1) The document discusses the importance of prayer in Islam through various references from the Quran and hadiths.
2) It states that prayer is the second most important element of Islam and that on the Day of Judgment, if one's prayers are accepted then all of their deeds will be accepted as well.
3) The document provides several reasons for the importance of prayer in Islam, including that it is a distinguishing sign of believers and that abandoning prayer means losing one's religion.
1) The document discusses the importance of prayer in Islam through various references from the Quran and hadiths.
2) It states that prayer is the second most important element of Islam and that on the Day of Judgment, if one's prayers are accepted then all of their deeds will be accepted as well.
3) The document provides several reasons for the importance of prayer in Islam, including that it is a distinguishing sign of believers and that abandoning prayer means losing one's religion.
1) The document discusses the importance of prayer in Islam through various references from the Quran and hadiths.
2) It states that prayer is the second most important element of Islam and that on the Day of Judgment, if one's prayers are accepted then all of their deeds will be accepted as well.
3) The document provides several reasons for the importance of prayer in Islam, including that it is a distinguishing sign of believers and that abandoning prayer means losing one's religion.
1) The document discusses the importance of prayer in Islam through various references from the Quran and hadiths.
2) It states that prayer is the second most important element of Islam and that on the Day of Judgment, if one's prayers are accepted then all of their deeds will be accepted as well.
3) The document provides several reasons for the importance of prayer in Islam, including that it is a distinguishing sign of believers and that abandoning prayer means losing one's religion.
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azzoo bilAllahi minshaytaan nir rajeem
bismiAllah (hir) AR-Rahman (nir) AR-Raheem
assalam o alaikum wa rahmatulAllah i wa barakatuh wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatulAllah i wa barakatuh Verses from the Holy Quran
[13:15] To GOD prostrates everyone in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and so do their shadows in the mornings and the evenings. [1:!"] To GOD prostrates everything in the heavens and everything on earth # every $reature # and so do the angels% without the least arrogan$e. [&&:1'] Do you not reali(e that to GOD prostrates everyone in the heavens and the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals, and many people) *any others among the people are $ommitted to doom. +homever GOD shames, none will honor him. ,verything is in a$$ordan$e with GOD-s will.
The importan$e o. prayer /rayer in 0slam has a great importan$e, this $an proved 1y the .ollowing: 1# 0t is the se$ond element o. 0slam. &# 0t is the .irst thing to 1e as2ed a1out on the day o. resurre$tion , i. prayer is a$$epted then all man3s wor2 will 1e a$$epted and i. it is not a$$epted all his wor2 will not 1e a$$epted either. 3# 0t is a distinguishing sign .or pious 4devoted5 1elievers as 6llah says: 7and per.orm prayer 74 surat 6l#8a22ara9 verse 35. !# This who preserves prayer preserves his religion, and this who a1andons it loses his religion. 5# 0slam is in man3s heart as .ar as prayer is in his heart and his share in 0slam e:uals his share o. prayer. # 0t is a sign o. loving 6llah and appre$iating ;is 8lessings. <# 6llah The 6lmighty ordered us to preserve it whether we are traveling or staying, during war and pea$e and whether we are ill or healthy. '# Te=ts de$lare that who a1andons prayer is a dis1eliever 4an atheist5. /rophet *uhammad, pea$e 1e upon him, said 7what lies 1etween a man and atheism is a1andoning prayer 74*usli
74*uslim a$$ounts5 and said 7prayer is the $ommitment 1etween us, who a1andons it dis1elieves # 1e$omes a dis1eliever or 1e$omes an atheist > 46hmad and people o. norms 7sunan? a$$ount5. +hen this who a1andons prayer dies he is $onsidered an atheist, he is not washed nor enshrouded, no one prays .or him, he is not 1uried in *uslims3 graves, his relatives do not inherit .rom him and his money goes to 1eit al#mal 4where the money o. *uslim states is 2ept5 in addition to other similar provisions that apply to those who a1andon prayer.