Travis Picking
Travis Picking
Travis Picking
Travis Picking
Travis Picking, named after Merle Travis, involves playing a steady bass pattern
with the thumb and filling out some syncopated rhythms with the fingers of the right
hand (assuming a right handed guitarist). It is a great accompanimental style for
folk and ragtime music amongst other styles.
I didnt pick up on its essence when, in my youth, I first tried to figure the pattern
out by ear. !ome day Ill show you what I came up with (its not a bad pattern "ust
not the real pattern), however now well talk about the real thing.
What is its essence?
The essence of the Travis pattern is the steady bass against the syncopated figure
played with the fingers. The use of the term #syncopated# is perhaps stretching it a
bit. This term refers to a rhythm that is #off beat# with reference to the basic pulse.
In this case the overall rhythm of the Travis pattern is not syncopated, however
when you break the pattern down into its two elements, one part (played with the
thumb) is on the beat, and the other part (played with the fingers) is sometimes in
between the beat, hence the term syncopated. It is important to understand
however, that when both thumb and finger are working together this should not
produce a off beat "erky rhythm but instead a lively yet comfortable feeling groove
with a steady pulse.
$earn this pattern, make up your own variations and you will be getting your feet
wet in some very holy water.
Make the thumb the time keeper%
1. First things First
&et that steady bass going. The Travis picking pattern depends on the thumb
laying down a steady pulse, over and over. This e'ample uses a ( chord. The
)ass is alternating between the *ourth and Third strings. Practice the bass by itself
over and over and over and over. The notation shows a repeat sign indicating that
you should practice each step many times. The sound files do not play the repeats.
2. Next add a pinch
The middle finger plays at the same time as the downbeat (along with the thumb).
This is sometime referred to as a #pinch#.
for Mac+
11kHz aiff file of steps 1 and 2(100K
!.!kHz aiff file of steps 1 and 2(!0K
for P,+
11kHz wa" file of steps 1 and 2(100K
!.!kHz wa" file of steps 1 and 2(!0K
3. Can't wait to sncopate
The ne't element is adding the syncopation on the #and of two# played with the
inde' finger. This stroke falls in between the steady bass pulse of the thumb. In the
notation you will see two eight notes played during the second beat. This thumb
play the one on the beat and the inde' finger play the second eight. -lthough the
music seems to imply that there are two different #a# notes being played on the
second count (an eighth note with stem up and a .uarter note with stem down),
there is "ust one and it is played by the thumb. This style of notation is used to
show the #between the beat# nature of the notes being played with the fingers.
!. "ncopate again
/e't you add the middle finger on the #and of three#. 0ou could leave it at that.
Thats a decent Travis Pattern, perhaps T12 basic pattern. )ut lets add one more
common variation.
#. $ne %ore sncopation
The last element to add is a syncopation with the inde' on the #and of *our#.
for Mac+
11kHz aiff file of steps #$%$! (1&0K
!.!kHz aiff file of steps #$%$! ('0K
for P,+
11kHz wa" file of steps #$%$! (1&0K
!.!kHz wa" file of steps #$%$! ('0K
Travis in the Wind
The pattern shown at step 3 can be used with any song whose last three words of
the title are+ #in the 4ind# i.e. (ust in the 4ind, )lowin in the 4ind, (ogs )reak in
the 4ind etc.
(t ma) take months to feel secure and confident at this speed. Ha"e patience$ use a
metronome set to as slow as needed and pla) this pattern for ! minutes no*stop. +hen mo"e
the metronome setting up a notch e"er) other da) or so. ,fter a few weeks ()ou didn-t think
this was going to .e eas)$ did )ou/ )our fingers will finall) .e trained to mo"e in a manner
that )ou first thought to .e impossi.le. 0on-t 1uit on this one. (f )ou get .ored with the
sound of the 0 chord$ tr) other chords. 2or an) chord pla) the first thum. stroke on the
string that has the letter name of the chord. example: 3n a the 4 chord the 5.H. thum.
starts on the fifth string (which at the third fret is the note 4. +he thum. can then alternate
.etween strings fi"e and four.
+he ke) to gaining command of the +ra"is pattern is the accurate repetition during practice.
0on-t tr) to pla) too fast too soon. 6raduall) work )our wa) up to the faster speed and )ou
will .e secure in )our pla)ing$ instead of 7ust .arel) hanging on.
for Mac+
11kHz aiff file of step ! uptempo (110K
!.!kHz aiff file of step ! uptempo (!!K
for P,+
11kHz wa" file of step ! uptempo (110K
!.!kHz wa" file of step ! uptempo (!!K
2'cuse the narrative, but for (ust in the 4ind+ Try this last Travis pattern on a ,
chord (move the right hand over one string so that the pattern spans string 5
through string 3) then lift your first finger (left hand) on the second repetition of the
Travis pattern. Then add your fourth finger for the ne't pattern and on the fourth
Travis pattern repetition use a regular , chord. /e't an -m mutation (a mild one,
its 67) have a friend show you the rest. Tons of guitar players have learned that
song, its great, its a 8ock classic.
for Mac+
11kHz aiff file of .eginning of 0ust in the 8ind (110K
!.!kHz aiff file of .eginning of 0ust in the 8ind (!!K
for P,+
11kHz wa" file of .eginning of 0ust in the 8ind (110K
!.!kHz wa" file of .eginning of 0ust in the 8ind (!!K
&"o'o Finger Picking& ( )err "nder is a good book to start with if you want to
continue to study this pattern.
6nce you gain e'perience in this style you might want to try some more advanced
applications of this pattern. Ive en"oyed playing out of &*+itar Finger,Picking
"t'es& ( -app Tra+% (contains some )lues and 8agtime pieces using Travis
style thumpin bass) and &C'assic .agti%e *+itar "o'os& ( "te/an *ross%an
(a compilation of several ragtime pieces by various composers and arrangers)
1eres an improvised Travis style ditty with muted bass notes using an age old
chord progression.
for Mac+
11kHz aiff file of +ra"is (mpro" (2'0K
!.!kHz aiff file of +ra"is (mpro" (1%0K
for P,+
11kHz wa" file of +ra"is (mpro" (2'0K
!.!kHz wa" file of +ra"is (mpro" (1%0K