Divinity: GCE Advanced Level and GCE Advanced Subsidiary Level

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Cambridge International Advanced and Advanced Subsidiary Level

8041 Divinity November 2009

Grade Thresholds
UCLES 2009

GCE Advanced Level and GCE Advanced Subsidiary Level

Grade thresholds taken for Syllabus 8041 (Divinity) in the October/November 2009 examination.

minimum mark required for grade: maximum
Component 2 100 65 57 35

The thresholds (minimum marks) for Grades C and D are normally set by dividing the mark range between
the B and the E thresholds into three. For example, if the difference between the B and the E threshold is
24 marks, the C threshold is set 8 marks below the B threshold and the D threshold is set another 8 marks
down. If dividing the interval by three results in a fraction of a mark, then the threshold is normally rounded

Grade Thresholds are published for all GCE A/AS and IGCSE subjects where a corresponding mark scheme
is available.

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