Spa-Chless Job Application 2

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S P A C H L E S s

S p a
Employee application form
Please answer each question completely and as honestly as possible.
Todays Date: _________________________
Applicants Name: _________________________________________________
Home Address: ____________________________________________________
City: __________________________

State: ____________ Zip Code: __________________

Current Name of Salon or Spa where you work: _______________________________________

Work Address: ____________________________________________________
City: __________________________

State: ____________ Zip Code: __________________

Position or Title: ____________________________________________________

Work Number: __________________________ Home number: _________________________
Cell Number: ___________________________ Fax number: ___________________________
E-mail Address: ________________________________________________________________
Number of Years in the Industry: ________ Number of Years At Current Salon Spa: ________
Tell me about your background in the Industry: _______________________________________
What do you want to learn out of this job?: __________________________________________
What is most important to you in your next job? What expectations do you have? : ___________

S P A C H L E S s
S p a
Employee application form
Position(s) Applied For: _________________________
Why did you apply for this position?: _______________________________________________
What were your reasons for leaving your last job?: ____________________________________
Do you have reliable transportation? ________________________________________________
What do you need to earn? ________________ What do you want to earn? ________________
How many days and hours do you work per week? ____________________________________
How many days and hours would you like to work per week? ____________________________
What do you believe are your top three strengths?
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
What do you believe are the top three areas you need to improve in?
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
How do you see yourself contributing to the growth of our salon spa?: _____________________
Are you available to work: ____Full Time ____ Part Time ____ Temporary
Are you employed now?: _______________________
What languages can you speak and write fluently?: ____________________________________
Do you possess a valid Drivers License?: ____ Yes ____No Exp. Date: __________________
Do you have your own transportation?: _____Yes _____No Is it reliable?: _____ Yes ____ No

S P A C H L E S s
S p a
Employee application form
------------------------------------------------------------------Have you ever been convicted of a crime, including no contrast pleas, other than minor traffic
infractions?* ____ Yes ____No
If yes, explain: Offense: __________________________________________________________
*Conviction of a crime does not void your chances for employment, but failure to indicate such conviction will be
grounds for disqualification. You need not disclose convictions that have been judicially sealed, expunged, or
statutorily eradicated.*

Do you ingest any controlled substance that could affect your job performance?: ___Yes ___No
------------------------------------------------------------------EDUCATION & TRAINING:
Name of school



Graduated? (Yes or No)










High School
College(s) or other
Cosmetology School

*In compliance with State and Federal Laws, SpaChless Salon & Spa does not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, physical or mental handicap, or medical condition in its
employees practices*

S P A C H L E S s
S p a
Employee application form

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