Electrical & Electronics Diploma Full

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Department of Applied Siene! " H#manitie!

Diploma I
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Sessional Test 2
(Only for Electrical & Electronics Branch)
Eletrial " Eletroni! En.ineerin. Material
Time & ) Ho#r *( Min#te! M/M/ '(
0/) Attempt an$ t1o part!& + %'2' 3 ,-
%a- Explain Atomic structure and classification of materials on the basis of atomic structure.
%4- Explain three points which need to be considered while choosing an electrical engineering
%- Explain classification of conductor , insulator and semiconductor on the basis of energy band.
0/' Attempt an$ t1o part!& + %'2, 3 5-
%a- What is Resistivity? Explain factors affecting the resistivity of a conductor.
%4- With suitable diagram explain the effect of temperature on conductor material.
%- Derive the relation R
!"# $t%.
0/* Attempt an$ t1o part!& + %'2, 3 5-
%a- What is superconductivity and write the types of superconductor with example..
%4- Explain any two types of low resistivity material.
%- Explain the two types of solder material with example .

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