This document provides step-by-step instructions for disassembling a JBS72 laptop system. It describes removing over a dozen components including the battery, RAM, hard drive, optical drive, keyboard, wireless card, speaker, touchpad, LCD module, thermal module, CPU, modem module, audio boards, and motherboard. Each section lists the required steps, such as removing screws or disconnecting cables, to extract the individual parts from the laptop.
This document provides step-by-step instructions for disassembling a JBS72 laptop system. It describes removing over a dozen components including the battery, RAM, hard drive, optical drive, keyboard, wireless card, speaker, touchpad, LCD module, thermal module, CPU, modem module, audio boards, and motherboard. Each section lists the required steps, such as removing screws or disconnecting cables, to extract the individual parts from the laptop.
This document provides step-by-step instructions for disassembling a JBS72 laptop system. It describes removing over a dozen components including the battery, RAM, hard drive, optical drive, keyboard, wireless card, speaker, touchpad, LCD module, thermal module, CPU, modem module, audio boards, and motherboard. Each section lists the required steps, such as removing screws or disconnecting cables, to extract the individual parts from the laptop.
This document provides step-by-step instructions for disassembling a JBS72 laptop system. It describes removing over a dozen components including the battery, RAM, hard drive, optical drive, keyboard, wireless card, speaker, touchpad, LCD module, thermal module, CPU, modem module, audio boards, and motherboard. Each section lists the required steps, such as removing screws or disconnecting cables, to extract the individual parts from the laptop.
1.7 Top Case A. TouchPad:(Mylar/ FFC/ button bracket/button board) B. HotKey Board
1.8 LCD Module A. LCD Bezel B. Inerter C. Hinge Cover D. LCD Cover E. LCD Bracket F. Panel Unit
1.9 Thermal Module
2.0 CPU
2.1 Modem Module/RJ11 Cable/DC-In Board
2.2 Audio Transfer Board/ Speaker cable/Audio I/O Board
2.3 Mother Board/ VGA I/O Board
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description 1.1 RAM MODULE 1) Remove 2 scr ews and RAM door can be r emoved. 2) Rel ease t he RAM cat ch on bot h si de. RAM modul e can be r emoved.
1.2 HDD ( Hard Disk Drive ) 1) Remove 2 scr ews and HDD door can be r emoved . 2) Pul l t he HDD car ef ul l y wi t h bl ack t ape.
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description 1.3 ODD ( Optical Disk Drive )
1.4 KeyBoard 1) Remove RamDoor f i r st . 2) Remove 3 scr ews as i ndi cat ed.
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description
2) Tur n over t he J oybook and r el ease t he l at ch of keyboar d as shown. 3) Di sconnect t he keyboar d cabl e t hen keyboar d can be r emoved.
1.5 Wireless LAN Board 1) Remove Keyboar d f i r st as above st eps. 2) Remove t he wi r el ess ant enna connect or on boar d as shown
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description
[ The mai n wi r e col or : Gr ay ]
1.6 Speaker 1) Remove Bat t er y f i r st . 2) Rel ease 3 scr ews on bat t er y space as shown.
2) Rel ease t he cabl e on speaker t hen separ at e t he speaker modul e.
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description
1.7 Top Case 1) Rel ease 12 scr ews on t he bot t omcase. 2) Rel ease 4 scr ews on t he bot t omof bat t er y. 3) Remove ODD f i r st t hen r el ease 3 smal l scr ews.
4) Remove t he Touchpad FFC and Hot key boar d Cabl e as i ndi cat ed.
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description
A. TouchPad (Mylar/ FFC/ button bracket/button board) 1) Tear down t he myl ar on t ouchpad. 2) Rel ease 2 scr ews on t he t ouch pad but t on br acket . 3) Rel ease 2 FFC as i ndi cat ed. 4)
3) Separ at e t ouch pad but t on boar d and br acket .
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description
B. Hotkey Board 1) Rel ease 3 scr ews on hot key boar d. 2) Rel ease cabl e as i ndi cat ed, t hen separ at e hot key boar d.
1.8 LCD Module 1) Af t er St ep 1. 7 ( Remove Top Case f i r st ) . 2) Remove 2 swi t ch cover s car ef ul l y.
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description A. LCD Bezel 1) Rel ease 2 scr ew r ubber s and scr ews on LCD Bezel .
2) Remove LCD Bezel . ( Di r ect i on: I nsi de t o out si de)
B. Inverter 1) Remove i nver t er cabl e.
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description 1.0 BATTERY /Remote Control 1) Rever se J oybook . 2Move bat t er y l ocker and bat t er y can be l i f t .
3) Remote Control Push the PC Card Ejection Button from the left side of machine. You can Get remote Control.
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description
C. Hinge Cover 1) Rel ease 2 scr ews on hi nge cover ( L/ R) .
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description
2) Rel ease 2 scr ews as shown.
3) Rel ease 2 scr ews on LCD br acket as shown.
4) Rel ease LCD Cabl e t hen t ake out t he LCD modul e.
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description D. LCD Cover 1) Rel ease 2 scr ews on LCD Br acket ( L/ R) .
2) Rel ease 4 scr ews on LCD Br acket ( L/ R) .
5) Then separ at e Panel Uni t and LCD Cover . 4) Rel ease 2 scr ews on ant enna as i ndi cat ed.
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description
E. LCD Bracket 1) Rel ease 4 scr ews on bot h si de of panel t hen LCD and br acket can be separ at ed.
F. Panel Unit 1) Rel ease panel cabl e car ef ul l y.
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description
1.9 Thermal Module 1) Rel ease 4 scr ews on Heat si nk.
3) Remove 2 scr ews and cabl e on Ther mal Fan.
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description 2.0 CPU 1) Af t er 1. 9 st ep, l oose t he f l at scr ew t hen CPU can be t aken out .
2.1 Modem Module/RJ11 Cable/DC-In Board 1) Remove 2 scr ews and cabl e on modemas shown.
2) Rel ease DC- I n Boar d connect or .
3) Car ef ul l y t ear t he t ape t hen separ at e RJ 11 Cabl e and DC- I n boar d.
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description
2.2 Audio Transfer Board/ Speaker cable/ Audio I/O Board 1) Remove FFC on audi o boar d. ( Pl ace: Above Audi o I / O Boar d) 2) Rel ease t he speaker cabl e and mi c cabl e as shown. 3) Car ef ul l y r el ease connect or and r emove t he audi o t r ansf er boar d.
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description
1) Remove 2 scr ews t hen det ach Audi o I / O boar d as shown.
2.3 Motherboard/ VGA I/O board 1) Remove PCMCI A Dummy car d. 2) Remove 2 scr ew i n VGA connect or boar d.
2) Remove 1 scr ew on PCMCI A Br acket and 1 scr ew on MB. 3) Car ef ul l y det ach Mot her boar d.
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JBS72 System Disassembly Description
4) Remove 2 scr ews as i ndi cat ed t hen car ef ul l y separ at e VGA I / O boar d and Mot her boar d.