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At the beginning of the course, write
short comments about your proficiency
and/or your school/district proficiency in the "Before EDU 542" column. At the end of the course, write short comments about your proficiency now. Before EDU 542 After EDU 542 NETS Students 1. Creativity and Innovation a. Generate new ideas, products b. Create original works c. Use models and simulations d. Identify trends 2. Communication and Collaboration a. Collaborate with peers using variety of media b. Communicate using a variety of media c. Develop understanding by engaging with learners of other cultures d. Contribute to teams to produce original works 3. Research and Information a. Plan strategies to guide inquiry b. Use information from a variety of sources c. Evaluate and select information for specific tasks d. Process data and report results Brainstorming Sheet for Pre-Reflection/Reflection -Course End I have learned a little more in the use of technology, proficient would not be the word. The sharing of information through our forum posts and websites was definitely beneficial. Many other apps and resources revealed will be useful in the future. The information available on the internet seems endlesshow could we not know a subject matter and various ideas to support what we teach. Novice in creativity on computers, but I am avery creative thinker and looking forward to learning how to connect computer tech to my classes in the future! some knowledge Before EDU 542 After EDU 542 4. Critical Thinking a. Identify authentic problems and questions for investigation b. Plan and manage activities to complete a project c. Collect and analyze data to make decisions d. Use diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions 5. Digital Citizenship a. Practice responsible use of information and technology b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology c. Demonstrate responsibility for lifelong learning d. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship 6. Technology Operations and Concepts a. Understand and use technology systems b. Select and use applications effectively and productively c. Troubleshoot systems and applications d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies I like to a challenge and to dig-in to research As mentioned in the previous comment, the vast array of knowledge provided gives one the opportunity to dig deep into a problem, and evaluate other ways to resolve them. Technology offers the diversity. I respect new ideas So much to learn!! novice in deeper understanding of how systems work. I'm still barely above the novice levelI feel I would need more training to really explore the possibilities. Before EDU 542 After EDU 542 NETS Teachers 1. Facilitate/ Inspire Student Learning /Creativity a. Model creative thinking and inventiveness b. Engage students in real-world issues/authentic problems c. Promote student reflection to clarify students conceptual understanding d. Model collaboration by engaging in learning with students/others in face-to-face and virtual environments 2. Design Digital Age Learning Experiences/Assessments a. Design learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources b. Develop technology-enriched learning environments for students to pursue curiosities and participate in setting their own goals, managing their own progress c. Customize learning activities to address diverse learning styles, d. Provide students with varied assessments aligned with content and technology standards novice, looking forward to increasing my use and knowledge of tech. This is the area that I feel with the right training, I could redefine my classroom and my approach to special need students. need training in this area This is the area that I feel with the right training, I could redefine my classroom and my approach to special need students. Before EDU 542 After EDU 542 3. Model Digital Age Work/Learning a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies b. Collaborate using digital tools to support student success c. Communicate information and ideas effectively to students, parents, peers d. Model and facilitate effective use of emerging digital tools 4. Promote/Model Digital Citizenship/Responsibility a. Teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology b. Address the diverse needs of all learners/provide equitable access c. Model digital etiquette d. Model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with other cultures 5. Engage in Professional Growth/Leadership a. Participate in learning communities to improve student learning b. Exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion c. Evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular in support of student learning d. Contribute to self-renewal of the teaching profession I probably will implement this as much as in any area. will promote responsibility in tech. willing learner! I'm looking forward to future training in the area of technology. novice, need training Still need training, more comfortable as I delve into the use of technology.