Sudha Ana

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1. What source of recruitment is followed by your corporation ?

Options No. of Respondents % of Respondents

External 22 36
Internal 4 6
Both 34 58
Total 60 100

From the above table it is observed that 36% of the respondents accepted

that company is following external recruitment sources and 6% of the respondents

accepted that company is following internal recruitment sources and 56% of the

respondents accepted that company is following both internal and external

recruitment sources. From this we can understand that company is major focusing

on external recruitment sources.

2) if external how do you recruit the employee’s

a) Through agencies b) Through reference c) Through data banks

S.No Options No.of Respondents % of Respondents

a) Through Agencies 4 18%
b) Through Reference 3 14%
c) Through Data banks 15 68%
Total 22 100%

From the above table it is observed that 18% of respondents accepted that

external recruitment sources is done through agencies, 14% recruitment sources is

done through agencies, 14% of the respondents accepted that external recruitment

is done through reference. And 50% of respondents agreed that external

recruitment is done through data banks. It states that the company is giving first

preference to data banks at the time of external recruitment.

3. Are you aware of recruitment and selection policies in your corporation ?

Options No. of Respondents % of Respondents

Yes 40 66.66
No 20 33.33
Total 60 100

From the above table it is observed that 66.66% of the respondents

expressed that they are aware of recruitment and selection policies of the company

and 33.33% of the respondents expressed that they are not aware of recruitment

and selection policies.

4. Which of the following attributes are taken in to preference for recruitment and

selection procedures ?

Options No. of Respondents % of Respondents

Experience 6 10
Qualification 6 10
Both 30 50
Other 18 30

From the above table it is observed that 10% of the respondents accepted

that company is giving preference to experience candidates. 10% of the

respondents accepted that company is giving preference to qualified candidates.

50% of the respondents accepted that company is giving preference to both

experience and qualification candidates.

5. Which source process following in your corporation

a) Written Tests b) Group Discussion c) Interview d) All the


Sl.No Options No.of Respondents % of Respondents

1 Written Tests 10 16.66
2 Group Discussions 10 16.66
3 Interview 35 58.33
4 All the above 5 8.33
Total 60 100%

From the above table it is observed that 16.66% of the respondents accepted

that company following written tests and group discussions process. 58.33% of the

respondents accepted that the company following interview process 33 % of the

respondents accepted that the company following all the above process.
6. How frequently does the corporation recruitment employees ?

a) Quarterly b) Half-Yearly c) Annually d) When we


Options No.of Respondents % of Respondents

Quarterly 9 15%
Half- Yearly 9 15%
Annually 14 23%
When we required 28 47%

From the above table it is observed that 15% of the respondents accepted

that company recruits employees quarterly. 15% of the respondents accepted that

the company recruits employees half-yearly 23% of the respondents accepted that

the company recruit employees annually, and 47% of the respondents accepted

that the company recruit employees when ever they required.

7. Do you see the source of recruitment and selection depending upon the types of

skills needed and the level of job?

Options No.of Respondents % of Respondents

Yes 46 77%
No 14 23%

From the above table it is observed that 77% of the respondents accepted

that the source or recruitment & selection depends upon the skills needed to the

level of the job. 23% of the respondents accepted that the source of recruitment

and selection does not depend upon the skills needed to the level of job.
8. Do you feel personal interview gives good result ?

Options No. of Respondents % of Respondents

Yes 44 73%
No 16 27%

From the above table it is observed that 73% of the respondents accepted

that the recruitment process gives suitable candidates 27% of the respondents

accepted that the recruitment process does not gives suitable candidates.
9. Do you feel Personal interview gives good result?

YES 46 77%
NO 14 23%

From the above table is observed that 77%of the respondents accepted that

a personal interview gives good results. 23% of the respondents accepted that the

personal interview doesn’t gives good results.

10. Which kind of advertisement do you prefer for recruitment?

% OF
Advertisement With

General Information About 24 40%

The Job
Advertisement With

Specific Information About 36 60%

The Job

From the above table is observed that 40%of the respondents accepted that

the company is preferring advertisement with general information about the job
for recruitment.60% of the respondents accepted that the company prefers

advertisement with specific information about the job for recruitment

11. What is the level of satisfaction regarding the present recruitment policy?

24 40%
From the above table is observed that 60%of the respondents satisfied with

the present recruitment policy of the company. 40% of the respondents expressed

that need for improvement regarding the present recruitment policy in the


12. What is the level of interview are conducted for the selection procedure?


Single level 30 50%
Double level 24 40%
Other level 6 10%

From the above table is observed that 50%of the respondents accepted the

company follows single level of interview in the selection process. 40% of the
respondents accepted that the company follows double level of interview in the

selection process. 10% of the respondents accepted that the company follows more

level of interview in the selection process.

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