and all Interrupts are synchronized with
the processor's internal clock. The MSM80C85AH also provides Serial Input Data (SID) and
Serial Output Data (SOD) lines for a simple serial interface.
In addition to these features, the MSM80C85AH has three maskable, vector interrupt pins, one
nonmaskable TRAP interrupt and power down mode with HALT and HOLD.
The MSM80C85AH has 5 interrupt inputs: INTR, RST 5.5 RST 6.5, RST 7.5, and TRAP. INTR is
identical in function to the 8080A INT. Each of the three RESTART inputs, 5.5, 6.5, and 7.5, has
a programmable mask. TRAP is also a RESTART interrupt but it is nonmaskable.
The three maskable interrupts cause the internal execution of RESTART ( saving the program
counter in the stack branching to the RESTART address) it the interrupts are enable and if the
interrupt mask is not set. The nonmaskable TRAP causes the internal execution of a RESTART
vector independent of the state of the interrupt enable or masks. (See Table 1.)
There are two different types of inputs in the restart interrupt. RST 5.5 and RST 6.5 are high
level-sensitive like INTR (and INT on the 8080A) and are recognized with the same timing as
INTR. RST 7.5 is rising edge-sensitive.
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
For RST 7.5, only a pulse is required to set an internal flip-flop which generates the internal
interrupt request. The RST 7.5 request flip-flop remains set until the request is serviced. Then
it is reset automatically, This flip-flop may also be reset by using the SIM instruction or by
issuing a RESET␣ IN to the MSM80C85AH. The RST 7.5 internal flip-flop will be set by a pulse
on the RST 7.5 pin even when the RST 7.5 interrupt is masked out.
The interrupts are arranged in a flixed priority that determines which interrupt is to be
recognized if more than one is pending, as follows: TRAP-highest priority, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST
5.5, INTR-lowest priority. This priority scheme does not take into account the priority of a
routine that was started by a higher priority interrupt. RST 5.5 can interrupt an RST 7.5 routine
if the interrupt are re-enabled before the end of the RST 7.5 routine.
The TRAP interrupt is useful for catastrophic evens such as power failure or bus error. The
TRAP input is recognized just as any other interrupt but has the highest priority. It is not
affected by any flag or mask. The TRAP input is both edge and level sensitive. The TRAP input
must go high and remain high until it is acknowledged. It will not be recognized again until it
goes low, then high again. This avoids any false triggering due to noise or logic glitches. Figure
3 illustrates the TRAP interrupt request circuitry within the MSM80C85AH. Note that the
servicing of any interrupt (TRAP, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5,INTR) disables all future interrupts
(except TRAPs) until an El instruction is executed.
The TRAP interrupt is special in that it disables interrupts, but preserves the previous interrupt
enable status. Performing the first RIM instruction following a TRAP interrupt allows you to
determine whether interrupts were enabled or disabled prior to the TRAP. All subsequent RIM
instructions provide current interrupt enable status. Performing a RIM instruction following
INTR or RST 5.5-7.5 will provide current interrupt Enable status, revealing that Interrupts are
The serial I/O system is also controlled by the RIM and SIM instructions. SID is read by RIM,
and SIM sets the SOD data.
External TRAP Inside the MSM80C85AH
Interrupt Request TRAP
+5 V D CLK Interrupt
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
You may drive the clock inputs of the MSM80C85AH with a crystal, or an external clock source.
The driving frequency must be at least 1 MHz, and must be twice the desired internal clock
frequency; hence, the MSM80C85AH is operated with a 6 MHz crystal (for 3 MHz clock). If a
crystal is used, it must have the following characteristics:
Note the use of the capacitors between X1, X2 and ground. These capacitors are required to
assure oscillator startup at the correct frequency.
Figure 4 shows the recommended clock driver circuits. Note in B that a pull-up resistor is
required to assure that the high level voltage of the input is at least 4 V.
For driving frequencies up to and including 6 MHz you may supply the driving signal to X, and
leave X2 open-circuited (Figure 4B). To prevent self-oscillation of the MSM80C85AH, be sure
that X2 is not coupled back to X1 through the driving circuit.
C1 X1
CINT = 15 pF VIH > 0.8 VCC
C2 High time > 40 ns
Low time > 40 ns X2
X2 *
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
The MSM80C85AH has a multiplexed Data Bus. ALE is used as a strobe to sample the lower
8-bits of address on the Data Bus. Figure 5 shows an instruction fetch, memory read and I/O
write cycle (as would occur during processing of the OUT instruction). Note that during the I/
O write and read cycle that the I/O port address is copied on both the upper and lower half of
the address.
There are seven possible types of machine cycles. Which of these seven takes place is defined
by the status of the three status lines (IO/M, S1, S0) and the three control signals (RD, WR,and
INTA). (See Table 2.) The status line can be used as advanced controls (for device selection, for
example), since they become active at the T1 state, at the outset of each machine cycle. Control
lines RD and WR become active later, at the time when the transfer of data is to take place, so
are used as command lines.
A machine cycle normally consists of three T states, with the exception of OPCODE FETCH,
which normally has either four or six T states (unless WAIT or HOLD states are forced by the
receipt of READY or HOLD inputs). Any T state must be one of ten possible states, shown in
Table 3.
Table 2 MSM80C85AH Machine Cycle Chart
Status Control
Machine Cycle
Opcode Fetch (OF) 0 1 1 0 1 1
Memory Read (MR) O 1 O O 1 1
Memory Write (MW) O 0 1 1 0 1
I/O Read (IOR) 1 1 O O 1 1
I/O Write (IOW) 1 0 1 1 0 1
Acknowledge of INTR (INA) 1 1 1 1 1 0
Bus Idle (BI): DAD 0 1 0 1 1 1
RST, TRAP 1 1 1 1 1 1
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
M1 M2 M3
T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
The MSM80C85AH is compatible with the MSM80C85A in function and POWER DOWN mode.
This reduces power consumption further.
There are two methods available for starting this POWER DOWN mode. One is through
software control by using the HALT command and the other is under hardware control by using
the pin HOLD. This mode is released by the HOLD, RESET, and interrupt pins (TRAP, RST7.5,
RST6.5 RST5.5, or INTR). (See Table 4.)
Since the sequence of HALT, HOLD, RESET, and INTERRUPT is compatible with MSM80C85A,
every the POWER DOWN mode can be used with no special attention.
Start by means of Halt command Released by using pins RESET and INTERRUPT (not by pin HOLD)
Start by means of HOLD pin Released by using RESET and HOLD pins (not by interrupt pins)
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
M1 M2 M1
M1 M2 M1
T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 THLT T1 T2
M1 M1
T1 T2 T3 T4 THOLD T1 T2
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
Parameter Symbol Condition Units
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
(Ta = –40°C ~ 85°C, VCC = 4.5 V ~ 5.5 V)
Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Max. Unit
CLY Cycle Period tCYC 200 2000 ns
CLY Low Time t1 40 — ns
CLY High Time t2 70 — ns
CLY Rise and Fall Time tr, tf — 30 ns
X1 Rising to CLK Rising tXKR 25 120 ns
X1 Rising to CKK Falling tXKF 30 150 ns
A8~15 Valid to Leading Edge of Control (1) tAC 115 — ns
AD0~7 Valid to Leading Edge of Control tACL 115 — ns
AD0~15 Valid Data in tAD — 350 ns
Address Float After Leading Edge of RD INTA tAFR — 0 ns
A8~15 Valid Before Trailing Edge of ALE (1) tAL 50 — ns
AD0~7 Valid Before Trailing Edge of ALE tALL 50 — ns
READY Valid from Address Valid tARY — 100 ns
Address (A8~15) Valid After Control tCA 60 — ns
Width of Control Law (RD, WR, INTA) tCC 230 — ns
Trailing Edge of Control to Leading Edges of ALE tCL 25 — ns
Data Valid to Trailing Edge of WR tDW 230 — ns
HLDA to Bus Enable tHABE — 150 ns
Bus Float After HLDA tHABF tCYC=200 ns — 150 ns
HLDA Valid to Trailing Edge of CLK tHACK CL=150 pF 40 — ns
HOLD Hold Time tHDH 0 — ns
HOLD Step Up Time to Trailing Edge of CLK tHDS 120 — ns
INTR Hold Time tINH 0 — ns
INTR, RST and TRAP Setup Time to Falling Edge of CLK tINS 150 — ns
Address Hold Time After ALE tLA 50 — ns
Trailing Edge of ALE to Leading Edge of Control tLC 60 — ns
ALE Low During CLK High tLCK 50 — ns
ALE to Valid Data During Read tLDR — 270 ns
ALE to Valid Data During Write tLDW — 140 ns
ALE Width tLL 80 — ns
ALE to READY Stable tLRY — 30 ns
Trailing Edge of RD to Re-enabling of Address tRAE 90 — ns
RD (or INTA) to Valid Data tRD — 150 ns
Control Trailing Edge to Leading Edge of Next Control tRV 220 — ns
Data Hold Time After RD INTA (7) tRDH 0 — ns
READY Hold Time tRYH 0 — ns
READY Setup Time to Leading Edge of CLK tRYS 100 — ns
Data Valid After Trailing Edge of WR tWD 60 — ns
LEADING Edge of WR to Data Vaild tWDL — 20 ns
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
2.2 2.2
Test Points
0.8 0.8
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
tr t2 tf
tXKR t1
T1 T2 T3 T1
A8-A15 Address
AD0-AD7 Address Data In
T1 T2 T3 T1
A8-A15 Address
AD0-AD7 Address Data Out
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
A8~A15 Address
AD0~AD7 Address Data In
Note: READY must remain stable during setup and hold times.
BUS (Address, Controls)
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
T1 T2 T4 T5 T6 THOLD T1 T2
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
Notes: (1) DDD or SSS. B 000. C 001. D 010. E 011. H 100. L 101. Memory 110. A 111.
(2) Two possible cycle times, (6/12) indicate instruction cycles dependent on
condition flags.
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
(1) SIM instruction: The execution of the SIM instruction uses the contents of the accumulator
to mask MSM80C85AH’S interrupts.
R7.5 (Reset interrupt 7.5 Flip-flop): When this bit is set to 1, the edge detecting flip-flop
of RST 7.5 interrupt is reset.
MSE (Mask Set Enable): When this bit is set to 1, the interrupt mask bits are valid.
M7.5 (Mask RST7.5): When this bit is set to 1 and MSE bit is set to 1, RST7.5 interrupt is
M6.5 (Mask RST6.5): When this bit is set to 1 and MSE bit is set to 1, RST6.5 interrupt is
M5.5 (Mask RST5.5): When this bit is set to 1 and MSE bit is set to 1, RST 5.5 interrupt is
(2) RIM instruction: When the contents of the accumulator are read out after RIM instruction has
been executed, MSM80C85AH interrupt status can be known.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
— 17.5 16.5 15.5 IE M7.5 M6.5 M5.5
17.5 (Pending RST7.5): When RST7.5 interrupt is pending, "1" is read out.
16.5 (Pending RST6.5): When RST6.5 interrupt is pending, "1" is read out.
15.5 (Pending RST5.5): When RST5.5 interrupt is pending, "1" is read out.
IE (Interrupt Enable Flag): When interrupt is Enable, "1" is read out.
M7.5 (Mask RST7.5): When RST7.5 interrupt is masked, "1" is read out.
M6.5 (Mask RST6.5): When RST6.5 interrupt is masked, "1" is read out.
M5.5 (Mask RST5.5): When RST5.5 interrupt is masked ,"1" is read out.
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
The conventional low speed devices are replaced by high-speed devices as shown below.
When you want to replace your low speed devices with high-speed devices, read the replacement
notice given on the next pages.
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
1) Manufacturing Process
2) Functions
Address output during Undefined (compatible Not fixed The contents of data
T4 to T6 cycles with Intel devices) in T3 cycle are retained
(for low power consumption).
3) Electrical Characteristics
3-1) Operating Conditions
3-2) DC Characteristics
Notes: "at RES'' means ''at reset time'' and ''in PD'' means ''in power down mode''.
As shown above, the VOL and VOH ranges the MSM80C85AH contain those of the MSM80C85A/
MSM80C85A-2. Although the supply current range (at a power failure) of the MSM80C85AH does
not contain that of the MSM80C85A-2, this does not affect the actual use of the MSM80C85AH.
3-3) AC Characteristics
The AC characteristics (5 MHz) of the MSM80C85AH satisfy that (3 MHz) of the MSM80C85A. The
MSM80C85AH also satisfies that (5MHz) of the MSM80C85A.
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
AC Charasteristics
Notes: The italicized or underlined values indicate that they are different from those of the MSM80C85AH.
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
4) Other notes
1) As the MSM80C85AH employs the 2 m process, its noise characteristics may be a little different from
those of the MSM80C85A. When devices are replaced for upgrading, it is recommended to perform
noise evaluation. Especially, HLDA, RESOUT, and CLKOUT pins must be evaluated.
2) The MSM80C85AH basically satisfies the characteristics of the MSM80C85A-2 and the MSM80C85A,
but their timings are a little different, Therefore, when critical timing is required in designing, it is
recommended to evaluate operating margins at various temperatures and voltages.
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
(Unit : mm)
The SOP, QFP, TSOP, SOJ, QFJ (PLCC), SHP and BGA are surface mount type packages, which
are very susceptible to heat in reflow mounting and humidity absorbed in storage.
Therefore, before you perform reflow mounting, contact Oki’s responsible sales person for the
product name, package name, pin number, package code and desired mounting conditions
(reflow method, temperature and times).
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
(Unit : mm)
Mirror finish
The SOP, QFP, TSOP, SOJ, QFJ (PLCC), SHP and BGA are surface mount type packages, which
are very susceptible to heat in reflow mounting and humidity absorbed in storage.
Therefore, before you perform reflow mounting, contact Oki’s responsible sales person for the
product name, package name, pin number, package code and desired mounting conditions
(reflow method, temperature and times).
¡ Semiconductor MSM80C85AHRS/GS/JS
(Unit : mm)
Mirror finish
The SOP, QFP, TSOP, SOJ, QFJ (PLCC), SHP and BGA are surface mount type packages, which
are very susceptible to heat in reflow mounting and humidity absorbed in storage.
Therefore, before you perform reflow mounting, contact Oki’s responsible sales person for the
product name, package name, pin number, package code and desired mounting conditions
(reflow method, temperature and times).
S E M I C O N D U C T O R 80C86
March 1997 CMOS 16-Bit Microprocessor
Features Description
• Compatible with NMOS 8086 The Harris 80C86 high performance 16-bit CMOS CPU is
manufactured using a self-aligned silicon gate CMOS pro-
• Completely Static CMOS Design
cess (Scaled SAJI IV). Two modes of operation, minimum for
- DC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5MHz (80C86) small systems and maximum for larger applications such as
- DC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8MHz (80C86-2) multiprocessing, allow user configuration to achieve the
highest performance level. Full TTL compatibility (with the
• Low Power Operation
exception of CLOCK) and industry standard operation allow
- lCCSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500µA Max use of existing NMOS 8086 hardware and software designs.
- ICCOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10mA/MHz Typ
• 1MByte of Direct Memory Addressing Capability
Ordering Information
• 24 Operand Addressing Modes PKG.
• Bit, Byte, Word and Block Move Operations PDIP 0oC to +70oC CP80C86 CP80C86-2 E40.6
• 8-Bit and 16-Bit Signed/Unsigned Arithmetic -40oC to +85oC lP80C86 IP80C86-2 E40.6
- Binary, or Decimal PLCC 0oC to +70oC CS80C86 CS80C86-2 N44.65
- Multiply and Divide -40oC to +85oC lS80C86 IS80C86-2 N44.65
• Wide Operating Temperature Range CERDIP 0oC to +70oC CD80C86 CD80C86-2 F40.6
- C80C86 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0oC to +70oC -40oC to +85oC ID80C86 ID80C86-2 F40.6
- l80C86 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -40oC to +85oC -55oC to +125oC MD80C86/B MD80C86- F40.6
- M80C86 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -55oC to +125oC 2/B
SMD# -55oC to +125oC 8405201QA 8405202QA F40.6
CLCC -55oC to +125oC MR80C86/B MR80C86- J44.A
SMD# -55oC to +125oC 8405201XA 8405202XA J44.A
CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Users should follow proper IC Handling Procedures. File Number 2957.1
Copyright © Harris Corporation 1997
80C86 (DIP)
GND 1 40 VCC
AD14 2 39 AD15
AD13 3 38 A16/S3
AD12 4 37 A17/S4
AD11 5 36 A18/S5
AD10 6 35 A19/S6
AD9 7 34 BHE/S7
AD8 8 33 MN/MX
AD7 9 32 RD
AD6 10 31 RQ/GT0 (HOLD)
AD5 11 30 RQ/GT1 (HLDA)
AD4 12 29 LOCK (WR)
AD3 13 28 S2 (M/IO)
AD2 14 27 S1 (DT/R))
AD1 15 26 S0 (DEN)
AD0 16 25 QS0 (ALE)
NMI 17 24 QS1 (INTA)
6 5 4 3 2 1 44 43 42 41 40
AD10 AD10 7 39 NC NC
AD9 AD9 8 38 A19/S6 A19/S6
AD8 AD8 9 37 BHE/S7 BHE/S7
AD7 AD7 10 36 MN/MX MN/MX
AD6 AD6 11 35 RD RD
AD5 AD5 12 34 HOLD RQ/GT0
AD4 AD4 13 33 HLDA RQ/GT1
AD3 AD3 14 32 WR LOCK
AD2 AD2 15 31 M/IO S2
AD1 AD1 16 30 DT/R S1
AD0 AD0 17 29 DEN S0
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Functional Diagram
16-BIT ALU A19/S6
16 AD15-AD0
RQ/GT0, 1 2
HOLD 3 S2, S1, S0
Pin Description
The following pin function descriptions are for 80C86 systems in either minimum or maximum mode. The “Local Bus” in these description is
the direct multiplexed bus interface connection to the 80C86 (without regard to additional bus buffers).
AD15-AD0 2-16, 39 I/O ADDRESS DATA BUS: These lines constitute the time multiplexed memory/lO address (T1) and
data (T2, T3, TW, T4) bus. A0 is analogous to BHE for the lower byte of the data bus, pins D7-
D0. It is LOW during Ti when a byte is to be transferred on the lower portion of the bus in memory
or I/O operations. Eight-bit oriented devices tied to the lower half would normally use A0 to con-
dition chip select functions (See BHE). These lines are active HIGH and are held at high imped-
ance to the last valid logic level during interrupt acknowledge and local bus “hold acknowledge”
or “grant sequence”.
A19/S6 35-38 O ADDRESS/STATUS: During T1, these are the four most significant address lines for memory op-
A18/S5 erations. During I/O operations these lines are LOW. During memory and I/O operations, status
A17/S4 information is available on these lines during T2, T3, TW, T4. S6 is always LOW. The status of
A16/S3 the interrupt enable FLAG bit (S5) is updated at the beginning of each clock cycle. S4 and S3
are encoded as shown.
This information indicates which segment register is presently being used for data accessing.
These lines are held at high impedance to the last valid logic level during local bus “hold ac-
knowledge” or “grant sequence”.
0 0 Alternate Data
0 1 Stack
1 0 Code or None
1 1 Data
BHE/S7 34 O BUS HIGH ENABLE/STATUS: During T1 the bus high enable signal (BHE) should be used to
enable data onto the most significant half of the data bus, pins D15-D8. Eight bit oriented devices
tied to the upper half of the bus would normally use BHE to condition chip select functions. BHE
is LOW during T1 for read, write, and interrupt acknowledge cycles when a byte is to be trans-
ferred on the high portion of the bus. The S7 status information is available during T2, T3 and
T4. The signal is active LOW, and is held at high impedance to the last valid logic level during
interrupt acknowledge and local bus “hold acknowledge” or “grant sequence”, it is LOW during
T1 for the first interrupt acknowledge cycle.
0 0 Whole Word
1 1 None
RD 32 O READ: Read strobe indicates that the processor is performing a memory or I/O read cycle, de-
pending on the state of the M/IO or S2 pin. This signal is used to read devices which reside on
the 80C86 local bus. RD is active LOW during T2, T3 and TW of any read cycle, and is guaran-
teed to remain HIGH in T2 until the 80C86 local bus has floated.
This line is held at a high impedance logic one state during “hold acknowledge” or “grand se-
READY 22 I READY: is the acknowledgment from the addressed memory or I/O device that will complete the
data transfer. The RDY signal from memory or I/O is synchronized by the 82C84A Clock Gener-
ator to form READY. This signal is active HIGH. The 80C86 READY input is not synchronized.
Correct operation is not guaranteed if the Setup and Hold Times are not met.
The following pin function descriptions are for 80C86 systems in either minimum or maximum mode. The “Local Bus” in these description is
the direct multiplexed bus interface connection to the 80C86 (without regard to additional bus buffers).
INTR 18 I INTERRUPT REQUEST: is a level triggered input which is sampled during the last clock cycle
of each instruction to determine if the processor should enter into an interrupt acknowledge op-
eration. A subroutine is vectored to via an interrupt vector lookup table located in system mem-
ory. It can be internally masked by software resetting the interrupt enable bit.
lNTR is internally synchronized. This signal is active HIGH.
TEST 23 I TEST: input is examined by the “Wait” instruction. If the TEST input is LOW execution continues,
otherwise the processor waits in an “Idle” state. This input is synchronized internally during each
clock cycle on the leading edge of CLK.
NMI 17 I NON-MASKABLE INTERRUPT: is an edge triggered input which causes a type 2 interrupt. A
subroutine is vectored to via an interrupt vector lookup table located in system memory. NMI is
not maskable internally by software. A transition from LOW to HIGH initiates the interrupt at the
end of the current instruction. This input is internally synchronized.
RESET 21 I RESET: causes the processor to immediately terminate its present activity. The signal must tran-
sition LOW to HIGH and remain active HIGH for at least four clock cycles. It restarts execution,
as described in the Instruction Set description, when RESET returns LOW. RESET is internally
CLK 19 I CLOCK: provides the basic timing for the processor and bus controller. It is asymmetric with a
33% duty cycle to provide optimized internal timing.
VCC 40 VCC: +5V power supply pin. A 0.1µF capacitor between pins 20 and 40 is recommended for de-
GND 1, 20 GND: Ground. Note: both must be connected. A 0.1µF capacitor between pins 1 and 20 is rec-
ommended for decoupling.
MN/MX 33 I MINIMUM/MAXIMUM: Indicates what mode the processor is to operate in. The two modes are
discussed in the following sections.
M/IO 28 O STATUS LINE: logically equivalent to S2 in the maximum mode. It is used to distinguish a mem-
ory access from an I/O access. M/lO becomes valid in the T4 preceding a bus cycle and remains
valid until the final T4 of the cycle (M = HIGH, I/O = LOW). M/lO is held to a high impedance logic
one during local bus “hold acknowledge”.
WR 29 O WRITE: indicates that the processor is performing a write memory or write I/O cycle, depending
on the state of the M/IO signal. WR is active for T2, T3 and TW of any write cycle. It is active
LOW, and is held to high impedance logic one during local bus “hold acknowledge”.
INTA 24 O INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE: is used as a read strobe for interrupt acknowledge cycles. It is
active LOW during T2, T3 and TW of each interrupt acknowledge cycle. Note that INTA is never
ALE 25 O ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE: is provided by the processor to latch the address into the
82C82/82C83 address latch. It is a HIGH pulse active during clock LOW of T1 of any bus cycle.
Note that ALE is never floated.
DT/R 27 O DATA TRANSMIT/RECEIVE: is needed in a minimum system that desires to use a data bus
transceiver. It is used to control the direction of data flow through the transceiver. Logically,
DT/R is equivalent to S1 in maximum mode, and its timing is the same as for M/IO (T = HIGH,
R = LOW). DT/R is held to a high impedance logic one during local bus “hold acknowledge”.
DEN 26 O DATA ENABLE: provided as an output enable for a bus transceiver in a minimum system which
uses the transceiver. DEN is active LOW during each memory and I/O access and for INTA cy-
cles. For a read or INTA cycle it is active from the middle of T2 until the middle of T4, while for a
write cycle it is active from the beginning of T2 until the middle of T4. DEN is held to a high im-
pedance logic one during local bus “hold acknowledge”.
HOLD 31, 30 I HOLD: indicates that another master is requesting a local bus “hold”. To be an acknowledged,
HLDA O HOLD must be active HIGH. The processor receiving the “hold” will issue a “hold acknowledge”
(HLDA) in the middle of a T4 or TI clock cycle. Simultaneously with the issuance of HLDA, the
processor will float the local bus and control lines. After HOLD is detected as being LOW, the
processor will lower HLDA, and when the processor needs to run another cycle, it will again drive
the local bus and control lines.
HOLD is not an asynchronous input. External synchronization should be provided if the system
cannot otherwise guarantee the setup time.
S0 26 O STATUS: is active during T4, T1 and T2 and is returned to the passive state (1, 1, 1) during T3
S1 27 O or during TW when READY is HIGH. This status is used by the 82C88 Bus Controller to generate
S2 28 O all memory and I/O access control signals. Any change by S2, S1 or S0 during T4 is used to
indicate the beginning of a bus cycle, and the return to the passive state in T3 or TW is used to
indicate the end of a bus cycle.
These signals are held at a high impedance logic one state during “grant sequence”.
0 0 0 Interrupt Acknowledge
0 1 1 Halt
1 0 0 Code Access
1 0 1 Read Memory
1 1 0 Write Memory
1 1 1 Passive
RQ/GT0 31, 30 I/O REQUEST/GRANT: pins are used by other local bus masters to force the processor to release
RQ/GT1 the local bus at the end of the processor’s current bus cycle. Each pin is bidirectional with
RQ/GTO having higher priority than RQ/GT1. RQ/GT has an internal pull-up bus hold device so
it may be left unconnected. The request/grant sequence is as follows (see RQ/GT Sequence
1. A pulse of 1 CLK wide from another local bus master indicates a local bus request (“hold”)
to the 80C86 (pulse 1).
2. During a T4 or TI clock cycle, a pulse 1 CLK wide from the 80C86 to the requesting master
(pulse 2) indicates that the 80C86 has allowed the local bus to float and that it will enter the
“grant sequence” state at the next CLK. The CPU’s bus interface unit is disconnected logi-
cally from the local bus during “grant sequence”.
3. A pulse 1 CLK wide from the requesting master indicates to the 80C86 (pulse 3) that the
“hold” request is about to end and that the 80C86 can reclaim the local bus at the next CLK.
The CPU then enters T4 (or TI if no bus cycles pending).
Each Master-Master exchange of the local bus is a sequence of 3 pulses. There must be one
idle CLK cycle after each bus exchange. Pulses are active low.
If the request is made while the CPU is performing a memory cycle, it will release the local
bus during T4 of the cycle when all the following conditions are met:
LOCK 29 O LOCK: output indicates that other system bus masters are not to gain control of the system bus
while LOCK is active LOW. The LOCK signal is activated by the “LOCK” prefix instruction and
remains active until the completion of the next instruction. This signal is active LOW, and is held
at a high impedance logic one state during “grant sequence”. In MAX mode, LOCK is automat-
ically generated during T2 of the first INTA cycle and removed during T2 of the second INTA
QS1, QSO 24, 25 O QUEUE STATUS: The queue status is valid during the CLK cycle after which the queue opera-
tion is performed.
QS1 and QS0 provide status to allow external tracking of the internal 80C86 instruction queue.
Note that QS1, QS0 never become high impedance.
0 0 No Operation
Functional Description code, data, extra and stack segments of up to 64K bytes
each, with each segment falling on 16-byte boundaries. (See
Static Operation Figure 1).
Internal Architecture
The internal functions of the 80C86 processor are parti-
tioned logically into two processing units. The first is the Bus TABLE 1.
Interface Unit (BlU) and the second is the Execution Unit
(EU) as shown in the CPU functional diagram. TYPE OF DEFAULT ALTERNATE
These units can interact directly, but for the most part perform REFERENCE BASE BASE OFFSET
as separate asynchronous operational processors. The bus
Instruction Fetch CS None IP
interface unit provides the functions related to instruction
fetching and queuing, operand fetch and store, and address Stack Operation SS None SP
relocation. This unit also provides the basic bus control. The Variable (except DS CS, ES, SS Effective
overlap of instruction pre-fetching provided by this unit serves following) Address
to increase processor performance through improved bus
String Source DS CS, ES, SS SI
bandwidth utilization. Up to 6 bytes of the instruction stream
can be queued while waiting for decoding and execution. String Destination ES None DI
The instruction stream queuing mechanism allows the BIU BP Used As Base SS CS, DS, ES Effective
to keep the memory utilized very efficiently. Whenever there Register Address
is space for at least 2 bytes in the queue, the BlU will attempt
a word fetch memory cycle. This greatly reduces “dead-time” All memory references are made relative to base addresses
on the memory bus. The queue acts as a First-In-First-Out contained in high speed segment registers. The segment
(FIFO) buffer, from which the EU extracts instruction bytes types were chosen based on the addressing needs of pro-
as required. If the queue is empty (following a branch grams. The segment register to be selected is automatically
instruction, for example), the first byte into the queue imme- chosen according to the specific rules of Table 1. All informa-
diately becomes available to the EU. tion in one segment type share the same logical attributes
(e.g. code or data). By structuring memory into re-locatable
The execution unit receives pre-fetched instructions from the
areas of similar characteristics and by automatically select-
BlU queue and provides un-relocated operand addresses to
ing segment registers, programs are shorter, faster and
the BlU. Memory operands are passed through the BIU for pro-
more structured. (See Table 1).
cessing by the EU, which passes results to the BIU for storage.
Word (16-bit) operands can be located on even or odd
Memory Organization address boundaries and are thus, not constrained to even
boundaries as is the case in many 16-bit computers. For
The processor provides a 20-bit address to memory, which
address and data operands, the least significant byte of the
locates the byte being referenced. The memory is organized
word is stored in the lower valued address location and the
as a linear array of up to 1 million bytes, addressed as
most significant byte in the next higher address location. The
00000(H) to FFFFF(H). The memory is logically divided into
BIU automatically performs the proper number of memory
accesses; one, if the word operand is on an even byte 80C86 provides DEN and DT/R to control the transceiver, and
boundary and two, if it is on an odd byte boundary. Except ALE to latch the addresses. This configuration of the minimum
for the performance penalty, this double access is transpar- mode provides the standard demultiplexed bus structure with
ent to the software. The performance penalty does not occur heavy bus buffering and relaxed bus timing requirements.
for instruction fetches; only word operands.
The maximum mode employs the 82C88 bus controller (See
Physically, the memory is organized as a high bank (D15- Figure 6B). The 82C88 decodes status lines S0, S1 and S2,
D8) and a low bank (D7-D0) of 512K bytes addressed in par- and provides the system with all bus control signals.
allel by the processor’s address lines.
Moving the bus control to the 82C88 provides better source
Byte data with even addresses is transferred on the D7-D0 and sink current capability to the control lines, and frees the
bus lines, while odd addressed byte data (A0 HIGH) is trans- 80C86 pins for extended large system features. Hardware
ferred on the D15-D8 bus lines. The processor provides two lock, queue status, and two request/grant interfaces are pro-
enable signals, BHE and A0, to selectively allow reading vided by the 80C86 in maximum mode. These features allow
from or writing into either an odd byte location, even byte coprocessors in local bus and remote bus configurations.
location, or both. The instruction stream is fetched from
memory as words and is addressed internally by the proces- Bus Operation
sor at the byte level as necessary. The 80C86 has a combined address and data bus com-
In referencing word data, the BlU requires one or two memory monly referred to as a time multiplexed bus. This technique
cycles depending on whether the starting byte of the word is provides the most efficient use of pins on the processor
on an even or odd address, respectively. Consequently, in ref- while permitting the use of a standard 40 lead package. This
erencing word operands performance can be optimized by “local bus” can be buffered directly and used throughout the
locating data on even address boundaries. This is an espe- system with address latching provided on memory and I/O
cially useful technique for using the stack, since odd address modules. In addition, the bus can also be demultiplexed at
references to the stack may adversely affect the context the processor with a single set of 82C82 address latches if a
switching time for interrupt processing or task multiplexing. standard non-multiplexed bus is desired for the system.
Certain locations in memory are reserved for specific CPU Each processor bus cycle consists of at least four CLK
operations (See Figure 2). Locations from address FFFF0H cycles. These are referred to as T1, T2, T3 and T4 (see Fig-
through FFFFFH are reserved for operations including a jump ure 3). The address is emitted from the processor during T1
to the initial program loading routine. Following RESET, the and data transfer occurs on the bus during T3 and T4. T2 is
CPU will always begin execution at location FFFF0H where used primarily for changing the direction of the bus during
the jump must be located. Locations 00000H through 003FFH read operations. In the event that a “NOT READY” indication
are reserved for interrupt operations. Each of the 256 possible is given by the addressed device, “Wait” states (TW) are
interrupt service routines is accessed thru its own pair of 16- inserted between T3 and T4. Each inserted wait state is the
bit pointers (segment address pointer and offset address same duration as a CLK cycle. Periods can occur between
pointer). The first pointer, used as the offset address, is 80C86 driven bus cycles. These are referred to as idle”
loaded into the lP and the second pointer, which designates states (TI) or inactive CLK cycles. The processor uses these
the base address is loaded into the CS. At this point program cycles for internal housekeeping and processing.
control is transferred to the interrupt routine. The pointer ele- During T1 of any bus cycle, the ALE (Address Latch Enable)
ments are assumed to have been stored at the respective signal is emitted (by either the processor or the 82C88 bus
places in reserved memory prior to occurrence of interrupts. controller, depending on the MN/MX strap). At the trailing
edge of this pulse, a valid address and certain status infor-
Minimum and Maximum Operation Modes
mation for the cycle may be latched.
The requirements for supporting minimum and maximum
Status bits S0, S1 and S2 are used by the bus controller, in
80C86 systems are sufficiently different that they cannot be
maximum mode, to identify the type of bus transaction
met efficiently using 40 uniquely defined pins. Consequently,
according to Table 2.
the 80C86 is equipped with a strap pin (MN/MX) which
defines the system configuration. The definition of a certain TABLE 2.
subset of the pins changes, dependent on the condition of the S2 S1 S0 CHARACTERISTICS
strap pin. When the MN/MX pin is strapped to GND, the
80C86 defines pins 24 through 31 and 34 in maximum mode. 0 0 0 Interrupt
When the MN/MX pin is strapped to VCC, the 80C86 gener- 0 0 1 Read I/O
ates bus control signals itself on pins 24 through 31 and 34.
0 1 0 Write I/O
The minimum mode 80C86 can be used with either a multi- 0 1 1 Halt
plexed or demultiplexed bus. This architecture provides the
80C86 processing power in a highly integrated form. 1 0 0 Instruction Fetch
The demultiplexed mode requires two 82C82 latches (for 64K 1 0 1 Read Data from Memory
addressability) or three 82C82 latches (for a full megabyte of 1 1 0 Write Data to Memory
addressing). An 82C86 or 82C87 transceiver can also be
1 1 1 Passive (No Bus Cycle)
used if data bus buffering is required. (See Figure 6A.) The
Status bits S3 through S7 are time multiplexed with high I/O Addressing
order address bits and the BHE signal, and are therefore
In the 80C86, I/O operations can address up to a maximum
valid during T2 through T4. S3 and S4 indicate which seg-
of 64K I/O byte registers or 32K I/O word registers. The I/O
ment register (see Instruction Set Description) was used for
address appears in the same format as the memory address
this bus cycle in forming the address, according to Table 3.
on bus lines A15-A0. The address lines A19-A16 are zero in
S5 is a reflection of the PSW interrupt enable bit. S3 is I/O operations. The variable I/O instructions which use regis-
always zero and S7 is a spare status bit. ter DX as a pointer have full address capability while the
direct I/O instructions directly address one or two of the 256
TABLE 3. I/O byte locations in page 0 of the I/O address space.
S4 S3 CHARACTERISTICS I/O ports are addressed in the same manner as memory loca-
0 0 Alternate Data (Extra Segment) tions. Even addressed bytes are transferred on the D7-D0 bus
lines and odd addressed bytes on D15-D8. Care must be taken
0 1 Stack to ensure that each register within an 8-bit peripheral located on
1 0 Code or None the lower portion of the bus be addressed as even.
1 1 Data
During the response sequence (Figure 5) the processor exe- External Synchronization Via TEST
cutes two successive (back-to-back) interrupt acknowledge
As an alternative to interrupts, the 80C86 provides a single
cycles. The 80C86 emits the LOCK signal (Max mode only)
software-testable input pin (TEST). This input is utilized by
from T2 of the first bus cycle until T2 of the second. A local
executing a WAIT instruction. The single WAIT instruction is
bus “hold” request will not be honored until the end of the
repeatedly executed until the TEST input goes active (LOW).
second bus cycle. In the second bus cycle, a byte is supplied
The execution of WAIT does not consume bus cycles once
to the 80C86 by the 82C59A Interrupt Controller, which iden-
the queue is full.
tifies the source (type) of the interrupt. This byte is multiplied
by four and used as a pointer into the interrupt vector lookup If a local bus request occurs during WAIT execution, the
table. An INTR signal left HIGH will be continually responded 80C86 three-states all output drivers while inputs and I/O
to within the limitations of the enable bit and sample period. pins are held at valid logic levels by internal bus-hold circuits.
The INTERRUPT RETURN instruction includes a FLAGS If interrupts are enabled, the 80C86 will recognize interrupts
pop which returns the status of the original interrupt enable and process them when it regains control of the bus. The
bit when it restores the FLAGS. WAIT instruction is then refetched, and re-executed.
T1 T2 T3 T4 TI T1 T2 T3 T4 TABLE 4. 80C86 REGISTER
devices. The read control signal is also asserted at T2. The Bus Timing - Medium Size Systems
read (RD) signal causes the addressed device to enable its
For medium complexity systems the MN/MX pin is con-
data bus drivers to the local bus. Some time later, valid data
nected to GND and the 82C88 Bus Controller is added to the
will be available on the bus and the addressed device will
system as well as an 82C82/82C83 latch for latching the
drive the READY line HIGH. When the processor returns the
system address, and an 82C86/82C87 transceiver to allow
read signal to a HIGH level, the addressed device will again
for bus loading greater than the 80C86 is capable of han-
three-state its bus drivers. If a transceiver (82C86/82C87) is
dling. Signals ALE, DEN, and DT/R are generated by the
required to buffer the 80C86 local bus, signals DT/R and
82C88 instead of the processor in this configuration,
DEN are provided by the 80C86.
although their timing remains relatively the same. The
A write cycle also begins with the assertion of ALE and the 80C86 status outputs (S2, S1 and S0) provide type-of-cycle
emission of the address. The M/IO signal is again asserted information and become 82C88 inputs. This bus cycle infor-
to indicate a memory or I/O write operation. In T2, immedi- mation specifies read (code, data or I/O), write (data or I/O),
ately following the address emission, the processor emits interrupt acknowledge, or software halt. The 82C88 issues
the data to be written into the addressed location. This data control signals specifying memory read or write, I/O read or
remains valid until at least the middle of T4. During T2, T3 write, or interrupt acknowledge. The 82C88 provides two
and TW, the processor asserts the write control signal. The types of write strobes, normal and advanced, to be applied
write (WR) signal becomes active at the beginning of T2 as as required. The normal write strobes have data valid at the
opposed to the read which is delayed somewhat into T2 to leading edge of write. The advanced write strobes have the
provide time for output drivers to become inactive. same timing as read strobes, and hence, data is not valid at
the leading edge of write. The 82C86/82C87 transceiver
The BHE and A0 signals are used to select the proper
receives the usual T and OE inputs from the 82C88 DT/R
byte(s) of the memory/lO word to be read or written accord-
and DEN signals.
ing to Table 5.
TABLE 5. The pointer into the interrupt vector table, which is passed
during the second INTA cycle, can be derived from an
BHE A0 CHARACTERISTICS 82C59A located on either the local bus or the system bus. If
0 0 Whole word the master 82C59A Priority Interrupt Controller is positioned
on the local bus, the 82C86/82C87 transceiver must be dis-
0 1 Upper Byte From/To Odd Address abled when reading from the master 82C59A during the
1 0 Lower Byte From/To Even Address interrupt acknowledge sequence and software “poll”.
1 1 None
82C8A/85 INTA
1 A16-A19 ADDR/DATA 82C82
BHE 2 OR 3
40 OE
82C86 DATA
C1 = C2 = 0.1µF
(2) BHE
2K x 8 2K x 8
1 A16-A19 ADDR/DATA 82C82
VCC C1 (2 OR 3)
C1 = C2 = 0.1µF TRANSCEIVER A0
(2) BHE
HM-65162 HM-6616 CMOS
2K x 8 2K x 8 2K x 8 2K x 8
1. θJA is measured with the component mounted on an evaluation PC board in free air.
Operating Conditions
Operating Supply Voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +4.5V to +5.5V Operating Temperature Range: C80C86/-2 . . . . . . . . 0oC to +70oC
M80C86-2 ONLY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +4.75V to +5.25V I80C86/-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -40oC to +85oC
M80C86/-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -55oC to +125oC
Capacitance TA = 25oC
80C86 80C86-2
(15) TILIH Input Rise Time (Except CLK) 15 15 ns From 0.8V to 2.0V
(16) TIHIL Input FaIl Time (Except CLK) 15 15 ns From 2.0V to 0.8V
80C86 80C86-2
(25) TLLAX Address Hold Time to ALE Inactive TCHCL-10 TCHCL-10 ns CL = 100pF
7. Signal at 82C84A shown for reference only.
8. Setup requirement for asynchronous signal only to guarantee recognition at next CLK.
9. Applies only to T2 state (8ns into T3).
T1 T2 T3 T4
(5) TW
CLK (82C84A OUTPUT) (4)
(3) (2)
(30) TCHCTV (30)
(19) (16) TCLDX1
READ CYCLE (30) (30)
Waveforms (Continued)
T1 T2 T3 TW T4
(4) (5)
(26) (27)
TWHDX (28)
(29) TCVCTV (38)
TCLDX1 (7)
(15) TCHGX RQ Hold Time into 80C86 (Note 13) 40 TCHCL+ 30 TCHCL+ ns
10 10
(16) TILlH Input Rise Time (Except CLK) 15 15 ns From 0.8V to 2.0V
(17) TIHIL Input Fall Time (Except CLK) 15 15 ns From 2.0V to 0.8V
(18) TCLML Command Active Delay (Note 10) 5 35 5 35 ns CL = 100pF for All
80C86 Outputs (In
Addition to 80C86
Self Load)
(20) TRYHSH READY Active to Status Passive 110 65 ns CL = 100pF for All
(Notes 12, 14) 80C86 Outputs (In
Addition to 80C86
Self Load)
(22) TCLSH Status Inactive Delay (Note 14) 10 130 10 70 ns CL = 100pF for All
80C86 Outputs (In
Addition to 80C86
Self Load)
(25) TCLAZ Address Float Delay TCLAX 80 TCLAX 50 ns CL = 100pF for All
80C86 Outputs (In
Addition to 80C86
Self Load)
(27) TSVLH Status Valid to ALE High (Note 10) 20 20 ns CL = 100pF for All
80C86 Outputs (In
Addition to 80C86
Self Load)
(28) TSVMCH Status Valid to MCE High (Note 10) 30 30 ns CL = 100pF for All
80C86 Outputs (In
Addition to 80C86
Self Load)
(29) TCLLH CLK low to ALE Valid (Note 10) 20 20 ns CL = 100pF for All
80C86 Outputs (In
Addition to 80C86
Self Load)
(30) TCLMCH CLK low to MCE High (Note 10) 25 25 ns CL = 100pF for All
80C86 Outputs (In
Addition to 80C86
Self Load)
(31) TCHLL ALE Inactive Delay (Note 10) 4 18 4 18 ns CL = 100pF for All
80C86 Outputs (In
Addition to 80C86
Self Load)
(32) TCLMCL MCE Inactive Delay (Note 10) 15 15 ns CL = 100pF for All
80C86 Outputs (In
Addition to 80C86
Self Load)
10. Signal at 82C84A or 82C88 shown for reference only.
11. Setup requirement for asynchronous signal only to guarantee recognition at next CLK.
12. Applies only to T2 state (8ns into T3).
13. The 80C86 actively pulls the RQ/GT pin to a logic one on the following clock low time.
14. Status lines return to their inactive (logic one) state after CLK goes low and READY goes high.
T1 T2 T3 T4
(1) (5)
QS0, QS1
(21) TCHSV (22)
(24) (20)
(25) (6) TCLDX1
TCLRL (45)
DT/R (38)
TCVNX (36)
Waveforms (Continued)
T1 T2 T3 TW T4
TCHSV (21)
TCLDV (33) (22) TCLDX2 (34)
TCLAX (24)
(25) TCLAZ (6) TDVCL TCLDX1 (7)
SEE NOTES 18, 19 (18) TCLML
(21) (22)
Waveforms (Continued)
TCHSV (21)
BHE/S7, A19/S0-A16/S3
S2, S1, S0
NOTE: The coprocessor may not drive the busses outside the region shown without risking contention.
≥ 1CLK 1 OR 2
TCLAZ (19)
(23) (23)
Waveforms (Continued)
≥ 50µs
(7) TCLDX1
AC Test Circuit
VIH + 20% VIH
1.5V 1.5V
VIL - 50% VIL
NOTE: AC Testing: All input signals (other than CLK) must switch between VILMAX -50% VIL and VIHMIN +20% VIH. CLK must switch between
0.4V and VCC.-0.4 Input rise and fall times are driven at 1ns/V.
Burn-In Circuits
GND 2 AD14 AD15 39 VCL
VCL 3 AD13 AD16 38 VCC/2
GND 4 AD12 AD17 37 VCC/2
GND 5 AD11 AD18 36 VCC/2
VCL 6 AD10 AD19 35 VCC/2
GND 7 AD9 BHE 34 VCC/2
GND 9 AD7 RD 32 VCC/2
VCL 10 AD6 RQ0 31 VCL
VCL 11 AD5 RQ1 30 VCL
VCL 12 AD4 LOCK 29 VCC/2
OPEN 13 AD3 S2 28 VCC/2
OPEN 14 AD2 S1 27 VCC/2
OPEN 15 AD1 S0 26 VCC/2
OPEN 16 AD0 QS0 25 VCC/2
GND 17 NMI QS2 24 VCC/2
VCC = 5.5V ±0.5V, GND = 0V. 1. RI = 10kΩ ±5%, 1/4W
Input voltage limits (except clock): 2. RO = 1.2kΩ ±5%, 1/4W
VIL (maximum) = 0.4V 3. RIO = 2.7kΩ ±5%, 1/4W
VIH (minimum) = 2.6V, VIH (clock) = (VCC -0.4V) minimum. 4. RC = 1kΩ ±5%, 1/4W
VCC/2 is external supply set to 2.7V ±10%. 5. C = 0.01µF (Minimum)
VCL is generated on program card (VCC - 0.65V).
Pins 13 - 16 input sequenced instructions from internal hold devices.
F0 = 100kHz ±10%.
Node A = a 40µs pulse every 2.56ms.
RIO 6 5 4 3 2 1 44 43 42 41 40
7 39
8 38
9 37
10 36
11 35
12 34
13 33
14 32
15 31
16 30
17 29
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
VCC = 5.5V ±0.5V, GND = 0V. 1. RI = 10kΩ ±5%, 1/4W
Input voltage limits (except clock): 2. RO = 1.2kΩ ±5%, 1/4W
VIL (maximum) = 0.4V 3. RIO = 2.7kΩ ±5%, 1/4W
VIH (minimum) = 2.6V, VIH (clock) = (VCC -0.4V) minimum. 4. RC = 1kΩ ±5%, 1/4W
VCC/2 is external supply set to 2.7V ±10%. 5. C = 0.01µF (Minimum)
VCL is generated on program card (VCC - 0.65V).
Pins 13 - 16 input sequenced instructions from internal hold devices.
F0 = 100kHz ±10%.
Node A = a 40µs pulse every 2.56ms.
Metallization Topology
249.2 x 290.9 x 19 Type: Nitrox
Thickness: 10kÅ ±2kÅ
Type: Silicon - Aluminum WORST CASE CURRENT DENSITY:
Thickness: 11kÅ ±2kÅ 1.5 x 105 A/cm2
AD11 AD12 AD13 AD14 GND VCC AD15 A16/S3 A17/S4 A18/S5
AD1 S1
AD0 S0
Register/Memory to/from Register 100010dw mod reg r/m
Immediate to Register/Memory 1100011w mod 0 0 0 r/m data data if w 1
Immediate to Register 1 0 1 1 w reg data data if w 1
Memory to Accumulator 1010000w addr-low addr-high
Accumulator to Memory 1010001w addr-low addr-high
Register/Memory to Segment Register †† 10001110 mod 0 reg r/m
Segment Register to Register/Memory 10001100 mod 0 reg r/m
PUSH = Push:
Register/Memory 11111111 mod 1 1 0 r/m
Register 0 1 0 1 0 reg
Segment Register 0 0 0 reg 1 1 0
POP = Pop:
Register/Memory 10001111 mod 0 0 0 r/m
Register 0 1 0 1 1 reg
Segment Register 0 0 0 reg 1 1 1
XCHG = Exchange:
Register/Memory with Register 1000011w mod reg r/m
Register with Accumulator 1 0 0 1 0 reg
IN = Input from:
Fixed Port 1110010w port
Variable Port 1110110w
OUT = Output to:
Fixed Port 1110011w port
Variable Port 1110111w
XLAT = Translate Byte to AL 11010111
LEA = Load EA to Register2 10001101 mod reg r/m
LDS = Load Pointer to DS 11000101 mod reg r/m
LES = Load Pointer to ES 11000100 mod reg r/m
LAHF = Load AH with Flags 10011111
SAHF = Store AH into Flags 10011110
PUSHF = Push Flags 10011100
POPF = Pop Flags 10011101
ADD = Add:
Register/Memory with Register to Either 000000dw mod reg r/m
Immediate to Register/Memory 100000sw mod 0 0 0 r/m data data if s:w = 01
Immediate to Accumulator 0000010w data data if w = 1
ADC = Add with Carry:
Register/Memory with Register to Either 000100dw mod reg r/m
MNEMONIC AND DESCRIPTION 76543210 76543210 76543210 76543210
Immediate to Register/Memory 100000sw mod 0 1 0 r/m data data if s:w = 01
Immediate to Accumulator 0001010w data data if w = 1
INC = Increment:
Register/Memory 1111111w mod 0 0 0 r/m
Register 0 1 0 0 0 reg
AAA = ASCll Adjust for Add 00110111
DAA = Decimal Adjust for Add 00100111
SUB = Subtract:
Register/Memory and Register to Either 001010dw mod reg r/m
Immediate from Register/Memory 100000sw mod 1 0 1 r/m data data if s:w = 01
Immediate from Accumulator 0010110w data data if w = 1
SBB = Subtract with Borrow
Register/Memory and Register to Either 000110dw mod reg r/m
Immediate from Register/Memory 100000sw mod 0 1 1 r/m data data if s:w = 01
Immediate from Accumulator 0001110w data data if w = 1
DEC = Decrement:
Register/Memory 1111111w mod 0 0 1 r/m
Register 0 1 0 0 1 reg
NEG = Change Sign 1111011w mod 0 1 1 r/m
CMP = Compare:
Register/Memory and Register 001110dw mod reg r/m
Immediate with Register/Memory 100000sw mod 1 1 1 r/m data data if s:w = 01
Immediate with Accumulator 0011110w data data if w = 1
AAS = ASCll Adjust for Subtract 00111111
DAS = Decimal Adjust for Subtract 00101111
MUL = Multiply (Unsigned) 1111011w mod 1 0 0 r/m
IMUL = Integer Multiply (Signed) 1111011w mod 1 0 1 r/m
AAM = ASCll Adjust for Multiply 11010100 00001010
DlV = Divide (Unsigned) 1111011w mod 1 1 0 r/m
IDlV = Integer Divide (Signed) 1111011w mod 1 1 1 r/m
AAD = ASClI Adjust for Divide 11010101 00001010
CBW = Convert Byte to Word 10011000
CWD = Convert Word to Double Word 10011001
NOT = Invert 1111011w mod 0 1 0 r/m
SHL/SAL = Shift Logical/Arithmetic Left 110100vw mod 1 0 0 r/m
SHR = Shift Logical Right 110100vw mod 1 0 1 r/m
SAR = Shift Arithmetic Right 110100vw mod 1 1 1 r/m
ROL = Rotate Left 110100vw mod 0 0 0 r/m
ROR = Rotate Right 110100vw mod 0 0 1 r/m
RCL = Rotate Through Carry Flag Left 110100vw mod 0 1 0 r/m
MNEMONIC AND DESCRIPTION 76543210 76543210 76543210 76543210
RCR = Rotate Through Carry Right 110100vw mod 0 1 1 r/m
AND = And:
Reg./Memory and Register to Either 0010000dw mod reg r/m
Immediate to Register/Memory 1000000w mod 1 0 0 r/m data data if w = 1
Immediate to Accumulator 0010010w data data if w = 1
TEST = And Function to Flags, No Result:
Register/Memory and Register 1000010w mod reg r/m
Immediate Data and Register/Memory 1111011w mod 0 0 0 r/m data data if w = 1
Immediate Data and Accumulator 1010100w data data if w = 1
OR = Or:
Register/Memory and Register to Either 000010dw mod reg r/m
Immediate to Register/Memory 1000000w mod 1 0 1 r/m data data if w = 1
Immediate to Accumulator 0000110w data data if w = 1
XOR = Exclusive or:
Register/Memory and Register to Either 001100dw mod reg r/m
Immediate to Register/Memory 1000000w mod 1 1 0 r/m data data if w = 1
Immediate to Accumulator 0011010w data data if w = 1
REP = Repeat 1111001z
MOVS = Move Byte/Word 1010010w
CMPS = Compare Byte/Word 1010011w
SCAS = Scan Byte/Word 1010111w
LODS = Load Byte/Word to AL/AX 1010110w
STOS = Stor Byte/Word from AL/A 1010101w
CALL = Call:
Direct Within Segment 11101000 disp-low disp-high
Indirect Within Segment 11111111 mod 0 1 0 r/m
Direct Intersegment 10011010 offset-low offset-high
seg-low seg-high
Indirect Intersegment 11111111 mod 0 1 1 r/m
MNEMONIC AND DESCRIPTION 76543210 76543210 76543210 76543210
Intersegment 11001011
Intersegment Adding Immediate to SP 11001010 data-low data-high
JE/JZ = Jump on Equal/Zero 01110100 disp
JL/JNGE = Jump on Less/Not Greater or Equal 01111100 disp
JLE/JNG = Jump on Less or Equal/ Not Greater 01111110 disp
JB/JNAE = Jump on Below/Not Above or Equal 01110010 disp
JBE/JNA = Jump on Below or Equal/Not Above 01110110 disp
JP/JPE = Jump on Parity/Parity Even 01111010 disp
JO = Jump on Overflow 01110000 disp
CLC = Clear Carry 11111000
CMC = Complement Carry 11110101
STC = Set Carry 11111001
CLD = Clear Direction 11111100
MNEMONIC AND DESCRIPTION 76543210 76543210 76543210 76543210
NOTES: if s:w = 01 then 16-bits of immediate data form the operand.
AL = 8-bit accumulator if s:w. = 11 then an immediate data byte is sign extended
AX = 16-bit accumulator to form the 16-bit operand.
CX = Count register if v = 0 then “count” = 1; if v = 1 then “count” in (CL)
DS= Data segment x = don't care
ES = Extra segment z is used for string primitives for comparison with ZF FLAG.
Above/below refers to unsigned value.
Greater = more positive; SEGMENT OVERRIDE PREFIX
Less = less positive (more negative) signed values
if d = 1 then “to” reg; if d = 0 then “from” reg 001 reg 11 0
if w = 1 then word instruction; if w = 0 then byte REG is assigned according to the following table:
if mod = 11 then r/m is treated as a REG field 16-BIT (w = 1) 8-BIT (w = 0) SEGMENT
if mod = 00 then DISP = O†, disp-low and disp-high 000 AX 000 AL 00 ES
are absent
if mod = 01 then DISP = disp-low sign-extended 001 CX 001 CL 01 CS
16-bits, disp-high is absent 010 DX 010 DL 10 SS
if mod = 10 then DISP = disp-high:disp-low
if r/m = 000 then EA = (BX) + (SI) + DISP 011 BX 011 BL 11 DS
if r/m = 001 then EA = (BX) + (DI) + DISP 100 SP 100 AH 00 ES
if r/m = 010 then EA = (BP) + (SI) + DISP
if r/m = 011 then EA = (BP) + (DI) + DISP 101 BP 101 CH 00 ES
if r/m = 100 then EA = (SI) + DISP 110 SI 110 DH 00 ES
if r/m = 101 then EA = (DI) + DISP
if r/m = 110 then EA = (BP) + DISP † 111 DI 111 BH 00 ES
if r/m = 111 then EA = (BX) + DISP Instructions which reference the flag register file as a 16-bit
DISP follows 2nd byte of instruction (before data object use the symbol FLAGS to represent the file:
if required)
† except if mod = 00 and r/m = 110 then FLAGS =
EA = disp-high: disp-low. X:X:X:X:(OF):(DF):(IF):(TF):(SF):(ZF):X:(AF):X:(PF):X:(CF)
†† MOV CS, REG/MEMORY not allowed.
Mnemonics Intel, 1978
LPRS Data Sheet Micro Tx Transmitter Module
The Micro TX is a Type Approved AM radio transmitter module operating at UHF frequencies. It is compatible
with both low cost super-regenerative and AM superhet receivers. By providing excellent RF performance in a
Type Approved module, the Micro TX minimises design costs and delays. The sub-miniature two-pin package
ensures that the module can be fitted into any convenient space on the user's board. This makes it ideally
suited to keyfob designs, where space is often limited due to the demand for ever more compact designs.
The unique design (Patent Pending) of this module allows operation on any supply voltage between 2.5 and
13V, simply by changing one external resistor. Users requiring high performance from a compact transmitter
will appreciate the efficient operation of the module when driving a tuned loop or short whip antenna. Up to -6
dBm radiated power can be achieved with a 90 mm whip, just over half the length of the usual 1/4 wave
antenna. It is compatible with most encoding ICs operating from 3V to 12V.
Features Applications
Package Dimensions
Technical Specification
Ambient Temperature 20 ° C
MicroTx.doc Issue 1.5 Jul-98 P/N xxxxx The Quantelec Group Page 1 of 5
LPRS Data Sheet Micro Tx Transmitter Module
Fig. 1 shows a typical circuit for a design using a printed circuit board (PCB) loop antenna. A 1 to 5pF ceramic
trimmer is used to tune the loop for maximum output. Fig. 2 shows a typical board layout for a key fob style
transmitter. The dimensions of the loop are not critical, but excessively small or large loops should be
avoided, as these will affect antenna tuning and efficiency. The loop should enclose an area of about 700mm2
using a PCB track width of 1.5-2.5mm. Alternatively 1-1.5mm tinned copper wire may be used to form the
The module can also drive a short whip antenna by using the matching network as shown in the circuit
diagrams. The whip can be a wire rod or PCB track of about 90mm length. The inductor can be a 15nH
surface mount inductor or an air cored solenoid of 0.8mm ID, close wound with 9 turns of 0.56mm enamel
covered wire. A trimming capacitor of 1.5-5pF will generally be adequate.
When using a printed antenna on the PCB, always specify a good quality fibreglass base material. Lower cost
materials such as SRBP (paper) will cause excessive losses at UHF. For printed circuit board aerials the
variable trimmer capacitor can be replaced with two fixed value capacitors in series allowing intermediate
values of capacitance to be obtained. The aerial should then be tuned for resonance to determine the values
of the capacitors. However the variable capacitor is preferable if maximum output power and therefore range
is required for all production transmitters.
In order to achieve satisfactory RF performance, good PCB layout practice should be observed. The loop
antenna should be free of any components or tracks except for the module and the tuning capacitor. All
aerials radiate more efficiently against ground planes and the PCB should therefore be “flooded” with copper
in the areas not being used for the aerial. Double sided PCBs can provide extra area for ground planes and
the top and bottom ground plane layers should be generously connected with vias. Always use ceramic
capacitors to decouple the supply at RF.
CMOS ICs can be susceptible to local RF fields and the use of the above techniques minimises this
possibility. Do not use stripboard for prototypes as results may be misleading.
Power Supply
The Micro Tx can be matched to any power supply voltage by varying the resistor in series with the module.
The module typically requires an operating current of 4mA and drops 2.5V across it. The required series
resistor can thus be easily calculated by Ohms Law, alternatively the following table can be used. As it is a
two pin device it can be driven from either a current source or a current sink. However, ensure that the
encoding device can source or sink sufficient current. and be aware that if “sinking” current the transmitter is
“on” when the output is low, thus inverting the data if using standard encoders.
For operation at low voltages (<3V) a 100uH RF choke should be placed in series with Rd. This minimises RF
energy being absorbed by low impedance drive circuitry.
MicroTx.doc Issue 1.5 Jul-98 P/N xxxxx The Quantelec Group Page 2 of 5
LPRS Data Sheet Micro Tx Transmitter Module
1N4148 100n
HT-12E -VE
RF Ground 2-5pF
RF Ground
** See Note **
Rd Max
Encoder Encoder
Circuit Circuit 15nH 2-5pF
** See Note **
Ground Plane
Encoding Circuits Track width
RF Out
The Transmitter module should ideally be placed over the ground plane as shown. The loop aerial should be
completely clear of the ground plane and all other components. Do not place other components within the
loop area.
For operation at low voltages (<3V) a 100uH RF choke should be placed in series with Rd. This minimises RF
energy being absorbed by low impedance drive circuitry.
A variable tuning capacitor is preferable to one, or two fixed capacitors in series, if maximum output power is
required for all production transmitters. This allows for various tolerances in the device.
MicroTx.doc Issue 1.5 Jul-98 P/N xxxxx The Quantelec Group Page 3 of 5
LPRS Data Sheet Micro Tx Transmitter Module
MPT 1340 is the appropriate Type Approval specification issued by the Radio Agency (DTI) and copies may
be obtained from the RA's library service on 0171 211 0211.
"The equipment in which the module is used must carry an inspection mark located on the outside of the
equipment and be clearly visible. The minimum dimensions of the inspection mark shall be 10 x 15 mm and
the letter and figure height must be no less than 2mm. The wording shall read " MPT 1340 W.T. LICENCE
Example Label:
MPT 1340
W.T. Licence Exempt
Type Approval No:
MPT1340 also states that: "All transmitters shall use integral antennas only. In this specification an integral
antenna is defined as one which is designed to be connected permanently to the transmitter or receiver
without the use of an external feeder. Receivers may use an external antenna or an integral antenna.
MicroTx.doc Issue 1.5 Jul-98 P/N xxxxx The Quantelec Group Page 4 of 5
LPRS Data Sheet Micro Tx Transmitter Module
Part No Description
Document History
The information contained in this data sheet is the property of The Quantelec Group Ltd and copyright is
vested in them with all rights reserved. Under copyright law this documentation may not be copied,
photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form in whole
or in part without the written consent of The Quantelec Group Ltd.
The circuitry and design of the modules is also protected by copyright law.
The Quantelec Group Ltd has an on going policy to improve the performance and reliability of their products,
we therefore reserve the right to make changes without notice. The information contained in this data sheet is
believed to be accurate however we do not assume any responsibility for errors nor any liability arising from
the application or use of any product or circuit described herein. This data sheet neither states nor implies
warranty of any kind, including fitness for any particular application.
For further information or technical assistance please contact: LOW POWER RADIO SOLUTIONS
A Division of The Quantelec Group Ltd.
Two Rivers Industrial Estate
Station Lane
Tel: +44 (0)1993 709418 Witney
Fax: +44 (0)1993 708575 Oxon. OX8 6BH
Web: http://www.lprs.co.uk England
Email: [email protected] .
MicroTx.doc Issue 1.5 Jul-98 P/N xxxxx The Quantelec Group Page 5 of 5
CCD Imaging
• The CCD Element ............................................. 7.3
• Preamplifier Stage .......................................... 7.11
– Requirements ........................................... 7.12
– With DC-Restoration ................................ 7.15
• Correlated Double Sampling ......................... 7.18
• A/D Converter ................................................. 7.26
CCD Imaging System
Typical Block Diagram
Preamp Gain and DSP
Double A/D
and Clamp Driver
Sampling (CDS)
CCD Coarse Offset D/A
Level Shift
Fine Offset
7 .2
Basic CCD Theory
7 .3
Basic CCD Theory
The CCD Array Configuration
Vertical Shift
Horizontal CCD Shift Register Stage
7 .4
The CCD array is configured into multiple vertical shift registers and usually
one horizontal shift register, both requiring different clock patterns. The flow is
as follows: the pixel converts the light (incoming photons) into electrons which
are stored as electrical charge. Then the charge is transferred down the
vertical register in a conveyor-belt fashion to the horizontal shift register. This
register collects one line at a time and transports the pixel charges in a serial
manner to the on-chip output stage. The on-chip output converts the charge
into a voltage. This voltage is then available at the output in the typical CCD
pulse form.
With the standard CCD, most of the pixels can detect the light. The CCD also
has small sections at the beginning and at the end of each vertical segment
that are covered and therefore “optically black”. Those pixels will always have
the voltage level representing black. Some image circuits use those as
reference pixels to adjust the signal offset.
Some numbers:
The horizontal read-out speed for systems with up to 12-bit resolution is up to
10MHz. For higher resolutions (≤16-bit) the clock speed is around 1MHz.
Typical pixel dimensions are: ~27µm 2 for a 512x512 array or ~12µm 2 for a
1024x1024 array.
Basic CCD Theory
Built-In CCD Output Stage — Charge Detection
FET-Switch Drain
Signal Out
7 .5
Shown here is the conceptual schematic of the output stage inside the CCD element.
This stage is responsible for the so called ‘charge detection’. As discussed earlier, the
charge e— generated is moved into the horizontal shift register. The charge of each
individual pixel is controlled by the horizontal clock and stored onto the Sense
Capacitor (CS). A typical value for such a capacitor is 0.1pF to 0.5pF. According to
V = Q/C, the charge will develop a voltage across capacitor CS, representing the light
intensity for the particular pixel. A MOSFET transistor configured as a source follower
buffers the capacitor from the output node, which connects to the load resistor, RLOAD.
At this point, the image (video) signal becomes available at VOUT for further signal
As indicated in the figure above, the output voltage is a series of stepped DC voltages.
One pixel period is composed of three different levels: (1) the “reset feedthrough”, (2)
the “reference level”, (3) and the “pixel level”.
A readout sequence begins with the reset. Where the FET-switch is closed, set the
sense capacitor to the initial reference voltage. The reference voltage can be relatively
high, up to +12V. The closing of the switch causes the reset feedthrough, a result of
capacitive coupling through the MOSFET. After the decay of this feedthrough the
capacitor will reflect the reference voltage level (2). Once the capacitor has been reset,
the switch opens and pixel charge is transferred to the capacitor, altering its voltage.
An important specification for CCD elements is the sensitivity. This is a measure of the
achievable output voltage per electron, SV = VOUT /e— . With a 0.1pF capacitor, the
output voltage would be -1.6µV per electron. Unfortunately, the source follower has a
gain of less than 1 (~0.8).
System Performance Limitations
Noise Sources:
• CCD — output stage kT/C-noise
• Semiconductor Noise — Shot, Flicker, White Noise
• Resistor / Thermal Noise
• ADC Quantization Noise
• Line Frequency, 50/60Hz
7 .6
The lower limit of the dynamic range in an image system is set by the noise
floor. Different techniques are available to maximize the dynamic range and
optimize for the input range of the A/D converter, but a thorough
understanding about the noise sources is crucial. The main noise source,
besides digital feedthrough, is the so called kT/C-noise of the FET reset switch
caused by its channel resistance.
The MOSFET also contributes noise — the flicker (1/f ) noise and some white
(thermal) noise. Additionally, each resistor is a source of thermal/white noise.
Another limit is set by the quantization noise of the A/D converter. The rms
quantization noise is expressed by the equation q/√12, with q being the bit size
or LSB weight of the converter. For example, a 10-bit converter with a full-
scale input range of 2V has a bit size of 2.0V/1024 = 1.953mV. Hence, the
quantization noise is 564µVrms. Assuming a 0.1pF sense capacitor the
detection limit would be at about 350 electrons due to the quantization noise.
One obvious way to reduce this limitation is to use an A/D converter with a
higher resolution, e.g., 12 bits.
Another example for a noise source would be the line frequency with 50Hz or
On-chip Output Stage Noise
SW Drain
RON Flicker Noise
Reset RL
White Noise
7 .7
Looking again at the built-in output stage of the CCD, we can identify the
different noise sources previously discussed.
• RESET NOISE: The thermal noise of the channel resistance (RON ) of the
FET switch (SW). This noise is often termed as kT/C-noise. With a typical
value of 100 to 300 electrons (rms), this is the dominant limitation for the
detection of small signals.
• FLICKER NOISE: Also 1/f-noise. Originates in the MOSFET, and relates
to the presence of traps associated with contamination and crystal defects in
the semiconductor. Its magnitude is therefore process dependent.
• WHITE NOISE also known as resistor noise: It is temperature dependent and
equal to √(4kTRB). White Noise has several origins. For example, the noise
of the load resistor (RL).
A closer look at the RESET NOISE
7 .8
The main components of reset-noise come from the sense capacitor CS and the switch (SW),
represented by its On-resistance, RON. Capacitors are usually thought of as noise-free devices.
In the case of sampling systems, however, they exhibit a theoretical noise because the
capacitor is periodically reset. The finite resistance of the reset switch has an associated
thermal noise. This noise is transferred to the capacitor when the reset switch opens. As the
resistor, RON, is made smaller, its noise will decrease, but the RC bandwidth will increase at the
same time. The noise can be calculated as follows:
The thermal noise of a resistor is given by: en = √4kTRB (Vrms).
k = Boltzmann’s constant = 1.38054 E -23
T = absolute temperature in Kelvin, (298°K = +25°C)
R = on resistance of switch in Ω
B = Noise Bandwidth in Hz
Since the CCD model has a single-pole response, B is the -3dB bandwidth times π/2, which will
be called NBW indicating the noise bandwidth for a single pole response. Therefore:
NBW = 1/ (2 π R C) • π /2 = 1/(4RC)
==> en = √ (4kTR)/(4RC) = √ (kT/C)
Using an example relevant to CCDs: CS = 0.1pF, RON = 2kΩ
The Noise Bandwidth would be: NBW = 1.25GHz
The Reset Noise would be: enr = 0.203mVrms
Taking the lowest detectable charge, one electron (e— = 1.6 E-19A-sec), the reset noise relates
to 126e— of charge. With a maximum video signal amplitude of about 0.3V (187500e— ), the
signal-to-noise ratio would be 1500 or 63dB. The dynamic range is about 11.5 bits.
A Closer Look at the White Noise
7 .9
White noise or thermal noise is present in any resistor or conductor. The rms-
voltage noise is proportional to the square root of the temperature, T, the
bandwidth, B, and the resistance, R, as given by the equation enw =√4kTRB.
The typical output resistance of a CCD, which includes the external load
resistor, is in the range of 200Ω to 20kΩ. The output impedance of the CCD
output stage (RO ) is formed by the load resistor (RL) and the channel
resistance of the output MOSFET.
The CCD Output Signal
Reset Feedthrough
Reset Level
(+10VD C)
Width Signal Amplitude
per Pixel
One Pixel Period ( V ≈ 0.3V)
7 .10
This is a typical output voltage waveform from a CCD element. The signal can
be described by five characteristics: the Reset Feedthrough, the Reset Level,
the Signal Amplitude, the Pixel Period and the actual Pixel Width.
As mentioned before, this CCD signal is not a continuous sinusoidal
waveform, but rather is a sequence of stepped DC levels.
The sequence for one pixel is as follows:
• Reset Feedthrough: This can be a relatively large pulse, as a result of
capacitive coupling through the FET.
• Reset Level: The “Sense Capacitor” will be charged to this final reset voltage.
This level can be in the order of +10V or more, creating the requirement
for a DC-decoupling capacitor at the output of the CCD element.
• Pixel Level: After the reset period, the pixel is transferred. The amplitude
corresponds to the charge representing the incident light level of the
addressed pixel. Because of the electron charge (e–) the CCD output signal
is inherently unipolar (negative).
Typical CCD pixel rates can vary between 1Mpixel/sec up to 20Mpixel/sec,
depending on the application.
First Stage - The Preamplifier
CCD Drain
DC - Block
R2 R1
50Ω 200Ω
7 .11
The Preamplifier
7 .12
High Speed Design Help
First-Order Relationships between Frequency and Time Domain
• Risetime = 0.35/Bandwidth
• Time Constant = Risetime/2.2
• Settling Time = - Time Constant x ln (% / 100)
[ % = error band in % (e.g., 0.01%) ]
7 .13
When designing a CCD imaging system, time domain parameters of the ICs
are the specifications that the designer will look at. A designer may not always
be able to find all of them in the product data sheets and a good first-order
approximation of the missing specification can be obtained using the
relationships between the frequency and time domain shown above. For
example, the rise time may be calculated by using the simple relationship
between the -3dB bandwidth and the rise time of a first-order system: Risetime
= 0.35/Bandwidth.
This rise time may then be used to obtain the system’s time constant, which
will lead to the settling time: Time Constant = Risetime/2.2.
Another familiar relationship for a single pole system is its pulse response:
VOUT (t) = VIN (1 - e -t/τ). Here, τ is the time constant formed by RC. Solving this
equation for t results in t = - τ x ln(%/100). This provides the settling time for
any desired settling accuracy, usually used as a % term.
Again, keep in mind that all these design equations are based on a single-pole
response. The actual values may differ due to second-order effects of the ICs.
High Speed FET Op Amps
7 .14
This table provides a selection of high speed op amps that feature a FET
input. The advantage over bipolar input stages is the very low bias current.
The bias current becomes important in applications where a capacitor is
connected to the input, or where the source impedance is high. The typical
input bias current of all three listed op amps is 5pA or better. Input bias
currents on high speed bipolar op amps are in the range of 1 to 30µA. All of
the listed op amps operate on ±5V supplies, except for the OPA671, which
requires ±15V supplies. The OPA637 is a decompensated version of the
OPA627 and therefore only stable in gains of 5 or higher. The decision
whether to use a FET input or bipolar input device will always depend on the
requirements of the individual application.
Preamplifier with DC - Restore
RB 402Ω
100Ω 100Ω
B + - DC - baseline)
C +
OTA SC Clamp Pulse
- E
SHC615 150Ω
150Ω CH O L D
7 .15
Another circuit example for the preamplifier and the clamp circuit is shown
here. The preamplifier uses the wideband, low noise OPA655, again
configured in a gain of +5V/V. Here, the OPA655 has a typical bandwidth of
57MHz with a 12-bit settling time of about 30ns (0.01%).
The video signal passes through the capacitor CB , blocking the DC
component. To restore the DC level to the desired baseline, the DC-restoration
IC SHC615 is used. The SHC615 basically incorporates two OTAs, or voltage
controlled current sources. One of the OTAs can be digitally controlled and
resembles a switched difference amplifier. The inverting input is connected to
a reference voltage. During the high time of the clamp pulse the switching
comparator (SC) will compare the output of the op amp to the reference level.
Any voltage difference between those pins will result in an output current that
either charges or discharges the hold capacitor, CHOLD. This charge creates a
voltage across the capacitor, which is buffered by the OTA. Multiplied by the
transconductance the voltage will cause a current flow in the collector, C,
terminal of the OTA. This current will level shift the OPA655 up to the point
where its output voltage is equal to the reference voltage. This also closes the
control loop. Because of the buffer, the voltage across CHOLD stays constant
and maintains the baseline correction during the off - time of the clamp pulse.
The external capacitor (CHOLD) allows for a wide range of flexibility. By
choosing small values, the circuit can be optimized for a short clamping period
or with higher values for a low droop rate. Another advantage of this circuit is
that small clamp peaks at the output of the switching comparator are
integrated and do not cause problems in the signal path.
DC-Restore Circuit with SHC615
102Ω OPA643
B DC - baseline)
+ + -
OTA Clamp Pulse
- E
SHC615 150Ω
150Ω CH O L D
7 .16
This circuit shows a slight alteration of the previous restoration circuit. Here,
the FET op amp, OPA655, is replaced with the wideband, low noise amplifier,
OPA643. The OPA643 is configured in an inverting gain of 5V/V. The typical
bandwidth of the OPA643 is 250MHz, making the op amp ideal for CCD
systems with high pixel rates. The common mode voltage problem
encountered in the previous circuit is avoided with this configuration by
selecting the inverting topology for the signal processing op amp. Depending
on the individual application, the resistor values may need to be changed in
order not to load the previous stage.
The DC - Restoration Circuit SHC615
Bandwidth 280MHz
Hold Command Delay 3.8ns
Propagation Delay 2.2ns
OTA, Input IBIAS 0.3µA
SC, Hold Output IBIAS 10pA
Feedthrough Rejection -100dB
7 .17
The SHC615 is a complete monolithic IC for very fast and precise DC-
restoration, offset clamping, and low frequency hum suppression. This function
can be realized with just the SHC615 alone or having the SHC615 alongside a
video op amp for out-of-path restoration. The application list for the SHC615
also includes high speed sample and holds, high speed integrators, or peak
detectors for fast pulses. The functions inside the SHC615 are a sampling
comparator (SC) and an operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) for
buffering the external hold capacitor. The transconductance of the OTA and
the sampling comparator can be adjusted by an external resistor, allowing
bandwidth, quiescent current, and gain tradeoffs to be optimized.
Improving SNR with Correlated Double Sampling
Reset Level ∆V
Video Level S2
7 .18
As shown before, the noise is the limiting factor for the resolution in a CCD
system, where the kT/C noise is dominant. To reduce this noise, imaging
systems use a circuit called a “Correlated Double Sampler” (CDS). The name
comes from the double sampling technique of the CCD charge signal. The first
sample (S1) is taken at the end of the reset period. When the reset switch
opens again, the effective noise bandwidth changes because of the large
difference in the switch’s RON and ROFF resistance. This causes the dominating
kT/C noise essentially to “freeze” in its last point.
The other sample (S2) is taken during the video portion of the signal. Ideally,
the two samples differ only by a voltage corresponding to the transferred
charge signal. This is the video level minus the noise (∆V).
The CDS function will eliminate the kT/C noise as well as much of the 1/f and
white noise.
CDS - Circuit Concept
S/H 1
S/H 2 Difference
Reset Hold
Video Hold
Video Out 0V
7 .19
Here is a block diagram of a CDS circuit. Two sample and hold amplifiers and
one difference amplifier constitute the correlated double sampler.
The signal coming from the CCD is applied to the two sample and hold, with
their outputs connected to the difference amplifier. The timing diagram will
clarify the operation. At time t1, the sample & hold (S/H1) goes into the hold
mode, taking a sample of the reset level including the noise. This voltage
(VRESET) is applied to the non-inverting input of the difference amplifier. At time
t2, the sample and hold (S/H2) will take a sample of the video level, which is
VRESET -VVIDEO . The output voltage of the difference amplifier is defined by the
equation VOUT = VIN+ - VIN-. The sample of the reset voltage contains the kT/C
noise, which is eliminated by the subtraction of the difference amplifier.
The double sampling technique also reduces the white noise. The white noise
is part of the reset voltage (VRESET) as well as of the video amplitude (VRESET -
VVIDEO). With the assumption that the noise of the second sample was
unchanged from the instant of the first sample, the noise amplitudes are the
same and are correlated in time. Therefore, the noise can be reduced by the
CDS function.
CDS Circuit with S/H, Example #1
402Ω 402Ω
SHC605 S/H1
200Ω A1
+ OPA658
SHC605 S/H2
7 .20
CDS Circuit with S/H, Example #2
200Ω 402Ω
SHC605 S/H1
249Ω A1 VOUT
- OPA658
SHC605 S/H2
7 .21
This circuit shows a slight modification from the previous one. It also uses two
sample and hold circuits (SHC605) to take the two samples needed for the
correlated double sampling function. Again, sample and hold amplifier S/H1 is
set in a unity gain configuration. To implement the subtract function now,
sample and hold amplifier S/H2 is used for the signal inversion. This is done by
configuring it in a gain of -1V/V. The difference amplifier can now be replaced
by a simple summing amplifier, A1. A current feedback amplifier, like the
OPA658, is the preferred choice for this function because of its wide
bandwidth and the independence of the bandwidth to the input resistors.
CDS with “Clamp and Sample” Circuit
Clamp C3
7 .22
CDS Clamp Circuit
7 .23
To further improve the signal-to-noise ratio, the first amplifier, A1, gains the
input signal by G = -402Ω/RIN. This also gains the noise, but it will be removed
from the signal with the CDS function. During the CCD reset period the clamp
pulse is applied to switch S1, grounding the capacitor C1. The voltage on the
ungrounded side of this clamp capacitor remains stationary, leaving the noise
sample stored on the capacitor. The CCD reset period ends and switch S1
opens. Now the pixel information, which is also contaminated with the noise, is
transferred. Gained up by amplifier A1 the signal passes through the clamp
capacitor. Here a subtraction takes place, eliminating the noise component
from the signal. Again, this is because the capacitor carries a charge (voltage)
representing a sample of the rms-noise. As the signal passes the capacitor
C1, it is reduced by the noise sample stored on the capacitor. This effectively
eliminates the noise. The “on” and “off” state of the switch implements the
correlated double sampling.
The clamp buffer insures a decoupling of the sensitive node. The wideband
FET op amp OPA655 is used here, since the FET input assures a very low
bias current (10pA, typ). Bias current causes droop on the clamp capacitor,
which could create a significant error depending on the timing.
The output of amplifier A2 would be sampled by a sample and hold IC.
The drawback of this circuit is that the used electronic switches can introduce
kT/C-noise again. A standard CD4066 switch could be used for slow speed
systems, whereas switches like the DG611 from Siliconix could be employed
for high speed systems.
CDS with “Dual Slope Integrator”
1 C2
A1 -1 R1
2 -
C1 SW1
1 - Integrate (-)
2 - Integrate (+)
3 - Hold
4 - Reset
7 .24
CDS with Dual Slope Integrator
Circuit Example
Double Sampler 402Ω
402Ω SW3
A1 C1
+ SW1
1kΩ 1nF
A1, A2: OPA2650
+ OPA655
Switch: CD4066
7 .25
Driver and A/D Converter
From CDS
circuit • Gain To DSP
• Level Shift A/D
• A/D Driver
7 .26
The last two analog processing stages within this CCD image system are the
A/D converter and its driving circuit. This circuit could also be used to make
the last span or offset adjustments to the signal to accommodate for the
maximum input range of the converter. Compared to their industrial
counterparts, converters in the imaging arena usually have a much smaller
input range, for example ±1V. One reason for this is that a ±10V input range
would require the driving amplifier to slew ten times faster for a fixed time
interval. On the other hand, the limited ±1V input range sets tighter limits on
the signal-to-noise ratio, and designers always strive to optimize the signal to
the full scale range.
On the next few pages some general design ideas will be discussed.
Fast Switching Gain Amplifier
301Ω 301Ω
Channel Select
G=2 -
+ A
+ CC
G=5 - 1- 4pF
75Ω 301Ω
7 .27
High Speed Op Amps
Implementing Level Shifting - Inverting Configuration
+ R1
R2 +
R3 R3
P1 P2 P1 P2
R2 R2 R2 R2 RP
Gain = - ± • VOS Gain = - ± 1+ • VOS
R1 R3 R1 R1 RP + R3
R2 R2
Noise Gain = 1+ Noise Gain = 1+
R1 || (R3 + P1 || P2) R1
7 .28
The driver circuit for the A/D converter can be configured for the final gain
offset adjustment. Because high speed op amps usually do not have offset
adjust capabilities directly on the IC, designers are required to implement the
appropriate level shifting externally.
Two inverting level shifting circuits are shown here. In the left figure, a current
is injected into the summing junction through R1. Even though it’s a simple
method it has the disadvantage of an increased noise gain due to R3 and the
potentiometer resistance. If R3 can be made much greater than R1 and R2, the
increase in noise gain can be limited.
The circuit on the right avoids this noise gain problem. Here, the offset voltage
is added to the signal through the non-inverting input. However, another
resistor, R4, is needed. The current noise of the non-inverting input creates,
together with R4, another noise source besides R4 itself. To reduce this noise
R4 could be bypassed with a small capacitor in parallel.
High Speed Op Amps
Implementing Level Shifting - Noninverting Configuration
P1 P2
R2 R2 R2
Gain ≈ 1+ ± • VOS Noise Gain = 1+
R1 R3 R1 || (R3+P1 || P2)
7 .29
This circuit shows the level shifting scheme for the non-inverting op amp
configuration. Similar to the first circuit, it adds a current to the summing
junction. This works well for a small adjustment range, when R3 could have a
much higher value than R1. Because the offset adjustment is in parallel to R1 it
affects the signal gain. For example, if R3 plus the potentiometer resistance is
100 times higher than R1, the gain will be altered by about 1%.
A common practice is to place the potentiometer between the two supply rails.
The disadvantage of this can be easily seen; any variations in the power
supplies will have an immediate effect to the signal.
The A/D Converter
- ADS820 20MHz ± 0.2LSB 195mW
- ADS821 40MHz ± 0.5LSB 380mW
- ADS800 40MHz ± 0.4LSB 390mW
- ADS801 25MHz ± 0.3LSB 270mW
- ADS802 10MHz ± 0.4LSB 250mW
- ADC614 5.12MHz ± 0.8LSB 6.0W, Hybrid
- ADC701 0.5MHz ± 0.4LSB 2.8W, Hybrid
7 .30
CCDs sensors come in a wide range of capabilities which make them well-
suited for a variety of industrial and commercial applications. For example,
CCDs are largely used in commercial products like video cameras, fax
machines or document scanners. Here, the requirements are mainly focused
on the price of using an A/D converter with 8- to 12-bit resolution. Suitable A/D
converters for this market segment are the ADS8xx family, offering different
speeds and resolutions. The ADS8xxs are monolithic ICs using the pipeline
topology, allowing fast clock speeds. Built on a 0.6µm CMOS process they
come in a small 28-pin SOIC package.
In the following “High Speed A/D Converter” section we will take a closer look
into the pipeline technology and its driving circuitry.
Scientific or medical applications often need higher resolution. Using larger
CCD arrays to gather more light they usually operate with longer integration
times. This means that the throughput rate of the A/D converter does not need
to be that high. In this segment, converters with more than 12 bits of resolution
have their place. Converters like the ADC614 (14-bit) or the ADC701(16-bit)
could be used here.
Using complete amplifier chips like the LM386, increase. If you use 9V power supply the resistance needed
TDA2004, etc. ARE modern, quick and easy but they teach will be about 180 ohms. This is why a 200R pot has been
nothing about how power amplification actually work. used. If you will always use an 18V supply then you can
Here is a Class A & AB amplifier made from individual use a lower value pot for greater accuracy.
components. It will deliver several watts of power into an
ordinary 8 ohm speaker. It provides hands-on learning WHAT TO DO IF IT DOES NOT WORK
about audio topics such as cross-over distortion, Poor soldering is the most likely reason that the circuit
bootstrapping, complementary pairs, and push-pull. We does not work. Check all solder joints carefully under a
have given a description of these topics. good light. Next check that all components are in their
correct position on the PCB.
Solder in the lowest height components first, then work up CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION
to the highest. The 10K pot is connected to the PCB by The power module has been designed for a maximum input
some 3 strand cable which you have to supply to the length signal of about 50mV. With a signal larger than this the
you require. 10K volume control acts as a potential divider to reduce
the signal and prevent distortion. For smaller signals you
Add the power transistors BD139 & BD140 last. Make will need to use a pre-amplifier. Or you could increase the
sure to get the BD139 & BD140 in the correct way around value of the 10K feedback resistor R5 and so increase the
and in their correct positions - the metal back of the amplifier gain above 11 (the ratio of (R3+R5) to R3.) Do
package goes in above the bar marked on the overlay. not reduce R3 which will also affect the frequency
Screw on the heat sinks before you solder them into the response of the amplifier.
board. You will find that both transistors must be soldered
some distance above the board so the heat sinks do not There are various classes of amplifiers which can be used
touch any of the other components. Join the two 9V battery to drive a loud speaker. The text books list them: class A,
snaps together in series to make the 18V DC. (Solder B, AB & C. The classes are defined in terms of the amount
together one red lead to the black lead of the other snap.) of bias which is applied to the amplifier input. Class A is
The metal plates of both power transistors are joined to permanently and fully biased on, while Class C only
their collectors so there is no need to insulate the heat conducts on the peaks of the signals. In this design we have
sinks. used Classes A and AB.
Overall Description. Q1 & Q2 form a complementary pair The advantage of such a setup is that Q1 & Q2 achieve a
for the audio voltage amplification. The advantage of using higher AC voltage gain because their output is developed
two transistors for this stage is that the arrangement has a across a higher value load resistor. If R4 were not
very high input impedence and hence does not load down bootstrapped but simply connected to ground the value of
the input signal. That means it draws very little current R4 would have to be increased to 15K to achieve the same
from the previous stage. The load for transistor Q2 is the effect. But such an increase would result in the base
green LED, the pot resistance plus R4. Note that R4 is not currents of Q4 & Q6 (which also flow through R4)
joined directly to the ground rail (as you might expect) but developing a far larger voltage across the resistor. This
indirectly via the speaker. This is called bootstrapping, a voltage could easily be large enough to turn off Q2 on the
topic we will shortly return to. negative sections of the signal preventing its voltage swing
going anywhere near ground.
The pairs of transistors Q3/Q5 & Q4/Q6 form a current
amplifier. The small valued R6 & R7 help to stabalize the Calculation. An 8 ohm speaker dissipating 1W of power
circuit. Voltage changes across these resistors act as draws an RMS current of 354 mA (P=I2R), or a peak
negative feedback and help to counteract any alterations in current of 500mA (354 x sqrt2). If the current gain of each
current caused by temperature, or differential gains in transistor Q4 & Q6 is 30 (typical) then the base current of
different transistors. There is also a negative feedback loop Q4 is 556 uA. This small current still produces a voltage
provided by R5. drop across 15K of 8.3V, restricting the negative output
voltage swing to only 0.7V (9 - 8.3V). Clearly the driver
Bootstrapping. This is a technique which allows you to transistor Q2 will shut down long before the amplifier
unlock or separate the AC & DC operations of an amplifier delivers a peak load to the speaker.
in order to get an increased power output. In some ways it
is like the operation of an inductor which has a low DC Hence the advantages of bootstrapping - the multiplied
resistance but a high AC impedence. The smaller DC resistance of the load resistor - gives us an increased AC
resistance of the bootstrapped load does not restrict the voltage gain from the first stage of the amplifier without
current flow, while the higher AC impedence results in a decreasing the AC current from the second stage. This
large voltage being generated across the load. And results in higher output power.
Supply Voltage. This calculation also explains why COMPONENTS
increasing the supply voltage will increase the volume of Resistors, 5% carbon:
the output. A higher supply voltage means that the input 1R2 R6 R7 2
signal to the power stage can have a greater voltage swing 100R R3 1
before clipping which results in a greater swing for the 1K5 R4 1
output. If the same current still flows then doubling the 1M R2 1
voltage (RMS) will double the output power. To show this 2K7 R8 1
the power output of the module was measured at various 820K R1 1
supply voltages. To do this the speaker was replaced by a 10K R5 1
5W, 8 ohm resistance, a 1kHz signal was the input and the 10K pot 1
output viewed on a CRO. The pot was adjusted for each 200R Koa trimpot 1
voltage. 0.1 uF capacitor C5 1
Electrolytic capacitors:
Next the amplitude of the input signal was adjusted to 10uF C1 1
achieve the maximum output signal without distortion (by 47uF C2 1
looking at the output on the CRO.) Then the AC voltage 100uF C3 C4 2
across the load resistor was measured. This gave an BC548B Q1 Q3 2
approximate RMS value. The power dissipated in the 8 BC558B Q2 Q4 2
ohm load was calculated from P = Vrms2/R. This gave the BD139 Q5 1
following results: BD140 Q6 1
5mm Green LED 1
VCC VRMS Power 5mm Red LED 1
9V 1.70V 361mW Speaker 8 ohm, 3" 1
12V 2.34V 684mW 9V battery snap 2
15V 3.13V 1.22W SPDT PCB switch 1
18V 3.67V 1.68W 2 Pole Terminal blocks 3
Heat sinks HS103 2
So it can be seen that any increase in supply voltage gives a Nut & bolt set 2
substantial power increase. Doubling its value gives four Kit 48 PCB 1
times the power. This is why very large power amplifiers
(hundreds of watts) need very high supply rail voltages.
First check the tracks on the top and bottom layers of the
PCB under a strong light. Look for any defects in the track
work. Next check the components against the listing on the
next page. The 68HC705P9P, or (P9CP) comes
preprogrammed. However, we have supplied a copy of the
source code with full comments on the floppy disk so you
can learn how to program these uC's.
Looking at the back of the keypad, pin 1 is on the right and If you press an option then decide you do not want to go
pin 8 is on the left. on then press #. Pressing # a second time will take you out
of program mode. Now play with it. When you have a good
The internal matrix arrangement of the keypad can be seen idea of what is going on go into program mode again & set
on the previous page. A '1' for example is indicated to the the other program options:
microcontroller by shorting together of pins 1 & 5.
− 3. Set User Access Code 3 (4 digits)
PCB I/O. At the top of the PCB is terminal block X1. A 12V − 4. Set Door Strike relay ON time from 1 to 9 seconds
unregulated supply is satisfactory but a regulated supply (0= latch mode). (1 digit)
would be preferred. Note that the voltage output for the − 5. Set Auxiliary relay ON time from 1 to 9 seconds (0 =
door strike at X2 will draw well over 1A when operating latch mode). (1 digit)
(typically 1.4A) so the power supply must be able to deliver − 6. Set alarm ON time from 0001 to 9999 seconds (0000 =
this. A 1A supply is not enough. X2 supplies 12V when a disable). (4 digits). See below for how this option also
correct UAC1 or UAC3 is entered. X3 outputs the auxilliary affects the red LED L1.
relay triggered by UAC2. The Common, NO & NC terminals − 7. Enable/disable panic alarm (0 = disable, 1 = enable).
are available. UAC2 allows you to use the codepad to (1 digit)
operate another device from it − 8. Enable/disable user access code (1, 2 or 3) followed
by 0 (disable) or 1 (enable). (2 digits.)
X4 makes available the Common, NC & NO outputs from
the alarm relay. All these entered options are now remembered by the
93LC46. Even when the power is turned off they will be
X5 accepts NC & NO external alarm loops. Eg, the NC loop loaded automatically into the P9 upon power-up.
could go to a tamper switch; if someone forces open the
container & the switch opens then the alarm is triggered. Or Operation Guide
it could go to a reed switch that the door strike opens. If Overview. We have tried to make this Codepad & Burglar
not used put a wire connection between GND & NC Alarm as simple & logical to use as possible. We have tried
(otherwise the alarm will go off continuously.) to include different options.
Closing the terminals of X6 triggers the door strike. In other The Codepad has two modes of operation - NORMAL
codepads this is usually done in the power supply to the mode and PROGRAM mode. Normal mode is the day to
door relay itself. But it is easier & neater to incorporate the day running mode of the codepad. Program mode is used to
function into software. set or alter the various options available.
Software Test Point. Test point TP1 has been provided on NORMAL mode. The red LED L1 can be on or off. If Option
the PCB to test that the software is working. The software 6 is set to '0000' then the alarm inputs are peranently
generates a continuous 250 Hz square wave at pin 24 of the disabled & the red LED is off. If Option 6 is set between
P9. You can use a CRO or frequency meter to test for the '0001' to '9999' seconds then the alarm inputs are enabled &
presence of this signal. the L1 LED is continuously on. See "Alarm Conditions" for
further information. Let us assume for the following
First Time Start. First, did you put a wire connection discussion that the Alarm Option is on & the red LED L1 is
between the GND & NC terminals of the terminal block X5, on.
Alarm Inputs? This is the NC burglar alarm input. If there is
no connection between NC and GND then the alarm will be Entering User Access Code 1 operates the door strike relay
triggered continuously. and turns on the green LED. The red LED starts to flash.
The door strike relay remains operated for the user-
programmed entry time (1 - 9 seconds). If the door strike alarm time has elapsed. (This is to let you know that the
relay is set up for latch mode operation (0 seconds), it will alarm has been triggered.)
remain on until UAC 1 is entered again. After the relay
entry time the green LED goes but the red LED L1 keeps The alarm (and flashing LED) may be turned off by entering
flashing. For the reason see 3 paragraphs below. any valid User Access Code either with or without a *
before it.
The door strike relay may also be operated via the External
Strike Control input. (For example, a guard on the inside of If both L1 & L4 are flashing then the one entry of a UAC
the door sees you, recognises you as allowed to enter and preceeded by a '*' will turn of both of them.
presses a button to open the door for you to save you
entering the UAC.) The burglar alarm can be either the closing of a normally
open loop, or the opening of a normally closed loop. It
Entering User Access Code 2 operates the auxiliary relay operates independently of the Codepad. It could be the
and turns on the yellow LED. It remains operated for a user- input to a tamper switch if the PCB is mounted inside a box.
programmed time (1 - 9 seconds). This may be a different The burglar alarm inputs may be permanently disabled by
time to that programmed for the door strike relay. Latch setting the alarm ON time to "0000" (programming option
mode is also available if 0 seconds is set. Note that this 6). This turns the red LED off completely. Keyboard tamper
Auxilliary Relay is only rated at 1A and must not be used to and panic alarms (if enabled) are not affected except that
directly control a second door strike relay. the alarm ON time
is now automatically set to 10 minutes.
Entering User Access Code 3 operates both the door strike
and auxiliary relays. Both the green and yellow LEDs will Alarm conditions are continually monitored, even if the
turn on for their respectivelyprogrammed entry times. codepad is in Program mode. To turn off the alarm while in
Program mode, first exit Program mode then enter a valid
Flashing Red LED. Entering a valid user access code user access code.
automatically disables the alarm inputs. The red LED L1
starts to flash, indicating that the alarm inputs have been The panic alarm feature can be disabled if not required
temporarily disabled. Why do this? Because the alarm may (Program Mode Option 7).
be connected to a device - reed switch on the door, PIR -
inside the room you are just about to enter. When PROGRAM Mode. Program mode can be accessed at any
you leave the room or you want to re-enable the alarm time by entering the Master Access Code. The codepad
inputs enter '*' followed by a valid user access code. This will beep 4 times and the red and green LEDs will flash.
reactivation of the alarm input - by putting * in front of a
valid UAC will not activate a relay. It will just stop the LED When using the codepad for the first time or if you forget
flashing as the alarm input is re-enabled. All UAC's still the Master Access Code, hold down the Lost Code button
work and operate the relays. (If you want to completely when you turn on the power. This will take you directly
disable the alarm inputs and at the same time stop the LED into Program mode. There are no pre-programmed default
flashing enter '0000' for Option 6.) codes or conditions in the codepad. When first used, all
access codes and time settings must be entered by the
Each UAC may be disabled (see Program Mode). user.
Once started, each digit of an access code must be entered The flashing LEDs indicate that the codepad is waiting for
within 5 seconds of the previous one. If not, any entered a valid programming option to be entered. The codepad will
digits are "thrown away" and the sequence automatically automatically exit Program mode after 30 seconds if a valid
re-started. If you make a mistake while entering the access programming option is not entered at this point. The
code, press ' * ' or ' # ' to start again. codepad will beep 4 times and normal mode re-entered.
Alarm Conditions. The alarm relay may be triggered in Program mode may be exited by pressing ' # '.
There are 9 valid programming options, 0 - 8:
− Burglar alarm input (provided it is enabled) − 0. Set Master Access Code (4 digits)
− Entering 4 successive invalid access codes − 1. Set User Access Code 1 (4 digits)
− Panic alarm (provided it is enabled) − 2. Set User Access Code 2 (4 digits)
− 3. Set User Access Code 3 (4 digits)
If any of the above conditions are met, the alarm relay will − 4. Set Door Strike relay ON time from 1 to 9 seconds (0
operate and remain operated for the programmed alarm time = latch mode). (1 digit)
(0001 - 9999 seconds). The alarm LED L4 will also start − 5. Set Auxiliary relay ON time from 1 to 9 seconds (0 =
flashing, giving visual indication that an alarm has been latch mode). (1 digit)
triggered. This LED L4 will continue to flash even after the
− 6. Set alarm ON time from 0001 to 9999 seconds (0000 = completely. We now use the Microchip 93LC46A (8 bit)
disable). (4 digits) NOT the B (16 bit.)
− 7. Enable/disable panic alarm (0 = disable, 1 = enable).
(1 digit) COMPONENTS
− 8. Enable/disable user access code (1, 2 or 3) followed Resistors 1/4W, 5%:
by 0 (disable) or 1 (enable). (2 digits.) 10K R5 to R15, R17 12
560R R2 R3 R4 R16 4
Once a programming option has been entered, the yellow 10M R1 1
LED will turn on. This indicates that the codepad is waiting
for new programming data to be entered. Capacitors:
10nF mono cap C7 1
Data entry must commence within 5 seconds of the 100nF mono caps C1 C4 2
programming option being selected. Where more than 1 10uF mini elcap C5 1
digit of data is required (e.g. access codes), each digit must 1uF mini elcap C6 1
be entered within 5 seconds of the previous one. If not, the 27pF ceramic C2 C3 2
codepad will automatically exit the programming option
selected. Pressing '#' will abort the option selected without Regulator 7805 1
any change taking place. In either case, a long beep will EEPROM 93LC46A IC2 1
sound to indicate the "error" condition. Programmed 68HC705P9CP 1
BC547 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 4
Four beeps will sound when the correct data is entered and Piezo Buzzer B1 1
the codepad will return to Program mode entry (flashing Zippy tact switch SW1 1
red/green LEDs and yellow LED off). There is no "enter" 1N4004 diode D1 D2 D3 D4 4
key. 4.7V zener diode D5 1
12V Relay RWH-SH-112D / RUDH-SS-112D 1
Options 0,1,2,3 and 6 require 4 digits, options 4, 5 and 7 Mini 12V relay UA-SH-112D 2
require 1 digit and option 8 requires 2 digits. 4.000 mHz crystal (49U/S) Y1 1
3mm green LED L2 1
External Control Input. This normally open input allows a 3mm red LED L1 L4 2
pushbutton switch or remote control device to be 3mm yellow LED L3 1
connected to the codepad. Shorting the two input pins 3x4 key X-Y Codepad 1
together operates the door strike relay for the programmed 2 pole terminal block 3
ON time. This input is disabled when the codepad is in 3 pole terminal block 3
program mode. Nut & bolt for 7805 1 set
K53 PCB 1
Access Code Priorities. The Master Access Code has 8 pin IC socket 1
priority over all the User Access Codes. This means that 28 pin IC socket 1
any User Access Code that is the same as the Master Rainbow ribbon cable, 8 strand 12"
Access Code will be ignored. The User Access Codes also Floppy disk 1
have a priority order, 1-2-3. Setting 2 or more User Access Documentation
Codes the same will cause the lower priority code to be
For questions email the kit designer Frank Crivelli at
Some Technical Information. The MC68HC705P9P (or
P9CP) is a member of the HC05 family of 8-bit [email protected]
microcontrollers from Motorola. The P9 contains 2112 -------------------
bytes of one-time programmable ROM, and 128 bytes of
user RAM. There are 20 bi-directional I/O port pins and one
input-only port pin. There is a 4 channel, 8 bit ADC. Single
3.3V - 5.0V supply. The P suffix means that it is a One Time
Programmable device. There is no window in it to allow the
program to be erased. See the MC68HC705P9 Data Book
from Motorola for full information or download it from their