6 Areas Mindmap - Ourselves
6 Areas Mindmap - Ourselves
6 Areas Mindmap - Ourselves
Autumn 1
Knowledge & Understanding of the World
Ourselves our bodies; senses, body parts,
our families; whos who, other
class baby album; now and then
looking after ourselves; washing,
hygiene routines, healthy eating
Computers how to use the mouse, choose a
program, using the drawing program
Drawing self portrait, our families
Role play home corner and school
ainting easel; colours, mi!ing
Collage plate faces, collage bodies
Communication, Language & Literacy
Recognising and writing our own names
"etting to recognise other childrens names
#tarting to introduce letter sounds Ruth $iskins
%istening to stories and rhymes
&riting lists and labels
$aking our class baby book
'lphabet book names of children, things in classroom,
body parts, clothing etc(
Mathematical Development
Counting in order )*+, )*,, )*-, )*./
0sing number names in order in familiar conte!ts up to )/
including 1/
Counting reliably up to , ob2ects
3inding ) more or less than a given number up to 4
0sing simple mathematical language to describe shapes
0sing shapes to make pictures and patterns
0sing simple mathematical language to describe si5e
Comparing two lengths
3amily surveys
Personal, ocial & !motional Development
$aking friends and sharing and taking turns
%earning the rules of the classroom
6he areas of the classroom resources etc
ersonal 7ygiene
Dressing and undressing for (8
%earning routines of the school day
#8'% 9ew :eginnings
;nowing about ourselves what we can do
Physical Development
'wareness of space and of self
"roup games; ring, group and
playground games
7ow we feel after e!ercise
"aining control over fastenings when
getting dressed and undressed for (8
0sing a correct pencil grip and gaining
control with mark making implements
0sing and holding scissors correctly
"estivals # $%!
7arvest festival
tory &oo's
3unny :ones