Lit Template 10

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Literature Template

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Information (APA
Mills, H., & Jennings, L. (2011). Talking about talk: reclaiming the value and
power of literature circles. The Reading Teacher 64(8) 590-598.
Author(s) Affiliation: The author, Mills, is a professor at the University of South Carolina as well the
curriculum and development specialist at the Center for Inquiry in Columbia,
South Carolina. Jennings is a associate professor at Colorado State University
Type of Resource:
(Scholarly article presenting a
study; Trade article presenting
a teaching strategy or
methodology or other;
Website describing a
curriculum package, etc)
Scholarly article presenting information how to set up and conduct literature
circles focusing on the inquiry component of student led reading activity.
Summary of essential

Articles mainly discussed the power of encouraging teachers and student to
engage deeper discussions about text during to improve reading skills and
overall interest in reading in a primary classroom. It discusses the use of inquiry
based approach to reading. The use of literature circles is highlighted as a mode
to get the students together to engage in conversation and questioning about text
that is assigned by the teacher. As whole the articles covered the effects having
productive collaborative learning communities in the classroom.
Way in which this
source influences the
field of Early
Childhood Education
or related fields:
This source gives evidence that supports the idea that literature have
positive effects of school-age children.
This source covers the impact of using inquiry and deep discussion of
text among students to develop better reading engagement and
comprehension of text.
Potential relevance to
your research topic
and study:

- For the purpose of my study this article was related to the environment of
inquiry I foster in my room. Combined with the use of student led reading
activities it supported my need see what happens when a classroom with such
inquisitive minds like those of my students is introduced to ongoing and
intentional practice of student led reading activities.

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