29 Pdfsam AAHCA BillText 071409

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services (as specified under the benefit standards), 1

including well baby and well child care. 2
(A) ANNUAL LIMITATION.The cost-shar- 4
ing incurred under the essential benefits pack- 5
age with respect to an individual (or family) for 6
a year does not exceed the applicable level spec- 7
ified in subparagraph (B). 8
(B) APPLICABLE LEVEL.The applicable 9
level specified in this subparagraph for Y1 is 10
$5,000 for an individual and $10,000 for a 11
family. Such levels shall be increased (rounded 12
to the nearest $100) for each subsequent year 13
by the annual percentage increase in the Con- 14
sumer Price Index (United States city average) 15
applicable to such year. 16
(C) USE OF COPAYMENTS.In establishing 17
cost-sharing levels for basic, enhanced, and pre- 18
mium plans under this subsection, the Sec- 19
retary shall, to the maximum extent possible, 20
use only copayments and not coinsurance. 21
(A) IN GENERAL.The cost-sharing under 23
the essential benefits package shall be designed 24
to provide a level of coverage that is designed 25
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