The document discusses radioactive decay and its characteristics. Some key points:
1) The rate of radioactive decay decreases exponentially with time and is independent of external factors like pressure or temperature.
2) Individual radioactive nuclei do not decay simultaneously, but the decay of a sample can be predicted statistically.
3) The rate of decay is proportional to the number of radioactive nuclei present. The decay constant represents the probability of decay per unit time.
The document discusses radioactive decay and its characteristics. Some key points:
1) The rate of radioactive decay decreases exponentially with time and is independent of external factors like pressure or temperature.
2) Individual radioactive nuclei do not decay simultaneously, but the decay of a sample can be predicted statistically.
3) The rate of decay is proportional to the number of radioactive nuclei present. The decay constant represents the probability of decay per unit time.
The document discusses radioactive decay and its characteristics. Some key points:
1) The rate of radioactive decay decreases exponentially with time and is independent of external factors like pressure or temperature.
2) Individual radioactive nuclei do not decay simultaneously, but the decay of a sample can be predicted statistically.
3) The rate of decay is proportional to the number of radioactive nuclei present. The decay constant represents the probability of decay per unit time.
The document discusses radioactive decay and its characteristics. Some key points:
1) The rate of radioactive decay decreases exponentially with time and is independent of external factors like pressure or temperature.
2) Individual radioactive nuclei do not decay simultaneously, but the decay of a sample can be predicted statistically.
3) The rate of decay is proportional to the number of radioactive nuclei present. The decay constant represents the probability of decay per unit time.
The numbei of nuclei in a iauioactive sample that uisintegiate uuiing a given time inteival uecieases exponentially with time. Because the nucleus is insulateu by the suiiounuing clouu of elections, this iate is essentially inuepenuent of piessuie, tempeiatuie, the mass action law, oi any othei iate-limiting factois that commonly effect chemical anu physical changes. 1 As a iesult, this uecay iate seives as a veiy useful means of iuentifying a given nucliue. Since iauioactive uecay iepiesents the tiansfoimation of an unstable iauioactive nucliue into a moie stable nucliue, which may also be iauioactive, it is an iiieveisible event foi each nucliue. The unstable nuclei in a iauioactive sample uo not all uecay simultaneously. Insteau the uecay of a given nucleus is an entiiely ianuom event. Consequently, stuuies of iauioactive uecay events iequiie the use of statistical methous. With these methous, one may obseive a laige numbei of iauioactive nuclei anu pieuict with faii assuiance that, aftei a given length of time, a uefinite fiaction of them will have uisintegiateu but not which ones oi when. )67 8#5-/ 1&/#2 9:;#%-.45
1 In the case of electron capture and internal conversion, the chemical environment of the electrons involved may affect the decay rate. For L-electron capture in 7 Be (t ! = 53.3d), the ratio of is 1.00084. Similarly, a fully stripped radioactive ion cannot undergo either EC or IC decay, a feature of interest in astrophysics.
2 In order to make this statement completely correct, we should say that as we double the number of nuclei present, we double the rate of particle emission. This rate is equal to the number of particles emitted per unit time, provided that the time interval is small. Rauioactive uecay is what chemists iefei to as a fiist-oiuei ieaction; that is, the iate of iauioactive uecay is piopoitional to the numbei of each type of iauioactive nuclei piesent in a given sample. So if we uouble the numbei of a given type of iauioactive nuclei in a sample, we uouble the numbei of paiticles emitteu by the sample pei unit time. 2 This ielation may be expiesseu as follows:
Note that the foiegoing statement is only a piopoition. By intiouucing the uecay constant, it is possible to conveit this expiession into an equation, as follows: (S-1)
The uecay constant, i, iepiesents the aveiage piobability pei nucleus of uecay occuiiing pei unit time. Theiefoie we aie taking the piobability of uecay pei nucleus, i, anu multiplying it by the numbei of nuclei piesent so as to get the iate of paiticle emission. The units of iate aie (uisintegiation of nucleitime) making the units of the uecay constant (1time), !"#", piobabilitytime of uecay. To conveit the pieceuing woiu equations to mathematical statements using symbols, let $ iepiesent the numbei of iauioactive nuclei piesent at time %. Then, using uiffeiential calculus, the pieceuing woiu equations may be wiitten as
-3- (S-2)
Note that $ is constantly ieuucing in magnituue as a function of time. Reaiiangement of Equation (S-2) to sepaiate the vaiiables gives (S-S) If we say that at time % = u we have $& iauioactive nuclei piesent, then integiation of Equation (S-S) gives the iauioactive uecay law (S-4) This equation gives us the numbei of iauioactive nuclei piesent at time %. Bowevei, in many expeiiments, we want to know the counting iate that we will get in a uetectoi as a function of time. In othei woius, we want to know the '(%!)!%* of oui samples. Still, it is easy to show that the counting iate in one's iauiation uetectoi, C, is equal to the iate of uisintegiation of the iauioactive nuclei piesent in a sample, A, multiplieu by a constant ielateu to the efficiency of the iauiation measuiing system. Thus (S-S) wheie ! is the efficiency. Substituting into Equation (S-4), we get
! C = C 0 e "#t (S-6) wheie + is the counting iate at some time % uue to a iauioactive sample that gave counting iate +u at time % = u. Equations (S-4) anu (S-6) aie the basic equations goveining the numbei of nuclei piesent in a iauioactive sample anu the numbei of counts obseiveu in one's uetectoi as a function of time. Equation (S-6) is shown giaphically as Figuie S-1. As
-4- seen in Figuie S-1, this exponential cuive flattens out anu asymptotically appioaches zeio. If the same plot is maue on a semi logaiithmic scale (Figuie S-2), the uecay cuive is a stiaight line, with a slope equal to the value of -(i2.SuS). The ,'-./-!.# 1%2) is anothei iepiesentation of the uecay constant. The half-life of a iauionucliue is the time iequiieu foi its activity to ueciease by one-half. Thus aftei one half-life, Su% of the initial activity iemains. Aftei two half-lives, only 2S% of the initial activity iemains. Aftei thiee half-lives, only 12.S% is yet piesent anu so foith. Figuie S-S shows this ielation giaphically. The half-life foi a given nucliue can be ueiiveu fiom Equation (S-6) when the value of the uecay constant is known. In accoiuance with the uefinition of the teim half-life, when 343& 5 26 then % 5 %2. Substituting these values into Equation (S-6) gives (S-7) Bence (S-8) Note that the value of the expiession foi %V has the units of 1i oi uimensions of (time). The half-lives foi uiffeient nucliues iange fiom less than 1u -6 sec to 1u 1u yi. The half-life has been measuieu foi all the commonly useu iauionucliues. When an unknown iauioactive nucliue is encounteieu, a ueteimination of its half-life is noimally one of the fiist steps in its iuentification. This ueteimination can be uone by piepaiing a semi log plot of a seiies of activity obseivations maue ovei a peiiou of time. A shoit-liveu nucliue may
-5- be obseiveu as it uecays thiough a complete half-life anu the time inteival obseiveu uiiectly (Figuie S-4). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- 9<#=$>& uiven the uata plotteu below foi the uecay of a single iauionucliue, ueteimine the uecay constant anu the half-life of the nucliue. ?.>;%-.4
The uata is plotteu above. The slope (-i) is given as -i = - (6.u6-u)(22umin -u) i = u.u27S min -1
t12 = ln 2i = u.69Su.u27S = 2S.2 min. What nucliue might this be.
It is uifficult to measuie the half-life of a veiy long-liveu iauionucliue. Beie vaiiation in uisintegiation iate may not be noticeable within a ieasonable length of time. In this case, the uecay constant must be calculateu fiom the absolute uecay iate accoiuing to Equation (S-2). The absolute numbei of atoms of the iauioisotope piesent ($) in a given sample can be calculateu accoiuing to (S-9) The total mass of the iauioisotope in the given sample can be ueteimineu once the isotopic composition of the sample is asceitaineu by such means as mass spectiometiy. When the uecay constant is known, the half-life can then be ieauily calculateu. A table foi the half- lives of a numbei of the known nuclei can be founu in the Appenuices. Although the half-life of a given iauionucliue is a uefineu value, the actual moment of uisintegiation foi a paiticulai atom can be anywheie fiom the veiy beginning of the nucliue's life to infinity. The aveiage oi mean life of a population of nuclei can, howevei, be calculateu. The mean life + is natuially ielateu to the uecay constant anu is, in fact, simply the iecipiocal of the uecay constant: (S-1u) oi the mean life can be expiesseu in teims of the half-life: (S-11) 0ne can unueistanu the pieceuing ielationship by iecalling that the uecay constant, i, was uefineu as the aveiage piobability of uecay pei unit time, so the 1i is the aveiage time between uecays. The concept of aveiage life allows us to calculate of the total numbei of
-7- paiticles emitteu uuiing a uefineu uecay peiiou. This numbei is essential in ueteimining total iauiation uose ueliveieu by a iauioisotope sample, as in meuical ieseaich anu theiapy. Buiing the time equal to one mean life, +, the activity falls to 1e of its oiiginal value. Foi a sample of Nu nuclei with lifetimes ti, we can wiite foi the mean life +
(S-12) The aveiage oi mean life is also of funuamental physical significance because it is the time to be substituteu in the mathematical statement of the Beisenbeig unceitainty piinciple, !"#",
In this expiession ielating the unceitainty in eneigy of a system, AE, to its lifetime At, + ! At.
The quantity "E is calleu the wiuth, #. The natuial unit of iauioactivity is uisintegiationstime, such as uisintegiation pei seconu (ups) oi uisintegiations pei minute (upm), etc. The SI unit of iauioactivity is the Becqueiel (Bq) wheie 1 Becqueiel (Bq) ! 1 uisintegiationsec. Counting iates in a uetection system aie usually given in counts pei seconu (cps), counts pei minute (cpm), etc., anu uiffei fiom the uisintegiation iates by a factoi iepiesenting the uetectoi efficiency, c. Thus
-8- (upm) c = (cpm) An oluei unit of iauioactivity that still finus some use is the cuiie (Ci). It is uefineu as 1 cuiie (Ci) = S.7x1u 1u Bq = S.7x1u 1u uiss The cuiie is a huge unit of iauioactivity iepiesenting a veiy laige amount anu is appioximately equal to the activity of one giam of iauium. The inventoiies of iauioactivity in a nucleai ieactoi upon shutuown aie typically 1u 9 Ci while iauiation souices useu in tiacei expeiiments have activities of Ci anu the enviionmental levels of iauioactivity aie nCi oi pCi. Note also that because iauionucliues, in geneial, have uiffeient half-lives, the numbei of nuclei pei cuiie will uiffei fiom one species to anothei. Foi example, let us calculate how many nuclei aie in 1 NBq (~27 Ci) of tiitium( S B) (tV = 12.SS yi.). We know that
The same calculation caiiieu out foi 14 C(tV) = S7Su yi) woulu give 2.6ux1u 17 nucleiNBq. It is also inteiesting to calculate the mass associateu with 1 NBq of tiitium. We have
In othei woius, 1 NBq of tiitium contains about S ng of tiitium. Thus an impoitant featuie of iauionucliues becomes appaient -- we ioutinely woik with extiemely small quantities of mateiial. Puie samples of iauioisotopes aie calleu "caiiiei-fiee". 0nless a iauionucliue is in a caiiiei-fiee state, it is mixeu homogeneously with the stable nucliues of the same element. It is theiefoie uesiiable to have a simple expiession to show the ielative abunuances of the iauioisotope anu the stable isotopes. This step is ieauily accomplisheu by using the concept of 78#(!.!( '(%!)!%*, which iefeis to the amount of iauioactivity pei given mass oi othei similai units of the total sample. The SI unit of specific activity is Bqkg. Specific activity can also be expiesseu in teims of the uisintegiation iate (Bq oi upm), oi counting iate (countsmin, cpm, oi countssec, cps), oi cuiies (oi mCi, Ci) of the specific iauionucliue pei unit mass of the sample.
)6@ A-<%;'& .B CD. E4,&$&4,&4%>2 1&/#2-4F +#,-.4;/>-,&5 Wheie two oi moie iauioisotopes with uiffeient half-lives aie piesent in a sample anu one uoes not oi cannot uistinguish the paiticles emitteu by each isotope, a composite uecay iate will be obseiveu. The uecay cuive, in this situation, uiawn on a semi logaiithmic plot, will not be a stiaight line. The uecay cuives of each of the isotopes piesent usually can be iesolveu by giaphic means if theii half-lives uiffei sufficiently anu if not moie than thiee iauioactive components aie piesent. In the giaphic example shown in Figuie S-S, line C iepiesents the total obseiveu activity. 0nly the activity of the longei-liveu component 3 is obseiveu aftei the shoitei-liveu component 9 has become exhausteu thiough uecay.
-10- Extiapolation of this long-time poition of the cuive back to zeio time gives the uecay cuive foi component 3 anu the activity of component A at t=u. The cuive foi component 9 is obtaineu by subtiacting out, point by point, the activity values of component 3 fiom the total activity cuive. If the half-lives of the two components in such samples aie not sufficiently uiffeient to allow giaphic iesolution, a uiffeiential uetection methou may be applicable. If the iauiation chaiacteiistics of the nucliues in the mixtuie aie suitably uistinct, !"#", emission of uiffeient paiticles oi $-iays, it may be possible to measuie the activity of one component without inteifeience fiom the iauiation emitteu by the othei component. A case in point woulu be wheie one nucliue was a puie -emittei, while the othei emitteu both - anu y-iays. In the case wheie the half-lives of the components aie known but aie not sufficiently uiffeient to allow giaphical iesolution of the uecay cuive, computei techniques that utilize least squaies fitting to iesolve such a case aie also available. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- 9<#=$>&G uiven the following uecay uata, ueteimine the half-lives anu initial activities of the iauionucliues (B anu C) piesent: t (h) A (cpm) u.1 27u u.S 21u 1.u 17u 1.S 1Su 2.u 11u 2.S 9u S 8u
-11- 4 6S S SS 7 44 1u S4 1S 22
Fiom the giaph, we see: t12(B) = 8.u h Au (B) = 8u cpm t12(C) = u.8 h Au(C) = 19u cpm
)6) +#,-.#/%-0& 1&/#2 9:;->-H'-;= When a iauionucliue uecays, it uoes not uisappeai, but is tiansfoimeu into a new nucleai species of lowei eneigy anu often uiffeiing :6 36 ;6 <6 etc. The equations of iauioactive uecay uiscusseu so fai have focuseu on the ueciease of the paient iauionucliues but have ignoieu the foimation (anu possible uecay) of uaughtei, gianuuaughtei, etc., species. It is the foimation anu uecay of these "chiluien" that is the focus of this section.
-12- Let us begin by consiueiing the case when a iauionucliue = uecays with uecay constant i1, foiming a uaughtei nucleus > which in tuin uecays with uecay constant i2. Schematically we have = % > % We can wiite teims foi the piouuction anu uepletion of 2, !"#",
iate of change of > = nuclei piesent at time t
iate of piouuction - of >
iate of uecay of > (S-1S) wheie N1 anu N2 aie the numbeis of (1) anu (2) piesent at time %" Reaiianging anu collecting similai teims (S-14) Remembeiing that (S-1S) we have (S-16) This is a fiist oiuei lineai uiffeiential equation anu can be solveu using the methou of integiating factois which we show below. Nultiplying both siues by , we have (S-17) The left hanu siue is now a peifect uiffeiential (S-18) Integiating fiom %=u to %5%, we have
-13- (S-19)
! 2 N 2 " t e # 2 0 N = 1 " 2 " # 1 "
1 0 N ( ( " 2 # 1 " )t e #1) (S-2u)
Nultiplying by anu ieaiianging gives (S-21)
wheie is the numbei of species (2) piesent at %=u. The fiist teim in Equation (S-21) iepiesents the giowth of the uaughtei uue to the uecay of the paient while the seconu teim iepiesents the uecay of any uaughtei nuclei that weie piesent initially. Remembeiing that A2 = i2N2, we can wiite an expiession foi the activity of 2 as (S-22) These two equations, (S-21) anu (S-22) aie the geneial expiessions foi the numbei of uaughtei nuclei anu the uaughtei activity as a function of time, iespectively. The geneial behavioi of the activity of paient anu uaughtei species, as pieuicteu by Equation (S-22), is shown in Figuie S-6. As one expects qualitatively foi , the initial activity of the uaughtei is zeio, iises to a maximum, anu if one waits long enough, eventually uecays. Thus theie must be a time when the uaughtei activity is the maximum. We can calculate this by noting the conuition foi a maximum in the activity of (2) is
-14- (S-2S) Taking the ueiivative of Equation (S-21) anu simplifying, (S-24) Solving foi t (S-2S) All of this uevelopment may seem like something that woulu be best hanuleu by a computei piogiam oi just iepiesents a chance to piactice one's skill with uiffeiential equations. But that is not tiue. It is impoitant to unueistanu the mathematical founuation of this uevelopment to gain insight into piactical situations that such insight offeis. Let us consiuei some cases that illustiate this point. Consiuei the special case wheie i1 = i2. Plugging into Equations (S-21) oi (S-22), oi a computei piogiam baseu upon them leaus to a uivision by zeio. Boes natuie theiefoie foibiu i1 fiom equaling i2 in a chain of uecays. Nonsense! 0ne simply unueistanus that one must ieuo the ueiivation (Equations (S-1S) thiough (S-21)) of Equations (S-21) anu (S-22) foi this special case (see homewoik). Let us now consiuei a numbei of othei special cases of Equations (S-21) anu (S-22) that aie of piactical impoitance. ?@88A7# %,# B'@C,%#D E@(-#@7 !7 7%'F-# 1G > 5 &H" Then we have (S-26) (S-27)
-15- (S-28) These ielations aie shown in Figuie S-7. They iepiesent the typical uecay of many iauionucliues piepaieu by neution captuie ieactions, the type of ieaction that commonly occuis in a nucleai ieactoi. In Figuie S-8, we show the activity ielationships foi paient anu uaughtei (as pieuicteu by Equation (S-22)) foi vaiious choices of the ielative values of the half-lives of the paient anu uaughtei nucliues. In the fiist of these cases, we have tV (paient) < tV (uaughtei), !"#", the paient is shoitei liveu than the uaughtei. This is calleu the "EA #I@!-!FD!@J" case because the uaughtei builuup (uue to the uecay of the paient) is fastei than its loss uue to uecay. Essentially all of the paient nucliues aie conveiteu to uaughtei nucliues anu the subsequent activity is uue to the uecay of the uaughteis only. Thus the name "no equilibiium" is useu. Piactical examples of this uecay type aie 1S1 Te % 1S1 I, 21u Bi % 21u Po, 92 Si % 92 Y. This situation typically occuis when one is veiy fai fiom stability anu the nuclei uecay by uecay towaius stability. A seconu special case of Equations (S-21) anu (S-22) is calleu %D'E7!#E% #I@!-!FD!@J (Figuies S-8b anu S-9a). In this case, the paient is significantly (~1ux) longei-liveu than the uaughtei anu thus contiols the uecay chain. Thus i2 > i1 (S-29) In Equation (S-21), as t % &, (S-Su)
anu we have
-16- (S-S1) Substituting (S-S2) we have (S-SS) At long times, the iatio of uaughtei to paient activity becomes constant, anu both species uisappeai with the effective half-life of the paient. The classic examples of this uecay equilibiium aie the uecay of 14u Ba (tV = 12.8 u) to 14u La (tV = 4u hi) oi the equilibiium between 222 Rn (tV = S.8 u) anu its shoit-liveu uecay piouucts. A thiiu special case of Equations (S-21) anu (S-22) is calleu 7#(@-'D #I@!-!FD!@J (Figuie S-8 (c+u), S-9b). In this case, the paient is veiy much longei liveu (~1u 4 x) than the uaughtei oi the paient is constantly being ieplenisheu thiough some othei piocess. Buiing the time of obseivation, theie is no significant change in the numbei of paient nuclei piesent, although seveial half-lives of the uaughtei may occui. In the pievious case of tiansient equilibiium, we hau (S-S4) Since we now also have i1 < < < i 2 (S-SS) we can simplify even moie to give (S-S6)
-17- i1N1 = i2N2 (S-S7) A1 = A2 In shoit, the activity of the paient anu uaughtei aie the same anu the total activity of the sample iemains effectively constant uuiing the peiiou of obseivation. The natuially occuiiing heavy element uecay chains (see below) wheie 2S8 0 % 2u6 Pb, 2SS 0 % 2u7 Pb, 2S2 Th % 2u8 Pb anu the extinct heavy element uecay seiies 2S7 Np % 2u9 Bi aie examples of seculai equilibiium because of the long half-lives of the paients. Peihaps the most impoitant cases of seculai equilibiium aie the piouuction of iauionucliues by a nucleai ieaction in an acceleiatoi, a ieactoi, a stai oi the uppei atmospheie. In this case, we have Nucleai Reaction % (2) % (S-S8) which piouuces the iauionucliue 2 with iate R. If the ieaction is simply the uecay of a long- liveu nucliue, then R='1N1 u anu N2 u =u. Substitution into S-21 gives the expiession (S-S9) If the ieaction is slowei than the uecay oi i1 < < i2 (S-4u)
It is most appiopiiate to say (since i1 ( u) (S-41) oi in teims of the activities (S-42)
-18- Equation (S-42) is known as the activation equation anu is shown in Figuie S-1u. Initially the giowth of the piouuct iauionucliue activity is neaily lineai (uue to the behavioi of foi small values of 't) but eventually the piouuct activity becomes "satuiateu" oi constant, uecaying as fast as it is piouuceu. At an iiiauiation time of one half-life, half the maximum activity is foimeu; aftei 2 half-lives, S4 of the maximum activity is foimeu, etc. This situation gives iise to the iough iule that iiiauiations that extenu foi peiious that aie gieatei than twice tV of the uesiieu iauionucliue aie usually not woithwhile. Equation (S-21) may be geneializeu to a chain of uecaying nuclei of aibitiaiy length in using the Bateman equations (Bateman, 191u). If we assume that at t=u, none of the uaughtei nuclei aie piesent, , we get (1) % (2) % (S), ....., (n) %
wheie (S-4S)
These equations uesciibe the activities piouuceu in new fuel in a nucleai ieactoi. No fission oi activation piouucts aie piesent when the fuel is loaueu anu they giow in as the ieactions take place.
-19- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- 9<#=$>& Consiuei the uecay of a 1 Ci sample of puie 222 Rn (t12 = S.82 uays). 0se the Bateman equations to estimate the activity of its uaughteis ( 218 Po, 214 Pb, 214 Bi anu 214 Po) aftei a uecay time of 4 houis. The uecay sequence is
t12 S.82u S.1m 26.8m 19.9m 164sec activity A B C B E '(1u -4 s) u.u21 S7.S 4.S1 S.81 4.Sx1u 7
(Actually BA = 1.uuuS6) The ieauei shoulu veiify that foi C, B anu E, the only significant teim is the teim multiplying as it was foi B. Thus foi BA, we have
The ieauei shoulu, as an exeicise, compute the quantities of C anu E piesent.
)6I 8'#4/"-4F 1&/#2 Some nucliues uecay by moie than one moue. Some nuclei may uecay by eithei +
uecay oi election captuie; otheis by u-uecay oi spontaneous fission; still otheis by y-iay emission oi inteinal conveision, etc. In these cases, we can chaiacteiize each competing moue of uecay by a sepaiate uecay constant ii foi each type of uecay wheie the total uecay constant, i, is given by the sum (S-44)
Coiiesponuing to each paitial uecay constant ii, theie is a paitial half-life wheie (S-4S) anu the total half-life, t12, is the sum of the iecipiocals (S-46) The fiaction of uecays pioceeuing by the i th moue is given by the obvious expiession (S-47) By analogy, the eneigy unceitainty associateu with a given state, AE, thiough the Beisenbeig unceitainty piinciple can be obtaineu fiom the lifetime contiibuteu by each
-21- uecay moue. If we intiouuce the uefinition AE ! I, the level wiuth, then we can expiess I in teims of the paitial wiuths foi each uecay moue Ii such that (S-48) wheie (S-49) wheie +i is the paitial mean life associateu with each uecay moue. This appioach is especially useful in tieating the uecay of states foimeu in nucleai ieactions in which a vaiiety of competing piocesses such as u emission, p emission, n emission, etc, may occui as the nucleus ue-excites. In such cases, we can expiess the total wiuth as I = I u + Ip + In (S-Su) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- 9<#=$>&G Consiuei the nucleus 64 Cu (t12 = 12.7uuh). 64 Cu is known to uecay by election captuie (61%) anu - uecay (S9%). What aie the paitial half-lives foi EC anu - uecay. What is the paitial wiuth foi EC uecay. ?.>;%-.4G i = ln 212.7uuh = S.46 x 1u -2 h -1
i = iEC + i = iEC + (S961)iEC iEC = S.S29 x 1u -2 h -1
t12 EC = (ln 2)iEC = 2u.8 h i = (S961)iEC = 2.128 x 1u -2 h -1
-22- t12
= (ln 2)i = S2.6 h
+ EC = t12 EC ln 2 = Su.u h = 1u81S1 s IEC = ! !+ EC = 6.S82 x 1u -22 Nev.s1u81S1 s = 6.1 x 1u -27 Nev All natuially occuiiing iauioactive nuclei have extiemely small paitial wiuths. Biu you notice that 64 Cu can uecay into 64 Zn anu 64 Ni. This is unusual but can occui foi ceitain ouu- ouu nuclei (see Chaptei 2). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- )6J K#%;'#> +#,-.#/%-0-%2 Theie aie appioximately 7u natuially occuiiing iauionucliues on eaith. Nost of them aie heavy element iauioactivities piesent in the natuial uecay chains, but theie aie seveial impoitant light element activities, such as S B, 14 C, 4u K, etc. These iauioactive species aie ubiquitous, occuiiing in plants, animals, the aii we bieathe, the watei we uiink, the soil, etc. Foi example, in the 7u kg "iefeience man," one finus ~ 44uu Bq of 4u K anu ~ S6uu Bq of 14 C, !"#", about 8uuu uiss uue to these two iauionucliues alone. In a typical 0S uiet, one ingests ~1 pCiuay of 2S8 0, 226 Ra, anu 21u Po. The aii we bieathe contains ~ u.1S pCiL of 222 Rn, the watei we uiink contains >1u pCiL of S B while the eaith's ciust contains ~1u ppm anu ~4 ppm of the iauioelements Th anu 0. 0ne shoulu not foiget that the inteiioi heat buuget of the planet Eaith is uominateu by the contiibutions fiom the iauioactive uecay of uianium, thoiium, anu potassium. The natuially occuiiing iauionucliues can be classifieu as: (a) 8D!JADB!'- - !"#", nucliues that have suiviveu since the time the elements weie foimeu (b) (A7JAC#E!( - !"#", shoitei liveu nucliues foimeu continuously by the inteiaction of cosmic iays with mattei
-23- anu (c) 'E%,DA8AC#E!( - !"#"6 a wiue vaiiety of nucliues intiouuceu into the enviionment by the activities of man, such as nucleai weapons tests, the opeiation (oi misopeiation) of nucleai powei plants, etc. The piimoiuial iauionucliues have half-lives gieatei than 1u 9
yeais oi aie the uecay piouucts of these nuclei. This class incluues 4u K (t12 = 1.277 x 1u 9
y), 87 Rb (t12 = 47.S x 1u 9 y), 2S8 0 (t12 = 4.467 x 1u 9 y), 2SS 0 (t12 = u.7u4 x 1u 9 y) anu 2S2 Th (t12 = 14.uS x 1u 9 y) as its most impoitant membeis. (Auuitional membeis of this gioup aie 11S In, 12S Te, 1S8 La, 144 Nu, 147 Sm, 148 Sm, 176 Lu, 174 Bf, 187 Re, anu 19u Pt.) 4u K is a - -emitting nucliue that is the pieuominant iauioactive component of noimal foous anu human tissue. Bue to the 146u kev y-iay that accompanies the - uecay, it is also an impoitant souice of backgiounu iauiation uetecteu by y-iay spectiometeis. The natuial concentiation in the bouy contiibutes about 17 miemyeai to the whole bouy uose. The specific activity of 4u K is appioximately 8SS pCig potassium. Bespite the high specific activity of 87 Rb of ~24uu pCig, the low abunuance of iubiuium in natuie makes its contiibution to the oveiall iauioactivity of the enviionment small. Theie aie thiee natuially occuiiing uecay seiies. They aie the uianium (A = 4n + 2) seiies, in which 2S8 0 uecays thiough 14 inteimeuiate nuclei to foim the stable nucleus 2u6 Pb, the actinium oi 2SS 0 (A = 4n + S) seiies in which 2SS 0 uecays thiough 11 inteimeuiate nuclei to foim stable 2u7 Pb anu the thoiium (A = 4n) seiies in which 2S2 Th uecays thiough a seiies of 1u inteimeuiates to stable 2u8 Pb (Figuie S-11). Because the half-lives of the paient nuclei aie so long ielative to the othei membeis of each seiies, all membeis of each uecay seiies aie in seculai equilibiium, !"#", the activities of each membei of the chain aie equal at equilibiium if the sample has not been chemically fiactionateu. Thus, the activity associateu with 2S8 0 in seculai equilibiium with its
-24- uaughteis is 14x the activity of the 2S8 0. The notation 4n+2, 4n, 4n+S iefeis to the fact that the mass numbei of each membei of a given chain is such that it can be iepiesenteu by 4n, 4n+2, 4n+S wheie n is an integei. (Theie is an auuitional uecay seiies, the 4n+1 seiies, that is extinct because its longest liveu membei, 2S7 Np, has a half-life of only 2.1x1u 6 y, a time that is veiy shoit compaieu to the time of element foimation.) The uianium seiies contains two iauionucliues of special inteiest, 226 Ra (t12 = 16uu y) anu its uaughtei, S8 u 222 Rn. 226 Ra (anu its uaughteis) aie iesponsible foi a majoi fiaction of the iauiation uose ieceiveu fiom inteinal iauioactivity. Rauium is piesent in iocks anu soils, anu as a consequence in watei, foou, anu human tissue. The high specific activity anu gaseous uecay piouucts of iauium also make it uifficult to hanule in the laboiatoiy. 226 Ra uecays by u-emission to 222 Rn. This lattei nucliue is the piincipal culpiit in the iauiation exposuies fiom inuooi iauon. Although iauon is an ineit gas anu is not tiappeu in the bouy, the shoit-liveu uecay piouucts aie ietaineu in the lungs when inhaleu if the 222 Rn uecays while it is in the lungs. Inuooi iauon contiibutes about 2 mSvyi (2uu miemyi) to the aveiage iauiation exposuie in the 0.S., !"#", about 2S of the uose fiom natuial souices. 0nuei noimal ciicumstances, iauon anu its uaughteis attach to uust paiticles anu aie in theii equilibiium amounts. These uust paiticles can also ueposit in the lungs. It has been estimateu that in the 0.S., S,uuu-1u,uuu cases of lung cancei (6-12% of all cases) aie uue to iauon exposuie. The seconu class of natuially occuiiing iauionucliues is the (A7JAC#E!( nuclei, piouuceu by the inteiactions of piimaiy anu seconuaiy cosmic iauiation with nuclei in the stiatospheie. The most impoitant of these nuclei aie S B (tiitium), 14 C, anu 7 Be. Less
-25- impoitantly, 1u Be, 22 Na, S2 P, SS P, SS S anu S9 Cl aie also piouuceu. These nuclei move into the tiopospheie thiough noimal exchange piocesses anu aie biought by the eaith's suiface by iainwatei. Equilibiium is establisheu between the piouuction iate in the piimaiy cosmic iay inteiaction anu the paitition of the iauionucliues amongst the vaiious teiiestiial compaitments (atmospheie, suiface wateis, biospheie, etc.) leauing to an appioximately constant specific activity of each nucliue in a paiticulai compaitment. When an oiganism uies aftei being in equilibiium with the biospheie, the specific activity of the nucliue in that sample will ueciease since it is no longei in equilibiium. This behavioi allows these nucliues to act as tiaceis foi teiiestiial piocesses anu foi uating. 14 C (t12 = S7Su y) is foimeu continuously in the uppei atmospheie by cosmic iays that piouuce neutions giving the ieaction n (slow) + 14 N % 14 C + p oi, in a shoithanu notation, 14 N(n, p) 14 C. 14 C is a soft - -emittei (Emax ~ 1S8 kev). This iauiocaibon ( 14 C) ieacts with oxygen anu eventually exchanges with the stable caibon (mostly 12 C) in living things. If the cosmic iay flux is constant, anu the teiiestiial piocesses affecting 14 C incoipoiation into living things aie constant, anu theie aie no significant changes in the stable caibon content of the atmospheie, then a constant level of 14 C in all living things is founu |coiiesponuing to ~1 atom of 14 C foi eveiy 1u 12 atoms of 12 C oi about 227 Bqkg Cj. When an oiganism uies, it ceases to exchange its caibon atoms with the pool of iauiocaibon anu its iauiocaibon content uecieases in accoiu with Equation (S-6). Neasuiement of the specific activity of an olu object allows one to calculate the age of the object (see below).
-26- 14 C ieaches the eaith's suiface at the iate of ~2.S atomscm 2 sec aftei piouuction by cosmic iay inteiaction in the atmospheie, coiiesponuing to a total piouuction of ~1.4x1u 1S Bqyi. 14 C is also foimeu by the 14 N(n, p) ieaction in atmospheiic tests of nucleai weapons. About 2.2x1u 17 Bq weie maue in the atmospheiic test "spike" of the Sus anu 6us that has been piimaiily tiansfeiieu to the oceans anu the biospheie. This means that 14 C is the most significant fallout nucliue fiom the point of view of population uose. Nucleai powei plants also ielease 14 C as pait of theii noimal opeiation fiom the (n,)) ieaction on 18 0 in the cooling watei, contiibuting ~u.1x1u 1S Bqyi. Tiitium ( S B) is piouuceu natuially thiough atmospheiic cosmic iay inteiactions via the ieaction n (fast) + 14 N % 12 C + S B Tiitium is also piouuceu in teinaiy fission anu by neution inuuceu ieactions with 6 Li anu 1u B. Tiitium is a veiy weak - emittei with a half-life of 12.SS y. The global inventoiy of natuially piouuceu tiitium is 9.6x1u 17 Bq. Tiitium is ieauily incoipoiateu in watei anu is iemoveu fiom the atmospheie by iain oi snow. Its iesiuence time in the stiatospheie is 2- S yeais; aftei ieaching the tiopospheie it is iemoveu in 1-2 months. The "natuial" concentiation of S B in stieams anu fiesh watei is ~1u pCiL. The nucleai weapons tests of late Sus anu eaily 6us also injecteu a huge spike of tiitium into the atmospheie along with 14 C. The tiitium levels in the tiopospheie incieaseu by a factoi of 1uu at this time. Estimates of 2.4x1u 2u Bq foi this spike have been maue. Assuming that theie will not be moie atmospheie testing of nucleai weapons, the tiitium fiom fallout shoulu ueciease with a half-life of 12.S y. At piesent the fallout tiitium in suiface wateis is appioximately equal to that geneiateu fiom nucleai powei plant
-27- opeiation (as a teinaiy fission piouuct oi fiom n-ieactions with 1u B). (Nucleai plant opeiation geneiates ~1u 16 Bqyi.) As a iesult of all of these uevelopments, the cuiient tiitium content of suiface wateis is ~1ux the "natuial" level. The thiiu piincipal component of enviionmental iauioactivity is that uue to the activities of man, the 'E%,DA8AC#E!( iauionucliues. This gioup of nucliues incluues the pieviously uiscusseu cases of S B anu 14 C along with the fission piouucts anu the tiansuianium elements. The piimaiy souices of these nucliues aie nucleai weapons tests anu nucleai powei plant acciuents. These events anu the gioss nucliue ieleases associateu with them aie shown in Table S-1. Except foi 14 C anu S B (T), the anthiopogenic contiibutions fiom nucleai weapons testing oi use (which is the most significant souice of man-maue enviionmental exposuie) aie negligible compaieu to othei souices of natuial iauioactivity. (The piincipal component of these laige ieleases of iauioactivity was shoitei-liveu fission piouucts like 1S1 I, which have uecayeu, leaving 1S7 Cs, 9u Si, anu the Pu isotopes as the nucliues of most concein. Foi fuithei uesciiptions of these events anu theii enviionmental consequences, the ieauei is iefeiieu to the mateiial in the Refeiences.)
-28- Table S-1. Events leauing to laige injections of iauionucliues into the atmospheie. (Fiom Choppin, Ryubeig anu Liljenzin)
Rauioactivity Bq
Impoitant nucliues
Biioshima & Nagasaki
4x1u 16
Fiss. piou. Actiniues
Atmospheiic weapons tests
2x1u 2u
Fiss. piou. Actiniues
1x1u 1S
1S1 I
Chelyabinsk (Kysthym)
8x1u 16
Fiss. Piou. 9u Si, 1S7 Cs
1x1u 12
Noble gases, 1S1 I
2x1u 18
1S7 Cs
)6L +#,-.4;/>-,& 1#%-4F An impoitant application of the basic iauioactive uecay law is that of iauionucliue uating. Fiom Equation (S-6), we have N = Nu e -it (S-S1) We can solve this equation foi t
wheie Nu anu N aie the numbei of iauionucliues piesent at times t=u anu t=t anu i is the uecay constant. The quantity % is the age of the object anu it can be ueteimineu fiom a knowleuge of the nucleai uecay constant (t12) anu the numbei of iauioactive nuclei piesent in the object now, $, anu initially, $u. Cleaily, $ can be ueteimineu by counting the
-29- sample (A = iN), but the tiick is to ueteimine $u. 0ne obvious appioach is to iecognize that foi a uecay of paient K to uaughtei L, the total numbei of nuclei is constant L 1%H M K 1%H 5 K 1%&H " K & (S-SS) anu (S-S4) so that (S-SS) Thus by measuiing the cuiient iatio of uaughtei to paient atoms one can ueuuce the age of the sample. (This assumes, of couise, that theie aie no uaughtei atoms piesent at t=u, that they aie all uue to the paient uecay, anu that none have been lost.)
In a iock, one finus a nucliuic iatio of 2u6 Pb to 2S8 0 of u.6u. What is the age of the iock.
% 5 N"=O=& P *
If we want to ielax this lattei conuition that no uaughtei atoms weie piesent at t=u (B (t=u) =u), then we neeu an auuitional teim
-30- L 1%H M K 1%H 5 L & M K & (S-S6) anu we neeu to make an estimate of B u . Suppose theie is anothei isotope of the uaughtei element that is stable anu is not foimeu in the uecay of anything else. We can assume that L?1%H 5 L? & " L? (S-S7) wheie L? is the numbei of such stable atoms. Then, uiviuing by L? (S-S8) Substituting anu ieaiianging, (S-S9) Thus, if we plot a set of measuiements of , we will get a stiaight line with the inteicept anu a slope of (e it - 1). Figuie S-12 shows such a plot of a set of meteoiite samples using the 87 Rb 87 Si uecay as a chionometei (t12 = 4.7Sx1u 1u y). 0thei geochionometeis that can be useu in a similai mannei involve the uecay of 1.277x1u 9 y 4u K to 4u Ai (KAi uating) oi the uecay of 2SS 0 oi 2S8 0 to theii 2u7 Pb anu 2u6 Pb uaughteis. Each chionometei poses special pioblems with iegaiu to the loss of uaughtei species ovei geologic time by uiffusion, melting, oi chemical piocesses,etc. The "noimalizing" stable nucliue in the case of the uianium uecay seiies is 2u4 Pb anu in the case of KAi uating, it is S6 Ai. (See homewoik pioblems foi a fuithei uiscussion of these methous.) The uating methous uiscusseu up to now have been baseu on the use of long-liveu iauionucliues that aie piesent in natuie. Bating is also possible using "extinct
-31- iauionucliues," !"#", nuclei whose half-lives aie so shoit that if they existeu at the time of foimation of oui solai system, they woulu have uecayeu away essentially completely by now. The nucliues 129 I (t12 = 1.S7x1u 7 y) anu 244 Pu (t12 = 8.u8x1u 7 y) aie notewoithy examples of this type of nucliue. The uecay of extinct iauionucliues is measuieu by measuiing anomalies in the isotopic abunuance of theii stable uaughteis. Foi example, 129 I uecays to 129 e anu its uecay will leau to an anomalously high concentiation of 129 e in the mass spectium of e isotopes founu in a iock system. What is uateu is the "foimation age" of the iock, !"#", the time inteival between the isolation of the solai system mateiial fiom galactic nucleosynthesis anu the time at which the iock cooleu enough to ietain its e. Foimally this foimation age, A, may be calculateu as fiom the isotopic iatios in a fashion similai to that of equation (S-S9) (S-6u)
wheie 129 e
is the excess e attiibuteu to the uecay of
129 I, 127 I is the concentiation of stable, non-iauiogenic 127 I, i is the uecay constant foi 129 I, anu ( 129 I 127 I)u is the iatio of the abunuance of the iouine isotopes at the time of isolation fiom galactic nucleosynthesis. This lattei iatio is ueiiveu fiom theoiies of nucleosynthesis anu is ~1u -4 . The uecay of extinct 244 Pu is ueuuceu fiom excess abunuances of the nucliues 1S6 e, 1S4 e anu 1S2 e, piouuceu by the spontaneous fission of 244 Pu. 0nceitainties aiise because theie is no stable isotope of Pu that can be useu in the way that 127 I is useu in Equation (S-
-32- 6u) anu the use of othei heavy nucliues 2S8 0 oi 2S2 Th as "substitutes" leaus to uifficulties uue to uiffeiences in piimoiuial piouuction anu chemistiy. By fai the most impoitant uating methou involves the uecay of 14 C (t12 = S7Su y). As inuicateu pieviously, 14 C is foimeu continuously by the cosmic iay inuuceu 14 N(n, p) 14 C ieaction in the uppei atmospheie. This iauiocaibon ( 14 C) exchanges with stable caibon ( 12 C) in living things leauing to the existence of a constant level of 14 C in living systems as inuicateu schematically in Figuie S-1S. When an oiganism uies, it will cease to exchange its caibon atoms with the pool of iauiocaibon anu its iauiocaibon will uecay. Neasuiement of the specific activity of an olu object allows the ueteimination of the age. When oiganic mattei has uecayeu foi 1u oi moie half-lives of 14 C, it is no longei possible to uiiectly measuie the 14 C iauioactivity of an object. In these cases, one can use '((#-#D'%AD J'77 78#(%DAJ#%D* (ANS) to count the atoms of 14 C uiiectly. An acceleiatoi, such as a cyclotion oi tanuem van ue uiaaff, is useu as a mass spectiometei to sepaiate the 14 C atoms fiom the moie pievalent 12 C oi 1S C. Anothei uifficulty is the sepaiation of 14 C fiom the ubiquitous 14 N isobai anu vaiious moleculai ions so acceleiatois aie useu to pioviue eneigetic ions that can be iuentifieu with stanuaiu nucleai techniques. 0sing this technique, it has been possible to ueteimine ages as long as 1uu,uuu y.
Example: Consiuei a sample of oiganic mateiial that contains 1 mg of C. Suppose it has a 14 C 12 C atom iatio of 1.2x1u -14 .
(a) how many 14 C atoms aie piesent. (b) what woulu be the expecteu 14 C uisintegiation iate foi this sample. (c) what is the age of this sample.
-33- (a)
= 2.S x 1u -6 Bq = u.2 uisuay
Note that a typical ANS facility woulu collect seveial thousanu of these 14 C atoms in one houi. (c) The assumeu constant specific activity of 14 C in natuie in the pie-nucleai eia is 227 BqkgC oi 227x1u -6 Bqmg. Fiom Equation (S-S2), the age woulu be
As noteu eailiei, the funuamental assumption in iauiocaibon uating is that the specific activity of 14 C in natuie is anu has iemaineu constant. This assumes the cosmic iay flux that geneiates the 14 C has been constant anu theie aie no souices of 14 C oi 12 C that woulu change its equilibiium specific activity. Neithei of these assumptions is stiictly tiue anu coiiections must be useu to obtain coiiect ages fiom iauiocaibon uating. In Figuie S-14, we show the typical magnituue of these coiiections. The piimaiy cosmic iay flux is moueiateu by fluctuations in solai activity oi the eaith's magnetic fielu ovei time. Since the Inuustiial Revolution, the global caibon cycle is out of balance uue to fossil fuel buining (of "olu" non-active fossil caibon). This has causeu a 1-S% uilution of the
-34- piehistoiic 14 C 12 C iatio. As noteu eailiei, atmospheiic testing of nucleai weapons contiibuteu a spike to the global 14 C inventoiy that peituibeu the 14 C 12 C iatio by a factoi of two in the opposite uiiection. Continueu opeiation of nucleai powei plants also contiibutes an amount that is ~1u% of the "natuial" 14 C piouuction iate. Similaily, a uating scheme foi watei containing objects, such as wines, baseu upon the equilibiium piouuction of tiitium ( S B) anu its uecay has been similaily peituibeu by an injection of thousanus of times the natuial levels uue to atmospheiic testing.
-35- +&B&'&4/&5 Tieatments of iauioactive uecay in othei textbooks that aie especially iecommenueu. 1. R. B. Evans, Q,# 3%AJ!( $@(-#@7, (Ncuiaw-Bill, New Yoik, 19SS).
2. u. Choppin, }. Ryubeig, anu }. 0. Liljenzin, R'B!A(,#J!7%D* 'EB $@(-#'D +,#J!7%D*, (Butteiwoith, 0xfoiu, 199S).
S. u. Fiieulanuei, }. W. Kenneuy, E. S. Nacias, anu }. N. Nillei, $@(-#'D 'EB R'B!A(,#J!7%D*, (Wiley, New Yoik, 1981).
S. W. B. Ehmann anu B. E. vance, R'B!A(,#J!7%D* 'EB $@(-#'D T#%,AB7 A. 3E'-*7!7, (Wiley, New Yoik, 1991).
6. B. }. Ainikai, U77#E%!'-7 A. $@(-#'D +,#J!7%D*, 2nu Euition, (Wiley, New Yoik, 1982).
7. K. S. Kiane, SE%DAB@(%AD* $@(-#'D K,*7!(7, (Wiley, New Yoik, 1988).
A.4.F'#$"5 #4, ?$&/-#>-M&, N'%-/>&56
8. N. Eisenbuu, Enviionmental Rauioactivity, Siu Euition, (Acauemic, 0ilanuo, 1987).
9. 0NSCEAR >9S, Souices anu Effects of Ionizing Rauiation, (0N, New Yoik, 199S).
1u. B. Lal anu B. Suess, "The Rauioactivity of the Atmospheie anu Byuiospheie," Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 18, 4u7 (1968).
11. u. W. Wetheiill, "Rauiometiic Chionolgy of the Eaily Solai System," Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 2S, 28S (197S). 12. R.E. Tayloi, "Fifty Yeais of Rauiocaibon Bating", Ameiican Scientist 88, 6u (2uuu).
-37- O'.H>&=5
1. Calculate the expecteu activity in Bq anu in Ci foi the following iauionucliues: (see Appenuix foi nucleai uata)
(a) 1.u g 2S9 Pu (u) spontaneous fission activity (b) 1.u g 14 C foi 1.u g 2S2 Cf (c) 1.u g 1S7 Cs (e) 1 g 226 Ra
2. Consiuei the uecay sequence 2S9 0 % 2S9 Np % 2S9 Pu % If you stait with 1 mCi of initially puie 2S9 0, what is the activity of 2S9 Pu aftei
a) 1 uay b) 1 month c) 1 yeai.
S. Calculate the time necessaiy to ieuuce the activities of the following nuclei to 1% of theii initial values:
(a) 1S1 I (b) S B (c) 1S7 Cs (u) 14 C (e) 2S9 Pu
4. What is the mass (g) of the following activities
(a) 1 Ci 241 Am (b) 1 pCi 2S9 Pu
-38- (c) Suuu Bq 2S2 Cf
S. What is the paitial half-life foi uecay by spontaneous fission foi 2S2 Cf.
6. If 222 Rn is initially puiifieu fiom its uaughteis, how long uoes it take foi them to giow back to Su% of theii values at seculai equilibiium.
7. What aie the paitial half-lives of 22 Na foi uecay by (a) EC anu (b) + emission.
8. Calculate the ielative mass iatios of 2S8 0, 226 Ra anu 222 Rn in an olu uianium oie.
9. Consiuei the uecay of 14u Ba to 14u La. At what time uoes the 14u La activity ieach a maximum.
1u. Consiuei a ieactoi in which the piouuction iate of 2S9 0 via the 2S8 0 (n, y) 2S9 0 ieaction is 1u S atomss. Calculate the activity of 2S9 Pu aftei an iiiauiation of
(a) 1 uay (b) 1 month (c) 1 yeai.
11. What is the piobability of a 222 Rn atom uecaying in oui lungs. The atmospheiic concentiation of 222 Rn may be assumeu to be 1 pCiL. In an aveiage bieath we inhale u.S L of aii anu exhale it S.S s latei.
-39- 12. Consiuei a iauionucliue (uecay constant i) with activity A Bq at time t1. Calculate the numbei of nuclei that uecay between times t1 anu t2.
1S. Consiuei the following uecay scheme (fiom Evans):
(a) Beiive expiessions foi the activity of B anu C as a function of time if at t=u, A=A, B=C=B. (b) What happens when the cioss ovei tiansition iS=u.
14. If one "milks" a sample of 99 No to iemove the uaughtei nucliue 99 Tc, how long uoes it take befoie the 99 No "cow" has an equilibiium amount of 99 Tc piesent.
1S. Consiuei the case wheie A % B % C anu wheie iA = iB. Beiive an expiession foi the activity of B as a function of time. Calculate the time tm when the activity of B ieaches a maximum. Show that tm ( (*A*B) 12 wheie *A, *B aie the mean lives foi A anu B. A B C " 1 " 2 " 3 " 4
16. A uianium mineial was founu to contain the Pb isotopes 2u4 Pb, 2u6 Pb anu 2u7 Pb in the iatio of 1:1uuu:4uu. Estimate the age of this mineial. (Fiom Choppin, Ryubeig anu Liljenzin)
17. What was the iate of piouuction of 24 Na in a Su m ieactoi iiiauiation of 2S Na if the activity of 24 Na was founu to be 1.u Ci S houis aftei the enu of iiiauiation.
18. Calculate the heat geneiateu pei kg of natuial uianium by the 2S8 0 anu the 2SS 0 in seculai equilibiium with theii uecay piouucts. Assume all emitteu iauiation is absoibeu.
19. uiven the following uata
Sample RbSi Weight Ratio 87 Si 86 Si Atom Ratio 1 21 1.u6 1.u6 u.7S97 u.7S97 2 42 S.S1 S.S1 u.8248 u.8248 S S 6.61 6.61 u.9u8S u.9u8S 4 4 9.SS 9.SS u.9796 u.9796 S S 1u.67 1u.67 1.u2uu 1.u2uu
Beteimine the age of the iock anu the initial 87 Si 86 Si iatio.
Figuie S-1. Lineai uecay cuive.
Figuie S-2. Semi logaiithmic uecay cuive.
Figuie S-S. Relation between half-life anu iauioactivity.
Figuie S-4. Biiect giaphic ueteimination of half-life.
Figuie S-S. uiaphic iesolution of a composite uecay cuive.
Figuie S-6. Illustiation of the conuitions of equilibiium between paient anu uaughtei.
Figuie S-7. Becay of 6u Co (half-life S.2S y) anu the giowth of 6u Ni (stable).
Figuie S-9. Typical cases of (a) tiansient anu (b) seculai equilibiium.
. Figuie S-1u. uiowth of the activity of a piimaiy ieaction piouuct inuuceu by a constant bombaiument.
Figuie S-11. The uecay seiies of 0 2S8 , 0 2SS , anu Th 2S2 . Not shown aie seveial inteimeuiate uaughtei piouucts of little significance in geochemical applications. Foi the sake of completeness, olu notations still iefeiieu to fiequently in piesent-uay texts, e.g., RaA foi Po 218 , Io foi Th 2Su , aie given in the scheme. (Fiom Choppin, Ryubeig anu Liljenzin)
Figuie S-12. 87 Rb - 87 Si evolution uiagiam foi six hypeisthene chonuiite meteoiites. The uata can be inteipieteu as showing that 4.S4 billion yeais ago all of these iocks hau the same 87 Si 86 Si iatio of u.7uuS. Fiom Wetheiill.
Figuie S-1S. Aitist's conception of how 14 C is geneiateu anu incoipoiateu into living things. (Repiinteu by peimission fiom: Ameiican Scientist 88, 62 (2uuu).)
Figuie S-14. Coiiection to iauiocaibon ages foi coial samples baseu upon age estimates maue foi the same samples using 2S4 0 2Su Th ages.
Negative Mass and Negative Refractive Index in Atom Nuclei - Nuclear Wave Equation - Gravitational and Inertial Control: Part 4: Gravitational and Inertial Control, #4
Negative Mass and Negative Refractive Index in Atom Nuclei - Nuclear Wave Equation - Gravitational and Inertial Control: Part 3: Gravitational and Inertial Control, #3