Swunmath1 1
Swunmath1 1
Swunmath1 1
!"#$ 41"5' 6 7*3# 8 &'(()* 8
9': ;)*#'*# <#"*5"15=(>+ &3(# #$' .)?@-'#' #'A# )B )*-: #$' 1'-'C"*# @"1#( )B '".$ (#"*5"15D E,F+ 8 G H
&'(()* IJK'.#3C'+ L$"# 5) :)0 M"*# (#05'*#( #) N*)M "*5 J' "J-' #) 5)O E,F+ 8P Q G H
Stuuents will be able to ieau anu wiite numbeis to the millions place.
R(('((?'*#+ S)1?"- "*5 T*B)1?"- R(('((?'*#D E,F+ U G V
L$"# 'C35'*.' M3-- #$' (#05'*#( @1)50.' #) ($)M #$': $"C' ?'# #$' -'"1*3*2 )JK'.#3C'O
Stuuents will successfully complete inuepenuent piactice woiksheet packet anu be able to explain how they got theii answeis.
L$"# ?)53B3."#3)*( )B #$' "J)C' "(('((?'*# M)0-5 :)0 0(' B)1 -"*20"2' -'"1*'1( "*5W)1 (#05'*#( M3#$ (@'.3"-
While teaching the lesson, I will explicitly uiscuss acauemic language anu check-in foi unueistanuing. I will also mouel using
manipulatives on a place-value chait anu allow stuuents to use the manipulatives as well. Posteis will be hung in fiont of the
class foi ieminu stuuents of all the place values. Sentence fiames will also be hung in the fiont of the class to help stuuents
aiticulate theii thought piocesses.
,1'1'X03(3#' <N3--(P 9*)M-'52' "*5 FA@'13'*#3"- Y".N21)0*5(D E,F+ 6 G Z
,1'1'X03(3#' (N3--( B1)? @13)1 (.$))- 'A@'13'*.'(
Stuuents have alieauy leaineu place values to the hunuieu-thousanus anu expanueu foim.
<#1"#'2: #) .)**'.# (.$))- -'"1*3*2 M3#$ @13)1 'A@'13'*#3"- N*)M-'52' "*5W)1 .0-#01"- J".N21)0*5
Ask the stuuents to explain what they know about place values. "Wheie in the woilu you see numbeis with uiffeient place
,1'["(('((?'*# (#1"#'2:
Teachei wiites 7S1,2S9 on the boaiu anu asks stuuents "which uigit is in the ten-thousanus place."
Teachei asks to finu the value of a uigit. "What uoes the 7 iepiesent in the numbei 7S1,2S9."
R."5'?3. &"*20"2'D E,F+ \ G H
L$"# .)*#'*# (@'.3B3. C)."J0-"1:P #'A# (#10.#01'(P (#:-3(#3.P )1 21"??"#3."- B'"#01'( M3-- J' '[email protected]#-: #"02$#O
Place value chait, stanuaiu foim, woiu foim, expanueu foim.
FX03#:D E,F+ 6P ]P QP \ G Z
^)M M3-- R&& -'"1*'1( '*2"2'O =C"1:3*2 "."5'?3. "J3-3#3'(P .0-#01"- J".N21)0*5(P "*5 -"*20"2' -'C'-(>
_'(.13J' :)01 53BB'1'*#3"#'5 3*(#10.#3)*"- (#1"#'2:D
Aftei guiueu instiuction, I will uo a final check foi unueistanuing with white boaius. I will then have the class woik on
inuepenuent piactice pioblems. Foi stuuents that aie lowei level, I will continue to guiue them using manipulatives on a place-
value mat. Stuuents who aie auvanceu anu complete theii woik eaily will be alloweu to help theii peeis who aie stiuggling
because as they ieteach the lesson, they ieinfoice theii unueistanuing of the pioblem. They will also check each otheis woik
anu then play an eniichment activity caiu game, uice game, oi flip chait.
T*(#10.#3)*"- &'"1*3*2 <#1"#'23'( #) <0@@)1# <#05'*# &'"1*3*2D E,F+ 8P 6P ]P QP H G 8`
What will the teachei uo to 1) stimulatemotivate stuuents by connecting the lesson to expeiiential backgiounus, inteiests anu
piioi leaining, 2) iuentify leaining outcomes S) piesent mateiial, guiue piactice, anu builu inuepenuent leaining, 4) monitoi
stuuent leaining uuiing instiuction, anu S) builu metacognitive unueistanuing.
&3(# M$"# #$' #'".$'1 M3-- J' 5)3*2 "*5 M$"# #$' (#05'*#( M3-- J' 5)3*2D
\ ?3*
] ?3*
Teachei will activate piioi knowleuge by
posing ielevant question such as "I have
7S1,2S9 Loom iubbei banus to make the
entiie school biacelets, which uigit in the
numbei, 7S1,2S9 is in the ten-thousanus
place." Teachei allows think-paii-shaie.
Teachei then says, "Let's finu the value of a
uigit in that numbei as well. What uoes the
7 iepiesent in the same numbei 7S1,2S9."
Teachei will wiite the place value above
each uigit anu unueiline the numbei 7,
Teachei allows think-paii-shaie.
Review objective anu vocabulaiy.
Stuuents will think-paii-shaie anu then iaise hanus
to paiticipate in uiscussion.
Stuuents ieau vocab woius choially with teachei
anu wiite them in theii math jouinals.
maikeis, place
value chaits,
papei, pencil,
Nath jouinals.
] ?3*
] ?3*
] ?3*
] ?3*
] ?3*
Teachei wiites the numbei 49S,u9S on the
boaiu anu poses the following pioblems:
1."Wiite this numbei in woiu foim."
2. "Wiite the numbei in stanuaiu foim: two
million, five hunuieu seven thousanu, thiee
hunuieu fifty-two".
"What is anothei way you coulu wiite youi
Teachei has stuuents watch as she mouels.
<#10.#01'5 4035'5 ,1".#3.'+
1. Wiite the numbei in woiu foim -
2. Wiite the numbei in stanuaiu foim - six
hunuieu thiity two thousanu, seventeen.
What is anothei way you coulu wiite youi
S3*"- ;$'.N B)1 7*5'1(#"*53*2D
Teachei asks stuuents to get out theii white
boaius anu poses pioblems:
1. Wiite the numbei in woiu foim -
2. Wiite the numbei in stanuaiu foim. Five
million, two hunuieu twelve thousanu, one
hunuieu thiity-seven.
Aftei stuuents complete pioblems on theii
whiteboaius, teachei asks stuuents to iaise
theii whiteboaius as she walks aiounu
checking foi unueistanuing. Stuuents who
uiu not answei coiiectly oi stiuggleu to
complete the pioblem will be chosen to
woik in small gioup with teachei uuiing
inuepenuent stuuent piactice.
Teachei tells stuuents to woik
inuepenuently uuiing stuuent piactice. She
passes out inuepenuent piactice woiksheet
Teachei begins to woik in small gioup with
lowei level stuuents.
FA#'*(3)* R.#3C3#:
Teachei will ask stuuents to explain in
wiiting two ieasons why it's impoitant to
iuentify place value.
Teachei facilitates class uiscussion anu asks
stuuents something they leaineu fiom the
lesson such as a step, vocabulaiy woiu oi
the impoitance of the lesson.
Stuuents watch the teachei mouel the pioblems on
the boaiu. Stuuents iaise hanus to volunteei.
Stuuents wiite the pioblems on theii whiteboaius
anu solve. Stuuents iaise hanus to volunteei anu
show theii woik with the class. Rest of the class
completes the pioblem at theii uesks.
Stuuents wiite the pioblems on theii white boaius
anu solve.
Stuuents begin woiking on piactice woiksheet anu
woik inuepenuently to complete.
Stuuents will explain in wiiting two ieasons why it's
impoitant to iuentify place value.
Stuuents will shaie something they leaineu fiom
the lesson such as a step, vocabulaiy woiu oi the
impoitance of the lesson. Will be about S mins
Nini white
boaius, maikeis.