Lesson 2-Science Oobleck

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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template Teacher Candidate: Ginna Weatherford Lesson # 2 Subject/Grade: Science/2nd Date

and Time of Lesson: 2/26/14 Learning Objective: Students will be able to state the properties of solids and liquids and compare them to the properties of Oobleck. Alignment with Standards: 2-4.1 Recall the properties of solids and liquids. Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: This lesson is developmentally appropriate because children are using the instructional strategy on interaction instruction to explore a solid substance that feels like a liquid as well. Assessment(s) of the Objectives: Pre-Assessment: The students are predicting from the knowledge of the ingredients ,are they a solid are a liquid, and what happens when they are mixed together. This allows me to know if the children can tell if the ingredients are a solid or a liquid. They are using recalling properties of solids and liquids to do this prediction. During Assessment(informal): Read the students journal entries to see if they are correctly comparing the properties of solids and liquids to Oobleck. If not focus the group into the direction. Post-Assessment: The post assessment is done at the end of the states of matter unit. This will allow me to see if they understood the properties of solids and liquids. Lesson Objective(s) Assessment(s) of the Objective(s) Use of Formative Assessment (TWS section 7)

Pre-Assessment: The students are predicting from the knowledge of the ingredients ,are they a solid are a liquid, and what happens when they are mixed together. This allows me to know if the children can Students will be tell if the ingredients are a solid or a liquid. able to state the They are using recalling properties of solids and liquids to do this prediction. properties of solids and liquids During Assessment(informal): Read the students journal entries to see if they are and compare correctly comparing the properties of solids them to the and liquids to Oobleck. If not focus the properties of group into the direction. Oobleck. Post-Assessment: The post assessment is done at the end of the states of matter unit. This will allow me to see if they understood the properties of solids and liquids.

The formative post assessment will allow to successfully see which students could compare and contrast the properties of solids and liquids. The students should reach 80% accuracy.

Accommodations: I will accommodate my early finishers by furthering their journal entries. Students who finish early will be asked to write about their experiment by saying the following; First,..Next,..Then,.and Last. I will walk around the room and monitor for students who are not willing to work as a team. Check for any gluten allergies in the class, in my case their were none, but make gluten free Oobleck if you have this. Materials: 1 cups of corn starch per group 1 cup water Green food coloring Journal entry sheets (one per child) Pencil Oobleck Powerpoint Ziploc bag for each child Procedures: 1. Call children to the carpet with their clipboards and pencils. Can you please come join me on the carpet with your clipboard and pencils. (once children are seated say, Please place your clipboard beside you. Remember it is ok for it to touch someone else square. Lets not cause a big deal over this. 2. Introduce the lesson: Today we are going to be scientist and explore some more items that may be a solid or a liquid. The final decision will be up to you, but first lets review and start with our PowerPoint. 3. Show the Oobleck PowerPoint 4. Ok now that we have reviewed our solids and liquids let me tell you what we are going to do! 5. Yesterday we read the book, Bartholomew and the Oobleck. In our story the Oobleck caused a lot of chaos in the palace, but today it is going to help us explore! We are going to make our very own Oobleck, and yes you will get messy but that is ok! You will need to be active listeners to do this experiment. Listen for my directions. First I am going to had each of you a sheet just like mine on the board (have Oobleck Observation Sheet on the Smart Notebook at this time.) We are going to fill out only two sections of this sheet before we actually make our Oobleck! 6. Guide students into fillling out a question or a prediction about Oobleck. I am going to give you a minute or so to think about a question you have about Oobleck or a prediction of what you think Oobleck may bea solid or a liquid? 7. Give students a chance to write this prediction/question down. 8. Next fill in the materials list. talk about is it a solid or a liquid a. 1 cups of corn starch b. 1 cup of water c. green food coloring (which I will place in for you guys)

9. Okay guys now it is time to make our Oobleck! Now I want to show you what your Oobleck is going to look like! (Show Oobleck previously made.) Remember, there are materials on your table but we are not to touch them until I say so. We are to be active listeners doing our jobs! Send children back to desk by rows 10. Now that you are back at your desk, place the Observation Sheet, your clipboard and pencil and slide it back inside your desk. We will be using it later on. 11. Lets Make Oobleck! Guide children through steps through the PowerPoint instructions 12. While the students are playing with and observing the Oobleck, direct them to take turns moving the substance at different places. Ask the students to note how the Oobleck behaves differently when you move your hands quickly through it and when you move your hands slowly. Tell the students to let the Oobleck run through their fingers and then to ball it up tight and see what happens. 13. Allow children are having time to play, explore, and discuss the Oobleck and its properties. 14. Have children each hold a piece of Oobleck in their hands and pass out a Ziploc Bag to each child so they can take the Oobleck home with them. 15. After the children have placed the Oobleck inside their bags, have them clean up their area and wash their hands 16. Call the children back to the carpet with their clipboard, Observation sheet, and pencil by teams. 17. Take a poll of the class to see if Oobleck is a solid or a liquid 18. Then, using the Powerpoint explain to the children that the change in pressure is what changes this substance from a liquid to a solid and vice versa. This action is similar to the changing of temperature and how that changes the states of matter. Give examples like ice-water 19. Last, have children feel out the describing Oobleck section of the Observation sheet. Challenge children by telling them to not only tell me what it looked like, felt like or smelt like, but also characteristics we have used when describing solids and liquids. 20. Wrap up the lesson by reading a few of the students responses. Today we learned that Oobleck can be both a liquid and solid. This does not follow the rules of other solids and liquids that we have talked about. So, just like in Buddy Study, when certain words dont follow a rule, Oobleck is an exception to the rule Meaning it does not follow the rule. 21. Send the children back to their desk, have them open their science notebooks to an empty page and fold the paper in half, place it inside, and slide it back in their desk. ****WE WILL GLUE IT IN LATER! 22. Compliment the students are how well they did or certain teams on teamwork. Activity Analysis: 1. The Powerpoint is used a guide to review liquids and solids, creating the Oobleck step by step, and also a visual for children to see. 2. Making Oobleck is the main activity in this lesson. It is allow children to compare the characteristics of Oobleck to solids and liquids we have previously discussed.

3. The observation sheet is a journal entry for students to document their learning from the lesson. It provides the children with a clear informative assessment to the lesson. The SmartBoard is used for showing the Oobleck Powerpoint as a guide for the children. References: Teachers Pay Teachers: Observation Sheet

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