How do we measure economic success? Traditionally, we
measure Gross National Product (GNP), which favors any
economic activities and production, regardless of their true
benefits and effect on long-term societal well-being. Even
consumption, demolition, and waste that require further
production are credited to a higher GNP. In industrialized,
capitalistic societies, consumption is regarded as a virtue.
However, realizing the environmental threats, real or potential,
to the quality of life, environmental movements have begun
in virtually all sectors of industrialized countries, including
business, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, and
architecture. Researchers are developing and refining
methods of analyzing the true cost of an economic activity
over its entire life cycle.
Developing countries tend to model their economic infrastructure
after those of their industrialized counterparts.
Today, economic activities in developing countries around
the world, Pacific Rim countries in particular, are far more
noticeable than two or three decades ago, and their share of
the world economy is increasing. All quantitative economic
indices such as per capita income, GNP, amount of foreign
trade, and the amount of building construction indicate that
their economies are strong and growing rapidly.
Measuring a country’s GNP does not account for the loss of
environmental quality — and quality of life — attributed to
industrialization. In the United States alone, billions of dollars
have been spent cleaning up an environment subjected to
uncontrolled development. The ecological havoc created by
the former Soviet Union is only now beginning to be fully
understood. Developing countries would do well to learn
from these situations, not emulate them.
How do we measure economic success? Traditionally, we
measure Gross National Product (GNP), which favors any
economic activities and production, regardless of their true
benefits and effect on long-term societal well-being. Even
consumption, demolition, and waste that require further
production are credited to a higher GNP. In industrialized,
capitalistic societies, consumption is regarded as a virtue.
However, realizing the environmental threats, real or potential,
to the quality of life, environmental movements have begun
in virtually all sectors of industrialized countries, including
business, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, and
architecture. Researchers are developing and refining
methods of analyzing the true cost of an economic activity
over its entire life cycle.
Developing countries tend to model their economic infrastructure
after those of their industrialized counterparts.
Today, economic activities in developing countries around
the world, Pacific Rim countries in particular, are far more
noticeable than two or three decades ago, and their share of
the world economy is increasing. All quantitative economic
indices such as per capita income, GNP, amount of foreign
trade, and the amount of building construction indicate that
their economies are strong and growing rapidly.
Measuring a country’s GNP does not account for the loss of
environmental quality — and quality of life — attributed to
industrialization. In the United States alone, billions of dollars
have been spent cleaning up an environment subjected to
uncontrolled development. The ecological havoc created by
the former Soviet Union is only now beginning to be fully
understood. Developing countries would do well to learn
from these situations, not emulate them.
How do we measure economic success? Traditionally, we
measure Gross National Product (GNP), which favors any
economic activities and production, regardless of their true
benefits and effect on long-term societal well-being. Even
consumption, demolition, and waste that require further
production are credited to a higher GNP. In industrialized,
capitalistic societies, consumption is regarded as a virtue.
However, realizing the environmental threats, real or potential,
to the quality of life, environmental movements have begun
in virtually all sectors of industrialized countries, including
business, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, and
architecture. Researchers are developing and refining
methods of analyzing the true cost of an economic activity
over its entire life cycle.
Developing countries tend to model their economic infrastructure
after those of their industrialized counterparts.
Today, economic activities in developing countries around
the world, Pacific Rim countries in particular, are far more
noticeable than two or three decades ago, and their share of
the world economy is increasing. All quantitative economic
indices such as per capita income, GNP, amount of foreign
trade, and the amount of building construction indicate that
their economies are strong and growing rapidly.
Measuring a country’s GNP does not account for the loss of
environmental quality — and quality of life — attributed to
industrialization. In the United States alone, billions of dollars
have been spent cleaning up an environment subjected to
uncontrolled development. The ecological havoc created by
the former Soviet Union is only now beginning to be fully
understood. Developing countries would do well to learn
from these situations, not emulate them.
How do we measure economic success? Traditionally, we
measure Gross National Product (GNP), which favors any
economic activities and production, regardless of their true
benefits and effect on long-term societal well-being. Even
consumption, demolition, and waste that require further
production are credited to a higher GNP. In industrialized,
capitalistic societies, consumption is regarded as a virtue.
However, realizing the environmental threats, real or potential,
to the quality of life, environmental movements have begun
in virtually all sectors of industrialized countries, including
business, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, and
architecture. Researchers are developing and refining
methods of analyzing the true cost of an economic activity
over its entire life cycle.
Developing countries tend to model their economic infrastructure
after those of their industrialized counterparts.
Today, economic activities in developing countries around
the world, Pacific Rim countries in particular, are far more
noticeable than two or three decades ago, and their share of
the world economy is increasing. All quantitative economic
indices such as per capita income, GNP, amount of foreign
trade, and the amount of building construction indicate that
their economies are strong and growing rapidly.
Measuring a country’s GNP does not account for the loss of
environmental quality — and quality of life — attributed to
industrialization. In the United States alone, billions of dollars
have been spent cleaning up an environment subjected to
uncontrolled development. The ecological havoc created by
the former Soviet Union is only now beginning to be fully
understood. Developing countries would do well to learn
from these situations, not emulate them.
Introduction to Sustainable Design December 1998 Sustainable Design 1
Sustainable Architecture Module:
Introduction to Sustainable Design Written by Jong-Jin Kim, Assistant Professor of Architecture, and Brenda Rigdon, Project Intern College of Architecture and Urban Planning The University of Michigan Published by National Pollution Prevention Center for Higher Education, 430 E. University Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1115 734.764.1412 fax: 734.647.5841 [email protected] website: This compendium was made possible in part by a grant from the 3M Corporation. These materials may be freely copied for educational purposes. 2 Sustainable Design December 1998 Introduction to Sustainable Design Introduction to Sustainable Design December 1998 Sustainable Design 3 Contents List of Figures ............................................................................. 5 Fundamentals Changing our Definitions of Growth and Progress.................5 Resource Consumption and Environmental Pollution............5 Sustainability in Architecture.................................................. 6 Principles of Sustainable Design Principle 1: Economy of Resources....................................... 9 Principle 2: Life Cycle Design .............................................. 11 Principle 3: Humane Design ................................................ 14 Summary .............................................................................. 15 Methods for Achieving Sustainable Design Economy of Resources........................................................ 16 Energy Conservation.................................................. 16 Water Conservation.................................................... 20 Materials Conservation .............................................. 21 Life Cycle Design ................................................................. 22 Pre-Building Phase..................................................... 22 Building Phase............................................................ 24 Post-Building Phase ................................................... 25 Humane Design.................................................................... 27 Preservation fo Natural Conditions ............................ 27 Urban Design and Site Planning................................ 27 Design for Human Comfort ........................................ 28 Sustainable Design Bibliography......................... 29 Sustainable Design Annotated Bibliography ......33 4 Sustainable Design December 1998 Introduction to Sustainable Design List of Figures Figure 1 Income vs. energy consumption............................6 Figure 2 Income vs. water consumption..............................6 Figure 3. Income vs. pollutant production ............................6 Figure 4 Framework for sustainable architecture................8 Figure 5 Material-flow diagram ........................................... 9 Figure 6 Conventional model of the building life cycle......11 Figure 7 Sustainable building life cycle ............................ 11 Figure 8 Ecological elements of site and building .............13 Figure 9 Methods for Economy of Resources.................17 Figure 10 Methods for Life Cycle Design ..........................23 Figure 11 Methods for Humane Design ........................... 26 Introduction to Sustainable Design December 1998 Sustainable Design 5 Fundamentals Changing our Definitions of Growth and Progress How do we measure economic success? Traditionally, we measure Gross National Product (GNP), which favors any economic activities and production, regardless of their true benefits and effect on long-term societal well-being. Even consumption, demolition, and waste that require further production are credited to a higher GNP. In industrialized, capitalistic societies, consumption is regarded as a virtue. However, realizing the environmental threats, real or potential, to the quality of life, environmental movements have begun in virtually all sectors of industrialized countries, including business, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, and architecture. Researchers are developing and refining methods of analyzing the true cost of an economic activity over its entire life cycle. Developing countries tend to model their economic infra- structure after those of their industrialized counterparts. Today, economic activities in developing countries around the world, Pacific Rim countries in particular, are far more noticeable than two or three decades ago, and their share of the world economy is increasing. All quantitative economic indices such as per capita income, GNP, amount of foreign trade, and the amount of building construction indicate that their economies are strong and growing rapidly. Measuring a countrys GNP does not account for the loss of environmental quality and quality of life attributed to industrialization. In the United States alone, billions of dollars have been spent cleaning up an environment subjected to uncontrolled development. The ecological havoc created by the former Soviet Union is only now beginning to be fully understood. Developing countries would do well to learn from these situations, not emulate them. Resource Consumption and Environmental Pollution Resource consumption and economic status have a strong correlation. As the income level of a society increases, so does its resource consumption. This is true for societies of virtually any size, be they families, cities, or entire countries. 6 Sustainable Design December 1998 Introduction to Sustainable Design The correlation between per-capita income and energy consumption of various countries demonstrates this trend. As shown in Figure 1, industrial countries with higher incomes consume more energy per capita than developing countries. Among industrialized countries, the energy intensity of Canada and the United States is the highest, while Japans is much lower. This implies that it is plausible for a society to establish resource-efficient social and economic infrastructures while raising its economic status. A society (household, com- munity, city, or country) with such an infrastructure will be less susceptible to resource shortages, more reliable by itself, and thus more sustainable in the future. The correlation between per-capita income and per-capita water consumption reveals a similar pattern (see Figure 2), as does the emission of environmental pollutants to the atmosphere (see Figure 3). Developing countries energy use, water use, and share of global environmental pollution is expected to increase. Sustainability in Architecture The World Commission on Environment and Development has put forth a definition of sustainability as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. From Our Common Future (London: Oxford University Press, 1987). This definition of sustainability does not specify the ethical roles of humans for their everlasting existence on the planet. It also fails to embrace the value of all other constituents participating in the global ecosystem. The need for finding long-terms solutions that warrant continuing human existence and well-being is far more compelling than that of finding a proper terminology to describe the human need. In this respect, the debate on the terms green, sustainable, or ecological architecture is not terribly important. 30000 20000 10000 0 0 100 200 300 400 P e r
C a p i t a
E n e r g y
C o n s u m p t i o n
( M - B t u s / y r ) Canada USA Japan Germany France UK I t al y Hong Kong Korea N Korea Figure 1: Correlations between per-capita incomes and per- capita energy consumption levels of selected industrialized and developing countries. [Source: Herman Daly, Steady-State Economics (Washington: Island Press, 1991).] 30000 20000 10000 0 0 500 1000 1500 P e r
C a p i t a
W a t e r
U s e
( g a l / d a y ) Canada USA Japan Germany France UK I t al y Mexico Korea USSR Figure 2: Correlations between per-capita incomes and per-capita water consumptions of selected industrialized and developing countries. [Source: Herman Daly, Steady-State Economics (Washington: Island Press, 1991).] Per-Capita Income (US$/yr) Per-Capita Income (US$/yr) Introduction to Sustainable Design December 1998 Sustainable Design 7 30000 20000 10000 0 0 10 20 Per Capita Income ($/yr) P e r
C a p i t a
P o l l u t a n t
P r o d u c t i o n
( C O 2
E q . - t o n / y r ) Canada USA Japan Germany France UK I t al y USSR Brazil China Korea Per-Capita Income (US$/yr) Figure 3: Correlations between per-capita incomes and per-capita pollutant production of selected industrialized and developing countries. [Source: Herman Daly, Steady-State Economics (Washington: Island Press, 1991).] Architecture is one of the most conspicuous forms of economic activity. It is predicted that the pattern of architectural resource intensity (the ratio of per-capita architectural resource consumption to per-capita income) will generally follow the same patterns as shown in Figure 1, 2, and 3. A countrys economic development will necessitate more factories, office buildings, and residential buildings. For a household, the growth of incomes will lead to a desire for a larger house with more expensive building materials, furnishings and home appliances; more comfortable thermal conditions in interior spaces; and a larger garden or yard. During a buildings existence, it affects the local and global environments via a series of interconnected human activities and natural processes. At the early stage, site development and construction influence indigenous ecological characteristics. Though temporary, the influx of construction equipment and personnel onto a building site and process of construction itself disrupt the local ecology. The procurement and manu- facturing of materials impact the global environment. Once built, building operation inflicts long-lasting impact on the environment. For instance, the energy and water used by its inhabitants produce toxic gases and sewage; the process of extracting, refining, and transporting all the resources used in building operation and maintenance also have numerous effects on the environment. Architectural professionals have to accept the fact that as a societys economic status improves, its demand for architectural resources land, buildings or building products, energy, and other resources will increase. This in turn increases the combined impact of architecture on the global ecosystem, which is made up of inorganic elements, living organisms, and humans. The goal of sustainable design is to find architectural solutions that guarantee the well-being and coexistence of these three constituent groups. 8 Sustainable Design December 1998 Introduction to Sustainable Design Principles of Sustainable Design To educate architects to meet this goal of coexistence, we have developed a conceptual framework. The three levels of the framework (Principles, Strategies, and Methods) correspond to the three objectives of architectural environmental education: creating environmental awareness, explaining the building ecosystem, and teaching how to design sustainable buildings. The overall conceptual diagram for sustainable design is shown in Figure 4. We propose three principles of sustainability in architecture. Economy of Resources is concerned with the reduction, reuse, and recycling of the natural resources that are input to a building. Life Cycle Design provides a methodology for analyzing the building process and its impact on the environ- ment. Humane Design focuses on the interactions between humans and the natural world. These principles can provide a broad awareness of the environmental impact, both local and global, of architectural consumption. Figure 4: Conceptual framework for Sustainable Design and Pollution Prevention in Architecture. SUSTAINABLE DESIGN AND POLLUTION PREVENTION Principles Economy of Life Cycle Humane Resources Design Design Strategies Energy Pre-Building Preservation Conservation Phase of Natural Conditions Water Building Urban Design Conservation Phase Site Planning Material Post-Building Design for Conservation Phase Human Comfort Methods Introduction to Sustainable Design December 1998 Sustainable Design 9 Building Building Materials Consumer Goods Figure 5: The input and output streams of resource flow. Principle 1: Economy of Resources By economizing resources, the architect reduces the use of nonrenewable resources in the construction and operation of buildings. There is a continuous flow of resources, natural and manufactured, in and out of a building. This flow begins with the production of building materials and continues throughout the buildings life span to create an environment for sustaining human well-being and activities. After a buildings useful life, it should turn into components for other buildings. When examining a building, consider two streams of resource flow (see Figure 5). Upstream, resources flow into the building as input to the building ecosystem. Downstream, resources flow out of the building as output from the building ecosystem. In a long run, any resources entered into a building ecosystem will eventually come out from it. This is the law of resource flow conservation. For a given resource, its forms before entry to a building and after exit will be different. This transformation from input to output is caused by the many mechanical processes or human interventions rendered to the resources during their use in buildings. The input elements for the building ecosystem are Each of these principles embody a unique set of strategies. Studying these strategies leads students to more thorough understanding of architectures interaction with the greater environment. This allows them to further disaggregate and analyze specific methods architects can apply to reduce the environmental impact of the buildings they design. MATERIAL FLOW IN THE BUILDING ECOSYSTEM Upstream Building Downstream Building Materials Used Materials Energy Combustion Byproducts Water Graywater Sewage Consumet Goods Recycleable Materials Solar Radiation Wasted Head Wind Polluted Air Rain Groundwater 10 Sustainable Design December 1998 Introduction to Sustainable Design diverse, with various forms, volumes, and environmental implications. The three strategies for the economy of resources principle are energy conservation, water conservation, and material conservation. Each focuses on a particular resource necessary for building construction and operation. Energy Conservation After construction, a building requires a constant flow of energy input during its operation. The environmental impacts of energy consumption by buildings occur primarily away from the building site, through mining or harvesting energy sources and generating power. The energy consumed by a building in the process of heating, cooling, lighting, and equipment operation cannot be recovered. The type, location, and magnitude of environmental impacts of energy consumptions in buildings differ depending on the type of energy delivered. Coal-fired electric power plants emit polluting gases such as SO 2 , CO 2 , CO, and NO x into the atmosphere. Nuclear power plants produce radioactive wastes, for which there is currently no permanent management solution. Hydropower plants each require a dam and a reservoir which can hold a large body of water; construction of dams results in discontinuance of river ecosystems and the loss of habitats for animals and plants. Water Conservation A building requires a large quantity of water for the purposes of drinking, cooking, washing and cleaning, flushing toilets, irrigating plants, etc.. All of this water requires treatments and delivery, which consume energy. The water that exits the building as sewage must also be treated. Material Conservation A range of building materials are brought onto building sites. The influx of building materials occurs primarily during the construction stage. The waste generated by the construction and installation process is significant. After construction, a low-level flow of materials continues in for maintenance, replacement, and renovation activities. Consumer goods flow into the building to support human activities. All of these materials are eventually output, either to be recycled or dumped in a landfill. Introduction to Sustainable Design December 1998 Sustainable Design 11 Principle 2: Life Cycle Design The conventional model of the building life cycle is a linear process consisting of four major phases: design; construction; operation and maintenance; and demolition (see Figure 6). The problem with this model is that it is too narrowly defined: it does not address environmental issues (related to the pro- curement and manufacturing of building materials) or waste management (reuse and recycling of architectural resources). The second principle of sustainable architecture is life cycle design (LCD). This cradle-to-grave approach recognizes environmental consequences of the entire life cycle of architec- tural resources, from procurement to return to nature. LCD is based on the notion that a material transmigrates from one form of useful life to another, with no end to its usefulness. For the purpose of conceptual clarity, the life cycle of a building can be categorized into three phases: pre-building, building, and post-building, as shown in Figure 7. These phases are connected, and the boundaries between them are not obvious. The phases can be developed into LCD strategies that focus on minimizing the environmental impact of a building. Analyzing the building processes in each of these three phases provides a better under- standing of how a buildings design, construction, operation, and disposal affect the larger ecosystem. Construction Design Operation & Maintenance Demolition Figure 6: Conventional model of the building life cycle. Construction Operation and Maintenance Building Phase Post-Building Phase Pre-Building Phase Extraction Processing Manufacturing Transportation Nature Waste Management Reuse Recycle Figure 7: The sustainable building life cycle. 12 Sustainable Design December 1998 Introduction to Sustainable Design Pre-Building Phase This phase includes site selection, building design, and building material processes, up to but not including installation. Under the sustainable-design strategy, we examine the environmental consequences of the structures design, orientation, impact on the landscape, and materials used. The procurement of building materials impacts the environ- ment: harvesting trees could result in deforestation; mining mineral resources (iron for steel; bauxite for aluminum; sand, gravel, and limestone for concrete) disturbs the natural envi- ronment; even the transport of these materials can be a highly polluting activity, depending on their weight and distance from the site. The manufacturing of building products also requires energy and creates environmental pollution: for example, a high level of energy is required to manufacture steel or aluminum products. Building Phase This phase refers to the stage of a buildings life cycle when a building is physically being constructed and operated. In the sustainable-design strategy, we examine the construction and operation processes for ways to reduce the environmental impact of resource consumption; we also consider long-term health effects of the building environment on its occupants. Post-Building Phase This phase begins when the useful life of a building has ended. In this stage, building materials become resources for other buildings or waste to be returned to nature. The sustainable- design strategy focuses on reducing construction waste (which currently comprises 60% of the solid waste in landfills 1 ) by recycling and reusing buildings and building materials. For more information on this topic, see Recycling and Reuse of Building Materials. This Sustainable Architecture module is available for a small fee from the Center for Sustainable Systems (formerly the NPPC; see the front page of this document for contact information) or free of charge on our website: 1 Sim Van der Ryn and Peter Calthorpe, Sustainable Communities (San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1986). Introduction to Sustainable Design December 1998 Sustainable Design 13 Site and Building Interactions The LCD concept calls for consideration of the environmental consequences of buildings in all three phases of the life cycle. Each phase of building life cycle is associated with two groups of ecological elements: site and building (see Figure 8). The principal domain of architectural design is in the building phase, but sustainable building can be achieved by finding ways to minimize environmental impacts during all three phases of building life cycle. Figure 8: Ecological elements of Site and Building associated with the building life-cycle phases. SITE: Elements of site ecology BUILDING: Natural or that exist within or in the vicinity manufactured resources, of a building site, including sun- such as building materials, light, wind, precipitation, water water, or energy ... table, soil, flora, fauna, etc. ... ... before construction. ... before they arrive at the site. ... from the time construction ... from the time they arrive begins through the duration of at the site for installation or the buildings useful life. operation though the duration of the buildings useful life. ... after the buildings useful life. ... after the buildings useful life. 14 Sustainable Design December 1998 Introduction to Sustainable Design Principle 3: Humane Design Humane design is the third, and perhaps the most important, principle of sustainable design. While economy of resources and life cycle design deal with efficiency and conservation, humane design is concerned with the livability of all constitu- ents of the global ecosystem, including plants and wildlife. This principle arises from the humanitarian and altruistic goal of respecting the life and dignity of fellow living organisms. Further examination reveals that this principle is deeply rooted in the need to preserve the chain elements of the ecosystems that allow human survival. In modern society, more than 70% of a persons lifespan is spent indoors. An essential role of architecture is to provide built environments that sustain occupants safety, health, physio- logical comfort, psychological well-being, and productivity. Because environmental quality is intangible, its importance has often been overlooked in the quest for energy and envi- ronmental conservation, which sometimes seemed to mean shivering in the dark. Compounding the problem, many building designers have been preoccupied with style and form-making, not seriously considering environmental quality in and around their built environments . Remember the performance factor of design. When a product saves energy, does it perform as well as what it is replacing? And how does it affect the performance of building occupants? For instance, early fluorescent lighting systems were more efficient than their incandescent counterparts; however, some fluorescents were known to buzz. The bulb might save $30 in annual energy costs, but if the noise irritated the employee working nearby, the employees resulting drop in productivity could cost the employer a lot more, thereby wiping out any financial benefits gained from lighting energy conservation. A general rule of thumb in such comparisons is that the annual energy bill of a typical office building amounts to around five hours of employee labor cost; therefore, any building energy conservation strategy that annually reduces productivity by more than five hours per employee defeats its purpose. This is not to say that energy conservation cant be financially beneficial, just that it should be kept in holistic perspective, taking other pertinent factors into account. Introduction to Sustainable Design December 1998 Sustainable Design 15 The following three strategies for humane design focus on enhancing the coexistence between buildings and the greater environment, and between buildings and their occupants, Preservation of Natural Conditions An architect should minimize the impact of a building on its local ecosystem (e.g., existing topography, plants, wildlife). Urban Design and Site Planning Neighborhoods, cities, and entire geographic regions can benefit from cooperative planning to reduce energy and water demands. The result can be a more pleasant urban environment, free of pollution and welcoming to nature. Human Comfort As discussed previously, sustainable design need not preclude human comfort. Design should enhance the work and home environments. This can improve productivity, reduce stress, and positively affect health and well-being. Summary To achieve environmental sustainability in the building sec- tor, architects must be educated about environmental issues during their professional training. Faculty have to foster environmental awareness, introduce students to environmental ethics, and developing their skills and knowledge-base in sustainable design. The current status of sustainable design in architecture is that of an ethic rather than a science. While a change of lifestyles and attitudes toward the local and global environments is important, the development of scientific knowledge-bases that provide skills, techniques, and methods of implementing specific environmental design goals is urgent. To enhance environmental sustainability, a building must holistically balance and integrate all three principles Sustainable Design, Economy of Resources, and Life Cycle Design in design, construction, operation and maintenance, and recycling and reuse of architectural resources. These principles comprise a conceptual framework for sustainable architectural design. This framework is intended to help designers seek solutions rather than giving them a set of solutions. Specific design solutions compatible with a given design problem will emanate from these principles. 16 Sustainable Design December 1998 Introduction to Sustainable Design Methods for Achieving Sustainable Design The ultimate goal and challenge of sustainable design is to find win-win solutions that provide quantitative, qualitative, physical, and psychological benefits to building users. There are many possibilities for achieving this seemingly difficult goal. The three principles of sustainable design economy of resources, life cycle design, and humane design provide a broad awareness of the environment issues associated with architecture. The strategies within each principle focus on more specific topics. These strategies are intended to foster an understanding of how a building interacts with the internal, local, and global environments. This section discusses methods for applying sustainable design to architecture. Economy of Resources Conserving energy, water, and materials can yield specific design methods that will improve the sustainability of archi- tecture (see Figure 8). These methods can be classified as two types. 1) Input-reduction methods reduce the flow of nonrenewable resources input to buildings. A buildings resource demands are directly related its efficiency in utilizing resources. 2) Output-management methods reduce environmental pollution by requiring a low level of waste and proper waste management. Energy Conservation Energy conservation is an input-reduction method. The main goal is to reduce consumption of fossil fuels. Buildings con- sume energy not only in their operation, for heating, lighting and cooling, but also in their construction. The materials used in architecture must be harvested, processed, and trans- ported to the building site. Construction itself often requires large amounts of energy for processes ranging from moving earth to welding. Energy-Conscious Urban Planning Cities and neighborhoods that are energy-conscious are not planned around the automobile, but around public transpor- tation and pedestrian walkways. These cities have zoning laws favorable to mixed-use developments, allowing people Introduction to Sustainable Design December 1998 Sustainable Design 17 to live near their workplaces. Urban sprawl is avoided by encouraging redevelopment of existing sites and the adaptive reuse of old buildings. Climatic conditions determine orienta- tion and clustering. For example, a very cold or very hot and dry climate might require buildings sharing walls to reduce exposed surface area; a hot, humid climate would require widely spaced structures to maximize natural ventilation. Figure 9: Economy of Resources methods of application. SUSTAINABLE DESIGN AND POLLUTION PREVENTION Principle 1: Economy of Resources Strategies Energy Water Material Conservation Conservation Conservation Methods Reduction: - Indigenous landscaping - Low-flow showerheads - Vacuum-assist toilets or smaller toilet tanks Reuse: - Rainwater collection - Graywater collection Material- conserving design and construction Proper sizing of building systems Rehabilitation of existing structures Use of reclaimed or recycled materials and components Use of non- conventional building materials Energy-conscious urban planning Energy-conscious site planning Alternative sources of energy Passive heating and cooling Avoidance of heat gain or heat loss Use of low- embodied-energy materials Use of energy- efficient appliances with timing devices 18 Sustainable Design December 1998 Introduction to Sustainable Design Energy-Conscious Site Planning Such planning allows the designer to maximize the use of natural resources on the site. In temperate climates, open southern exposure will encourage passive solar heating; deciduous trees provide shade in summer and solar heat gain in winter. Evergreens planted on the north of a building will protect it from winter winds, improving its energy efficiency. Buildings can be located relative to water onsite to provide natural cooling in summer. Passive Heating and Cooling Solar radiation incident on building surfaces is the most sig- nificant energy input to buildings. It provides heat, light, and ultraviolet radiation necessary for photosynthesis. Historically, architects have devised building forms that provide shading in summer and retain heat in winter. This basic requirement is often overlooked in modern building design. Passive solar architecture offers design schemes to control the flow of solar radiation using building structure, so that it may be utilized at a more desirable time of day. Shading in summer, by plants or overhangs, prevents summer heat gain and the accompanying costs of air-conditioning. The wind, or the flow of air, provides two major benefits: cooling and hygienic effects. Prevailing winds have long been a major factor in urban design. For instance, proposals for Roman city layouts were primarily based on the direction of prevailing winds. Insulation High-performance windows and wall insulation prevent both heat gain and loss. Reducing such heat transfer reduces the buildings heating and cooling loads and thus its energy consumption. Reduced heating and cooling loads require smaller HVAC equipment, and the initial investment need for the equipment will be smaller. Aside from these tangible benefits, high-performance windows and wall insulation create more comfortable thermal environ- ments. Due to the insulating properties of the materials, the surface temperatures of windows and walls will be higher in the winter and lower in the summer. The installation of smaller HVAC equipment reduces mechanical noise and increases sonic quality of the indoor space. Introduction to Sustainable Design December 1998 Sustainable Design 19 Alternate Sources of Energy Solar, wind, water, and geothermal energy systems are all commercially available to reduce or eliminate the need for external energy sources. Electrical and heating requirements can be met by these systems, or combination of systems, in all climates. Daylighting Building and window design that utilizes natural light will lead to conserving electrical lighting energy, shaving peak electric loads, and reducing cooling energy consumptions. At the same time, daylighting increases the luminous quality of indoor environments, enhancing the psychological well- being and productivity of indoor occupants. These qualitative benefits of daylighting can be far more significant than its energy-savings potential. Energy-Efficient Equipment & Appliances After construction costs, a buildings greatest expense is the cost of operation. Operation costs can even exceed construction costs over a buildings lifetime. Careful selection of high- efficiency heating, cooling, and ventilation systems becomes critical. The initial price of this equipment may be higher than that of less efficient equipment, but this will be offset by future savings. Appliances, from refrigerators to computers, not only consume energy, they also give off heat as a result of the inefficient use of electricity. More efficient appliances reduce the costs of electricity and air-conditioning. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency has developed the Energy Star program to assist consumers in identifying energy efficient electronic equipment. Choose Materials with Low Embodied Energy Building materials vary with respect to how much energy is needed to produce them. The embodied energy of a material attempts to measure the energy that goes into the entire life cycle of building material. For instance, aluminium has a very high embodied energy because of the large amount of electricity that must be used to manufacture it from mined bauxite ore; recycled aluminum requires far less energy to refabricate. By choosing materials with low embodied energy, the overall environmental impact of a building is reduced. Using local materials over imported materials of the same type will save transportation energy. 20 Sustainable Design December 1998 Introduction to Sustainable Design Water Conservation Methods for water conservation may reduce input, output, or both. This is because, conventionally, the water that is supplied to a building and the water that leaves the building as sewage is all treated by municipal water treatment plants. Therefore, a reduction in use also produces a reduction in waste. Reuse Water Onsite Water consumed in buildings can be classified as two types: graywater and sewage. Graywater is produced by activities such as handwashing. While it is not of drinking-water quality, it does not need to be treated as nearly as intensively as sewage. In fact, it can be recycled within a building, perhaps to irrigate ornamental plants or flush toilets. Well-planned plumbing systems facilitate such reuse. In most parts of the world, rainwater falling on buildings has not been considered a useful resource. Buildings are typically designed to keep the rain from the occupants, and the idea of utilizing rain water falling on building surfaces has not been widely explored. Building envelopes, particularly roofs, can become rainwater collecting devices, in combination with cisterns to hold collected water. This water can be used for irrigation or toilet-flushing. Reduce Consumption Water supply systems and fixtures can be selected to reduce consumption and waste. Low-flow faucets and small toilet tanks are now required by code in many areas of the country. Vacuum-assisted and biocomposting toilets further reduce water consumption. Biocomposting toilets, available on both residential and commercial scales, treat sewage on site, elimi- nating the need for energy-intensive municipal treatment. Indigenous landscaping using plants native to the local ecosystem will also reduce water consumption. These plants will have adapted to the local rainfall levels, eliminating the need for additional watering. Where watering is needed, the sprinkler heads should be carefully placed and adjusted to avoid watering the sidewalk and street. Introduction to Sustainable Design December 1998 Sustainable Design 21 Materials Conservation The production and consumption of building materials has diverse implications on the local and global environments. Extraction, processing, manufacturing, and transporting building materials all cause ecological damage to some extent. There are input and output reduction methods for materials conservation. As with water, some of these methods overlap. Adapt Existing Buildings to New Uses One of the most straightforward and effective methods for material conservation is to make use of the resources that already exist in the form of buildings. Most buildings outlive the purpose for which they were designed. Many, if not all, of these buildings can be converted to new uses at a lower cost than brand-new construction. Incorporate Reclaimed or Recycled Materials Buildings that have to be demolished should become the resources for new buildings. Many building materials, such as wood, steel, and glass, are easily recycled into new materials. Some, like brick or windows, can be used whole in the new structure. Furnishing, particularly office partition systems, are also easily moved from one location to another. Use Materials That Can Be Recycled During the process of designing the building and selecting the building materials, look for ways to use materials that can themselves be recycled. This preserves the energy embodied in their manufacture. Size Buildings and Systems Properly A building that is oversized for its designed purpose, or has oversized systems, will excessively consume materials. When a building is too large or small for the number of people it must contain, its heating, cooling, and ventilation systems, typically sized by square footage, will be inadequate or ineffi- cient. This method relates directly to the programming and design phases of the architectural process. The clients present and future space needs must be carefully studied to ensure that the resulting building and systems are sized correctly. Architects are encouraged to design around standardized building material sizes as much as possible. In the U. S., this standard is based on a 4'x8' sheet of plywood. Excess trimming of materials to fit non-modular spaces generates more waste. 22 Sustainable Design December 1998 Introduction to Sustainable Design Reuse Non-Conventional Products as Building Materials Building materials from unconventional sources, such as recycled tires, pop bottles, and agricultural waste, are readily available. These products reduce the need for new landfills and have a lower embodied energy that the conventional materials they are designed to replace. Consumer Goods All consumer goods eventually lose their original usefulness. The useful life quantifies the time of conversion from the useful stage to the loss of original usefulness stage. For in- stance, a daily newspaper is useful only for one day, a phone book is useful for one year, and a dictionary might be useful for 10 years. The shorter the useful life of consumer goods, the greater the volume of useless goods will result. Conse- quently, more architectural considerations will be required for the recycling of short-life consumer goods. The conventional term for consumer goods that have lost their original usefulness is waste. But waste is or can be a resource for another use. Therefore, in lieu of waste, it is better to use the term recyclable materials. One way buildings can encourage recycling is to incorporate facilities such as on-site sorting bins. Life Cycle Design As discussed earlier, the Life Cycle Design principle embodies three strategies: pre-building, building, and post-building. These strategies, in turn, can yield specific design methods that will improve the sustainability of architecture. Figure 10 shows how each method relates to the main strategies of Life Cycle Design. These methods focus mainly on reducing in- put. Consuming fewer materials lessens the environmental impact of the associated manufacturing processes. This then reduces the eventual output of the building ecosystem. Pre-Building Phase During the Pre-Building Phase, the design of a building and materials selected for it are examined for their environmental impact. The selection of materials is particularly important at this stage: the impact of materials processing can be global and have long-term consequences. Introduction to Sustainable Design December 1998 Sustainable Design 23 Use Materials Made From Renewable Resources Renewable resources are those that can be grown or harvested at a rate that exceeds the rate of human consumption. Using these materials is, by definition, sustainable. Materials made from nonrenewable materials (petroleum, metals, etc.) are, ultimately, not sustainable, even if current supplies are adequate. Using renewable materials wherever possible reduces the need for nonrenewable materials. Figure 10: Life Cycle Design methods of application. SUSTAINABLE DESIGN AND POLLUTION PREVENTION Principle 2: Life Cycle Design Strategies Pre-Building Building Post-Building Methods Use materials that are ... - made of renew- able resources - harvested or extracted with- out ecological damage - recycled - recyclable - long-lasting and low maintenance Minimize energy needed to distrib- ute materials. Schedule con- struction to minimize site impact. Provide waste- separation facilities. Use nontoxic materials to protect construc- tion workers as well as end users. Specify regular maintenance with nontoxic cleaners. Adapt existing structures to new users and programs. Reuse building components and materials. Recycle building components and materials. Reuse the land and existing infrastructure. 24 Sustainable Design December 1998 Introduction to Sustainable Design Use Materials Harvested or Extracted Without Causing Ecological Damage Of the renewable materials available, not all can be obtained without significant environmental effects. Therefore, the architect must be aware of how various raw materials are harvested and understand the local and global ramifications. Use Recycled Materials Using recycle materials reduces waste and saves scarce land- fill space. Recycled materials also preserve the embodied energy of their original form, which would otherwise be wasted. This also reduces the consumption of materials made from virgin natural resources. Many building materials, particularly steel, are easily recycled, eliminating the need for more mining and milling operations. Use Materials with Long Life and Low Maintenance Durable materials last longer and require less maintenance with harsh cleansers. This reduces the consumption of raw materials needed to make replacements and the amount of landfill space taken by discarded products. It also means occupants receive less exposure to irritating chemicals used in the installation and maintenance of materials. Building Phase The methods associated with the Building Phase strategy are concerned with the environmental impact of actual construc- tion and operation processes. Minimize Site Impact Careful planning can minimize invasion of heavy equipment and the accompanying ecosystem damage to the site. Excava- tions should not alter the flow of groundwater through the site. Finished structures should respect site topology and existing drainage. Trees and vegetation should only be removed when absolutely necessary for access. For sensitive sites, materials that can be hand-carried to the site reduce the need for excessive road-building and heavy trucks. Employ Nontoxic Materials The use of nontoxic materials is vital to the health of the buildings occupants, who typically spend more than three- quarters of their time indoors. Adhesives used to make many common building materials can outgas release volatile organic compounds into the air for years after the original construction. Maintenance with nontoxic cleansers is also Introduction to Sustainable Design December 1998 Sustainable Design 25 important, as the cleaners are often airborne and stay within a buildings ventilation system for an extended period of time. Post-Building Phase During this phase, the architect examines the environmental consequences of structures that have outlived their usefulness. At this point, there are three possibilities in a buildings future: reuse, recycling of components, and disposal. Reuse and recycling allow a building to become a resource for new buildings or consumer goods; disposal requires incineration or landfill dumping, contributing to an already overburdened waste stream. Reuse the Building The embodied energy of a building is considerable. It includes not only the sum of energy embodied in the materials, but also the energy that went into the buildings construction. If the building can be adapted to new uses, this energy will be conserved. Where complete reuse of a building is not possible, individual components can be selected for reuse windows, doors, bricks, and interior fixtures are all excellent candidates. Recycle Materials Recycling materials from a building can often be difficult due to the difficulty in separating different substances from one another. Some materials, like glass and aluminum, must be scavenged from the building by hand. Steel can easily be separated from rubble by magnets. Concrete can be crushed and used as aggregate in new pours. Reuse Existing Buildings and Infrastructure It has become common for new suburbs to move farther and farther from the core city as people search for space and nature. Of course, the development of new suburbs from virgin woods or fertile agricultural fields destroys the very qualities these suburbanites are seeking. Moreover, in addition to the materials for new houses, new development requires massive investments in material for roads, sewers, and the businesses that inevitability follow. Meanwhile, vacant land and abandoned structures in the city, with its existing infra- structure, go unused, materials wasted. 26 Sustainable Design December 1998 Introduction to Sustainable Design SUSTAINABLE DESIGN AND POLLUTION PREVENTION Principle 3: Humane Design Strategies Preservation of Urban Design Design for Natl Conditions Site Planning Human Comfort Understand the impact of design on nature Respect topo- graphical contours Do not disturb the water table Preserve existing flora and fauna Avoid pollution contribution Promote mixed- use development Create pedestrian pockets Provide for human-powered transportation Integrate design with public transportation Provide thermal, visual, and acoustic comfort Provide visual connection to exterior Provide operable windows Provide clean, fresh air Accomodate persons with differing physical abilities Use nontoxic, non-outgassing materials Figure 11: Humane Design methods of application. Introduction to Sustainable Design December 1998 Sustainable Design 27 Humane Design As described in the introduction, this principle embodies three strategies: preservation of natural conditions, urban design and site planning, and design for human comfort. These strategies, in turn, yield specific design methods that will improve the sustainability of architecture. Figure 11 shows how each method relates to the three strategies of Humane Design. These methods focus primarily on improving the quality of life for humans and other species. Preservation of Natural Conditions Respect Topographical Contours The existing contours of a site should be respected. Radical terraforming is not only expensive but devastating to the sites microclimate. Alteration of contours will affect how water drains and how wind moves through a site. Do Not Disturb the Water Table Select sites and building designs that do not require excavation below the local water table. Placing a large obstruction (the building) into the water table will disturb natural hydraulic process. If the water table is exposed during construction, it will also become more susceptible to contamination from polluted surface runoff. Preserve Existing Flora and Fauna Local wildlife and vegetation should be recognized as part of the building site. When treated as resources to be conserved rather than as obstacle to be overcome, native plants and ani- mals will make the finished building a more enjoyable space for human habitation. Urban Design and Site Planning The methods associated with the Urban Design and Site Planning strategy apply sustainability at a scale larger than the individual building. Integrate Design with Public Transportation Sustainable architecture on an urban scale must be designed to promote public transportation. Thousands of individual vehicles moving in and out of area with the daily commute create smog, congest traffic, and require parking spaces. 28 Sustainable Design December 1998 Introduction to Sustainable Design Promote Mixed Use Development Sustainable development encourages the mixing of residential, commercial, office and retail space. People then have the option of living near where they work and shop. This provides a greater sense of community than conventional suburbs. The potential for 24-hour activity also makes an area safer. Design for Human Comfort Provide Thermal, Visual, and Acoustic Comfort People do not perform well in spaces that are too hot or too cold. Proper lighting, appropriate to each task, is essential. Background noise from equipment or people can be distracting and damage occupants hearing. Acoustic and visual privacy also need to be considered. Provide Visual Connection to Exterior The light in the sky changes throughout the day, as the sun and clouds move across the sky. Humans all have an internal clock that is synchronized to the cycle of day and night. From a psychological and physiological standpoint, windows and skylights are essential means of keeping the body clock working properly, Provide Operable Windows Operable windows are necessary so that building occupants can have some degree of control over the temperature and ventilation in their workspace. Provide Fresh Clean Air Fresh air through clean air ducts is vital to the well-being of building occupants. The benefits of fresh air go beyond the need for oxygen. Continuous recirculation of interior air exposes people to concentrated levels of bacteria and chemicals within the building. Use Nontoxic, Non-Outgassing Materials Long-term exposure to chemicals commonly used in building materials and cleaners can have a detrimental effect on health. Accommodate Persons with Differing Physical Abilities One aspect of sustainable design is its longevity. Buildings that are durable and adaptable are more sustainable than those that are not. This adaptability includes welcoming people of different ages and physical conditions. The more people that can use a building, the longer the buildings useful life.