Memo Fact

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MEMORANDUM To: Atty. Ronaldo Chua From: Re: Facts of the case of our clients Ms. Gloria de a Cru!

and Ms. "illary de a Cru!. File No. #$%&$'&$( Date: March &) &##$ The follo*in+ are the ,ertinent facts of the case as culled from inter-ie*s conducted *ith our client and from the *itnesses of the defense: 1. In June of 2000, intelligence operatives of the Philippine National Police (PNP) stationed in Manila began conducting surveillance operation on suspected drug dealers in the area. he! learned fro" their asset that a certain #o"an fro" $agada and a co"panion fro" %aguio #ere transporting illegal drugs in big bul&s. 2. 'n (ugust, ), 2000, at about 11 o*cloc& in the evening, +hief inspector +harlie, Manila Police +hief held a briefing in connection #ith a tip #hich his office received that the t#o drug pushers, riding in a tric!cle, #ould be "a&ing a deliver! that night. (n hour later, Police (,-. -(M installed a chec&point in %aranga! Malacanang to apprehend the suspects. $P' 1 (lvin, P' 1 $i"on and P'1 heodore #ere assigned to "an the chec&points. /. (t about 1 o*cloc& in the "orning of the follo#ing da!, $P'1 (lvin and P'1 $i"on flagged do#n a passing tric!cle. It had t#o fe"ale passengers #here identified as 0loria and 1illar!. In front of the" #as a blac& bah. $uspicious of the blac& bag and the uneas! behavior of 0loria #hen as&ed about its o#nership and content, the officers invited the" to Malacanang Police $tation. he! brought #ith the" the blac& bag. 2. 3pon reaching the police station, the blac& bag #as opened in the presence of the t#o #o"en. 4ound inside #ere eight bric&s of "ari5uana sealed in plastic bags and covered #ith ne#spaper. he #o"en #ere charged #ith illegal possession of "ari5uana.

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