37 Upland Ave.
Bradford, MA 01835
Octoer 11, !013
"etter of reco##endation for Brendon $%rle&
' a# Brendon() *ro)) *o%ntr& *oac+ and a# ,riting t+i) letter of reco##endation )o
t+at &o% #a& get a etter %nder)tanding of ,+at t&pe of enefit) +e ,o%ld offer to &o%r
'n)tit%tion. ' +ave coac+ed Brendon for t,o &ear) no, and +ave +ad t+e opport%nit& to
,itne)) #an& of t+e po)itive c+aracteri)tic) &o% ,o%ld e loo-ing for in a )t%dent. A) a
)t%dent at+lete Brendon receive) in)tr%ction ,ell and i) ,illing to a)- .%e)tion) )o t+at
+e #a& f%ll& %nder)tand t+e t+eorie) )o t+at +e #a& e ale to e/ec%te t+eir )trategie)
and i) evident fro# +i) #an& o%t)tanding perfor#ance) on t+e co%r)e.
A) a 0ea##ate Brendon i) one of t+e fir)t to offer enco%rage#ent and )%pport )o t+at
ot+er can ac+ieve t+eir goal).
0i#e #anage#ent i) indicative on +o, ,ell )o#eone ,ell )o#eone ,ill )%cceed.
Brendon #aintain) +i) )trong grade) ,+ile eing involved ,it+ #an& opport%nitie) t+at
+i) %ni.%e )c+ool offer), )port), and al)o +olding a 1o. 0+erefore ' ,o%ld +ig+l&
reco##end t+at &o% offer +i# an opport%nit& to e/cel in &o%r *ollege environ#ent.
Daniel F. Verrington