War The
War The
War The
We loved too well in the old fields, We thought too well under old trees; The cobwebs covered our brown shields, The tame wolf snuffed at our knees. We dreamed too well by the (red?) fire And visions came in the clear night; And how would it be a man s desire To break a brother in a fight? !ow who will hear when the horn blows? "h, deaf as the stones of death were we; And there was laughter among our foes When none went to the trysting tree. Was none would fight that day on moss, #n woods nor s$ear nor helmet shone; %ut "ne went by would carry a cross That &e might die thereon. #t was blowing of horns for 'od s love( #t was lifting of arms five hundred strong( To the hill of )alvary, far above, We went with a man s song. #t was there that we fought for an old nail, #t was there we strove for a thorn crown To die that the world might not fail "f the ho$e 'od wrote down. There was one ho$e, there was one $ride; And what was there else for men to do? Would ye make a mock of the )rucified Who died for the good they knew?
'eorge *treet. +seudonym of ,avid -c.ee Wright. !.*.W. The Bulletin, /0 1une 2323.