Director Junie Mendoza will host a creative drama workshop on January 5th at the audio visual room to discuss elements of theater presentation including body movements, creative writing, creative sound and music, and group dynamics. Participants who join the workshop will have a chance to act in a stage presentation in December. To register, one should visit the Communication Arts Club Office. The workshop aims to develop children's acting abilities and prepare them for a stage presentation.
Director Junie Mendoza will host a creative drama workshop on January 5th at the audio visual room to discuss elements of theater presentation including body movements, creative writing, creative sound and music, and group dynamics. Participants who join the workshop will have a chance to act in a stage presentation in December. To register, one should visit the Communication Arts Club Office. The workshop aims to develop children's acting abilities and prepare them for a stage presentation.
Director Junie Mendoza will host a creative drama workshop on January 5th at the audio visual room to discuss elements of theater presentation including body movements, creative writing, creative sound and music, and group dynamics. Participants who join the workshop will have a chance to act in a stage presentation in December. To register, one should visit the Communication Arts Club Office. The workshop aims to develop children's acting abilities and prepare them for a stage presentation.
Director Junie Mendoza will host a creative drama workshop on January 5th at the audio visual room to discuss elements of theater presentation including body movements, creative writing, creative sound and music, and group dynamics. Participants who join the workshop will have a chance to act in a stage presentation in December. To register, one should visit the Communication Arts Club Office. The workshop aims to develop children's acting abilities and prepare them for a stage presentation.
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Name: _______________________________ Grade and Section: __________
Prompt: What is a creative drama? Read the invitation aloud and find out. Gr. V No. of Words: 73 Questions: Literal: 1. Who will facilitate the childrens workshop? ______ nswers: Director Junie Mendoza Director Mendoza !. What is the topic of the workshop? ______ nswer: Elements in Theater Presentation 3. What office is in"char#e of the re#istration? ______ nswer: The Communication rt Clu! "ffice #nter$retive: $. Wh% are the% ha&in# an actin# workshop? ______ SY 2012-2013 An Invitation 'oin a creati&e drama workshop on Sat(rda%) 'an(ar% *) *"+ pm at the a(dio &is(al room. ,his workshop will -e led -% .irector '(nie /endo0a who will disc(ss the elements in theater presentation. ,hese elements will foc(s on -od% mo&ements) creati&e writin#) creati&e so(nd and m(sic) and #ro(p d%namics. 'oin the workshop and #et a chance to act in a sta#e presentation in .ecem-er. ,o re#ister) &isit the 1omm(nication rts 1l(- 2ffice. An Invitation 'oin a creati&e drama workshop on Sat(rda%) 'an(ar% *) *"+ pm at the a(dio &is(al room. ,his workshop will -e led -% .irector '(nie /endo0a who will disc(ss the elements in theater presentation. ,hese elements will foc(s on -od% mo&ements) creati&e writin#) creati&e so(nd and m(sic) and #ro(p d%namics. 'oin the workshop and #et a chance to act in a sta#e presentation in .ecem-er. ,o re#ister) &isit the 1omm(nication rts 1l(- 2ffice. Phil%#R# &orm ' ( Post Test nswers: The) are $re$arin* for a sta*e $resentation. The) +ant to develo$ children,s actin* a!ilit). +. What will %o( do to 3oin the workshop? ______ 4ossi-le nswers: Contact the office in char*e. Re*ister for the +or-sho$. $$lied: 5. 6f %o( were #i&en a chance to 3oin a pla%) what role wo(ld %o( like to ha&e? ______ 4ossi-le nswer: .cce$t $ossi!le ans+ers./ 7. Which of the elements of theater presentation is most important for %o(? Wh%? ______ 4ossi-le nswer: 0odil) movements1 !ecause # am *ood in dancin*. .cce$t $ossi!le ans+ers./ SY 2012-2013