Activity Log

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Activity Log

Houston Baptist University EDSP 6315

Date Description of Activity Hours Completed
12/16/2013 HCE Book Study Online
The Energy Bus
4 hours
01/06/2014 Pre-K through Kinder
Balanced Literacy Session

3 hours
01/06/2014 Pre-K through Kinder Math
3 hours
01/06/2014 Campus Focus 4 hours
01/21/2014 Blended Learning With
2 hours
02/06/2014 Accessing and Using Google
1 hour
02/07/2014 CPR Training 1.5 hours
03/26/2014 STAAR Administration
Training (4 trainings, 1.5
hours each Reading,
Writing, Science, Math)
6 hours
03/27/2014 Confidentiality for Special
1 hour
03/27/2014 Collaboration in the IEP
Environment: Module 1
10 hours
03/27/2014 Collaboration in the IEP
Environment: Module 2
2 hours
3/28/2014 Additional ARD Observation 1.5 hours
04/04/2014 Additional ARD Observation 1.5 hours
04/08/2014 Staffing Observations (2) 2 hours
04/09/2014 Principal Meeting 1 hour
04/26/2014 HCE Campus Improvement
Plan Introduction
2 hours
04/30/2014 HBU Dyslexia Module 3 hours
04/30/2014 Adult Education and
Literacy: An Introduction
2 hours
04/30/2014 Advanced Tools in Distance
Learning in Adult Education
3 hours
04/30/2014 Discipline Flowchart for
Students with Disabilities
Online Training
2 hours
04/30/2014 Standards-Based IEPs Goal
Development Online
2 hours
05/01/2014 DHH Webinar Series:
Supporting Auditory
Development in the Home
1 hour
05/01/2014 STAAR Training for Retest 1.5 hours
05/04/2014 Monthly Committee
Meetings (5) 1.5 hours
per meeting
7.5 hours
05/04/2014 Weekly Staff Meetings (20)
2 hours per meeting
40 hours
N/A Embedded Activities 60 hours
Total Hours 167.5 hours

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