Grade INVITATION - Posttest.oral

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Name: _______________________________ Grade and Section: __________


Prompt: What is a creative drama? Read the invitation aloud and find out.
Gr. V
No. of Words: 73
Literal: 1. Who will facilitate the childrens workshop? ______
nswers: Director Junie Mendoza
Director Mendoza
!. What is the topic of the workshop? ______
nswer: Elements in Theater Presentation
3. What office is in"char#e of the re#istration? ______
nswer: The Communication rt Clu! "ffice
#nter$retive: $. Wh% are the% ha&in# an actin# workshop? ______
SY 2012-2013
An Invitation
'oin a creati&e drama workshop on Sat(rda%) 'an(ar% *) *"+ pm at the
a(dio &is(al room.
,his workshop will -e led -% .irector '(nie /endo0a who will disc(ss the
elements in theater presentation. ,hese elements will foc(s on -od% mo&ements)
creati&e writin#) creati&e so(nd and m(sic) and #ro(p d%namics.
'oin the workshop and #et a chance to act in a sta#e presentation in .ecem-er.
,o re#ister) &isit the 1omm(nication rts 1l(- 2ffice.
An Invitation
'oin a creati&e drama workshop on Sat(rda%) 'an(ar% *) *"+ pm at the
a(dio &is(al room.
,his workshop will -e led -% .irector '(nie /endo0a who will disc(ss the
elements in theater presentation. ,hese elements will foc(s on -od% mo&ements)
creati&e writin#) creati&e so(nd and m(sic) and #ro(p d%namics.
'oin the workshop and #et a chance to act in a sta#e presentation in .ecem-er.
,o re#ister) &isit the 1omm(nication rts 1l(- 2ffice.
Phil%#R# &orm ' ( Post Test
nswers: The) are $re$arin* for a sta*e
The) +ant to develo$ children,s
actin* a!ilit).
+. What will %o( do to 3oin the workshop? ______
Contact the office in char*e.
Re*ister for the +or-sho$.
$$lied: 5. 6f %o( were #i&en a chance to 3oin a pla%) what role
wo(ld %o( like to ha&e?
.cce$t $ossi!le ans+ers./
7. Which of the elements of theater presentation is most
important for %o(? Wh%?
0odil) movements1 !ecause # am
*ood in dancin*.
.cce$t $ossi!le ans+ers./
SY 2012-2013

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