12 Cranial Nerves and Assessment

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The document outlines how to test the 12 cranial nerves and what the normal findings for each test should be.

The main cranial nerves tested include the olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, spinal accessory, and hypoglossal nerves. Each nerve has specific sensory and/or motor functions.

Tests include visual acuity, eye movement, pupil response, hearing, throat and tongue movement, swallowing, and strength tests of specific muscles innervated by each nerve.

12 Cranial Nerves and Assessment

1) Nerve: Olfactory (I)

Type: Sensory
Function: Sense of smell
You’ll need three substances with distinctive but familiar odors;
for example, coffee, tobacco, and cloves. Ask your patient to close
his or her eyes, and occlude her left nostril with her finger. Hold
one of these substances under his / her right nostril, and ask her to
identify the odor. Follow the same procedure with the other two
substances. Then, repeat the entire test on the other nostril.
Normal findings:
Patient detects and correctly identifies all three odors.
Possible causes of abnormalities:
Temporary impairment from common cold; head trauma resulting
in Parosmia (perversion of sense of smell); compression of
Olfactory bulb by meningiomas or anterior fossa aneurysm; tumor
infiltration in frontal lobe; or temporal lobe lesions, resulting in
Olfactory hallucinations.

2) Nerve: Optic ( II )
Type: Sensory
Function: Vision
Test: Visual acuity
Use Snellen chart or an E chart to test your patient’s visual acuity.
Normal Findings:
Patient’s vision fields should be approximately the same as your
own ( provided your own vision is normal ).
Test: Internal eye structure
Examine your patient’s eyes with an opthalmoscope.
Normal Findings:
Optic disc appears yellowish-pink and is round or oval, with
clearly defined edges. Fundus appears uniformly orange, with optic
disc located one side. Blood vessels extend outward from optic
disc along borders of the fundus.
Possible causes of abnormalities:
Optic neuritis, toxic substances ( fro example, alcohol abuse ),
head trauma, chronic nephritis, Diabetes mellitus, anemia,
nutritional deficiencies, multiple sclerosis, chronic hypertension,
intracranial tumors or aneurysms, or increased intracranial

3) Nerve/s: - Oculomotor ( III )

- Trochlear ( IV )
- Abducens ( VI )
Type: Motor
Function: Oculomotor: Innervates extrinsic eyemuscles and ciliary muscle
Trochlear : Innervates superior oblique muscle
Abducens : Innervates external rectus muscle
Important: These three (3) nerves operate as a unit and
should be tested and evaluated together.
Test: Extrinsic Eye muscles
Ask the patient to open his or her eyes. Instruct him or her to focus
on a point directly in front of him / her. Observe her ability to
focus on one point effectively.
Normal Findings:
Lower edges of lids meet bottom edges of irises; upper lids cover
approximately 2mm of irises.

Test: Direct papillary response

Carefully note each pupil’s size. Darken the room, and check your
patient’s eyes with a penlight. To do this, shine the light directly
into one of your patient’s pupils, as she keeps his / her other eye
closed. Note the pupil’s reaction. Then, check the other eye.
Normal Findings:
Pupils constrict and remain constricted with light; pupils dilate
when light is removed.

Test: Consensual papillary responses

Darken the room, but make sure your patient keeps both eyes open.
Position the penlight directly in front of his / her right eye. Turn
the penlight ON, and observe the reaction of his or her left pupil.
Then, check the other eye.
Normal Findings:
Pupils constrict bilaterally and remain constricted with light.

Test: Extraocular eye movement

Begin by familiarizing yourself with the six cardinal fields of gaze. As
you know each of these fields corresponds to one of your patient’s
extraocular muscles. Check the field separately. First, hold a pencil 12”
(30 cm.) in front of your patient’s nose. Ask your patient to hold his / her
head still and follow the pencil’s movement with his / her eyes. Then,
slowly move the pencil to your right side, then to your left, then, when
the pencil’s approximately 24 “ ( 60 cm) from your starting point, or
your patient’s eye movement stops ( in either or both eyes ), hold the
pencil still. Note the position of the iris in relation to each eye’s midline.
Repeat this procedure, checking each vision field separately.
Normal Findings:
Eyes move smoothly and bilaterally in six cardinal fields of gaze.

Test: Accommodation and Convergence

First, hold a pencil approximately 18” ( 45 cm ) in front of your
patient’s nose. Then, ask her to watch the pencil as you move it.
Instruct him or her to keep his / her head and eyes stationary
throughout the examination. Then, slowly move the pencil toward
the bridge of his / her nose. If everything’s OK, both your patient’s
eyes will converge on the pencil at the same level and distance. At
that point, expect his / her pupils to constrict and remain
constricted. When the pencil’s 2” to 3” ( 5 to 7.6 cm.) from the
bridge of his / her nose, your patient should be able to comfortably
hold her gaze. Document all findings in your nurse’s notes.
Normal Findings:
Both eyes converge on pencil at same level and distance. Patient
maintains gaze on pencil when it’s held 2” to 3” ( 5 to 7.6 cm.)
from the bridge of his / her nose. When your patient’s eyes
converge, both of her pupils constrict and remain constricted.

Abnormal findings in Oculomotor ( III ) nerve damage:

Lid ptosis, with inability to completely open eye; eyeball deviated
outward and slightly downward; pupil dilated and unreactive to
light; nystagmus, and accommodation power lost.
Abnormal findings in Trochlear ( IV ) nerve damage:
Inability to turn eye downward or outward.
Abnormal findings in Abducens ( VI ) nerve damage:
Eyeball deviated inward, diplopia, paralysis of lateral gaze.

Possible causes of abnormalities:

Trauma, multiple sclerosis, tumor or aneurysm at base of skull,
increased intracranial pressure, botulism, or lead poisoning.

4) Nerve: Trigeminal ( V )
Type: Motor; Sensory
Function: Chewing movements by innervation of masseter, temporal, and
pterygoid muscles; corneal and sneezing reflexes; and sensations
of face, scalp, and teeth.

Test: Masseter muscle strength

Instruct your patient to clench her teeth tightly. As he or she does,
locate and palpate the masseter muscle bulges at his / her right and
left jaw joints. Compare them.

Normal Findings:
Patient can clench teeth tightly. Masseter muscles bulge when teeth
are clenched. On palpation, both masseter muscles feel equal in
size and strength.

Test: Temporal muscle strength

Instruct your patient to clench his or her teeth tightly. As he or she
does, locate and palpate the temporal muscles at his or her temples.
Compare them.
Normal Findings:
Patient can clench his / her teeth tightly. On palpation, temporal
muscles feel equal in size and strength.

Test: Pterygoid Muscle strength

Instruct your patient to clench his or her teeth. Ask your patient to
resist your efforts to open his or her jaws. Then, grasp his or her
lower jaw with one hand, and pull downward.
Normal Findings:
Patient keeps teeth tightly clenched, despite your efforts.

Test: Corneal reflex

Instruct your patient to look up. Gently touch a cotton wisp to her
right cornea. Repeat the test on her left cornea. Note: if your
patient wears contact lenses, her corneal reflexes may be
Normal Findings:
Patient blinks and his or her eyes tear when cornea’s touched.

Test: Facial sensation

Instruct your patient to close her eyes. Gently touch the point of a
pin to one side of his or her forehead. Ask him or her to tell you
what she feels, and when and where she feels it.
Wait about 2 seconds, then repeat the test on the opposite side of
the forehead. Next, repeat the test, using the blunt end of the pin.
Finally, try the entire test ( both ends of pin ) on both sides of your
patient’s cheeks and jaw. Compare all findings.
Normal Findings:
Patient identifies the same sensation bilaterally, and tells when and
where she feels it.

Test: Temperature sensation

To test your patient’s hot / cold perception, to do this, fill one test
tube ( or bottle ) with hot water and another test tube ( or bottle )
with cold water. Then, touch the one filled with hot water to your
patient’s face. Hold it there for about 1 second. Then, touch the
cold one to his or her face for about 1 second.

As you do, ask your patient to tell you what temperature she feels
and where she feels it. Note any difficulty she has distinguishing
hot from cold.
Using the same technique, alternately test his or her other body
parts, varying test locations. Be sure to document test location, test
performed, and the result.

Normal Findings:
Patient identifies the same sensation bilaterally, and tells when and
where she feels it.

Possible causes of abnormalities:

Trauma, tic douloureux ( Trigeminal Neuralgia ), intracranial
tumor, menigeal infection, intracranial aneurysm; when only
descending tract is affected, syringobulbia ( cavities in medulla
oblongata ) and multiple sclerosis. Also, pons lesion produces
masticatory muscle paralysis and light touch sensation loss in face.
Medulla lesion affecting descending tract causes pain and produces
loss of temperature sensation and corneal reflex.

5) Nerve: Facial ( VII )

Type: Motor
Function: Facial expression, taste ( anterior 2/3 of the tongue ), and salivary
and lacrimal gland innervation.
Test: Lower portion of the facial nerve
Observe your patient’s face at rest and during conversation.
Instruct him or her to purse his or her lips, smile, and frown.
Normal Findings:
Symmetrical facial contours, lines, wrinkles; symmetrical facial

Test: Lower portion of the facial nerve

Instruct your patient to puff out his or her cheeks and resist your
efforts to collapse them.
Normal Findings:
Patient retains puffed cheeks despite your efforts to collapse them.

Test: Upper portion of the facial nerve

Ask your patient to close her eyes and resist your efforts to open
Normal Findings:
Patient resists efforts to open her eyes.
Test: Taste sensation on anterior 2/3 of tongue
Wet cotton swabs in each of the following solutions: sugar (sweet),
lemon juice ( sour ), saline ( salty ), quinine ( bitter ). Ask your
patient to stick out her tongue. In turn, touch each swab to the front
of her tongue, and ask her to identify the taste. Instruct your patient
to rinse her mouth with water between tastes.
Normal Findings:
Patient correctly identifies sweet, sour, salty, and bitter tastes.
Note: Remember, ability to taste may be inhibited by loss of sense
of smell.

Possible causes of abnormalities:

Trauma to peripheral nerve branches, mastoid surgery
complication, temporal bone fracture, intracranial tumor or
aneurysm, meningitis, herpes zoster, Paget’s disease ( a chronic
disease of bones occurring in the elderly and most frequently
affecting the skull, back bone, pelvis, and long bones. Affected
bones becomes thickened and their structure disorganized: X-ray
reveal patchy sclerosis. Severe continuous pain may result, which
relieved by a prolonged course of Thyrocalcitonin injections.), and
Bell’s Palsy.

6) Nerve: Acoustic ( VIII )

Type: Sensory
Function: Hearing and sense of balance.
Test: Air and bone conduction
1. You’ll need a tuning fork in the C-Octave. Using a 256-Hertz
tuning fork to perform the Weber, Rinne, Schwabach tests. By
studying the results of these tests, a trained health-care
professional can differentiate between a patient with normal
hearing and a patient with a conductive or sensori-neural
hearing loss. To ensure accurate results, you should perform
each of these tests three separate times with 256-, 512-, and
1,024-Hertz tuning forks. However, this may not always be
2. Before you begin a test, explain the testing procedure to your
patient. Then, practice vibrating the tuning fork. You’ll get the
most accurate testing tone by gently hitting the fork against
your fist, OR you may also get a tone by pinching the fork’s
prongs together, OR by stroking the prongs upward.
3. To perform WEBER test. Begin by holding a vibrating 256-
Hertz tuning fork between your thumb and index finger. Touch
the base of the tuning fork to your patient’s forehead. Then, ask
your patient to describe the tone in each ear. If all is well, your
patient will hear the same tone ( volume and intensity ) in each
ear. In that case, you’d document the result as Weber negative.

If your patient hears the tone louder in one ear, ask him or her
to point to the ear in which she hears the louder tone.
Document the result Weber right or Weber left.
4. Next, you’ll perform the RINNE’s test to evaluate your
patient’s hearing by both bone and air conduction.
First, ask your patient to mask the hearing in her left ear by
rapidly moving his or her left fingertip in and out of his or her
left ear canal.
To test your patient’s hearing by bone conduction, place the
vibrating 256-Hertz fork against his or her right mastoid
process. Your patient should hear the tone immediately. Ask
him or her to tell you when she no longer hears the tone. Note
the length of time she heard the tone.
5. Then, test his or her hearing by air conduction. Quickly
(without re-vibrating the fork), place the prongs ½ “ ( 1.3 cm.)
from his or her right external ear canal, as the nurse is doing
here. Make sure the prongs are in front – but not touching – the
ear canal.
Ask your patient to tell you when she no longer hears the
tone. Note the length of time she heard the tone. If everything’s
OK, your patient will hear the tone carried by air conduction
twice as long as the tone carried by bone conduction.
In this case, document the result as +R ( Rinne Positive ).
Repeat the same procedure on your patient’s left ear.
6. You’ll perform the Schwabach test to compare your hearing by
bone conduction with your patient’s hearing by bone
conduction. But remember, make sure your hearing is normal
before you begin or the test won’t be accurate.
Ask your patient to mask the sound in her left ear, then,
place a vibrating 256-Hertz tuning fork on his or her right mastoid
process until she says she hears the sound. If all’s well, she should
say she hears the sound immediately.
7. Then, immediately mask the sound in your left ear, and place
the fork on your right mastoid process. Listen for the sound.
Continue to alternate the tuning fork between your patient’s
mastoid process and your mastoid process. When either you or
your patient stops hearing the tone, count the seconds the other
continues to hear it.
If both of you have normal hearing, you’ll stop hearing the
tone at the same time.
Repeat the test on your patient’s left mastoid process.
If you suspect your patient has a hearing deficit,
recommend she get an audiogram for a more accurate assessment.
Always document the type of test you performed, the
result, and the kind of tuning fork used, in your nurses’ notes.
Normal Findings:
Equal hearing in both ears. Air conducted tone heard twice long in
both ears as bone-conducted tone.

Possible causes of abnormalities:

Inflammation; intracranial tumor; drug toxicity, particularly from
Aspirin, Quinine, or Streptomycin; middle fossa skull fracture.

7) Nerve/s: - Glossopharyngeal ( IX )
- Vagus ( X )
Types: Motor ; Sensory
Function: Swallowing movements and saliva secretion. Gag and swallow
reflexes. Sensation in the pharynx and larynx, as well as taste on
posterior 1/3 of tongue. Also, autonomic innervation of heart,
lungs, esophagus, and stomach.
Important: these two nerves operate as a unit and should be tested and evaluated
Test: Throat movement
Instruct your patient to open his or her mouth and say “Ah”. As he
or she does, observe his or her uvula and soft palate.
Normal Findings:
When patient speaks, his or her uvula and soft palate move straight

Test: Gag reflex

Instruct your patient to open his or her mouth. As you depress his
or her tongue with a tongue depressor, touch a cotton swab to
either side of his or her pharynx.
Normal Findings:
Patient gags. However, remember that a weak gag reflex may be
normal in an elderly patient.

Test: Vocalization
Ask your patient to speak or cough.
Normal Findings:
Patient’s voice clear and strong. Cough strong..

Possible causes of Glossopharyngeal ( IX ) nerve damage:

Intracranial tumor or infection.
Possible causes of Vagus ( X ) nerve damage:
Acute anterior poliomyelitis, intramedullary lesions; syringobulbia,
vascular lesions, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis.

8) Nerve: Spinal Accessory ( XI )

Type: Motor
Function: Innervates sternocliedomastoid and trapezius muscles.
Test: Shoulder movement
Stand facing your patient. Place your hands on his or her
shoulders. Ask him or her to lift his or her shoulders as you apply
moderate downward pressure..
Normal Findings:
Patient lifts shoulder despite your downward pressure..

Test: Neck muscle strength

Stand facing your patient. Place your left hand on the right side of
your patient’s face. Instruct him or her to turn her head toward his
or her right side, against your hand’s pressure. Repeat the
procedure on the left side of her face.
Normal Findings:
Firm jaw pressure against your hand.

Possible causes of abnormalities:

Extrasmedullary tumors, occipital bone necrosis, inflammation,
syringobulbia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, demyelinating
diseases of the medulla.

9) Nerve: Hypoglossal ( XII )

Type: Motor
Function: Innervates tongue muscle.
Test: Tongue movement
Ask your patient to open his or her mouth, and observe his or her
tongue at rest.
Normal Findings:
Tongue is motionless and centered on mouth floor.

Test: Tongue Movement

Instruct your patient to stick out her tongue.
Normal Findings:
Protruding tongue appears centered between lips. Expect slight
tongue movement.

Test: Tongue strength

Instruct your patient to press his or her tongue against one cheek
wall. Apply fingertip pressure to outside of cheek as patient uses
tongue to resist pressure. Repeat test on other cheek.
Normal Findings:
Patient exerts firm tongue pressure against your fingertips.
( 10 )

Test: Tongue Movement

Instruct your patient to dart his or her tongue in and out quickly.
Then, ask him or her to stick his or her tongue out and move it
from side to side as quickly as possible.
Normal Findings:
Fast, smooth tongue movement.

Possible causes of abnormalities:

Syringobulbia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, alcoholism, or CVA.

Prepared by:
Mrs. Suzette Bautista,RN
Mrs. Amelita Raagas, RN
Mr. Willy A. Masigla,RN

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