This document contains a list of 13 references cited as the daftar pustaka (reference list) for another work. The references are listed numerically and include journal articles, book chapters, and government reports published between 1973-2011 related to topics of tuberculosis, chronic renal failure, renal transplantation, and their treatment.
This document contains a list of 13 references cited as the daftar pustaka (reference list) for another work. The references are listed numerically and include journal articles, book chapters, and government reports published between 1973-2011 related to topics of tuberculosis, chronic renal failure, renal transplantation, and their treatment.
This document contains a list of 13 references cited as the daftar pustaka (reference list) for another work. The references are listed numerically and include journal articles, book chapters, and government reports published between 1973-2011 related to topics of tuberculosis, chronic renal failure, renal transplantation, and their treatment.
This document contains a list of 13 references cited as the daftar pustaka (reference list) for another work. The references are listed numerically and include journal articles, book chapters, and government reports published between 1973-2011 related to topics of tuberculosis, chronic renal failure, renal transplantation, and their treatment.
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1. Malaviya AN, Kumar R, Kathpalia SC, Malhotra KK. Non specific
cellular and specific cell mediated immunological responsiveness in chronic renal failure. Indian J Med Res 1973; 61: p. 1194-99. 2. Malhotra KK, Parashar MK, Sharma RK et al. Tuberculosis in maintenance haemodialysis patients. Study from an endemic area Postgrad Med J 1981; 57: p. 492-8. 3. Malhotra KK, Dash SC, Dhawan IK, Bhuyan UN, Gupta A. Tuberculosis and renal transplantation Observations from an endemic area of tuberculosis. Postgrad Med J 1986;62: p. 359-62. 4. Sakhuja V, Jha V, Varma PP et al. The high incidence of tuberculosis among renal transplant recipients in India. Transplantation. 1996; p. 211- 15. 5. Depkes RI. Pedoman Nasional Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis. Jakarta, 2007; 3-4 6. Daniel, M. Thomas. 1999. Harrison : Prinsip-Prinsip Ilmu penyakit dalam Edisi 13 Volume 2. Jakarta : EGC : 799-808 7. Werdhani, Retno Asti. Patofisiologi, Diagnosis, Dan Klafisikasi Tuberkulosis. Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas, Okupasi, Dan Keluarga FKUI. 2002. 8. Widodo, Eddy. Upaya Peningkatan Peran Masyarakat Dan Tenaga Kesehatan Dalam Pemberantasan Tuberkulosis. IPB, Bogor. 2004. 9. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Pedoman Nasional Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis Edisi 2 Cetakan Pertama. Jakarta. 2006 10. Bahar, A. Tuberkulosis Paru dalam Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Jilid II, Edisi IV. Jakarta : BPFKUI; 2007. h. 988-94 11. Mimi n, Medregoniu, Dolteanu m, Golli a, Olteanu m, Maceeanu a, Medregoniu a. Tuberculosis and Chronic Renal Failure; Therapy Patterns. Current Health Sciences Journal. Vol. 37, No. 2, 2011. p. 106-8 12. Olyaei AJ, de Mattos AM, Bennett WM. Prescribing drugs in renal failure in The Kidney 6th edition. ed Brenner BM, WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 2002 p. 2606-53. 13. Langhoff F, Madsen S. Rapid metabolism of cyclosporin and prednisone in kidney transplant patients on antitubercular treatment. Lancet 1989; 1 : p. 366-7.