Guide Clock Tower Raid Granado Espada
Guide Clock Tower Raid Granado Espada
Guide Clock Tower Raid Granado Espada
This is a raid that can be done without much hassle (at least floors 1-11), or you can make it a
pain in the ass for everyone. I decided to write this because I've been to a bunch of CT-runs that,
while usually havin ood !eo!le, lacked knowlede and"or orani#ation. Click on the "read
more" below to see the full guide. $es... it will be a lon read, but it will also hel! everyone
have a nicer raid e%!erience. If there's anythin I should chane, if you s!ot an error or if you
have any more information !lease &' me in the forum (s()* +ei#oku , (1* 'inun).
Level: 'aster
Characters: 1 character !er !erson
Max. Participants: -.
Mission Failed: If you do not finish the floor in time or if everyone dies.
ime limit: /0 minutes !er floor
!acial"#rmor $pe: 1ifeless"2ard
Pre%re&uisite: Clock Tower )ntrance 3uest, )smero"4ouveran"&eadilla membershi! (o!tional)
'tem"s for entr$: (x )pell *e$ (buy with - 'oon 4tones from 5enia in 6yron 78) or (x +, (for
those not )smero"4ouveran"&eadilla)
General information and etiquette
-efore $ou enter and while $ou assemble prepare and check ever$thing: 4!ell
+ey")5, key to whatever floor you want ot 9um! to (and :2; has it), if your 3uest is even
done to enter it (<<<), if you have all your rins, an e%tra 1o)-bracelet for 7lare, 4oul
Crystals etc...
The seal for the CT entrance will stay broken for a while after you use the key, so don't
worry if you have to e%it the lobby to make a new one.
)very boss in Clock Tower are Lifeless racial and have .ard #rmor !ro!erty.
Take your daily Clock ower 'nvestigation /uest from the uard outside CT for e%tra
Time of Toothed :heel = )ither of these* 2onor Cards, >eteran (")%!ert ( cards or
Trainin ?"6 Cards. The 3uest for each floor ets com!leted when the roulette a!!ears.
If there is a Machine 0evice anywhere on the floor you can be sure it has to be clicked
to activate somethin. If a boss is unattackable, find the 'achine @evice.
1n most floors $ou will fight two bosses, 1 in the bottom room and 1 in the to! room,
so even if you finish off one room there's still the other. Asually they have the same
4ince it's an 'CC1 raid, ever$one has to be serious about their role. This means no
scouts forettin their rins, no )le"2ellena forettin a second 1o) for 7lare buff etc...
;nce the @estroyed 6ody of a boss a!!ears, onl$ normal hit it. #lso2 check who got
the ke$.
:hile waitin for the raid to start, don3t go off to do random shit 45xPvP2 ,-2 -ount$
.unter...6 unless you can easily break it off.
Buffs/consumable items used
Floor (%7: )T )nhancement, 'ystic ?m!ule, 6i :atermelon 4lice, 2rins"4teroid
Floor (8%(9: )T )nhancement, &rinci!al ?m!ule, 2rins"4teroid
Floor (:;: )T )nhancement, &rinci!al ?m!ule, 2rins"4teroid, Trium!h 7iller, 4tatus
?m!ules, 1ifeless ?m!ule, Ced 1olli!o!
#n$ floor if necessar$: 4oul Crystal (es!ecially ressers"tankers should have some)
Character summary & details
(%9 ankers: Coimbran Troo!er
9 +nhanced actics lv((%(9: 1 >aleria (if oin floor 10), rest 4cout">iki")milia")T4
1 Cio (lv 1--1/ with )ncore)
1 6ernelli (1v1- 2ound)
1 1isa (1v11-1- (rindin* 'aic 6reak)
1-- Cannon users for floor 10 with e%!ert stance
+xtra: 1 1ionel (1v1- 1eadershi!) < 1 +ar9alainen (1v10-1- 6oost 'aic) < 1orch (1v1-
#ll the rest 40P)6: 2ellena, >eatrice, )lementalist < 9nd choice: Calyce, Cal!h, IDT
-#==+0 C C.#!#C+!):
o &retty much anythin not listed above
o 'usketeers (cra! damae on hard armor)
o 'elee"rane chars that have no buffin"debuffin-!ur!ose
Possible stats of a tank.
9x #=*): Coimbran Troo!er
49nd choice: 7ihter6
)tance: Crusader
#rmor: ?t least =8 /@C (def as bonus is ood) )16")4?")1D recommended.
5eapons")hield: ?ny blunt will do. 4hield should have @C, a =-@C &hantom
(uard bein the best.
$our role is, obviously, to kee! the boss focused on you instead of the d!s. @o
not run ahead - wait until you et your buffs (althouh, you should have been
buffed first). &rovoke as much as you can - don't be la#y. #lwa$s get the boss
to face towards the wall awa$ from the dps2 and lure it out of the room if
necessar$ for that particular floor.
0P): 2ellena , )lementalist , >eatrice
4 9nd choice: Calyce , Cal!h , IDT Catherine 6
)tance: 7orotten 'aic , 1ord of the )lemental , ;ccult 'aic , ;ccult
?ssistance , )vocation 1ihtnin (IDT Cath only)
#rmor: :hile hih-rade armor is ood, you will not necessarily even be hit. ?nd
if you do et hit but a skill, even )1D would likely die.
5eapons: ?tk"?C or ?T+"1ifeless. &referably base /-?C or above. 1 e%tra 1o)
for 7lare.
5hen $ou want a buff2 displa$ it over $our head with the >>text command2
and remove it once $ou get the buff b$ t$ping onl$ >> in the chat again.
Cemember to une3ui! any medal to be able to do this. ?lso, it hel!s if you o
and stand away from the other @&4 when you want a rebuff, because they miht
be unable to taret you otherwise.
7or stances to use, switch de!endin on what floor it is. 4ome floors only need
sinle taret d!s (buff u! 7lare, switch to 7orotten 'aic"1ord of the )lemental)
while some need 3uick ?o) monster clearin. Dow, why use 7'"1o)E It has
been !roven to do ?1;T more damae in sinle-taret d!s. 4ince you have a
Cio, usin 'aic )nhancement='ystic ?m!ule=2rin should definitely brin you
to s!eedca!. ?ll you have to do is normal hit. The skills in 7'"1o) are still week.
If you need to clear many mobs, switch back to ;ccult 'aic.
9x + -?FF+!): >aleria (must have for floor 10) , 4cout">iki , )milia")T4
4 9nd choice: >eronif < =+@+!: Catherine 4ummoner , 4T:"4oho , anythin
without resurrection 6
)tance: lv11-1- )nhanced Tactics , Innocentio , Tactical ?ssistance
#rmor: The best you can afford - the hiher rade the better. $ou may be in
need of survival. )16 or above recommended.
!osario"5eapons: Cosario with def=-@C recommended. ? rod with /?C for
)milia if she debuffs.
?sk everyone to stand still and dis!lay what buff they want usin the <<te%t
command in chat instead of sayin it out loud. -uff the tankers first2 then
proceed with the dps. 'f a character dies2 res them and buff the
enhancement the$ need immediatel$. (unless many !eo!le died, then focus on
ressin everyone first) If many !eo!le die, IDC1A@ID( T2) T?D+, res and buff
yourself and the tank first. 01 =1 -?FF F1!'?012 alot of people might
be using M$stic #mpules.
Focus any possible Refresh Minds on the other buffers (listed below) instead of
Elementalists or Hellenas, since they should be usin FM!"oE anyway and not #M
skills. (unless perhaps floor $ and floor % & there ha'in the stronest Ele!Hellena (byss
many times miht be useful))
1.+! -?FF+!): 1% 6ernelli , 1% Cio +A!#: 1% +ar9alainen , 1% 1orch , 1%
4 +ar9a, 1orch and 1ionel are not necessary for a successful run of 1-11, some
may !refer )le"2ellena for more eneral d!s instead. If anythin, +ar9a miht be
the most useful of the three. 6
-uffs: lv1- 2ound , 1v 1--1/ Cio buffs , 1v10-1- 6oost 'aic , 1v 10-1-
Infiltration , 1v1- 1eadershi!
#rmor: :hile hih-rade armor is ood, you will not necessarily even be hit. ?nd
if you do et hit but a skill, even )1D would likely die.
5eapons")hield: ?ny 1ute will do for buffin, but hih-rade atk"ar or atk"11 is
still nice. 4ame oes with shotun"rifle. If the +ar9a has well-chi!!ed ra!iers she
may even 9oin as some sort of su!!ortin d!s too. Cio can also 9oin d!s on
evocation lihtnin.
It is necessary for these buffs to be at the hihest !ossible level - es!ecially
1ionel is 3uite a waste of s3uad-s!ace if not lv1-.
-ernelli and *arBalainen should wait to buff .ound and -oost Magic when
$ou3re in front of the boss and ever$one is gathered. 'any )lementalists and
2ellenas need to chane stance - if you buff too early then it oes to waste. *he
buffers should also check their raid timers or look for the buff animation & if it+s one, ask
them to ather for rebuff.
Rio should remember that he can also help with resurrecting people.
0+-?FF+!)"1.+!): 1% 1isa , E% )milia")T4 , -&$. /ose!0laire
0euffs: lv11 (rindin* 'aic 6reak , 1v1- :hole Cancellation (for ?uto 6aron)1 ,
2emolition 3urst!*ested 3urst
#rmor: The best you can afford - the hiher rade the better. 1isa is close to the
boss so she needs survival. )16 or above recommended.
!osario"5eapons: $ou may use arnis with one daer of atk"ar or atk"11 to
easier achieve better stats.
(rindin* 'aic 6reak is obvious since there are so many )lementalists and"or
2ellenas as @&4. ?s for :hole Cancellation, I know it is used at ?uto 6aron but
since IFve never been there, I donFt know more. *he cannoneers are needed for floor
-4. Ma.ed out e.pert stance is a must.
Floor Details
Once you kill a boss and the destroyed body appears - O !OT "#$%% $T. !ormal
hit it until it dissappears. &lso' always check i( you got the key' i( your squad has the
loot set on turn. (t the end of a floor the person with the key will click the ate and open
the lobby for the ne.t floor. *hen anyone can create a room.
Floor ( Gvideo !art 1H Gvideo !art -H
-oss: -% 7ire Candler
Mechanic: Cun to the to! and activate the switch to activate mobs in the corridor. +ill them all to
activate the boss. ;nce the bottom room boss is dead, !roceed with the to! room boss. ?fter a
while the boss will esca!e to the bottom room aain, chase it and kill it.
Floor 9
-oss: -% (ale 4teamer (amount may vary - it can s!awn clones)
Mechanic: ?ctivate the switch. (ates will s!awn and out of them come many mobs. 4!read your
s3uads out - 1 to!, 1 bottom - to kill the monsters before they reach another ate. If many
monsters o into the ate they're headed to, then the (ale 4teamer will s!awn I(ame 4teamer
Floor :
-oss: -% 6la#in Tenderer
Mechanic: This boss s!awns ates (IColonyI ty!e - each hit does 1 dm) while you're killin him.
+ill him, the ates and the s!awnin mobs too.
Floor C
-oss: &erfect 4hinin 'achina
Mechanic: This room starts off with some monsters and a cou!le of statues that s!in and show
numbers. $ou can turn the statues around to find the combination that removes the blades, but
it's not needed to do so. ? bit u!wards there's a !ath made out of rotatin blades. 2ave one
!erson o that !ath to activate a switch that will tele!ort everyone into the bottom room.
Ha'e someone o throuh the path of blades.
The bottom room is sealed with rotatin blades. 'onsters will s!awn, kill them to s!awn some
more, until the boss itself s!awns. ankers and 0P) be alert>> he boss can teleport to
another location in the room and has a big #o+2 so move &uickl$ in accordance. +ill the
boss, the blades will dissa!!ear. (et out of the room and move u!wards.
Dow re!eat the very first ste!s to et to the to! room too - one !erson oes, the rest wait until
they et tele!orted. +ill the monsters and boss as usual.
Floor D
-oss: 4hinin 'achina
Mechanic: I4eal 4tonesI (IColonyI ty!e) a!!ear on the ma!. ?ssin some !eo!le to find and
destroy them while the rest chi! away at the boss 2&. The boss chanes form de!endin how
many 4eal 4tones are in the ma! - the weakest version of the boss bein J(eneral 4hinin
'achinaK. he more )eal )tones are up2 the stronger the boss2 so be sure to have someone
looking for and destro$ing them.
3oss stats before and after some seal stones ha'e been destroyed.
Floor E
-oss: &erfect 4hinin 'achina
Mechanic: 4ome mobs roam the hallway. There is a machine device in the first bottom boss
room - tank activates it and many monsters s!awn. +ill them while standin at the stairs - the
mobs cannot !ass further than that. you have a set amount of time. The more mobs are still alive
at the end, the stroner the boss in the first room will be.
5f you don+t kill all the mobs, the boss miht end up like this..
or maybe e'en worse.
In the second room, there will be another weaker boss first. $ou have a set amount of time to kill
it. 'onsters will s!awn, I think, if it is not killed within that time. +ill them all to finish the floor then.
Floor F
-oss: Candler
Mechanic: There are some monsters in the corridor, kill them. (o to the bottom room, there are
some treasure chests. These are fake and turn into mobs. +ill them and !roceed to tank"@&4 the
Candler as usual.
#t D8G .P the Candler will escape to the top room. #n$ dps hitting it will automaticall$
follow. 5atch out if $ou didn3t kill the mobs in the corridor first % $ou might run headlong
into them now.
Tank"@&4 normally aain, until L-0M 2& where it will esca!e to the bottom room aain.
:hen the Candler is in the bottom room and low on 2& (last L10--0M), ask the hel!in s3uad to
sto! their @&4 com!letely and run u! to wait at the chest"time door. This should ensure that the
3uestin-s3uad will et the item for 1ionel.
Floor H
-oss: 1% 4teamer, 1% (ale 4teamer
Mechanic: The bottom room is the 4teamer for 1ionel 3uest and the to! room is the JfakeK (ale
4teamer. ?s lon as the !eo!le with the 3uest stay in bottom room s3uad they will et it.
Dow then, these two 4teamers res!ond toether. $ou have to kee! both of their 2& values close
to eachother so itFs im!ortant for the s3uads to tell what M the 2& is at. If the 2& differs too much
the boss will reenerate and maybe even s!awn minions. 't is good to have two tanks for this
floor2 however itIs also doable with onl$ one real tank 4or worst case scenario2 no tank6.
If there is only one real tank, then !ick the !erson who is most durable (well, even 2ellena can do
it if you are ood), buff them with 'elee )nhancement (and !o! a &rinci!al ?m!ule). his
person will take the aggro and ever$one else will =1!M#L .' '. 0o not skill if $ou use
this tactic>
Floor 7
-oss: E% (eneral Candlers, 1% 7ire Candler
Mechanic: In the corridor there are some monsters and some (eneral Candlers. +ill them. De%t,
have the tank o in and !rovoke the bosses"monsters. +ill them all. #fter the$3re killed2
+@+!J1=+ +L)+ ).1?L0 !?= 1? 1F .+ !11M2 but one tank and one +%buffer
*here is a switch at the back wall of the bottom room. 6hen the tanker clicks it, mobs spawn and e'eryone
ets dark 'ision debuff. *he E*&user at tank and 2P7 should 8uickly use Escape (rtist. 9ill the monsters
and proceed upwards.
5n the top room, ha'e the tanker!s lure out the boss (Fire 0andler). *he 2P7 o hu one wall while the tank
makes the boss face the other wall.
Floor (8
-oss: -
Mechanic: @aleria with 'nnocentio and (%9x Cannon%users are a must have for this floor.
Cun to the to!, since the first room is sealed off with rotatin blades. (ather in front of the stairs
leadin into the room. =1 1=+ K1+) '= #L1=+. +@+!J1=+ .#) 1 K1 '= # .+ )#M+
'M+. his is C!?C'#L>>> 'ake sure everyone is in a rou! and do a countdown of when to
enter - then, everyone should run in at the same time. :hen you o inside, rotatin blades will
s!awn at the room entrance. This means anyone who didnFt o in with everyone else ets shut
out. $ou see now why itFs crucial that no one oes in aloneE1nce inside the top room2
#=*+!) #=0 0P) ).1?L0 #@1'0 .+ C+=+! 1F .+ !11M. ;nly the Cannon-users
and >aleria should o to the center of the room to be tele!orted to the bottom room.
op room
This is where the @&4 and tank"ers will be. Dow here, you have to stay away from the center of
the room. 6ecause of that, !osition yourselves like this*
4ome monsters will start a!!earin and walkin slowly in a circle around the room towards you,
but they don't really attack you. ?!!arently, if you hit them the boss will do an ?o) that will most
likely kill unsus!ectin @&4ers. Cess and buff u! 3uickly and continue @&4.
-ottom room
The bottom room has a !ermanent 2&-drain debuff. This is why >aleria is needed here, she has
to kee! the Cannon-users 2& u! and buff them when necessary. #t times some Colonies will
appear. 0estro$ them F#). The last skill of the )%!ert cannonstance should do it. #s long as
the colonies are alive2 the boss will regenerate .P alot. 4o really. @estroy them. 7ast.'f an$
0P) b$ accident enters the bottom room b$ going to the center of the top room2 there is a
Machine 0evice. Click it and $ou will be teleported back up top.
Floor ((
-oss: -
Mechanic: ?t first lance this floor may seem difficult to ras!, but really, itFs not difficult at all.
he !umin%codes
There are statues in the corridor, each with a corres!ondin Cumin-name (6loodstone, ?!atite,
etc) as well as statues with Cumin-names in the boss room. There will also be monsters s!awned
in the corridor at times..ave Person # click the statues in the corridor 4this will spawn mobs
% kill them6 and write down the statues !umin L number in s&uad chat (e. Cumin* -,
6loodstone* N etc), while person - is in the boss room to click the statues until their
number matches those of the ones outside to summon the boss.
;nce the boss is summoned, !roceed to tank"d!s it as usual. 5ust be sure that you donFt have
any curse on anymore. 7or the to! room, there will be new numbers so rinse and re!eat.
he Kates and the Curses
There are also 8 bi ates hanin in the air in the corridors (in formation of three and three). The
!erson that first !asses the ates in any direction (u!"forward or down"backward) will curse the
whole s3uad with a debuff. There are more than 1 will be an announcement on
who caused the curse % and it will also tell that person to sacrifice itself at specific #ltar. If
you caused the curse, o and click on the same ?ltar (There are two - ?ltar of 4acrifice and ?ltar
of @eath, they look like stones) as in the announcement, this will remove the debuff of everyone
else. Then ask to et ressed. It also seems at some !oint the !erson with the curse ets their
vision taken away, so !lease use )sca!e ?rtist to hel! them out of it.Please tr$ not to run past
the gates too much % it causes unnecessar$ curses2 deaths and rebuffs.
Floor (9
-oss: /% miniboss in corridor (L/0m 2& each.) O -% 6oss (;ne to!, one down. L80m 2& each.)
Mechanic: ?t first this floor consists of freeroamin smaller monsters and three (/) IminibossesI
in the corridor.
he tank should spam provoke to keep the : bosses attention at all times>> he 0P)
should concentrate 1=LJ on the minibosses2 ignore the monsters around $ou. $ou have to
kill hese three REALLY QUICK or you may run out of time since you need to kill two bi bosses
afterwards too<
+ill the three minibosses to s!awn a boss in the to! room. +ill the boss in the to! room to s!awn
a boss in the bottom room. ;nce these two are dead the floor is cleared.>> I've never been to this
floor myself, so it's difficult to e%!lain what others have told me, but I thank them very much for
sharin the information. &lease hel! me make the descri!tion of this floor better and hel! me
correct if anythin is wron. >>
Floor (: % he Lost ime
-oss: ?utobaron
9 Coimbran rooper
1 Tank focuses only on the ?utobaron, the other will hel! in lurin his minions away.
C%D +milia"+)"5iM (whole cancel lv11, )T lv11-1-, )raser)
These will focus on kee!in tank under invulnerable, boss under :C and 1 of these
should buff the others since they may be too busy to buff themself.
( -ernelli (2ound lv1-)
( !io (1v1--1/ buffs, @&4)
To make Cio more useful, ready him for @&4 on )vocation 1ihtnin too.
( Lisa ((rindin)
1isa is there to debuff the boss with -res to !hsical or maical as well as decrease its
stats. 6est done on ?rnis with )vil"4trata daer that has the trier chi!!ed onto it.
?rnis is to not lose any ?C, since 6lit# ?ssault takes the averae ?C of both daers.
the rest are .ellena"+lementalist"Cath '= (7lare lv11-1-)
Ase 7orotten 'aic or 1ord of the )lemental with !referably atk=11 bracelets (min. base
ar /-=)
Concentrate only on the ?utobaron.
Mechanic: To those familiar with Pueen of >alkyries, the tactic would be similiar.
1 Troo!er focuses 100M on tankin the ?utobaron. =ote that autobaron can still normalhit
while under whole cancel % and his normalhit can inflict shock. 6ecause of this, )milia
should kee! the tank under Invulnerable, and another )milia kee!s this )milia under
'f #utobaron is not kept under constant 5hole Cancellation2 he can do a ver$ big #o+ that
will naturall$ kill the 0P). )o remember to keep him debuffed.
)) &utobaron has an insane *+ Regen i( no one is
hitting it ))
*here will be deacti'ated Mini&3arons initially around when you start the Mission. (ll Mini&
3arons ha'e these stats ( :,;;-,<%4 HP , :- (R , $4,$=% (*9 , %% 2R , -=> 2EF , :4 Fire,5ce and
Mental Res , %4 "ihtnin RE7 , )
(t :4? HP ( 5 think ), the deacti'ated Mini&3arons will be acti'ated and they too, cannot
disappear despite lurin away. (t ;? HP, there will be a last desperate summon of Mini&3arons
(R#@A2!(* (utobaron itself. (t least ; of them.
#utobaron can summon Mini%-arons that are ver$ anno$ing. 5hile the first batch
of Mini%-arons cannot be lured awa$2 the others can2 and this is where the other
rooper will be ver$ hand$2 as well as #Ps. The Troo!er should hurry to s!am
!rovoke and lure the minibosses outside in the corridor, instead of wastin @&4 on
them, and then use a red lolli!o! to o back in the bossroom. They'll usually stay there,
but if they come back, 9ust lure them out aain. ( "ionel is also capable of kitin the Mini&
3arons that cannot disappear, with Punisher+s rane, but do take note of Mini&3arons+ skill rane.
#t times Cx colonies of different colors ma$ appear at fixed locations. 0estro$
them asap2 especiall$ the blue one since it regenerates #utobaron3s .P.
Red Colony - ,eak against -elee
.lue Colony - ,eak against -agic
/ellow Colony - ,eak against Ranged (*here will most likely not be any rane dps unless
someone ot to take Ralph!0alyce)
Gray0.lack Colony - ,eak against --& (thouh MM( is not needed in the raid at all)
(utobaron will ha'e those 0olonies appear throuhout the Mission, with a aue, it chares up in
; or -4 seconds, and once completed a Mini&3aron will spawn. 5t is possible to destroy the
0olonies in time, but that usually applies for the 3lue one.
(utobaron will ain a certain buff for awhile after it summons the ates!charers and a messae
will appear on screen. 5 think its only 5ncreased (ttack 7peed, 5ncreased (ttack and 5ncreased
3lock!2efense properties.
>> I've never been to this floor myself, so it's difficult to e%!lain what others have told me,
but I thank them very much for sharin the information. &lease hel! me make the
descri!tion of this floor better and hel! me correct if anythin is wron. >>