Krinvanto Vishwamaryam

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The huge Kalash atop Ad-Deir,

an ancient Vedic shrine in Jordan

Source: The Art of Jordan
Al-lat (Durga) of Amman
Source: The Art of Jordan
Allat of Palmyra
Source: Palmyra & its Empire
Cit-Kunda-antra the Tantric pattern
that the Kaa!a is !ased upon"
Du-#hara, the, $a!ataean
%ersion of &ord #hi%a"
Source: Deities and Dolphins
The #hi% &ing at The Ka!a" 't (as !ro)en in se%en
places and no( is held together !y a sil%er !and"
*a+am-,-'!rahim or more appropriately the pedestal of -rahma"
.ead from right to left this figure
of /* represents the num!ers 012
A tantric pattern (hich defines the structure of Kaa!a
#culptures of Pre-'slamic gods
Al-344a as the 5ish 6oddess
Khay!er - The Je(ish #ettlement (hich
(as !esieged !y *uhammad and his follo(ers
Al-344a as the 6rain 6oddess
/ne of the fe( remaining Vedic temples in Petra"
't (as !uilt !y the $a!ataeans" $ote the conical
shape of the rooftops (hich is so typical of 7indu
temple architecture
Source: "Art of Jordan" by Piotr Bienkoski
*adain #aleh, one of the fe( temple
remains of Ara!ia8s Vedic past
Ara!ic sculptures of &ord #hi%a (ho (as called
9#u(a9 : 9.uda9 and Al-344a (6oddess Durga)
temple structure at the backdrop
an ancient tomb in Arabia

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