Veda Itt Qs For Vlsi
Veda Itt Qs For Vlsi
Veda Itt Qs For Vlsi
Microprocessor - 10 Marks
Programming - 30 Marks
Digital Design:
A0 A1
3.Which type of MOD counter we can use for generate 2 high pulse and one
low pulse
1.Using 8086 processor how much address space you can access ,how many bytes
of input and output space you can address.
2.In 8086 micro processor for DMA access signals is used ______ and __________
3.How can you interface 2 MB RAM to 8086 processor? Write your approach?
5.virtual memory
6.In VGA,you are having two 16 bit addressable can you access those
two spaces?
Questions came from 8086 Micro Processor, In this they ask what is cache memory?
And its functionality and what is inside cache ram means development
technology .and also asked virtual memory.They asked memory addressing type
questions .
In this Section all questions are from C language. They ask answers and
explanations also.
1. Without using semicolon Print the following message “ HI welcome to veda iit