21-7 Vocab New 2012 Gizoni
21-7 Vocab New 2012 Gizoni
21-7 Vocab New 2012 Gizoni
Century Skills Vocabulary
1. Using an online resource*** (i.e. web dictionary, Google etc.), CREATE a definition on the
2. Note where you found the definition***. Highlight your site.
3. y!e the term in a com!lete sentence showing its use. Highlight the word in the sentence.
". #nclude a !icture or cli! art of the term.
$. %ll wor& must be done in no larger than 12!t font and be left 'ustified with (normal) margins.
***S"ECIA# NOTE*** *ou may only use a website u! to four (") times and then you must find a
different site to find the terms. #.+. ,ictionary.com, Google etc. may only be used four (") times which
means you must use at least se-en (.) different sites to identify the twenty eight (2/) terms.
U01 2lash ,ri-e
1. % flash memory storage de-ice with a U01 !ort to !lug into a com!uter.
2. 2ound on techrus.com.
3. # used my U01 2lash ,ri-e to transfer !ictures from one com!uter to another.
0mart 1oard ablet 1luetooth 2lash ,ri-e
3able 4odem 3, 5rinter #!od #5 %ddress
5ower 0u!!ly U01 5ort %d6Hoc 0ocial 4edia
35U 7i62i 2orum 1log
8%4 U01 Hub hread 5odcast
0&y!e 7eb 2.9 5ost *ouube
2aceboo& :ello (Hint; a!!) 5ri-ate 4essage (54)
S&art 'oar(
1. % 04%8 1oard is a large, white, and interacti-e
whiteboard de-elo!ed by 04%8 echnologies.
2. 2ound on
3. 7e used the 04%8 1oard in class to watch a -ideo then answer >uestions about it.
Cable %o(e&
1. % cable modem is a ty!e of modem that is used to connect a
com!uter to the internet.
2. 2ound on htt!;<<www.com!uterho!e.com<'argon<c<cablemod.htm
3. # used the cable modem to connect to the internet at my house.
"o)er Su**ly
1. % !ower su!!ly is the com!onent that su!!lies the com!uter with
2. 2ound on htt!;<<www.webo!edia.com<+84<5<!ower?su!!ly.html
3. he !ower su!!ly gi-es my com!uter !ower so # can use it.
1. 35U stands for central !rocessing unit. #t is the !art of the
com!uter that e@ecutes and inter!rets instructions.
2. 2ound on htt!;<<www.thefreedictionary.com<centralA!rocessingAunit
3. 7ithout a 35U, you wouldnBt be able to do much on a com!uter.
1. 8%4 stands for random access memory. #t is the !lace
where data is &e!t.
2. 2ound on
3. he 8%4 on my com!uter stores all my files and documents.
1. 0&y!e is a networ& that you can use to ma&e !hone
calls on the internet.
2. 2ound on
3. # used 0&y!e to call my friend when she was on -acation.
1. % social networ&ing site launched in 299".
2. 2ound on htt!;<<dictionary.reference.com<browse<faceboo&
3. 0he !osted !ictures of her dog on 2aceboo&.
1. % tablet is a com!uter that acce!ts in!ut directly on a
C3, screen.
2. 2ound on
htt!;<<[email protected]<us<definition<american?english<tablet
3. # ha-e an i5ad tablet that # use for many things.
,D "rinter
1. % 3, !rinter is a machine that creates things one layer at a
2. 2ound on
3. He used the 3, !rinter to ma&e a small figurine.
!S' "ort
1. %n U01 !ort is a standard that su!!orts e@ternal transfers. U01
stands for uni-ersal serial bus.
2. 2ound on htt!;<<www.webo!edia.com<+84<U<U01.html
3. # used my U01 !ort to bac& u! my !hone to the com!uter.
1. 7i62i is a facility allowing com!uters and other de-ises to
connect to the internet or communicate with each other
2. 2ound on htt!;<<[email protected]<us<definition<american?english<7i62i
3. # used the 7i62i to get onto the internet so # could loo& u! something on Google.
!S' .ub
1. %n U01 hub increases the amount of U01 !orts on a 53.
2. 2ound on
3. # used the U01 hub to !lug in multi!le U01Bs.
Web 2/0
1. 7eb 2.9 is a second generation in the de-elo!ment of the
2. 2ound on htt!;<<dictionary.reference.com<browse<webA2.9
3. 7eb 2.9 contains blogs, wi&is, and social networ&s.
1. :ello is a mobile a!! that allows you to tal& to !eo!le.
2. 2ound on htt!;<<www.trutower.com<Dello<
3. # used :ello to tal& to my friend after school.
1. 1luetooth allows de-ices to connect with other 1luetooth enabled
2. 2ound on htt!;<<www.techterms.com<definition<bluetooth
3. # used 1luetooth to connect my i5od to my s!ea&ers.
1. %n #5od is a !ortable de-ice that !lays music.
2. 2ound on htt!;<<www.techterms.com<definition<i!od
3. # used my #5od to !lay music through s!ea&ers.
1. %d6hoc& means formed or used for a s!ecial !ur!ose.
2. 2ound on htt!;<<www.merriam6webster.com<dictionary<adE29hoc
3. he class was an ad6hoc grou!.
1. % forum is an assembly or meeting !lace for the
discussion of >uestions of the !ublicBs interest.
2. 2ound on
3. # went on a forum to loo& u! a >uestion for my
1. % thread is a se>uence of answers to a single
2. 2ound on
3. here was a long thread of answers to the !ersonBs
1. o !ost means to !ublish a message on an online forum.
2. 2ound on htt!;<<www.merriam6webster.com<dictionary<!ost
3. 0he !osted a >uestion about the homewor& she had on a forum.
"ri3ate %essa4e 5"%6
1. % !ri-ate message is li&e an email sent from one
!erson to another on the internet.
2. 2ound on htt!s;<<www.google.com<searchF
3. # !ri-ate messaged my friend to see how she was doing.
+las2 Dri3e
1. % -arious &ind of de-ice using solid state memory, with
a hard6dis& interface.
2. 2ound on
3. # used a flash dri-e to ta&e my !a!er from school to my
I" A((ress
1. %n #5 address is a code of numbers se!arated by three dots
that identifies a certain com!uter on the internet.
2. 2ound on htt!;<<www.techterms.com<definition<i!address
3. # used the #5 address to loo& u! a com!uter.
Social %e(ia
1. 0ocial 4edias are forms of electronic communication through
which users ma&e online communities.
2. 2ound on htt!;<<www.merriam6webster.com<dictionary<socialE29media
3. # went onto the social media to tal& to my friends.
1. % blog is a website where a !erson writes about o!inions,
and e@!eriences.
2. 2ound on htt!;<<www.merriam6webster.com<dictionary<social
3. 0he tal&ed about ba&ing on her blog.
1. % !odcast is an online file containing an e!isodic series of audio,
-ideo, or 5,2 files.
2. 2ound on htt!;<<en.wi&i!edia.org<wi&i<5odcast
3. 0he downloaded the !odcast from her fa-orite author.
1. *ouube is a -ideo sharing website.
2. 2ound on htt!;<<en.wi&i!edia.org<wi&i<*ouube
3. hey watched -ideos on *ouube about cats.
1. witter is a social networ& that allows you to read and send
2. 2ound on htt!;<<en.wi&i!edia.org<wi&i<witter
3. 0he !osted a tweet on her twitter account.