Boiler Efficiency by As Hwan I Kumar
Boiler Efficiency by As Hwan I Kumar
Boiler Efficiency by As Hwan I Kumar
or indirect method.
A. Photograph
B. Personal Details:
1. Name :
2. Company name:
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4. Qualifications:
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#. Complete postal a""ress
$. %a& No:
Ashwani Kumar
National po'er training institute
(tu"ent )BA Po'er )anagement
B.!.*)echanical+ , )BA * Pursuing+
/oom no 3021 trainee 2ostel national po'er
training institute fari"a3a".
C. 4otal e&perience in years
!nergy )anagement relate"
e&perience "etails
2 years.
)onitoring an" impro5ing the thermal efficiency
of 3oiler.
!nergy conser5ation 3y re"ucing the steam
losses in the plant.
D. Area of (peciali6ation )BA in po'er management1 po'er generation
!. )a7or Achie5ements 8on 1
pri6e in technical paper presentation
"uring technical fest in the college.
%. Details of !nergy )anagement
Pro7ects un"erta-en1 if any
Thermal efficiency of boiler by Heat loss method
or indirect method.
Learning objective:
1) Various methods to calculate the thermal
efficiency of the boiler.
2) Various heat losses occurred in the boiler while
under operation.
3) How to calculate each loss occurred.
4) Methods and practice to do the coal analysis, ash
analysis and flue gas analysis.
) !ontrollable losses and uncontrollable losses.
") Various practices to reduce the controllable losses.
#oiler is a system that con$erts the chemical energy of the coal
in to the thermal energy of the steam. %he performance of the boiler is &udge
by calculating the thermal efficiency of boiler. 't is the ratio of energy
absorbed to total energy input. (e ha$e $arious methods to calculate the
thermal efficiency of boiler. %he heat loss method or indirect method is best
used in practice. 'n this we come across the $arious losses occurred in the
boiler out of them some are controllable and some uncontrollable and we
can put our endea$or to reduce the controllable losses.
1) Boiler:
#oiler is system which con$erts the chemical energy of the coal in to the thermal
energy of steam. 't act as a heat e)changer which e)change the heat between flue gasses
that generated by the combustion of fuel and feed water which later on con$erted in to
'n the boiler there are certain inputs and output as shown in the figure 1.1
*igure 1.1
%o chec+ the performance of the boiler we calculate the thermal efficiency of the boiler.
FLU !A""
*) Thermal efficiency of the boiler:
*.1) +efinition: %hermal efficiency of boiler is the ratio of the output energy a$ailable
to the total energy supplied to the boiler. 't is denoted by ,
i.e. , - Heat absorbed . input energy.
(e ha$e two method to calculate the thermal efficiency.
1. /irect Method or 'nput 0utput Method.
2. 'ndirect Method or Heat 1oss Method.
*.*) $n)(t o(t)(t method:
2fficiency - 3Heat absorbed by wor+ing fluid . 3Heat in fuel 4Heat credits)5166)
*.-) Heat loss method:
2fficiency - 166 7 3heat losses.3Heat in fuel4 Heat credits) 5166)
Heat loss method is used for efficiency calculation.
Heat loss is better to use in practice. %he main reasons for that are following.
't is easier to calculate the losses as compared to measure the flow rate of coal.
(e can chec+ the controllable 8 uncontrollable losses 8 can do endea$or to
reduce the controllable losses.
(e can come with more ideas for efficient boiler operation.
2fficiency can be impro$ed by combined effect of these entire things.
't is more accurate as compared to direct method.
*..) Heat losses in boiler :
Heat loss due to unburned carbon in refuse.
Heat loss due to heat in dry flue gas.
Heat loss due to moisture in the 9as fired: coal.
Heat loss due to moisture from burning of hydrogen.
Heat loss due to moisture in air.
Heat loss due to formation of carbon mono)ide.
;ensible Heat loss in the ash.
Heat loss due to surface radiation and con$ection.
;ome other losses are<
a) Heat loss due to soot blowing.
b) Heat in pul$eri=ed re&ects.
*./) Heat credits:
Heat content in the entering air.
;ensible heat of the fuel.
>ul$eri=er or crusher power.
#oiler circulating pumps.
?ecirculating gas fan power 3 '/ fan, */ fan, >@ fan)
-) 0ethodology follo1ed to calc(late the vario(s losses<
-.1) +ata 2 "am)le &ollection
*lue gas temperature at air heater outlet.
/ry 8 wet bulb temperature of ambient air.
*lue gas analysis for 02, !02, !0 8 2)cess air.
?elati$e humidity from psychometric chart.
*ront ash temperature at furnace outlet.
!oal sampling.
*ront 8 fly ash sampling.
-.*) Analysis of "am)le &ollected.
!oal sample collected is analy=ed for pro)imate analysis.
@sh sample collected is analy=ed for unburned carbon.
%he ultimate analysis of coal is done by standard formulas.
-.-) 3ro4imate Analysis of coal:
'n the pro)imate analysis we find out the $arious constituent of coal are as follow.
3%he date has been ta+en for # grade coal.)
&onstit(ent 3ercentage
*i)ed !arbon 46.6A
Volatile Material 32.AB
%otal Moisture 14.
'nherent Moisture B.4
@sh 1A.B
%able 1
"te)s involved in )ro4imate analysis of coal:
%he ;ample is ta+en at the entrance of coal ban+er.
't is weighted and +ept in the o$en at 46C! in the absence of humidity.
%he sample is weighted again and +eeps it in the o$en at temperature 166DC!
for 4 hr to calculate the sample moisture.
%he sample is weighted again +eep at 166DC! for 1 hr to calculate the total
@ sample of coal is burned at temperature of A2C! for 4 hr to calculate the ash
E in the coal.
@ sample of coal is heated at temperature of F26 C! for e)act B minute to
calculate the $olatile matter.
@ sample of coal is burned in the bomb calorimeter to calculate the calorific $alue
of coal.
-..) Ultimate analysis of coal:
&onstit(ent 3ercentage
!arbon B.AB
hydrogen 4.14B
0)ygen F.F4B
Gitrogen 1.44
;ulphur 6.3
%able 2.
Form(lation (sed for the (ltimate analysis <
H & 5 6.789F& : 6.8;<0 : 6.19ash) = T0 ;6.>=6.619T0).
H ? 5 *.1 @ 6.6*9<0.
H H 5 6.6->9F& : 6.6A>; <0= 6.19ash) @6.66-/9T09T09;1=6.6*9T0)
H # 5 166 @; &:H:?)
!7 !arbon content.
G7 Gitrogen
H7 Hydrogen.
07 0)ygen.
VM7Volatile Matter.
%M7 %otal moisture
*!7 *i)ed !arbon.
-./) Fl(e gas analysis:
$n the flue gas analysis we find out the following constituents<
!arbon dio)ide 3!o
!arbon mono)ide 3!o).
0)ygen 30
2)cess @ir.
Fl(e !as AnalyBer
;teps in$ol$ed in flue gas analysis<
*lue gas analy=er 3I M F66) is used.
*resh air is suc+ed 3purging) to reduce the effect of earlier gases present in it.
%he flue gas is suc+ed 3location< inlet of 2conomi=er). *J@ gi$es reading
"am)le location
.) &alc(lation of vario(s heat losses:
L1. Heat loss d(e to (nb(rned carbon in ash: ;Ccal)DDDDDDDDDD.;..1)
H Heat Loss - '
9 H
- weight of ash per +g of coal.
- heating $alue of ash
@sh sampling<
H *ront ash sampling for calculation of unburned in front ash.
H *ly ash sampling for calculating the unburned in fly ash.
Heating $alue of ash - ash5J!V 36.25unburned in *ront ash4 6.A5unburned in fly
L*. Heat losses d(e to fl(e gasses: ;Ccal)DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.;..*)
Heat loss 5 '
9 &
9 ;T
- weight of flue gases.+g of 9as fired 9coal.
- specific heat of flue gases.
- temperature of flue gases at @>H outlet.
- ambient air temperature.
Total fl(e gasses )rod(ced )er Cg of as fired coal :DDDDDDDDDDD.;..*.1)
;air reKuired) 5 ;;*A.6* ?
9 ; &
: 1*.61 "E-*.6
))E ;1*.61 ; &#
: &#)) @
;Theoretical Air) 5 11./1 & : -..-6;H @#E8.7-8) : ..--/ "
4cess Air 5 ;'
@ A
9 166.
= @mount of carbon burned . +g of as fired coal
5 & @ '
EA6.6 ;coal).
A646 L +cal.+g carbon 3heat $alue of 1 +g of carbon)
Total fl(e gas - '
: ;'
) 5 A
: 4cess air : ;'
L-. Heat loss d(e to moist(re in as fired coal: ;Ccal)DDDDDDDDDDD.;..-)
Heat loss - '
9;LH :*9T
- (eight of moisture . +g of as fired coal..
1H - 1atent heat of water . +g of water.
- %emperature of flue gas outlet.
- /ry bulb temperature.
L.. Heat losses d(e to moist(re from b(rning of hydrogen: ;Ccal)DDDDD.;...)
Heat Loss - A.7->9 H ;LH : *9T
L/. Heat loss d(e to moist(re in air: ;Ccal) DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.;../)
Heat Loss - '
9 '
9 &
- weight of air used per +g of coal.
- weight of moisture per +g of coal.
- specific heat of superheated steam
L>. Heat loss d(e to formation of carbon mono4ide: ;Ccal) DDDDDDDD..;..>)
Heat Loss 5 &# E ;&#
: &#) 9 />-* 9 &
5 @mount of carbon burned . +g of 9as fired: coal.
L8. "ensible heat loss in the ash: ;Ccal)DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.;..8)
Heat Loss - '
@ T
- weight of ash per +g of coal.
- temperature of ash at furnace outlet.
- atmospheric temperature.
LA. Heat loss d(e to radiation: DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.........;..A)
't is ta+en about 3 E of total heat losses.
/) &alc(lation of heat credits:
B1. Heat in the entering air: DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.;/.1)
5 '
@ T
- heat in the entering air.
- specific heat of air.
- temperature of air at the air pre7heater outlet.
- ambient air temperature.
B*. 3(lveriser or cr(sher )o1erF boiler circ(lating )(m) )o1er and fans ;)rimary
airF F+ fanF $+ fan) )o1erDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD..;/.*)
%he power input is determined by the following formula using the reading of the reliable
ammeter and $oltmeter and power factor. Heat eKui$alent for the usual 3 phase power is<
5 ;G- 9 volts9am)ere9 )er cent )o1er factor9A/8)E 166666E'
c of fuel
- @mount of coal fired per hr.
Heat eH(ivalent 5 Cilo1att in)(t 9 A/8 +cal per hr.
Total losses 5 L1 : L* : L- : L. : L/ : L> : L8 : LA.
Total heat credits 5 B1 : B*
, - 166 7 3heat losses. 3Heat in fuel4 Heat credits) 5166)
>) &ontrollable losses:
Heat 1oss in *lue gas.
Heat 1oss due to Moisture in 9as fired: coal.
Heat 1oss due to formation of carbon mono)ide.
Heat 1oss due to unburned carbon in ash.
8) Uncontrollable losses:
Heat loss due to moisture from burning of Hydrogen.
Heat 1oss due moisture in the air.
Heat 1oss due to sensible heat in the ash
A) Ho1 to control
A.1) Heat losses d(e to fl(e gasses:
H 2)cess air should remains in the range of "67B6E.
*igure A.1
H %emperature of flue gas should be controlled should not be more than 146C!.
H %here should be corresponding $ariation in the air flow rate as the load on the
boiler $aries.
A.*) Heat losses d(e to (nb(rned carbon:
H ;i=e of the coal, fired in boiler should be controlled. *or e)ample for stic+er fired
coal, it should not be more than 26 mm.
H >roper amount of e)cess air should be supplied to the boiler.
H #oiler should not be o$erloaded.
H Homogenous mi)ing of air and fuel should be maintained.
A.-) Heat losses d(e to formation of carbon mono4ide:
H 2)cess air should not be less than "6E.
H @ir should be entered with higher turbulence so that each carbon atom comes in
contact with o)ygen atoms.
H ?atio of @ctual air to theoretical air should be more than 1.3.
*igure A.3
A..) Heat losses d(e to moist(re in the as fired coal:
H >roper storage of coal should be done. 3;pecially in rainy season).
H !oal preheating.