Buttermilk Panna Cotta
Buttermilk Panna Cotta
Buttermilk Panna Cotta
1 (.25-ounce) envelope unflavored gelatin
1 cup half-and-half
!" cup sugar
2 vanilla #eans$ split and scraped
Pinch kosher salt
2 cups #uttermilk$ at room temperature
&prinkle the gelatin over 2 ta#lespoons of 'ater in a small #o'l and let stand for 5
(ean'hile$ in a medium saucepan over medium-lo' heat$ com#ine the half-and-half$
sugar$ vanilla pods$ vanilla seeds and pinch of salt. &immer for 5 minutes$ stirring
fre)uentl* to dissolve the sugar and avoid scorching the milk. +educe the heat and add
the gelatin and #uttermilk. &train through a fine sieve$ removing the vanilla pods and an*
milk solids.
Pour mi,ture into - small ramekins and let cool to room temperature$ a#out "5 minutes.
.ransfer to fridge and chill for hours. .o serve$ #riefl* dip the #ottoms of the ramekins
in 'arm 'ater and invert onto dessert plates.
B/0C1 .op 'ith *our favorite fresh #erries 'hen in season. If *ou have the time$ tr* and
make a cream* caramel sauce #* using sugar$ 'ater and half-and-half.