B.Tech 7th Dec-2013 & Jan-2014111111111111
B.Tech 7th Dec-2013 & Jan-2014111111111111
B.Tech 7th Dec-2013 & Jan-2014111111111111
Theory Date-Sheet for B.E / B.Tech. 7th Sem. Examinations Dec - 2013 / Jan-2014
Time of Exam. 2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. /
Date & Day
Syll. Code EE-401-E ME-401-E IC-401-E CSE-403-E EE-304 E BTT-401-E EE-210 E AEI-401 E MAE-401 PT-401 CE-401 E AE-401 EE-403 F ECE-403 F EI-401 F IC-405 F IT-401 F ME-401 F CSE-401 F BME-413 F BT-401 F CE-401 F TT-401F TC-401 F FA-401 F AUE-403-F MAE-401-F IC-403-E ME-403-E IT-403-E CSE-405-E EE-403-E BME-411 E BTT-403-E AE-401 E AEI-403 E MAE-402 PT-403 CE-403 E AE-403 EE-405 F EEE-413 F ECE-407 F EI-403 F CSE-403 F ME-403 F BME-417 F BT-403 F CE-403 F TT-403 F TC-403 F FA-403 F AUE-405-F EE-405-E AEI-405 E CE-407-E EE-409-F EE-407 F ECE-405 F IT-403 F ME-405 F CSE-405 F BME-419 F BT-405 F CE-405 F TT-405 F FA-405 F AUE-412-F MAE-403-F
Subject (Full Nomenclature) Data Communication (K43) Automobile Engg. (K56) Industrial Process Control Software Project Mgt. (K02) Control System Engg. Bio Informatics Electronics & Microprocessors (K83) Modern Control System Computer Aided Manufacturing Entrepreneurship Development Design of Steel structure-II (L41) Helicopter Dynamics Electric Drives & Control Satellite Comm. Engg. PLCS & SCADA Systems Intelligent Instrumentation Data Warehousing & Data Mining Strength Of Material - II Advanced Computer Architecture Principals of Medical Imaging-II Concepts Bio informatics Design of Steel structure-II High Perfometics Fiber Textile Chemical testing Printing of Textiles Vehicle Dynamics Networking System Embedded System Design (K14) Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (K57) System & Network Admn. (K03) Complier Design (K38) Electric Drives Advance Bio-Medical Engg. Recombine. Drug & Vac. Devp. Vehicle Maintenance (K84) Process Instrumentation & Control Networking System Quality Control Advanced Construction Technology (L42) Airplane Design Power Sys Operation & Control Microcontroller & Embedded System Data Communication Fuzzy Logic & Control Software Project Management Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Nuclear Medicine Radiation & safety Metabolic Engineering Disaster Mitigation & Management Multifiber Spinning Textile Finishing-II Textile and Apparel Costing Operations Research & Industrial Mgt. Optical Communication System (K52) Industrial Drives and Control Irrigation Engg. Design & Drawing Computer Application to Power System Analysis PLCS & SCADA Wireless Communication System Network Administration Operation Research Compiler Design Bio-Medical Ethics & Device Regulation Intellectual Property Rights in Biotech Estimating & Costing Production Planning & Quality Management Automation in Garments Industry Off- Road Vehicles Computer Integrated Manufacturing
EE-407-E ME-407-E IT-401-E CSE-401-E BME-417 E BTT-419 E MAE-404 PT-407 CE-409 E ECE-409 F IT-407 F ME-407 F CSE-407 F BME-421 F BT-407 F CE-407 F TT-407 F TC-407 F FA-407 F HU-407-F
MAE-405 PT-409 HUM-451-E HUM-453-E HUM-457-E HUM-455-E PHY-451-E PHY-453-E ME-451-E CSE-303-E IC-455-E CH-453-E IT-471-E IT-204-E CH-455 E CE-427 E CE-419 E EE-434-F ECE-415 F CSE-409 F ME-409 F BT-409 F CE-451 F TT-409 F TC-409 F FA-409 F ME-401-F CSE-451-E
As amended in the Ordinance's of Engg. Courses vide Resolution No. 58 dated 5.11.2003 of Academic Council :The Candidate will appear in the Examination in the Paper (S) of their choice in case of clash in the date-sheet and they will not be entitled to claim any benefit consequently
Controller of Examination