Fusion Weld Questions

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Register Number: 2451

4. (a) Explain the principle of operation of MIG
welding with a neat sketch. (10) Name of the Candidate:

(b Describe the welding variables and parameters DIPLOMA EXAMINATION - 2009

) of CO2 welding process. (10)
5. (a) What are the metals that can be welded by
electroslag welding process? Discuss the (PAPER-I)
principle of operation of the above process. (10) 110. FUSION WELDING PROCESSES
(b Explain the principle of operation and applications May) (Time: 3 Hours
) of submerged arc welding process. (10) Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer any FIVE questions.
6. (a) Compare the principle of operation of
oxyhydrogen welding with air acetylene All questions carry equal marks. (5 × 20 =
welding process. (10) 100)

(b Explain electrogas welding process with a neat 1. (a) Write a note on acetylene generator. Compare its
) sketch. (10) advantages and disadvantages with acetylene
cylinder. (10)
7. (a) Describe the factors affecting metal transfer in (b Discuss the types of welding flames with neat
arc welding process. (10) ) sketches. (10)
(b State the advantages, disadvantages and 2. (a) Explain the working of DC generator set and
) applications of carbon arc welding process. (10) state its advantages and disadvantages. (10)

8. (a) What are the factors that influence the selection (b Write short notes on thyristor controlled rectifier
of electrodes. (10) ) and its applications. (10)

(b Explain the working principle of plasma arc 3. (a) Describe the methods of manufacturing of
) welding. (10) electrodes. (10)

(b Compare the BS system of coding of electrodes

%%%%%% ) with IS system with an example. (10)

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