Nikkos Resume 13

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5455 Wilshire Blvd.

Suite 900 Los Angeles, CA 90036

Phone: (323)-692-1700 Fax: (323)-692-1722
242 West 30
Street, Suite 903 New York, NY 10001
Phone: (212)-868-3200 Fax: (212)-868-3210

!"#$%&'(%)&*+%), .+/(
WesL Slde SLory Chlno lnLernaLlonal 1our (dlr. !oey Mckneely)

La Cage Aux lolles
La Cage Aux lolles
norLh Shore Muslc 1heaLre (dlr.Charles 8epole)
1heaLer 8y 1he Sea (dlr. Charles 8epole)
A lunny 1hlng...lorum roLean 8lverslde 1heaLer (dlr. !ames 8rennan)
My lalryLale (u.S. remlere) Lnsemble/ Collln (u/s) CA 1heaLerfesL (dlr. ScoLL SchwarLz)
[1lLle of Show] !eff (u/s) Arlzona 1heaLre Co. (dlr. uavld lra ColdsLeln)
Palrspray 8rad/ Corny Colllns (u/s) CA 1heaLerfesL
WesL Slde SLory Anxlous CA 1heaLerfesL
Pello, uolly! Ambrose kemper ML. WashlngLon valley 1heaLer Company
1he roducers ScoLL, uonald ulnsmore, !udge ML. WashlngLon valley 1heaLer Company
Plgh School Muslcal Alan/ Lnsemble ML. WashlngLon valley 1heaLer Company
8lood 8roLhers ollceman/ Lnsemble ML. WashlngLon valley 1heaLer Company

2+(345+64#7'8 2+(3
1ransubsLanLlaLlon !ose 1hlrd Lye 1heaLer Co./1eaLro LA1LA
lndusLrlal !lm 7 lloor Medla
1he Wlshlng Shrlne Alex Arlzona SLudenL lllm

lnLo Lhe Woods Clnderella's rlnce Arlzona 8eperLory 1heaLer
23Lh Annual. Spelllng 8ee MlLch Mahoney Arlzona 8eperLory 1heaLer
vloleL reacher Arlzona 8eperLory 1heaLer
Love's Labour's LosL Armado Arlzona 8eperLory 1heaLer
8um & Coke 8amon Arlzona 8eperLory 1heaLer
8esL LlLLle Whorehouse ln 1exas 1horpe Slnger/ Aggle Arlzona 8eperLory 1heaLer

unlverslLy of Arlzona 8lA Muslcal 1heaLre
AcLlng Marsha 8agwell, 8renL Clbbs, ulanne !. Wlnslow
volce MonLe 8alsLln, ChrlsLl Amonson
uance (!azz/ Modern/ 8alleL) unlverslLy of Arlzona

"6';*), "3*,,4
SLage CombaL: Pand-Lo-Pand and 8apler
CymnasLlcs: 8ound-Cff 8ack-Pandsprlng, Cne-Panded 8ound-Cff, 1uck-roll
CLher: uppeLry. 8lllngual ln Spanlsh. ulalecLs: Mexlcan, CasLlllan, and Cuban.
PurL uog nolse
nlkko klmzln
ALA- nlkkoklmzln[ 623-466-3331
PelghL: 6'. WelghL: 173 lbs. Palr: 8lack. Lyes: 8rown. volce: 8arlLone: Low C Lo Plgh A.


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