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A Renewable Energy Project Kit The Pembina Institute
e use energy every day. It surrounds us in dif-
ferent forms, such as light, heat, and electricity.
Our bodies use the energy stored in molecules of
substances like carbohydrates and protein to move,
breathe, grow, and think. We also use energy to do
work and to play. Humans have invented thousands of
machines and appliances that use energy to make our
work easier, to heat our homes, and to get ourselves
from place to place. Some of these machines use elec-
tricity, while others, like automobiles, use the energy
stored in substances such as gasoline.
The two most common forms of energy we use are
heat and electricity. Heat is the energy of moving
particles in any substance. The faster the particles
move, the warmer the substance is. Electricity is the
energy of electrons moving along a conductor like a
copper electrical wire.
Most of the machines around us use either heat
or electricity to do their work. A good example is
an electric clothes dryer. The dryer uses an electric
motor to turn the drum that tumbles the clothes
inside. The same motor also turns a fan that blows air
through the clothes as they tumble. Lastly, a heating
element creates large amounts of heat, which is used
to dry the clothes more quickly.
Besides heat and electricity, we use many other forms
of energy every day of our lives. The list below sum-
marizes some of the more common forms of energy
and how they are generated and where they are often
Energy is easily converted from one form to another.
This is an important and very useful property, because
we rarely produce energy using the same device, or
in the same form as what is needed for the task at
hand. Since energy is often produced at some distance
A bolt of lightning is a visible example of several forms of
energy: electricity, heat, light, and sound.
Photo courtesy of NOAA
Form of energy What is it? How is it generated? Where or how is it used?
Heat The energy of
(atoms and
molecules) of
liquid, gas, or
solid matter
by burning fuels such as oil, natural gas,
gasoline or diesel
by solar radiation coming from the sun,
which warms the air, water, and ground
from nuclear energy
by the Earth's core, which can provide
usable heat from ground sources (e.g.,
hot springs)
from electricity passing through a heating
heating air and water in homes and
melting and shaping materials such as
metal and plastic
transportation (e.g., combustion

Light Radiant
energy, in the
form of
by the sun
using fluorescent and incandescent light
from light-emitting diodes
by burning fuels such as wood (biomass)
and natural gas
illuminating working and living spaces
laser surgery
communication and advertising, such as
illuminated signs
data transmission, for example on fiber-
optic networks
Energy is all around us
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A Renewable Energy Project Kit The Pembina Institute
from its end use,
we also need to
transmit it from
its source loca-
tion to where
it is needed.
This is done by
means of wires
in the case of
electricity, or
pipelines or tank
trucks in the
case of oil or
natural gas. Not
all forms of
energy can be
easily stored or
transported. For
instance, light is
impossible to
store directly. It
has to be con-
verted to some
other form, such
as chemical energy rst.
Non-renewable Energy
Much of our energy supply comes from coal, oil,
natural gas, or radioactive elements. They are consid-
ered non-renewable because once they are removed
from the ground and used, they are not immediately
replaced. In fact, the worlds natural gas, crude oil
and coal deposits took millions of years to form.
Once gas or oil is taken from the earth and used, it
cannot be replaced.
Electricity Energy of
through a
by photovoltaic panels
by alternator or dynamo generators
from batteries
using hydrogen fuel cells
from friction (static electricity)
turning motors
generating heat
running computers
communication systems and data
Radio waves Electro-
by radio transmitters
microwave emitters
cooking in microwave ovens
voice communication (e.g,. radio, TV,
cell phones)
radar navigation
Mechanical The force of
falling water at hydro-electricity facilities
springs and elastic bands
automobiles, aircraft, other forms of
many home appliances and tools
generating electricity
Sound Vibrations
liquid, or solid
matter (such
as air, water
and soil)
using speakers
by vibrating surfaces
musical instruments
sonar navigation
Electricity is produced at large power
generating stations and carried to
customers over long distances by a
system of overhead power lines.
Non-renewable versus renewable energy
Form of energy What is it? How is it generated? Where or how is it used?
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A Renewable Energy Project Kit The Pembina Institute
Uranium, which is used for nuclear energy, has lim-
ited supply as well. Humans will have used up most
of these deposits in less than 200 years. Once they
are gone, non-renewable energy supplies cannot be
replaced within human time scales.
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy on
the other hand quickly
replaces itself and is
usually available in a
never-ending supply.
Renewable energy
comes from the natural
ow of sunlight, wind,
or water around the
Earth. With the help
of special collectors, we
can capture some of this
energy and put it to use
in our homes and busi-
nesses. As long as sun-
light, water and wind
continue to ow and
trees and other plants
continue to grow, we
have access to a ready of supply of energy.
Solar energy
For billions of years, the sun has poured out huge
amounts of energy in several forms, including light,
heat, radio waves, and even x-rays. The Earth, in
orbit around the sun, intercepts a very small part
of the suns immense output. On Earth, direct sun-
light is available from sunrise until sunset, except
during solar eclipses. Solar collectors and modules
are designed to capture some of the suns energy and
change it from radiation into more usable forms such
as heat or electricity. In fact, sunlight is an excellent
source of heat and electricity, the two most important
forms of energy we consume. Solar energy is becom-
ing increasingly popular for remote power needs such
as telecommunication towers, agricultural applica-
tions (irrigation and pasture management), in tropical
countries that are not connected to an electrical grid,
for heating swimming pools, and many other applica-
tions around the world.
Wind energy
Wind energy is really just another form of solar
energy. Sunlight falling on oceans and continents
causes air to warm and rise, which in turn generates
surface winds. The wind has been used by humans
for thousands of years, rst to carry ships across
Wind energy is proving to be an economical way to make
electricity. Photo courtesy of Jim Hamm Productions
The sun is a never-ending supply of free energy.
Solar energy is being used
to generate useful amounts
of heat and electricity
around the world.
Photo courtesy of DOE/NREL
Kinds of Renewable Energy
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oceans and, later, to pump water and grind grain.
More recently, wind has been harnessed as a clean,
safe source of electricity.
Biomass energy
The term biomass refers to any form of plant
or animal tissue. In the energy industry, biomass
refers to wood, straw, biological waste products such
as manure, and other natural materials that contain
stored energy. The energy stored in biomass can be
released by burning the material directly, or by feed-
ing it to micro-organisms that use it to make biogas,
a form of natural gas. Energy from biomass is still
used around the world, for everything from cooking
and heating to generating electricity.
Moving water
Humans have used water power to supply energy for
almost as long as weve used wind. Archaeologists
have discovered descriptions of water wheels used for
grinding grain that date back to more than 3,000 years
ago. Today, the energy of falling water is used mainly
to drive electrical generators at hydroelectric dams.
As long as snow and rainfall can ll the streams and
rivers, moving water can be a renewable source of
Canada generated 61% of its electricity supply from
hydroelectricity in 1999, mostly from facilities
with large dams. Large-scale hydro developments
are common in Canada, especially in British Colum-
bia, Manitoba, Ontario, Qubec, and Newfoundland.
Hydroelectric generation does not produce signicant
greenhouse gas emissions, but does have other major
environmental impacts. The reservoirs often destroy
vast areas of highly productive forest and wildlife
habitat. The dams also damage freshwater ecosystems
by blocking the movement of sh and other organ-
isms. Pollution from mercury and other contaminants
is a problem in many reservoirs in northern Canada.
While large hydro projects are considered a source of
renewable energy, they may not be sustainable in the
long run because of their impact on the environment.

Energy Price Stability
In the last three years, we have seen large uctuations
in the cost of natural gas, oil, and electricity due to
global economics, market deregulation, and political
events in some parts of the world. Renewable energy
is not subject to sharp price changes because it comes
from sources such as sunshine, owing water, wind,
and biological waste, all of which are free. This gives
people greater certainty about the cost of energy,
which is good for society and the economy. By com-
parison, fossil fuels are limited in their supply, and
their price will increase as they become scarcer.
This hybrid biogigester in Cambodia, uses pig
dung as an energy source.
Photo courtesy of Royal University
of Agriculture of Cambodia
Why is renewable energy important today?
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A Renewable Energy Project Kit The Pembina Institute
Clean Air
Air pollution is a major problem in many cities in
Canada and around the world. The biggest cause of
air pollution in cities is the burning of fossil fuels,
including fuels used for transportation. The Canadian
federal government estimates that more than 16,000
Canadians die prematurely each year from diseases
caused by air pollution. Thousands more suffer from
long-term sicknesses and disabilities. The great
advantage of using renewable energy in place of fossil
fuels is that renewable energy adds very few pollut-
ants to the environment. Renewable energy is consid-
ered clean and green.
Protecting Global Climates
When fossil fuels are burned, they release carbon
dioxide. This gas
acts like an
invisible blanket,
trapping more of
the suns energy
in the atmo-
sphere, causing
the Earth to
warm up little
by little. Carbon
dioxide is build-
ing up in the
atmosphere as
more and more
fossil fuels are
used in homes,
factories, and
automobiles. If
this continues,
most scientists
think our planet
is likely to
become signif-
icantly warmer,
which could cause many serious problems around
the world. These problems could include melting of
arctic ice, increased forest res, rising sea levels, loss
of animal habitat, damage to coral reefs, the spread-
ing of tropical diseases, expanding deserts, and more
frequent and severe storms.
Protecting Landscapes and Watersheds
Some energy projects, particularly big coalmines,
hydro dams, and oil and gas activities, can have a
large impact on lands and watersheds. Damage or
loss of natural lands and watersheds is likely to affect
humans and animals. For example, wilderness areas
could be lost for when energy resources are extracted.
Hydro dams can ood large areas, while the facilities
associated with oil and gas and oilsands development
can affect forests and disrupt animal movements and
migrations. On the other hand, solar energy can pro-
vide a continuous supply of energy, which is inte-
grated directly into buildings so that it has very little
impact on land use. Run-of-river hydro plants can be
designed to allow for free ow of existing streams.
Unlimited Supplies
Renewable energy supplies will never run out. While
the supplies of coal, oil, and natural gas are limited,
sunshine, wind, biomass, and water power are consid-
ered almost limitless resources. Canadas coal supply
is expected to last 200 years, and natural gas about
100 years. Our large, untapped supplies of wind, sun,
This large exhaust stack emits harmful gases into our
atmosphere every day.
Climate change may cause the
world-wide spread of diseases such
as malaria, which is carried by mos-
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A Renewable Energy Project Kit The Pembina Institute
water, and biomass can power our society indenitely.
Jobs and the Economy
Renewable energy can be developed in such a way
that every household or neighbourhood could have
its own renewable power generating equipment. This
would create many new jobs for people involved in
setting up and maintaining this energy supply, and in
manufacturing the equipment. It is also more efcient
to produce renewable energy in small amounts right
where it is needed. The energy losses and equipment
needed to transmit power over long distances can also
be minimized in this way.
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Renewable energy such as this rooftop photovoltaic panel
can save the owner a lot of money over time.
Photo courtesy of Australian Cooperative
Research Center for Renewable Energy
1. Give some examples of non-renewable
energy. Describe why they are considered non-
2. Give several examples of renewable energy.
Why are they considered renewable?
3. What are some of the advantages of renew-
able energy over non-renewable energy?
4. Can you describe any examples of how
renewable energy is being used in your
i Canadian Electricity Association. Electric Power in Canada
ii Environment Canada. Canadas response to the U.S. EPA
Proposal on Transboundary Air Pollution,
Government of Canada, 16 March 1998.

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