Agenda 04 29 B3a

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April 29

, 2014
Do Now:
Write how you connect to todays quote on my
Edmodo Wall.

Quote of the Day:
Be More Concerned with your character rather
than your reputation; your character is who you
are, while your reputation is just who others
think you are.
- John Wooden
Agenda: April 29
, 2014
Objective: I can challenge myself to become proficient in a new
computational skill by the end of the week.
{Lets Solve it}:Find a video game to modify on Khan
{Get Your Mind on Computer Science}:
Khan Academy- Screen shot at least 5 modules
Code Academy Screen shot at least 15 points
{Express Yourself}
Express Yourself
Connect: How are the ideas from computer
programming related to concepts that you
already know?
Extend: What new ideas from the lessons on
animation did you get that extended/shifted
your thinking?
Challenge: What challenges or questions have
come up in your mind after conducting
todays assignment?

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